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Search results for query: *

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  1. shadowdice

    Manga Rec Thread

    I cannot remember the name of the manga but there is a horror manga where two girls move into their mother's hometown. Something in the water there makes it so everyone has the same eyes, which is related to what may or may not be a Mermaid that hangs around. Arcs involving the mother and...
  2. PinkShadowReader

    XF2 transition feedback

    Thank you for your reply. My info was posted using Blackened Green. So is it only default option that have it fixed without an userstyle fix?
  3. A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Turn 1

    It was a blur, a rush of hustle and bustle as you worked from the first morning bell to the call of lights out. It was important that the base was established as soon as possible. The portal was only safe to cross for three days, obviously you would need to use those three days to transfer...
  4. Kinematics

    XF2 transition feedback

    I commented on this in this post. It affects some themes, but not all. It can be fixed with a userstyle (see linked post). I'm not sure if they're making any effort to adjust it on the backend. Admin hasn't posted in this thread in a while.
  5. The Good, the Bad, and the Surprisingly Competent - ASOIAF SI
    Threadmarks: Chapter 43: Jon V

    Chapter 43: Jon V Eastwatch or the Shadow Tower, Jon assumed, yet when he flipped it over the wax was gold rather than black. Stannis. Jon cracked the seal and unfurled the parchment, casting his gaze over the script. Stannis has taken Deepwood Motte. Though the Watch was sworn to take no...
  6. Orphus

    you forgot chainmail.

    you forgot chainmail.
  7. Czlyydwr Llrngwl

    So who's super-meat-girl? (Or maybe she's just spattered in blood?)

    So who's super-meat-girl? (Or maybe she's just spattered in blood?)
  8. PinkShadowReader

    XF2 transition feedback

    Quotes people have posted isn't scaled with Change Text Font. Chapter threadmarks and threadmark title aren't scaled with Change Text Font. I think I mentioned the threadmark title earlier and it was said to be fixed but somehow its still the same problem from my end. Media like a YT link is...
  9. Hellhound_dow

    Supers VS Guns

    I have no idea how you got that out of what I said in response. I'm saying the odds are against them doing that EVERY TIME. Not without some kind of 'bullet time' or luck power, which none of them have according to the story, which means its plot armor. Anytime there isn't a universal rule...
  10. Vanbers

    On The Bench (AOT/DxD)

    Issei: "I will become a Wall! That'll stop Eren!"
  11. [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    oh boy oh boy, WORST GIRLS WILL BE PUNISHED!
  12. A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    What felt weird to me in this chapter was the part in the beginning where he spoke of Raith maybe trying to poach Anakin twice, the second time felt like an repetitve artifact of rewriting parts of the chapter using almost the same words.
  13. Zatch P

    Feel The Ground Shake (Pokemon - Ground-type specialist)

    I'm guessing whatever happened with Quagsire was traumatizing enough that it became a Shadow Pokemon. Accidentally killed its long time rival and both their trainers, mentally broke down entirely as a result, maybe. Or after a crushing loss to Victreebell and the realization that without their...
  14. Kylia Quilor

    Supers VS Guns

    Okay, so clearly you weren't listening to me. You've decided that the superiority of guns must trump everything else.
  15. ThunderBasilisk

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    Fucking hell Raven your even more of a dumbass then Sienna is. Any bets Raven might try to kidnap one of Jaunes kids?
  16. Yami-Guy

    Just found both your Worm and Star Wars stories, I hope both of them continue for a long time...

    Just found both your Worm and Star Wars stories, I hope both of them continue for a long time. Keep up the great work! They are very enjoyable to read.
  17. Monarchist Guy

    Writers block my enemy

    Writers block my enemy
  18. Hellhound_dow

    Supers VS Guns

    Agreed. A random ganger with a full auto unloading at the super and somehow not hitting them at all, even if they aren't wearing body armor or are invulnerable is plot armor. Doing so against a super that is invulnerable some way and the ricochets of the bullets never hitting the shooter is also...
  19. RenanPMoraes

    [Dragon Ball Z] Dragon Ball Isekai: Gohan Gamer

    Hey guys! I usually respond to your comments when I post my new chapter because that way everyone can read the discussion on all the Fic platforms I post (I translate your comments for Portuguese speakers). But I would like to acknowledge SSIntrinity's comment on the numbers. The reason I use...
  20. Jao

    [BUG?]Pictures not shown

    I don't like that one because sometimes it puts adverts in the copy and paste box, meaning when you click copy and then paste it into a QQ post with out looking it might also have in advert in the QQ post. I have been using https://postimages.org and it doesn't do that bs. Also this image may...