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Search results for query: *

  1. bearblue

    Magic Knows No Boundaries But Those We Believe In (Harry Potter)

    I liked it. Was confused about Walburga until I remembered what year it was. So thumbs up!
  2. bearblue

    Tanya’s Hogwarts Adventures (Youjo Senki, Harry Potter)

    I truly have enjoyed the read! Thank you for sharing this story and Happy Easter (a little belated).
  3. bearblue

    Styling requests

    Ah, that is a safari thing and I, ironically, use chrome for the most part. For whatever reason chrome doesn’t have a text changing option. But thank you for pointing me in that direction.
  4. bearblue

    Styling requests

    Would it be possible to get a style with a large font like 32 pix? I wear glasses and am using an iPad for most of my access. The current font associated with QQ is actually really small. An option to resize text via styles or otherwise would be beneficial, I think. Either way thank you for this...
  5. bearblue

    Still writing. Super slow, but still writing. Like a snail's pace, but still writing. Perhaps a...

    Still writing. Super slow, but still writing. Like a snail's pace, but still writing. Perhaps a rock's pace, but... still.
  6. bearblue

    Petunia Evans, Tomb Raider (Harry Potter AU/Tomb Raider Crossover) (Complete)

    This was awesome! Loved it all the way through. You had plenty of adventure, kept enough of the familiar things to make it a real HP AU and then mixed it up enough to keep it all fun and interesting. I liked the development of the characters and that the good guys won in the end. Great story and...
  7. bearblue

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    It's one thing to "know it" because you've been introduced to a concept. But it's another to overcome a lifetime of ingrained unspoken understandings about sex. Taylor may conceptually understand something, but it's not the same as being loose and relaxed about it. In my opinion, I would say...
  8. bearblue

    Steady On.

    Steady On.
  9. bearblue

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    I don't speak computerese, but I gather that the Administrator has sacrificed a part that might prove to be a very important thing, later. Or not. Either way, this was a great update! Thank you. :)
  10. bearblue

    Satsuki and Nonon of Kill-La-Kill. I saw this during a search and adored it. The exact lable for...

    Satsuki and Nonon of Kill-La-Kill. I saw this during a search and adored it. The exact lable for the image is: satsuki_nonon_by_cosom-d7tiew7.png. Hope that helps. :)
  11. bearblue

    Land of the Dead (High School of the Dead SI)

    I liked the frank conversation and reveals. I think this was actually a great transitional chapter as we prepare for deeper adventure and the sexy bits that may be on the way. I have a better gist of what the plans are now, and now it's seeing how everything works out. Like the main character...
  12. bearblue

    Land of the Dead (High School of the Dead SI)

    I just found this and spent a few hours reading. Enjoyable isn't quite the right word, since I'm not normally into Zombie fics, but as a survival fic, it's definitely got tons going for it. As a romance, it's sweet as heck. As terrible apocalypse events go, it's right on the money for...