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Search results for query: *

  1. Classist_Wierdo

    It's going to be updated whenever I finish a chapter, rather than on a schedule. I am having...

    It's going to be updated whenever I finish a chapter, rather than on a schedule. I am having myself do a minimum of 1000 words a day, though, and I usually try to keep my chapters below 5,000 words, so expect another update soon. And thank you for the kind words.
  2. Classist_Wierdo

    A Matter of Time

    I'll address that next chapter, but this message was pre-recorded. The rest of the world got a different message.
  3. Classist_Wierdo

    A Matter of Time
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3

    He armored up in absolute silence, his stealth fields would allow nothing else. And then, in his power armor, he flew upwards, ascending nearly one hundred meters to the opened nape of a titanic nearly completely humanoid mech. The power armor slotted into it's systems neatly. "All systems...
  4. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology

    Well, next turn, you'll probably survive, since I'm not planning on a potentially lethal encounter. The only way I could imagine this particular character dying is if we rolled Yveltal, or Necrozma as the pokemon encounter next, or something like that, and that is less than a 1/1000 chance...
  5. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Tie Breaker

    1 - Foresight 2 - Acupressure
  6. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Turn 6(Part 2)

    Willow. Yeah, you'll name the rookidee Willow. "How do you feel about the name Willow?" It stops again, and chirped... happily? Honestly, you weren't very good at reading chirps. "Well, I'm going to assume that you're okay being named Willow." It chirped again, and then got back to...
  7. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Turn 6(Part 1)

    Soon you finish up your MRE, and deposit the various plastics that it came in into an opened trash bag. Then, as you stand up, you feel a little grossed out by all the dried blood crusted onto your body. You need a shower. You couldn't help but notice that you lost a lot of blood. You open the...
  8. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Tie Breaker

    The first die decides what the focus for the training session is. The second die decides what the second pokemon capture is going to be. First Die: 1 - Healing Focus 2 - Reinforcement Second Die: 1 - Roggenrola 2 - Rockruff
  9. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Turn 5

    "I..." You begin to say, before realising that you have nothing to offer to a god. "Why... not?" you say, as you could think of no other reason. "Why not?" It repeated back to me slowly. It then began to laugh, a horrid noise that felt like nails grinding over your soul. "Ignorant mortal...
  10. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Turn 4

    The next day, as the sun began to set, you dumped the last clump of dirt over the second grave. As you already placed the tombstone on the grave, it was complete. You heard distant howls, and flapping wings. You shifted uncomfortably. "C'mon, little buddy." You say to the cosmog, as you start...
  11. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Turn 3

    You are... completely untrained and unqualified. You sigh. In terms of equipment, though, you definitely have a lot more to work with. The base's rations are still basically untouched, packed with enough MRE's to last you what is probably years. Not to mention literal tons of just about all...
  12. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Tiebreaker

    Since there is a tie, I'll be flipping a coin to decide which one wins, since I want to keep up my daily posting schedule 1 - Stow away janitor 2 - Anthropologist
  13. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Character Selection

    The expedition was dead before it even really began. Eight of the ten expedition members died at the hands of an angry Garganacl, and what was left was wrecked and in pieces. You were lucky that the portal transceiver survived the attack, letting you call for help. All they said was to...
  14. Classist_Wierdo

    A Matter of Time
    Threadmarks: Chapter 2

    Greg pressed a button, and the flow of tinkertech melatonin ceased, allowing the villains he had restrained in his ship to begin to wake up. It'd take a moment for them to wake up. True to his predictions, they began to awake almost immediately. Just as quickly, they erupted into audible...
  15. Classist_Wierdo

    A Matter of Time
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1

    He found the tinker tech vehicle in the backyard. It was a practical aircraft, with thick metal plating, a total of six thrusters, two at the nose attached by two mechanical arms, two on the sides, and two stacked atop each other at the tail. At a glance, it was intimidating, being quite...
  16. Classist_Wierdo

    A Matter of Time
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    He jolted awake, as a rush of cold swept through his body. He sat up, and immediately was struck by the sense that things were not right. He looked left. He looked right. And then he looked down, and saw the bed he was in. It was a twin sized bed, with gray covers, in the corner of a small...
  17. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Turn 2(Game Over)

    You know what you are supposed to do. Science team is supposed to evacuate to a more secure location, while the Security handled the threat. The problem was that there was nowhere to run to. The basement was still under construction, and with the levels of force that third stage pokemon are...
  18. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology

    Roll Action: Pacify Garganacl. Chance of Failure: 50% with advantage Minimum Result to Succeed: 4 Result: 1. Critical Failure
  19. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology

    You dozed off in your chair, not even going to your bed. You slept dreamlessly. And then you heard the sound accompanying the return of the sample retrieval team. Which means its time to get to work. You stand up on still tired feet, and start walking to the lab section of the base. "What's...
  20. Classist_Wierdo

    A Foray Into Xenobiology
    Threadmarks: Turn 1

    It was a blur, a rush of hustle and bustle as you worked from the first morning bell to the call of lights out. It was important that the base was established as soon as possible. The portal was only safe to cross for three days, obviously you would need to use those three days to transfer...