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  1. strongboar

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts
    Threadmarks: Lancaster: "The Realization"

    Today was one of the days of all time. A year at Beacon had gone and passed, and nothing had really changed for her. She thought they would go do more cool super secret spy missions like they did Mt. Glenn, but their second year started with same old Peter Port boring everyone to sleep. Maybe...
  2. Drak4806

    XF2 transition feedback

    Like SB the spell check function in the text box now randomly glitches or stops working. It never used to do it with the old versions and I always appreciated that when I made posts on QQ. Now it seems like I should do what I do with SB and just keep Word open to use for longish posts.
  3. d.fish

    So Ada Wong's nickname online is "Aunt Wang"

    So Ada Wong's nickname online is "Aunt Wang"
  4. OreoMcflurryEnjoyer

    Would you bang the avatar above you?

    Ken? Yeah, sure, Men are alright.
  5. Mr Zoat

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    You will. Not soon, but you will.
  6. Wheenesss

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    I hope we eventually get an explanation as to how Silver Age Kara ended up here. If it’s like what happened in the comics with Linda Danvers of New Earth meeting her, then Kara eventually needs to go back to Earth-One so she can die in Crisis On Infinite Earths.
  7. Megaolix

    Bug. I will call in aleth and ultima for this

    Bug. I will call in aleth and ultima for this
  8. I dont know if I can ask here, but its been a while now, and still no confirmation or update on...

    I dont know if I can ask here, but its been a while now, and still no confirmation or update on why my account is not approved. Is there a problem in my account or its just a delay? Please help
  9. d.fish

    xicree... BAKA

    xicree... BAKA
  10. d.fish

    if not, a smile makes it a little better

    if not, a smile makes it a little better
  11. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    got a few ideas for a teacher, a classroom/class and some weapons that i want to run by you guys. as always, any and all names are pending changes. - Beacon has a classroom with is like a mix of the holodeck form star trek and the danger room from x-men, where they teach a class called "advance...
  12. Diefish Maggi

    Heyy I really liked your One Piece fanfic with the genderbent big titty Luffy (big titty is...

    Heyy I really liked your One Piece fanfic with the genderbent big titty Luffy (big titty is probably an understatement)! It's really hard to find stories where breasts and their milk aren't only used for sexual and feeding purposes, and I'm really glad I stumbled across yours. I'm just...
  13. ScoutTF2

    The Fat Bastard did have a chance (Chris Griffin SI)

    I have decided to rewrite this story, and make it less depresso, as I kept finding myself facepalming what I had written in the previous story. Now it's just a SI trying to make something out of his life in this extravagantly wacky world with all of the Cartoon nonsense there is.
  14. ScoutTF2

    The Fat Bastard did have a chance (Chris Griffin SI)
    Threadmarks: 1) WACK

    Wack Wack, that's how this world should be described as. 'Wack', it sounds silly when I say it aloud, but this is it. I died, was given a second chance, and I was reborn from the ashes, although instead of a phoenix, I'm fat, blonde, and canonically stupid, if canonicity is even a thing here...
  15. Silver W. King

    Good day today? 😃

    Good day today? 😃
  16. d.fish


  17. Ack

    A Darker Path [Worm Fanfic]

    Ooh, thanks. Will fix.
  18. d.fish

    Upon realizing this, Zam's response was "oh nyo"

    Upon realizing this, Zam's response was "oh nyo"
  19. d.fish

    Until a final restart where Zam was told that time stopped looping, but all of the thousands of...

    Until a final restart where Zam was told that time stopped looping, but all of the thousands of significant others who fell in love with Zam also remember their one individual time loop where they fell in love with Zam, making those thousands each thinking their one true soul mate is Zam
  20. d.fish

    There once was a Zam who was cursed to time loop, but it's counted in years instead of hours...

    There once was a Zam who was cursed to time loop, but it's counted in years instead of hours, but being an optimistic Zam, she tried to live each life to its fullest, so she'd master an art or a field, fall deeply in love, achieve happiness with a significant other... and then it'd start all...