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Search results for query: *

  1. Imperator Pax

    The System Revolution [a LitRPG Story]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    The System Revolution Part 1: Its the end of the world as we know it. Prologue: The end of hunting season He didn't see anything, squinting against the declining light certainly no ooze monsters looking to eat him. He was finally comfortable enough to take a breather... ish. Enough to...
  2. Imperator Pax

    Pax's Battletech Junkyard

    A Snippets, Scraps, and Misc thread that all are set in the BattleTech universe, a substantive number of which are based off of the Essence of MegaMek Lab, or the Space Heir CYOA, or Cimbri's BattleTech Isekai CYOA, though not limitted to just those. Also for reference here is a current list...
  3. Imperator Pax

    The Aurigan Renaissance [A BattleTech Isekai]
    Threadmarks: 1.1 Gathering Clouds

    The Aurigan Renaissance Chronicles of a Periphery Warlord (An Essence story) The Pirate War Years 1.1 The Darkening Clouds [September 3016] Heron Arsacid stared at the holographic display. By design, or by happenstance the frozen image was of a rampaging orion that had had its SLDF camo...
  4. Imperator Pax

    One Rabid Fox changes the Succession Wars [A Battletech Isekai]
    Threadmarks: Sakhara 1

    One Rabid Fox changes the Succession Wars A BattleTech Isekai Sakhara Academy Dorms, October 3015 [2 years After Arrival] The life in another world, in a universe of an eighties esque future of giant stompy robots, and plenty of neo feudal drama was complicated... even for an isekai...
  5. Imperator Pax

    Essence Wielding Social General [Battletech]

    Essence Wielding Social General Space Heir II & Essence of MegaMek 1st January 3015 He had the most Lyran name possible save perhaps if it had been Steiner. Truthfully he could have done without that given the situation that the ruling house of the Lyran Commonwealth had undergone as of...
  6. Imperator Pax

    Battletech: The Second Luxen Contracts

    Battletech: The Second Luxen Contracts Battletech: The Ghost Who Walks Inspired by Cimbri's 'Isekai' Battletech CYOA or Life as a technopathic giant robot piloting mercenary gunslinger and treasure hunter in another world. 8 February 3016 Luxen, Magistracy of Canopus The end of the week...
  7. Imperator Pax

    Archon's Curse [Pathfinder Kingmaker]

    Archon Malison The Curse of the Lantern King A Pathfinder Kingmaker Story Prologue The Church of Our Lady of Valor, Brevoy, Avistan 4th month of the year 4610AR Exiting to desktop, and heading to bed in the middle of a growing storm, and then waking up somewhere else entirely. An inability to...
  8. Imperator Pax

    Against the Tide. [David Weber's Out of the Dark, Waifu Catalog Fanfic]

    Against the Tide [David Weber's Out of the Dark, Waifu Catalog Fic] The Shongairi Invasion Prologue: KU 197 20 The Hegemony had permitted, no distracted, the Shongairi with a world they expected be still barely in the infancy of gunpowder weapons. After all the Hegemony had surveyed the planet...
  9. Imperator Pax

    When the Lights Went Out [Emberverse, Waifu Catalog Challenge fic]
    Threadmarks: Introductions are in Order

    When the Lights Went Out [Emberverse, Waifu Catalog Challenge fic] 21 March 1998 The Change +3 He remembered the sheet lighting in the sky, but there had been none of the tell tale signs of what might indicate a mundane explanation to this whole horrible mess. A nuclear exchange would have...
  10. Imperator Pax

    Battletech: The Ghost Who Walks (Battletech Isekai)
    Threadmarks: Part 1

    Battletech: The Ghost Who Walks Inspired by Cimbri's 'Isekai' Battletech CYOA or Life as a technopathic giant robot piloting mercenary gunslinger and treasure hunter in another world. The Machine Spirits say hi. Rimward Periphery That the periphery was not a nice place went without saying...
  11. Imperator Pax

    Across Many Worlds... Children of the Gods [Jumpchain]

    Across Many Worlds Children of the Gods Stargate SG 1 Jump 35 1999 The preparations, shipboard, were in place. It had been months since their view of this universe had been changed. The Dragon had simply presumed that Cimmeria was what it appeared to be, at least before Heru'ur had invaded...
  12. Imperator Pax

    Pax's Alternate History Snippet repository.

    Pax's Library for Alternate History Snippets So on the suggestion that these would probably be better off in their own thread, this is going to be largely SFW stuff. To that end violence will be kept within PG 13 stuff, and no overly explicit shit. So this will contain AoE, which is derived...