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Questionable Questing

Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Or he's a ninja. Comic books don't embrace the chaos of their worlds. Batman has gadgets except when he needs his super armor to fight the plot big bad. Lean into the trained by a ninja order bit and have him a Ninja grandmaster. Or the occult Batman idea I layed out earlier. Or what you think?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And if you are expanding to DC, what other girls is Mark getting on with? Raven? Starfire? Character conflict over him not getting girls because he doesn't want to hurt his guy friends? Having him corrupt girls for the sake of his friends while he keeps his core harem?
Batman with ninja training and power armour can handle most of the dc, but he will get pretty humbled the first time he fights a viltrum. it'll make for a good character arc for him.
But with Mark I haven't fully decided what his harem is going to be because I haven't fully decided how many siblings he has and how many different mom's he has growing up.
Even without the harem, Debby and Nolan will be very busy. lol
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
You want him to have siblings?
Why so and Atom Eve is core girl. This is a law of the universe you must abide by. She's the pillar of his harem. And how many different moms? Do tell.

What sort of Ninja powers does Batman have and what kind of power armor?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
And do know when you move I am making you write one of these damn stories we talk about.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
When did Omi Man come to earth here?
Just got back from some lunch. Don't worry I plan on writing a lot, I'm all ready writing a little bit right now. So much easier to do when I'm only worried about the move, and not the move and the job.
I'm not going to keep an exact timeline, with any superhero story that's a lesson in futility, but I'm think Omniman's been on earth for around twenty years. So he's been active for a couple year's more than batman, Superman, and a lot of other heroes. He's not the first one to appear, but he is definitely one of the earlier ones.
And why I want to multiple siblings for Mark is that not only does it makes sense with the changes to Viltrum and Omniman, but its also a great way for character building. Seeing how a viltrum family works, versus a normal one and showing how a viltrum team works versus a normal superhero team. Mark will be the oldest and the first with powers. I want to keep him as a main character.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Superman and Batman I think are what pushes Omi Man to consider preparing Earth for the conquest of Vitrum and preparing for the invasion. The last son of krypton's magic and Batman's tactical mind and ideas on forming the League give him hope.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
As for Mark, a older mentor figure to Clark's son with Mark trying to keep up the facade of a ideal superhero when in truth he was taught and raised as a son of Viltrum, which can be further conflict as his younger siblings got more earth culture than he did. A inverse of canon. Mark's struggle isn't to to let go, but to hold back.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Deciding if he is a viltrumite warrior or the hero who rescues people and tries to redeem villains. Also, what ya think of Joker is a literal devil? Give him some spice to explain his danger.
I like the Joker Idea curse, where each time he dies some poor bastard gets possessed by him and becomes the new one. Its a neat little way to explain the different personalities and iterations of jokers over the years, and a handy one for why no one in the super hero community has killed him because while the current one is bad you have no idea what the next one will be.
But speaking of Mark mentoring people, I really like the idea of him getting close with the robins and acting as a mentor/big brother to them. Maybe have a romance blossom between him and Barbara, Cassandra, or Stephanie. Mark does like red heads.
Funny enough Mark and Nolen might be the only ones who could really resolve the whole Red Hood situation before it escalates.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Give him some minor street black magic to explain his ability to get away with shit and bada bing, you have a reason the Joker exists and isn't dead. And you need like the insomniac games redeemed villains. If people don't get better and keep escaping prison, then not killing becomes insane. Make Superman and Batman actively work to help guys like Mettalo and work on character over good vs evil.
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Lex Luther as not a complete douche. I liked the Outlaw comic where it mentioned him being friends with Bizzaro. Also, is Red hood a demonic ninja who learned forbbiden jutsu his adopted father wouldn't teach him when he came back from the dead?
Bob is bob
Bob is bob
Yes I am embracing Ninja Batman as I am a fantasy nerd and wish comics embraced the wilder parts of their worldbuilding more.

You want a bright spot in this AU? Nolan is like the granddad of the superhero community. Some like Mister Immortal who I bring up again don't go Superman clone. Have him know magic and ki martial arts and built up lore and skills from the ages.