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[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[x][Hunger] Screw Hunger
[x][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[x][Snack] The Guardian
--[x][Snack] Anyone Who Wants To Pick A Fight When I Get There

[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Many Somethings Randoms
[X][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random

Adjuchas form is a Volcarona as expected, hope you liked the picture. That form has been more or less set in stone since you chose the [Path] Me route, back in Larva 1.01. I left some clues, if you paid attention to the EE gains and level requisites, you might've noticed they matched Larvesta's XP costs to level up x100. Also, Larvesta evolves at lvl 59, the level cap for our brave caterpillar.
I did not notice this, but I love the attention to detail.
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[x]Probably a good meal your eating for 5 after all.
--[x]good time to practice and get your bearings.
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon.
-[x]test/practice your flight first.
So it didn't occur to me until just now, but has Taylor achieved the shortest Gillian-to-Adjucas evolution in Bleach History? Less than a month to go from newborn to Gillian, and less than two weeks to go from Gillian to Adjucas.
Some nerd is going to see T- Weaver and throw a pokeball at her.
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[x][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[x][Snack] Anansi

I want to test our new memory eating powers since the QM said that it grows slowly we should make a lot of effort to make it at least half way useful.
So it didn't occur to me until just now, but has Taylor achieved the shortest Gillian-to-Adjucas evolution in Bleach History? Less than a month to go from newborn to Gillian, and less than two weeks to go from Gillian to Adjucas.
We clearly aren't escalating fast enough. I'm disappointed that we aren't Vasto Lorde yet. We need to try harder.
[X][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
We clearly aren't escalating fast enough. I'm disappointed that we aren't Vasto Lorde yet. We need to try harder.
We're obviuosly keeping our vasto lorde transformation back to use it as an ace up our sleeve in a dangerous fight. Like, as soon as anyone manages to actually corner us, BOOM, suddenly we're a vasto lorde wrecking their shit.
We clearly aren't escalating fast enough. I'm disappointed that we aren't Vasto Lorde yet. We need to try harder.

Let's abuse Kumon to infiltrate some nuclear plant and feast on their reactors. A good ol' Radioactive Breath should give us all the escalation we need. It worked for Godzilla...

So it didn't occur to me until just now, but has Taylor achieved the shortest Gillian-to-Adjucas evolution in Bleach History? Less than a month to go from newborn to Gillian, and less than two weeks to go from Gillian to Adjucas.

Imagine when Aizen becomes a bit less busy and checks his backlog of side projects...
Since Weaver is now a Fire Type(Solar) does this mean she gets power from the sun now?
Imagine when Aizen becomes a bit less busy and checks his backlog of side projects...

I can see it now. Aizen, wondering what happened with that interesting but ultimately unimportant little hollow, and having nothing to do for a couple of hours. He goes asking Ulquiorra to show him where she is on a whim, and just... sees Mothra 2.0 blasting fire and lasers everywhere, when it hasn't even been a month since he last looked in on her.

"...I'm sorry, but what the actual hell?"
[x][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Many Somethings Randoms
Alright ladies and gents, votes are now closed!

This time's winner is...

I won't be sure till I get back home and run the Tally, but I think it was [Snack] Something Random?

Will confirm later.

EDIT: Indeed it was.

This time's winner is...

[X][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random

Vote Tally : Skittering Hollow (Bleach/Worm) | Page 33 | Questionable Questing [Posts: 973-1017]
##### NetTally 2.2.3
--[X] good time to practice and get your bearings.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] phil503
-[X] Probably a good meal your eating for 5 after all.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] phil503
-[X] test/practice your flight first.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] phil503

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Hunger
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
No. of Votes: 33
[X] Shaper47
[X] Agmus
[X] Argentis
[X] Arksurek
[X] Bloodalchemy
[x] CatOnFire
[x] Demetric
[X] edofthesquid
[x] ELRue
[X] goricnac
[X] Harpy81
[x] iambasho
[X] Iceflame55
[X] Its_a_cauldron_plot!
[X] Jarrarad
[x] Jubjub3000
[x] Ljapaubeaves
[X] MrMig
[x] OldClueless
[X] PandaVenom
[X] phil503
[X] R.A.G.
[x] Ratatoskr
[X] Rexman25
[x] Rock_on_5002
[X] Shadowoflight
[x] SoldMars
[X] Umbra99
[x] vinzzz001
[x] werdzerg13
[X] Zakara
[X] zarabg
[X][Hunger] Screw Hunger
No. of Votes: 1
[x] CrimsonFate

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random
No. of Votes: 20
[X] Shaper47
[X] Agmus
[X] Argentis
[X] Arksurek
[X] Bloodalchemy
[X] edofthesquid
[X] Harpy81
[X] Its_a_cauldron_plot!
[X] Jarrarad
[X] MrMig
[x] OldClueless
[X] PandaVenom
[X] R.A.G.
[X] Rexman25
[X] Shadowoflight
[x] SoldMars
[X] Umbra99
[X] Zakara
[X] zarabg
-[X][Snack] The Guardian
No. of Votes: 6
[x] iambasho
[x] CatOnFire
[x] Demetric
[x] Jubjub3000
[x] Ratatoskr
[x] Rock_on_5002
-[X][Snack] Anansi
No. of Votes: 3
[x] Ljapaubeaves
[x] ELRue
[x] werdzerg13
--[X][Snack] Anyone Who Wants To Pick A Fight When I Get There
No. of Votes: 2
[x] CatOnFire
[x] Jubjub3000
-[X][Snack] Many Somethings Randoms
No. of Votes: 2
[X] goricnac
[X] Iceflame55
-[X][Snack] Lets fight a Gillian as revenge power testing.
No. of Votes: 1
[x] vinzzz001

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Destination
[X][Destination] The Hollow Moon
No. of Votes: 19
[x] Argentis
[X] Agmus
[X] Arksurek
[x] Bloodalchemy
[x] CrimsonFate
[x] edofthesquid
[x] goricnac
[X] Harpy81
[x] Iceflame55
[x] Jubjub3000
[x] MrMig
[x] phil503
[x] R.A.G.
[x] Rexman25
[x] Umbra99
[x] werdzerg13
[x] YCG
[x] Zakara
[x] zarabg

Total No. of Voters: 34
Last edited:
Papillon 3.02 - The Walking Pantry
[X][Destination] The Hollow Moon
[X][Hunger] Catch a Snack
-[X][Snack] Something Random

Seriously, what the hell was Moonie thinking? Just… up and leaving like that? What if I develop abandonment issues? Not cool, possibly-divine source of light up in the sky, not cool at all. I get that 'for your own good' bullshit sounds really good when you're the one delivering, but would you like it if I randomly decide talking to you might cause you dementia and start ignoring you 'for your own good'?

...Yeah, I thought not.

Well I'm getting up there and giving you a piece of my mind face to face, you self-righteous jerk of an astral body!

I'm already psyching myself for what promises to be a long journey (The moon is damn far in the human world, I can only assume Moonie won't be any closer to the surface of Hueco Mundo) when a deafening roar shakes me to my very core.


Another roar breaks the silence of Hueco Mundo.

Uh-oh… It can't possibly be…

With a third, mighty, roar, my fears are confirmed.

I… I mean! What roar? What are you talking about? Are you insinuating something rude? I'm a lady, you know? My stomach doesn't growl, even if I'm feeling a bit peckish. Maybe I should go catch me a snack? Yeah, that's probably a good idea. For completely dignified and totally non-embarrassing reasons.

Shut up! I said it was nothing!

Hmpf, whatever! I have better things to do than listen to slander. Now, let's take a look and see what's around for a quick bite… Man I didn't realize this while I was a tree-bound caterpillar, but this forest is HUGE! I can see the End of the World far off the distance, but only now that I have some perspective do I realize how friggin' far it actually is. No wonder I never reached it before.

Oh? What's that?

There's a… trail in the forest, out there in the distance. I hesitate to call it trail because is friggin' huge tho. A closer look reveals the stupid-ass cheating trees along the trail to look sickly and rotting. Which is kind of remarkable, since they aren't actually trees, nor even alive. They're made of lies and disappointment and Chupavidas plain doesn't work on them.

And yet, they're darkened, thin and sickly-looking. There's also a trench-like line running through the middle of the trail.

Heck, even the ground looks blackened and diseased along that line. Maybe coming close to check hasn't been my smartest idea ever. No matter, I'm already committed, so lets see what we can find. There'll be more than enough time for regrets later.

Taking up to the skies again, I notice the trail kinda diffuses into nothing on one end, while the other is perfectly clear and sharp. If this is an artificial phenomena (and, duh, of course it is), then the culprit will certainly be found at the second end. Assuming he didn't randomly just up and leave this mess behind him.

Let's assume the culprit isn't so rude as to leave this mess and not cleaning after himself. I'm aware not everyone is as civic as me, eating or burning away all my silk threads when they're not useful anymore. Man I'm such a shining example of a good neighbour…

But I'm going off topic and the end of the trail is right there, so let's focus on our culprit, he should become visible about… now.


What… what am I looking at?

Something huge, for one. And kinda revolting. How to describe it… Can you picture a tank truck made out of flesh? If you can't, you're lucky. For the more imaginative of you, switch the wheels for eight pairs of fat legs, add a torso with it's own pair of stubby arms in front, a hilariously disproportionate small masked head on top of said torso and…

A huge-ass frontal mouth full of teeth, with a tongue like an excavator shovel and a bunch of tentacle-like smaller ones whipping around, grabbing whatever they can reach and pulling it inside. Honestly, it goes beyond revolting. Watching that thing pig out food is like seeing a trainwreck. Horrifying, yet you can't look away.

Trees, sand, and the occasional unfortunate Hollow that ends in front of the thing's slow but steady advance are promptly shoveled inside the huge mouth by one method or another. I wish I hadn't looked but, from the other… side of the process a yellowish cloud that clings to everything in a way no gas has any right to is expelled.

That gas is what seems to ail the stupid-ass cheating trees. Man, I hate the inedible fakers, but not even they deserve this.

Okay then, I've made up my mind! That thing is an affront to… everything. By the power of the Moon that's ignoring me like an unpleasant odour, I will punish you!!

Fuego Mistico!!


Let's pause a minute and backtrack.

I mean, granted, I'm feeling nauseated and almost physically ill at the deplorable spectacle in front of me, so I'm not thinking clearly.

I'm also giddy about my evolution, and raring to try my new powers, so that's an extenuating circumstance if I've ever heard of one.

Also, who doesn't want to burn shit up? Nobody can really blame me without being a big fat hypocrite.

That said, the moment I sent my red-hot searing flames against a creature shrouded in a heavy, clingy, sickly-looking cloud of gas coming from it's own entrails… was the moment I knew.

I had fucked up.

There's only one word to describe what came next.


Thankfully I was already airborne, explosions lose a tiny little bit of oomph when there's no shrapnel thrown your way and they can't crush you against anything. Concussive force by itself isn't all that effective, beyond sending you flying. Now if only my ears stop ringing and above and below stop trying to switch places everything would be peachy.

Good news, I just did science. We now know the spiritual equivalent of methane is even more volatile than it's mundane counterpart. It might have something to do with human perception affecting how things are in metaphysical realms like this one.

I mean, I have no proof otherwise? It's not like I have a clue what I'm talking about.

Which reminds me, this isn't the time to be philosophizing, because I'm pretty sure that thing I tried to burn with fire survived the explosion. Even if it was crushed against something by the concussive force. The thing was huge, for one. I have no reason to assume life will be fair to me, for another.

Indeed, a swarm of whip-like tongues rush towards me from the dust cloud, and the only reason I react in time is because I was already expecting for something to go wrong. I shudder just imagining what would've happened if the tongues had caught me. But they didn't

Disparo Demora!!

Tying up the tongues instead of burning them was a split second decision, really. It just occurred to me wet things don't burn well, and I'm still new with this fire business. I don't want to find out whether slightly charred tongues can still trap me or not the hard way.

Predictably, the tongues retract, and it's only when they're back inside the mouth that I dish out the pain. Turning the knot holding the whips together into a spiky ball with Gorgeous Armor and then channeling through it liberal usage of both Chupavidas and Punto Veneno turns out to be quite…


It's only then that I think about how this thing has a digestive system sturdy enough to consume the very landscape of Hueco Mundo. Whatever that thing is, what enters its mouth remains eatern. I'd smack my forehead but my stubby legs can't really reach, also I have worse problems.

Namely the thing pulling me close by slurping up the thread I used to channel my power through like spaghetti.

Oh, shit, oh, shit! That mouth is huge out close!

Cut the thread! No, too late, he's already on me!

Aim at his ugly face! Not that one, the other one!

Fuego Mistico!

The thing screeches in pain as I give him a gazillion degrees beanie, but even then the thing doesn't stop. The monstrous maw opens wider and wider, seemingly taking up the entire world in a fraction of a second. I have no time to think, so I just react.


The gigantic fuck-you beam of shinning death plunges into the thing's innards, illuminating it's fleshy depths for an instant as it passes through. Against anything else, a point-blank blast like this, skipping all defensive tissue to strike directly at the core would've been devastating.

This thing, however, consumes it without even flinching. It's only thanks to the recoil that I can make distance in time to avoid being gobbled up.

As I take to the skies, the fleshy tendrils rush out again, but adrenaline is running high and I'm not risking it again with clever plots that can go sideways.

I Cero the shit out of the bitches.

His follow up is a tree trunk thrown at my face, but it's a clumsy attempt and not hard to dodge. Beyond the momentarily panic because holy shit the trees around here are huge, of course.

Alright, let's take a breath. The thing… I'm calling it Truck-kun, because he kinda looks like a food truck. A truck made out of food, or made out to get food, or whatever. That's not the point. Truck-kun looks like shit from up here. I couldn't see it while busy not being made into a snack, but his whole body is cracked up and covered on blisters. Seems like the explosion wasn't kind on him.

Ooops, here comes another tree… dodged.

Okay, the adrenaline rush is fading a little bit. Now that I'm calm and collected, Truck-kun doesn't look all that scary. Okay, he's big and ugly, and his mouth is… I don't want to talk about it again. But on the other hand he seems incapable of reaching up here and I have ranged options.

Dodging trees is pretty easy, too.

Let's crack this nut.

Alright, there's things we've learnt from this fight…. A lot of things.

Noxious fumes are, at least sometimes, highly flammable. Incinerate at your own risk.

There are things in Hueco Mundo that are just nope. Truck-kun's mouth was one of those.

Casting multiple Cero in a short interval is freaking exhausting. 0/10 wouldn't do it again.

Fuck-you beams of shining destruction aren't all that useful against huge masses of rock-like flesh, unless you find a weak point to exploit first. As previously stated, Truck-kun's mouth was a big nope, and I wasn't going to get anywhere close to the other structurally weak point.

Fighting tanks is fuckin frustrating. This had been previously stated, but it bears repeating.

Good news though! Fire is super effective against living tanks of noxious fumes, even if ignition takes a bit of effort to catch.

Bad news though... Blown-up living tanks of noxious fumes don't grant as much Essence as one might hope. Probably because Chupavidas isn't designed for use against smoldering chunks of flesh.

… They're also a pain to get out of your hair, let me tell you. Stubby legs don't really help on that front.

Okay… time to take flight and get some exercise then, there's a moon to have words with and I wouldn't want all this food to get to my ass.

... You're thinking something rude, aren't you?

You've discovered a drawback of Cero: Cero Overuse.

Using Cero involves a swift deployment and compression of high amounts of reiryoku. While a single performance doesn't carry any negative effects, repeated use will quickly pile up stress, ultimately causing it to become unusable while the body recovers. Usual Hollow Regeneration doesn't diminish this downside

You're suffering from Cero Overuse. You won't be able to cast Cero again for some time.

You've munched a lot of smoldering chunks of flesh! You earn 428 CE!
-Power Level Up! Your Level is now 68!!

Some Powers have improved during the fight (only major growths will be reflected here)
-Spamming Cero has its downsides, but you can't argue with the results! Cero is now Lv. 5-(10%)!!
-You still have ways to go before summoning a sea of flame, but you're giving it your best try! Fuego Mistico is now Lv. 3-(90%)!!
-Healing your eardrums mid-flight was quite the feat. That one tree that actually managed to hit you also hurt a lot. Good thing you can heal! High-speed Regeneration is now Lv 2-(30%)!!

Oblivion Compensation! You lose 13 CE!

You're going to the moon, no arguing that. But how do you want to go about it? Image is important after all.

Ball of Fire.
You're a gorgeously haired, six-winged, fire-controlling butterfly and you're damn proud of it. You'll no doubt attract attention, but you'll look divine while doing so. It also doubles as Fuego Mistico training.
Turbo. Use of thermally pressurized air will increase your flight speed tenfold! … If you managed to pull it off. Results may vary. Don't ask where the air to thermally pressurize comes from, Hueco Mundo doesn't have to make sense. This also doubles as Fuego Mistico training.
Discreet. You'll just fly up there without fanfare. You're too elegant not to be a sight to behold even then, but people will have to pay attention to actually see you.

[x][Travel] Ball of Fire.
[x][Travel] Turbo.
[x][Travel] Discreet.
[x][Travel] Write-in.

Assuming your journey is uneventful, getting there will take some time. How do you want to spend it?

Old Skill.
Train one of your Powers, write-in to specify which one.
Develop New. Use your new Power slot to develop a new Power.
Zumbido(Bug Buzz) The use of supersonic sound with destructive intent. It's said there's a dragon out there capable of grinding rock into sand using this.
Viento Plata(Silver Wind) Small and sharp spirit particles are launched forward through a gust of wind. If the particles latch into spirit-rich materials, they'll leech spirit power. Sufficient mastery will allow the user to later reabsorb the particles.
Sustituto(Substitute) Swift dodge leaving behind a shed exoskeleton to take the hit for you and deceive the enemy. Kawarimi no jutsu, nin-nin!!

[x][Train] Old Skill
-[x][Old Skill] Write-in
[x][Train] Develop New
-[x][Develop] Zumbido(Bug Buzz)
-[x][Develop] Viento Plata(Silver Wind)
-[x][Develop] Sustituto(Substitute)
-[x][Develop] Write-in

Been playing Pokemon Masters lately. Is it me or Gym Leader Valerie looks high as a kite?

You voted for random so I made a table with the old options and some newcomers. Inspired by 15 bosses from Diablo III, to be precise. That and a special surprise where you to roll a crit. Great encounter roll, so you rolled a theoretically easy match. Inspired by Ghom, plus some from FMA's Gluttony and a monster from Toriko whose name I can't bother myself to recall. On the other hand you fucked up the ambush (BOOM!!) and got some really shitty rolls during the fight, so poor Taylor might be developing a slight phobia against tank-type enemies.
Ah... This was fun to write.
Last edited:
[x][Travel] Discreet.
[x][Train] Develop New
-[x][Develop] Viento Plata(Silver Wind)

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