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Search results for query: *

  1. selonianth

    They could be referring to any of my quests there but I'll provide the link to my profile there...

    They could be referring to any of my quests there but I'll provide the link to my profile there so you can check them out. https://fiction.live/user/mastertim92
  2. selonianth

    One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    I am fairly sure that him being presented at court was Gendry's acknowledgement as a member of the family.
  3. selonianth

    One Who is Many - [Worm / Game of Thrones]

    That's spelled Wyrm, not Worm.
  4. selonianth

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    ... So... I understand that metric is theoretically easier to use. Everything being in base 10 and all... but how the actual hell is 1/10,000'th of the distance between the North Pole and Paris ANY less arbitrary than some king deciding his foot would be the standard measurement for length?
  5. selonianth

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    I mean, I was referring mostly to willpower being her battery, and she has a LOT of that. Also could be said of the Zerg to be fair... though they ARE a hair more reptilian... Still very vulnerable to psionic control.
  6. selonianth

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    Also worth keeping in mind, Taylor's an individual with an exceptionally strong will. With all the magical obliteration that entails.
  7. selonianth

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    Lol, I just happen to be a MASSIVE TFS Hellsing Ultimate Abridged fan.
  8. selonianth

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    Well, it's plus an 'e' but don't think I don't know Alucard when I see him.
  9. selonianth

    Commercial Break (Worm / Slut Life) (Borderline SFW)

    ... Maybe spoiler if you're gonna do so many responses all at exactly the same time. It triggered the wordcount alert.
  10. selonianth

    The Bladeless Queen [Starcraft][Misc]

    They do, all Zerg do. But they're also Kerrigan's pets. If she wants one to resemble a cuddly puppy, it's gonna resemble a goddamn puppy.
  11. selonianth

    Alea Iacta Est - a Worm AU Fanfic

    needs threadmarks...
  12. selonianth

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Any person born after Scion's appearance would be different anyway because Scion wouldn't exist there. At all. There's exactly one golden spacewhale avatar and he's at Earth Bet.
  13. selonianth

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Ah, that explains things a bit. Though you're not technically right about the copies thing. You *might* not have a copy in X-Dimension. Noelle had one, though hers was different from herself. I suppose identical copies would be more accurate, because they would not in any way be identical.
  14. selonianth

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Personally I'm surprised he didn't just absorb the energy and explode the barrier with it I disagree. I'd still be calling them incompetent monsters, and I know Pantheon would. Pantheon had a "Are we monsters?" moment after killing Ziz because of what ZIZ did. Admittedly they were also prepared...
  15. selonianth

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    It probably could. Fortunately, for certain values of the word fortunate, they're using it on the most powerful dynakinetic in setting. With any luck at all this will only result in the second continent-ending blast in the last few months.
  16. selonianth

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    ... That made me think of one of those joke-popups games will occasionally do. "Are you sure? Y/N" "... Are you positive you want to do that?" "... No seriously. I don't think you get it."
  17. selonianth

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    I have that same issue with my favorite piece of Mass Effect fanart. Awesome picture but there's a couple... inconsistencies with it that I can't stop seeing.
  18. selonianth

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    .... *eating pizza and enjoying himself immesely*
  19. selonianth

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    The moment Cosga-Brown appeared I was leik "They ain't about to like this" and was then proven right.
  20. selonianth

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]
