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Search results for query: *

  1. Telegraph Nine

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Oh, if you'll pardon the pun, HELL yes! The Alastor scene worked before, but now it's fun. (That said, if you're looking to continue to improve, you seem to have an issue with both run-on sentences and unnecessary commas. Obviously it's not a hard and fast rule, but I'd suggest giving...
  2. Telegraph Nine

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    I have some fairly fleshed-out headcanons about Valentino and Vox and their respective powers. If you're still trying to figure out what they can do, I'd be happy to share them in a DM or something? I don't know for sure if they're fully compliant with all the various author streams, but they...
  3. Telegraph Nine

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Okay, so reactions: (I read this when it first got posted, but... procrastination.) I really enjoy this story, but as a writer, this description does not work well at all. I understand wanting to introduce Alastor to readers who may only be familiar with the Worm side of the cross, but writing...
  4. Telegraph Nine

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Huh, this sounds a little familiar: I never thought of Angel Dust as having much in common with Skitter, but... it fits...
  5. Telegraph Nine

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    This might be one of those difference in perspective we can't really talk through and need to just agree to disagree, but I don't think this is true. For one thing, it seems pretty unlikely that drugs are only being used responsibly in Hell, given what we've seen of it as a setting. Second, I...
  6. Telegraph Nine

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    Agreed. The version of hell Hazbin presents is one where there's no need for demon torturers because the damned willingly do the torturing to each other, and so far Taylor seems to be fitting into that system perfectly, even if her long-term plans go against it. ...Personally, I wouldn't...
  7. Telegraph Nine

    The Skittering Chaos (Worm/Hazbin Hotel)

    ...So would Taylor be considered a cannibal now? I mean, she only took the blood, but it's still consuming (part of) the bodies of her enemies for power. If this sort of strategy for claiming more than the usual 'forfeit on death' level of magic is common, it would explain why cannibalism is...