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Search results for query: *

  1. edofthesquid

    Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm)

    [X][Brats] Lion. [X][Human World] Dual Citizenship - [X] Train up their basic skills so they won't starve to death anything soon -- [X] Learn to make portals to human world --- [X] Figure out a way to least get them a basic education in the human world because you won't suffer fools who don't...
  2. edofthesquid

    Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm)

    [X][Help] Help. [X][Name] Selene [jk][Name] Morrslieb That name would totally end well
  3. edofthesquid

    Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm)

    [X][Earth Beth] Visit sometime? [X][Why Me] There’s more. [X][Thing] Cautious Approach. [X][Identity] Not worth fighting. [X][Q&A] Stop.
  4. edofthesquid

    Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm)

    [X][Lights] Full Trust [X][Q&A] Continue. -[X] Something about your situation seems suspiciously familiar did I encounter something like you when I was mortal? So... Alt universe Eden? Which makes more sense if we consider the various lights we didn't get that came from other settings.
  5. edofthesquid

    Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm)

    [X][Plan] Just the basics Yeah that plan covers everything I'm interested in
  6. edofthesquid

    Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm)

    [x][Destination] The Hollow Moon [X][Hunger] Catch a Snack -[X][Snack] Something Random
  7. edofthesquid

    Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm)

    [x][Save] One for All
  8. edofthesquid

    Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm)

    [X][Light] The Bright Girl [X][Light] The Passionate Girl
  9. edofthesquid

    Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm)

    [][Light] The Pure Boy Sounds kind of like Jack Slash to me [X][Light] The Shy Girl I was thinking maybe flechette but I don't think she has glasses. Might be one of the girls we're trying to save? [X][Light] The Heroic Child Yup, got to be Contessa [][Light] The Greedy Girl...
  10. edofthesquid

    Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm)

    [X][Focus] Duty - [X] [Focus] Moon Ugh, want the moon answers but we do want to rescue people
  11. edofthesquid

    Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm)

    [X][Company] Collab.