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Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

Truth to be told I got the impression that Tanari can't stand criticism at all. After the reactions we got over the character perspective switch issue I think that became very clear.

Basically you can praise stuff, you can discuss stuff, but if you dare to criticise stuff you get dicked at. I guess it's a good way to avoid cricism, because nobody is going to bother after the first ten times it happened or so, but on the other hand you won't get any criticism at all. I certainly won't bother pointing out stuff I may or may not find, if I already now the reaction will be "fuck you and the horse you rode in on".
This was a little bit ago, and he's defended himself since, but I'm still saying my part :p I don't necessarily agree with how he defines and distinguishes criticism and complaining, but I have made a couple of relatively quick criticisms of his work and (iirc) the worst he's done in response is debate me on a point or two (without serious dickishness) or not Like my post.
Her armor was, well, I wasn't sure how it worked.
I'm not sure if this manner of describing tinkertech is the best result, the worst result, or just the inevitable result of cramming so much scifi BS into a story haha
I honestly thought you were going to name him Arin, just to avoid confusion.
TanaNari? Not try to confuse his readers? :p
Most transgendered people I know don't choose names particularly similar to their original name. Maybe you've had different experiences.
I have. But then, my sample size of those known personally is quite small, and thus prone to distortion.
ETA: Several years later, and with a markedly larger sample size, the results...seem to be relatively balanced between the two. Though I didn't document it, so I guess it still counts as anecdotal.
I mean her naming herself after one of the Pantheon's dead relatives when there are so many male names avaiable...
Alterego9 already made most of the good points. I'm just going to add that he likely had his name picked out long before Amy even triggered, let alone formed Pantheon.

I would normally add a snarky comment about TanaNari having Eric choose that name in order to, for instance, confuse the readers who are having trouble remembering who dies in which Endbringer battles between the dozens of stories going on, but he just mentioned having a trans friend who has that name, so it may well be a tribute.

whynotboth.jpg :p
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Tir huh. I'm more familiar with the Tyr spelling, but that might mean he's going to be losing a hand soon. Eh, not like he won't get better even if he does.

Looked at the times, can't even say TanaNari was trolling me since he edited hours before I posted. Curse my impulsive excitement.
Ch 216
Amelia, Ch 216

"Establishing dimensional tunnel," Trevor spoke up after the command center landed in place. "Shunting over the relay bugs." The portable relays were built from slightly modified, especially fast dragonflies. They wouldn't be out of place in any part of the world, so we felt confident we could use them without our presense being noticed. The zerg all served as relay bugs as well, of course, but there was no way to use those without being noticed.

I got my first look at Chongqing. The city was drizzly and dirty and looked cold. The relay bugs aren't going to do well in this weather, I realized. Of course, Taylor was smart. She'd probably fan them out and have them latch under trees or ledges of buildings. Hopefully the native insects would do better, but this was late October, not exactly the best part of the year for bugs. Then again, bugs aren't how you fight Endbringers. I looked at the literal army of zerg around us. Those are how you fight Endbringers.

ConfusionWorry. "They haven't even started the sirens," Taylor muttered. "I don't know Chinese, but there's no panic at all. These people have no idea what's coming."

"Maybe the C.U.I. didn't believe us?" Missy suggested.

"No, the Yangban are out in force," she told us. "Ten full divisions. Two hundred and fifty parahumans grouped twenty five at a time. Near the edges of the city. They seem to be practicing drills. There's also several thousand normal soldiers. There's not enough bugs for me to get a thorough count. They seem to be setting up barricades of some sort, but again I can't be certain."

"Barricades? Against Behemoth?" Lily this time. "Are they on drugs?"

"Tinker tech," Emma spoke up. "I'm running the scans now. It's gonna take a while, this stuff is like Dragon's work. Or mine, even. A hybrid of multiple Tinker disciplines. It's really elegant, can't wait to see how it works. I do recognize what I think are forcefield components, but like nothing I've ever seen before. Please tell me there's a chance we can steal some of this tech in the confusion? Dragon will want to have our babies if we get her some of this stuff. Fuck, I'll have your babies to get my teeth into this."

ConcernCuriousity. "If there's a way to get away with it without violating the Endbringer Truce or starting an international incident? I'll consider it."

"Woo! Bonus mission objective!" Vicky declared. "I'll scout the perimeter and look for weak points. Beats all this 'hurry up and wait' bullshit."

I need to talk to her about playing too many of Zach's games, I thought. "Go for it," I told her. "But our priority is Behemoth."

"Understood," she saluted us in a mockery of military discipline. "Hey, Khepri, mind lending me a couple of the ghost cats? I'm pretty sure we'll need them for this."

"Okay," my partner agreed. Her undercurrents led me to believe that if we had a good shot, she'd okay the mission. We aren't even officially our own nation yet, and we're already committing international espionage.

It was another ten minutes of waiting before Behemoth arrived. A small skyscraper collapsing into the street below heralded the first and most deadly Endbringer. It was hard to place a value on which of the three was ultimately most devastating. They all had their place. Simurgh was, to quote something Zach had said, the 'mind killer', using paranoia and psychological weapons to incredible effect. Leviathan was the city killer, destroying our homes and our security. Behemoth was the hero killer. The one that took our best hopes for the future away from us.

The monster's head peaked out of the rubble, and the people which had moments before been gawking at the collapsing building turned and fled. They should be in shelters, I couldn't help but think. Behemoth opening attack was a roar that thankfully stayed silent from our side of the dimensional shell. Glass exploded even where we were positioned, over a mile away. People dropped in agony around us, their screams as visible and as silent as Behemoth's.

Those nearest the monster. I had to turn away. Skulls had shattered just as thoroughly as the glass, leaving gore and mess in the street. It was all I could do to not be sick within my suit. There were cries on our side, shrieks of horror and disgust. Taylor tried to offer me some comfort through our link, but she was too upset. The best she could maintain was anger and determination. I latched onto that, and returned it in kind. A feeling turned idea turned oath. No matter what the future consequences might be, we would not let Behemoth leave this city alive.

A lance of unidentifiable energy struck Behemoth from the side. His skin went from reddish brown to a neon green color, and then shattered into some kind of crystalline dust.

"Looks like a variant of Bakuda's glass," Riley informed us impassively. Of course she'd be one of the ones who could watch this without looking away. "It won't work. EB tissue is too dense, at most it could influence three layers deep. Superficial. Cosmetic damage."

"Anything that doesn't damage the core is cosmetic," Lisa replied. She, at least, sounded tense and nervous. "I didn't have a good position to see it with Leviathan, and by the time we were really hurting the Simurgh, I had already shunted out. But I'm getting the idea now. Victoria, what are you seeing?"

"A whole lotta nothin'," she answered. "I can anticipate his attacks, sort of."

Three bolts of lightning streaked toward three different Yangban divisions. They were almost annihilated. Moments later, they had reformed as if nothing happened. They have a variant of Zach's power?

"Dude, they're ripping me off!" Zach exclaimed.

"No, it's a form of time manipulation," Lisa replied. "A several second step backward in time, undoing Behemoth's damage. You were saying, Victoria?"

"Those three bolts could have been three hundred, maybe three thousand," she answered. "I'm sensing every possible attack he can make. This is like watching Bruce Lee fight a room full of toddlers, and letting the toddlers think they stand a chance of winning. If Behemoth wanted, this city would already be gone."

RealizationFearFocusDetermination. "Nothing we didn't already know," Taylor replied, her voice calm and commanding. "We know the Endbringers are far more powerful than they pretend to be. We also know we can kill them. If they want to hold back, then so be it, that just makes our jobs easier."

Meanwhile, Behemoth and the Yangban traded blows while the city around them suffered the consequences. At some point, they started switching attacks and combining energy types. Seems we weren't the only ones with cryo blasts, and somewhere they found a cape that could summon serpent like forms made of water. The Yangban's power sharing and amplification techniques meant they could literally flood a city block with the things, forcing Behemoth to boil away the mass even as more came to replace it and the ice power made it all the more difficult to burn through. It was an effective tactic in keeping the monster's attacks from reaching them.

Behemoth unleashed its roar again, shattering the water, the buildings, and countless people.

"One minute and six point six seconds between roars," Lisa replied. "This one's following the rule of threes as well, if a slightly more sinister variant."

"It doesn't have to," Victoria answered. "It could keep that attack going constantly for days if it wanted to."

"Part of the human controller's bias," Lisa answered. "Remember, we're still recording this data for Rapture and Dragon to chew over for patterns and psychological profiling of the Endmakers. Anything you can contribute will only help."

The Yangban switched to another tactic, turning the street around Behmoth into some kind of liquid substance. The matter then warped and moved, wrapping itself around the creature and pinning its arms and legs together. He fell and was immediately fired upon by dozens of energy attacks. Many, but not even close to most, were deflected away by his dynakenetic powers.

"They think they're winning," Vicky informed us.

"By the Endbringer's programming, I think they are winning," Lisa answered. "They follow a script. It's like a video game. The game programmer could easily create a game that instantly kills you in the first four seconds, but where's the fun in that?"

"These fights are suppose to be fun?" Zach asked. "Is Tarn Adams a suspect?" He stopped for a second. "...aaand I'm the only one who gets the joke."

"Oh fuck," Lisa muttered. "He's right. Or my power thinks he's right. The video game analogy might be more apt than I thought. It's possible the Endbringer battles are someone's idea of a game. Like gladiatorial combat on a mass scale."


A/N- Losing is Fun!

... Honestly, after you get familiar with the interface, Dwarf Fortress is pretty easy. I quit playing after it became clear that FPS drain would kill all my fortresses.
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Her undercurrents led me to believe that if we had a good shot, she'd okay the mission. We aren't even officially our own nation yet, and we're already committing international espionage.
This is pretty funny.
Leviathan was the city killer
Is this canon somewhere? Genuine question, because I looked and couldn't find it. It sounds right, but fanon often does.
A lance of unidentifiably energy struck Behemoth from the side.
"He's right. Or my power thinks he's right. The video game analogy might be more apt than I thought. It's possible the Endbringer battles are someone's idea of a game. Like gladiatorial combat on a mass scale."
Another shocking realization!...except we already know. Oh well.
We aren't even officially our own nation yet, and we're already committing international espionage.
Baby steps, now.

Honestly, after you get familiar with the interface, Dwarf Fortress is pretty easy. I quit playing after it became clear that FPS drain would kill all my fortresses.
I have just the image for this. Spoiled because it's xbox huge.
I'm really hoping the Yangbang get wrecked quickly so the C.U.I. can beg for Pantheons' aid in time to save (some of the) city. What's more likely though is Behemoth will play around with them long enough to melt everything and then the C.U.I. will tell Pantheon to shove it regardless.

Also, me favourite fort, by virtue of the sheer number of dead (and undead) Dwarves it contains. Like tapdancing on an active volcano, the slightest slip leads to everything going horribly wrong and an endlessly expanding tide of death.
I'm really hoping the Yangbang get wrecked quickly so the C.U.I. can beg for Pantheons' aid
This wont happen. From the C.U.I's point of view, they can't ask for help from any outside foce/nation because doing so undermines the propaganda/systems they have in place.

If they lost the fight? Our valiant forces stopped the Endbringer from destroying what we tell you its target was.

If they win it's even better.

If someone else jumps in, it's a matter of outsiders invading, and every death, every brick that so much as gets chipped is the outsider's fault. And they'll demand restitution.

Remember, this isn't Real-World China. This is a China that's so isolationist and feared as a boogeyman that their forces showing up in India in canon to fight something everyone knows needs to die, raised suspicion and doubt.

And I'm really hoping this doesn't make the thread devolve into real world politics.
This wont happen. From the C.U.I's point of view, they can't ask for help from any outside foce/nation because doing so undermines the propaganda/systems they have in place.

Hey, if you're going to propagandise the whole thing anyway, then the only refuge is in audacity. Ask Pantheon for help, have them kill the Endbringer, then completely deny that you ever asked for help or that Pantheon killed it. Tell all your people it was the glorious Yangban who won the great victory alone and all those foreigners claiming otherwise are just lying their arses off because they're propagandist capitalist pigs.

Edit: Actually, don't do that. There's a high chance Khepri will shunt into your headquarters and destroy your armies.
Hey, if you're going to propagandise the whole thing anyway, then the only refuge is in audacity.
Whilst a seemingly good idea, no.

It does work, from their own internal point of view.

It completely fails when they rage at the world and at Pantheon and demand an apology only to have Pantheon stick their hand up and say "So, about all the recording equipment we've got in every single one of our suits, the continuous updates we sent the Guild and the PRT, and all the happy to ignore you people who'll take our word over yours?"

Pantheon forcing their way in, and then failing to kill Behemoth, would be terrible PR. If they manage to kill him it's a slightly bad 'we're basically unstoppable, whatchu gunna do?' but also 'Dun, dun, dun. Another one bites the dust!'

Having them lie about it would actually be good for them, because it allows them to show, more or less provably, that they will step in to help literally anyone, even groups willing to stab them in the back.

Incidentally... I'm not saying it might not happen the way you said it. People can be stupid.
Hey, if you're going to propagandise the whole thing anyway, then the only refuge is in audacity. Ask Pantheon for help, have them kill the Endbringer, then completely deny that you ever asked for help or that Pantheon killed it. Tell all your people it was the glorious Yangban who won the great victory alone and all those foreigners claiming otherwise are just lying their arses off because they're propagandist capitalist pigs.

Edit: Actually, don't do that. There's a high chance Khepri will shunt into your headquarters and destroy your armies.
The biggest problem with this is the simple fact that the CUI aren't Maoists. They're monarchists, and they're not even pretending otherwise like real-life North Korea.
i wonder if yangban are planing a coup on the C.U.I. in case this goes side-ways.
Also, me favourite fort, by virtue of the sheer number of dead (and undead) Dwarves it contains. Like tapdancing on an active volcano, the slightest slip leads to everything going horribly wrong and an endlessly expanding tide of death.

heathen best fort will always be boatmurdered.

at any rate yang ban getting there asses kicked, what do?
this is going to be awesome ,i hope we get a member of the yangban perpective in another chapter,from my perceptive their behavior is more alien then Scions.here's s kickass song to go with our GANG OF GODS going to china to chew bubblegum and kick some ass,only they left the the bubblegum back at Brockton bay.
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Did we ever find out WTF C.U.I stands for? Because I've looked and I can't find it.
Acronym meanings go!

China's Unionized Idiocy.

Calm Under Incidents.

China's Under Involved

Control Unneeded Information

what can the rest of the readers come up with?o_O

edit. Imped hard. I think my game got killed.
Ch 217
Amelia, Ch 217

ReluctantAdmiration. "They're actually very good," Taylor admitted. It was true, we'd been watching the dance between Behemoth and the Yangban for nearly half an hour. One thing that surprised me was there were no losses. Well, there were many losses, Behemoth was doing an excellent job of burning through Yangban groups, only for them to recreate themselves moments later. They focused heavily on mobility and ranged assaults, having a hugely versatile array of tools to escape Behemoth's close range options. And, of course, all the civilians.

"We can take them," Victoria replied dismissively. "They have to call each attack. It slows them down, makes them predictable. The restoration power creates confusion in their ranks as the troops have to adjust to the changed perspective. They also have pretty much no thinker powers in the mess, so they're vulnerable to stealth attackers."

"They probably have other groups with those powers," Lisa informed. "Strangers, too. No sense in deploying powers that won't work on Endbringers in the first place. The C.U.I. knows what it's fighting. In as much as anyone without our intel could know."

HorrorDisgustAnger. "They're shooting the civilians!" Taylor exclaimed.

Reflexively we turned toward the nearest barricade. The dimensional display tech reacted and dimmed the area around us and highlighted the more distant location. It pays to have so many talented tinkers on the team. Taylor was right, of course. The civilians had been retreating toward the barricades, trying to find anywhere to escape Behemoth. Now they were running from the barrier as dozens were mowed down by automatic weapons fire.

The ground beneath me shuddered, at it took a second to realize it was me causing it. The Yggdrasil trying to reach up and block the bullets. An impossibility, of course, from this side of the barricade.

"What do we do?" Sabah asked, her voice small.

I froze. This wasn't something I knew how to handle. These weren't just some gang. This was the single most populous nation on the planet, and if we jumped in we would be sparking an international war. One that we might very well lose to sheer numbers.

"We can't help them," Taylor spoke. "If we do in the middle of a Behemoth fight... it doesn't matter our reasons. We lose our allies. Almost all of them. If the Yangban tries to fight us instead of fighting Behemoth, it'll cost more lives in the long run than doing nothing."

"Fuck!" Vicky exclaimed. "Promise me that after we're done with the Endbringers and fucking Scion, we come back to these fuckers. We can't let them get away with this." She punched one of the shadowcats hard enough to knock the three ton SEB armored creature on its side. It climbed to its feet without even a noise of objection.

"Yes," I agreed. "We'll make our stance known, take this footage to the international community and let them figure out what to do with it. When we start the portal system, we're leaving them out. I refuse to give people like them a world to exploit." DoubtConcern. Taylor was right, I was bluffing about giving this to the world as a whole. Doing so would prove we could spy across dimensions. This was something that Dragon was okay to know about, and it was something we couldn't hide from Cauldron if we tried, so we pretended we trusted them enough to just tell them, but this was functionally the perfect Stranger tech. Unless they invented something that could beat it. Better that they didn't even know to try.

"Is it wrong that I'm suddenly cheering for the Endbringer?" Eric asked. "Like we should just go home and let the Endbringers go after China as much as they like? Because right now, I'm hoping they drop right into the capital and have the time of their lives stomping on a royal family or two."

CruelAnger. None of us said anything, but judging by the quiet responses, I couldn't help but feel most of us agreed with him on this, at least on some level. Certainly none of us felt the need to voice a disagreement.

Meanwhile, Behemoth decided he'd had enough punishment and it was time fight back again. Wrenching himself free of the liquefied earth with a massive leap, he traveled far more rapidly than I would have expected something that size to be able, and slamming into a group of Yangban, quite literally. Caught within the kill aura, they somehow managed to avoid bursting into flame. A defensive power of some sort, I would assume. Whatever it was, it wasn't a match for the incredible strength of the Endbringer, which crushed them without difficulty. That Yangban division was killed permanently.

A stream of exotic energies cut into Behemoth, leaving further gouges in the mostly restored flesh. That's why he stayed so long in the gunk, I realized. It let him regenerate from the damage they'd inflicted, however meaningless that damage may actually be.

"It has to obey the rules," Lisa observed. "If enough damage is inflicted it retreats because it's suppose to, not because it has to, but it's also allowed to buy time and recover. It's a psychological mechanism to punish hesitation and nonlethal attack styles. Encouraging conflicts to be as destructive and aggressive as possible."

"Sounds like everything we've learned about Passengers thus far," Clarice added. "They compel their hosts toward this."

"Untrue," Lisa replied. "Yes, they compel hosts toward conflict, but not toward this kind of mindless slaughter. They want evolution, and killing hosts in large numbers limits that. Small numbers of death are fine, of course, but there's a certain point where it becomes a problem. It's why Nilbog stopped with his city instead of overwhelming half the country. Why Jack Slash refused to let his people cross certain thresholds. The Passengers want a cold war. The Unspoken Rules, or something similar to them, are a psychological compulsion. Endbringers are the antithesis to that goal."

"It suggests a host like me," I spoke. "One with a Third Trigger." RealizationFearConcernSupport. I felt Taylor's hand on my shoulder. Or, more appropriately, her suit's interaction with mine. It wasn't quite the same comfort, but it was nice.

"Putting special notes in describing Third Triggers," Lisa replied. "We're drifting dangerously close to the Taboo, here. This could limit our results."

Behemoth leapt again, and then promptly stalled in mid air. He was locked there as the Yangban took the opportunity to fire every attack they had at the trapped Endbringer, which roared and launched streams of lightning at his opponents.

The attacks took their usual toll, shattering already damaged buildings and reducing Yangban divisions in number, only for them to suddenly be restored. It was certainly an incredible power, significantly stronger than the Adepts' leadership.

The lightning around Behemoth stopped tracking toward enemies and turned inward, bouncing along his skin and the scars inflicted by the battle. The monster's skin started to glow white hot with power.

"Oh, fuck," Lisa muttered. "I think they've finally managed to piss him off. This is a new attack."

The Yangbang switched back to the water snakes, putting a huge amount of water around Behemoth. Thirty seconds had provided a quarter mile thick shell of water. Then he unleashed all that power, flash boiling the water and drowning much of the area in superheated steam. It poured forth and scoured Yangban and civilians alike, leaving them with horrific burns. The time manipulation was invoked again. Was there a limit to that power? I wondered.

"I don't understand," Lisa replied. "He should be withdrawing now. They've done more damage than he's experienced in his last three fights combined, and forced him to use a new power. What's he staying around for?"

"Uh... looks like they're starting up that barricade," Emma spoke. "I... have absolutely no idea what I'm looking at."

We looked around us, viewing the polyhedron dome that suddenly formed over the city. It was mostly clear. Behemoth roared again and sent lightning into the shielding. It turned nearly black in the panels that had been struck, then the color faded, leaving the entire dome slightly darker, but uniformed in shade.

"Okay, still don't know what I'm seeing," Emma muttered. "It's diffusing the energy through the field and into the area inside."

"I just lost my bugs," Taylor informed us. "I can't sense them in that dimension."

"The tunnel collapsed," Trevor responded. "I don't know why. Probably something to do with that shield."

Behemoth dropped and rushed the nearest part of the barricade, which was still well over three miles away from him, ignoring everything the Yangbang threw at him. It took him under a minute to arrive, colliding with the shield. Amazingly, it held. And the shield dimmed enough that the city was plunged into instant night.

"Holy fuck!" Emma exclaimed. "I know what it's doing! I think. It's using the energy directed against it to create a localized spatial anomaly. A naked singularity." She paused for a couple seconds as she realized that most of us didn't know what that meant.

"Umm... it's randomly warping the laws of physics inside it. There's no possible way to predict or control it, but the more power that field absorbs, the stranger things are going to get in there. And I mean that in a 'one plus one equals tapioca pudding' type physics breaking."

"Is that even possible?" Lily asked.

"Normally? No," she answered. "In there? Probably not, but things equally impossible are going to happen, one way or another."

"They're trying to kill him by changing reality enough that whatever allows him to function simply stops functioning," Lisa replied. "They're trying to make it so he cannot exist anymore." ConfusionTrepidationHope.

Behemoth attacked again, and our visual vanished. We still had displays from further away, but everything inside the dome was no longer visible. We no longer knew what was happening on the other side.


A/N- Ah, if only the cycle hadn't broken. That's the kind of thing that might let the Entities overcome the entropy problem. But Eden had to faceplant into a planet. Dumbass.
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A/N- Ah, if only the cycle hadn't broken. That's the kind of thing that might let the Entities overcome the entropy problem. But Eden had to faceplant into a planet. Dumbass.

IIRC they don't care about entropy or heat death, they were just trying to figure out the best way to remake the universe after everything dies.
A/N- Ah, if only the cycle hadn't broken. That's the kind of thing that might let the Entities overcome the entropy problem. But Eden had to faceplant into a planet. Dumbass.
But if the cycle hadn't broken, the Endbringers wouldn't behave in the manner that they currently are, thus never leading to the development of the thing that overcomes the entropy problem.
... Aren't Endbringers multidimensional? Like, that's how they manage to be so impossibly dense? Or am I misremembering? I ask because fucking with a single dimension won't do a whole hell of a lot to something that exists in seven simultaneously. So the Yang Ban is going to sac a city and do nada. Yay. Don't copy Discord, like turning into a giant snake, there is no problem where it actually helps.
But if the cycle hadn't broken, the Endbringers wouldn't behave in the manner that they currently are, thus never leading to the development of the thing that overcomes the entropy problem.
Somewhere outside the galaxy Abbadon rubs nonexistent hands together with glee. It was a shame that one of its own had to die, but to overcome Entropy everything is permitted.
I still say Abbadon set up Eden. Wildbow's Abbadonverse shows he would've just eaten Eden and Zion if he had been bigger than them when they met. He's also the one who introduced concepts like Philosophy to Eden so he's probably "smarter/more creative" and it just happened that right after They met Eden not only crashed and was killed by Contessa and Dr.Mother who both "just happened" to be at the right place at the right time. Let's not forget this also set up Zion's death as well. Goddamn that would Abaddon a master of the Butterfly effect

Somewhere outside the galaxy Abbadon rubs nonexistent hands together with glee. It was a shame that one of its own had to die, but to overcome Entropy everything is permitted.

Yeah something like this.
... Aren't Endbringers multidimensional? Like, that's how they manage to be so impossibly dense? Or am I misremembering? I ask because fucking with a single dimension won't do a whole hell of a lot to something that exists in seven simultaneously. So the Yang Ban is going to sac a city and do nada. Yay. Don't copy Discord, like turning into a giant snake, there is no problem where it actually helps.
Technically they are multiversal if memory serves, they exist in multiple universes at once and any damage is diffused over them causing them to have he functional ludicrously high durability. However as this is definitely physics breaking there is a chance it could work, alternatively it looks like it worked without doing much at all, for example if it breaks the multiversal components cutting off Behemoth which should cause him to instantly drop without really damaging him as 99.9999999% or whatever is in different universes so he may be able to just reform outside the dome in that case, inside after it stops working alternatively.
A good try, Yangban, but there isn't any way in hell that will kill Behemoth. At best it'll inflict similar damage to the body (but not the core) as the Moirai Cannon, but without a sting-type effect you can't get a kill.

Edit: The plan was terrible overall. They assumed Behemoth would escalate to using more force, not using it more precisely or in new ways. If he'd decided to suddenly increase the range on the kill aura or use his dynakinesis to flash-freeze huge areas they'd have been fucked.

Also, it occurs to me that if they reduce Behemoth to nothing but a core with this, he may well withdraw, let the Yangban think they killed him, then pop back up later.

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