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Search results for query: *

  1. UrsaTempest

    Sunken Batavia
    Threadmarks: 1. It Smells

    It smells in here. Your head hurt. Half of your face is wet. Your nose sucks in air and quickly wilts, at the sweet and sour and alcoholic smells that assault your innocent organ. Bile rises from your throat, your jaw automatically clenches and you hold on your groan, because puking while...
  2. UrsaTempest

    These Emotions Dyed Red (Fallen London/Sunless Sea)
    Threadmarks: 0. Not Even Beginning

    Ten years ago, London was stolen by bats. What happened down there? You don't know. The British Empire was never the same without London, without her Empress - a little more lifeless, a touch more sluggish. Yet dark-sailed ships emerges from the underground, helping her navies. Ambassadors and...
  3. UrsaTempest

    Logged-Out of Account Twice in the Last 10~ Hours

    Hello, I got logged-out of QQ account twice- well, look at the title. This is very likely a non-issue, maybe the cookies got accidentally deleted or something. Still, this is mildly concerning, so I thought you guys should know.
  4. UrsaTempest

    Fallen London!

    .. Is a text-based web game, and the premise is: a bunch of bats stole London and drop it underground. You, the players, are a poor schmuck that goes there for various reasons. Maybe you accidentally fall. Maybe you try to escape from something in the surface. Maybe you are looking for...
  5. UrsaTempest

    Exalted 3E, West Direction

    So, I'll run Exalted 3E campaign on the West. The idea is somewhat like Sunless Sea, but with less cannibalism and insanity! I hope. In short, you'll spend most of your time going to settlement, and do Quest/Errand by the NPCs there. Most of them is personal, and likely won't result in status...
  6. UrsaTempest

    Magical Girl? Quest

    You open your eyes, then yawn. The first thing you do is turning off your phone's alarm - you enter the wrong PIN a couple times, owing to the fact you're still half-asleep, but you managed it. The second thing you do is breathe, savoring the brief silence and, perhaps, the last chance you will...
  7. UrsaTempest

    Civilization: Grand Campaign Quest

    It was a great time in history. A time when humans stops being a nomad and start trying this whole 'settling down' things. ....well. Maybe not right away, but it's a start. Right? Of course, this tribe will have you, while the others don't, so it is almost guaranteed they will succeed! Setting...