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Questionable Questing

I mean, right now I'm still in the middle of a move. I literally just packed a couple boxes full of stuff a few minutes ago, but I do plan on starting up my stories again in maybe a week, potentially earlier. The move is at the end of the month, so I'll see how tired I am after its all over. May need a couple days just to relax when i reach Arizona.
But the Gender Bending stuff will happen after Coil is dealt with in the next few chapters.
Nice. congrats
I fully expect Amy to start to crash after Coil is dealt with. Like all the little doubts she has begins to finally fester. Doubts she has tried to drown in pleasure. I doubt she will be cloned but I dont expect the family incestous activities to remain hidden.
We are nearing the climax of the story. After Coil is leviathan and then the Slaughter House nine arc, all three events leading towards Amy's eventual breakdown.
death by 1000 cuts or death by 1000 events.. A certain federa wearing cape is playin with fire. I would be impressed by her but one wrong step and its donzo for the world. A nuke wouldn't equal the shear power at a fully fallen Red Queen.