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Search results for query: *

  1. Away

  2. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    ...your numbers of people saved by lockdown are correct and taking 80 000$ / QUALY, reduced to half ("elderly and sick" part). US population: 300*1000*1000 lost years: /200*11 QUALY per lost year: 0.5*80000 300*1000*1000/200*11*0.5*80000=660 000 000 000$ So "reopen economy during COVID"...
  3. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    And yes, it is possible to reach point where overall damage from continued lockdown will be greater than damage from not continuing lockdowns. I would be interested in a decent comparison, sadly data is not clear at all. Hopefully that will clarify in a near future.
  4. "Legit though, please send me recs for good phone games I'm so goddam bored." -...

    "Legit though, please send me recs for good phone games I'm so goddam bored." - https://nobsgames.stavros.io/ "No-Bullshit Games is here to help you discover good, non-annoying, enjoyable games. "
  5. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Excess mortality data is not very accurate but is often a good tool for judging real death count. It is less prone to undertesting (or lack of testing), it is available more often, it is less targeted by people willing to distort official statistics. Main drawback is that it takes all excess...
  6. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2020/04/16/tracking-covid-19-excess-deaths-across-countries is interesting Basically, one may take statistics about deaths from previous years, and we can usually expect very similar statistics each year. Sudden unexplained spikes are very suspicious...
  7. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    Yes, lives can be saved more efficiently. I still think that as far as our society spends money 2 500 000 $ (or 5 000 000 $ or 10 000 000 $) to save one life is still above average of how we spend money so I see no problem with that. If you have evidence that costs of lockdowns, compared to...
  8. Kill Six Billion Demons

    Maybe I missed something but why permakill?
  9. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    2 500 000 $ per person sounds as a good a trade, even assuming that full scale pandemic would be without financial costs (on the other hand it also assumes no deaths caused by lockdown, hopefully it is balanced). 2 500 000 $ per person sounds as a good a trade. Like I care at all about what...
  10. Kill Six Billion Demons

    "In each of those three panels, SD puts the same energy into the air as 380 tons of TNT." Welp. more than I expected. Still, effects (destruction of close range flesh) should be replicable with a pile of explosives. Though I admit that he is more capable of smart targeting and may be...
  11. Kill Six Billion Demons

    Wow, that is impressive. It is not that surprising. Equivalent of something like that is still achievable with real-life weapons. Though it probably crosses line from "replicable by use of several machine guns" to "requires large amount of explosives". And if you want an exact equivalent...
  12. Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic

    From article you linked: it was not a reinfection.
  13. R34 Economy CYOA?

    https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/draco-dormiens-nunquam-titillandus-dracosi-r34-economy.11794/ is promising. No extreme ridiculous lolstomping OP protagonist - though still OP, decent writing, protagonist is less evil than Hitler. But it is an early WIP likely to be abandoned.
  14. Kill Six Billion Demons

    new posted: https://killsixbilliondemons.com/comic/king-of-swords-10-134/ Note position of knives. This is impressive, even given the setting. OK, now I spotted one that stayed still.
  15. Kill Six Billion Demons

    I see one person making not completely unwise decisions and running away. Seriously, why noone took the offer "remain as you are and do absolutely nothing"?
  16. R34 Economy CYOA?

    https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/r34-economy-cyoa-thread.11289/ I am unaware about any great completed story inspired by it (some are promising, but just starting and likely to be abandoned as usual). Can you link this treasures?
  17. Venezuela warship sinks after attacking unarmed cruise ship

    I would describe it as an adventurer deciding to attack peasant by biting him, then immediately dying from an allergic reaction. Not covering part of icebreaker hull, but...
  18. Venezuela warship sinks after attacking unarmed cruise ship

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-52151951 Navy vessel fired at cruise ship, then rammed it. Cruise ship that has a reinforced hull for sailing in icy waters. Icebreaker cruise ship ended with minor damage, warship sunk. Venezuela accused the Resolute of an act of "aggression...
  19. News and Headlines...

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-52151951 Navy vessel fired at cruise ship, then rammed it. Cruise ship that has a reinforced hull for sailing in icy waters. Icebreaker cruise ship ended with minor damage, warship sunk. Venezuela accused the Resolute of an act of "aggression...
  20. User Account Hack Attempt

    But 2fa typically activates only after someone gave correct password (is it happening this way also on QQ?). Still, it was mentioned as low quality one, so sharing it is not out of question.