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Search results for query: *

  1. 0Jordinio0

    What are your most hated fanfic tropes

    Fifty percent? Wow, I must have written way more than I thought I had. But no, for one most of my main characters don't even interact enough with the main cast to bash them. Honestly, I'd love a list for all these characters I supposedly bash, because beyond Goh and a handful of others like...
  2. 0Jordinio0

    To Love Ru Multicross Options

    So a discussion came up, and I honestly couldn't think of much that would be a good fit for To Love Ru using it as the base world. Basically series that would fit in the To Love Ru universe and not break established rules....to much. Any ideas?
  3. 0Jordinio0

    DxD Multicross Possibilities?

    Just wondering, what series do you think would fit well with DxD in a multicross, but using the DxD world as base? Only a few come to mind personally, like Rosario Vampire, Oomari Himari and the like.
  4. 0Jordinio0

    Weaker Gamer System

    Hmm, this might fit my purposes pretty well if I re-purpose it a bit. Cheers.
  5. 0Jordinio0

    Weaker Gamer System

    So, it's not really a secret that despite writing a gamer story, I'm not the biggest fan of the general systems used, like levelling up, skill creation and such. I'm trying to experiment with a different type of game system, that is just very basic and works more like a basic stat screen...
  6. 0Jordinio0

    Zuko Self Insert or Second Son of Iroh?

    Personally, if it's going the Azula route, I'd prefer the OC noble kid, I'm just not into incest.
  7. 0Jordinio0

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Go back to bed. I wake up as me everyday.
  8. 0Jordinio0

    Character Personality Idea Help

    The title pretty much says it all. But to summarize, I'm having trouble coming up with some personalities for a story. It's a little personal fanfiction project, that I'm not sure if I'll post or not. To give context. It is a pseudo-Digimon Jumpchain, with an Oc-Insert. More or less, the plot...
  9. 0Jordinio0

    Sword Art Online - Stats - How Do They Work?

    I feared as much. I think I vaguely remember the experience from level 1 to 2 being 83 or something like that though. Or maybe I'm remembering that from a story?
  10. 0Jordinio0

    Sword Art Online - Stats - How Do They Work?

    So, I can't remember exactly. But is there a point in canon where the levels, experience, skills and HP Recovery Ability are explained at all? The most I can remember is that each new level takes much more experience than the last, while the experience from monsters goes down with each level...
  11. 0Jordinio0

    On Spacebattles and Mod Presence

    In my experience, mods on SB have a big habit of abusing their power, flaunting their own rules and blatant favouritism.
  12. 0Jordinio0

    Any Good Skyrim CYOA? I'm Looking For One To Use.

    As the title goes, I'm looking for a good Skyrim Cyoa. I only found the one on Funnyjunk, but it didn't really cover what I wanted, I didn't even see a pick for going Dragonborn on it.