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Search results for query: *

  1. John_Oakman

    Pornhub Content Purge

    [LAUGHES IN HAVING NO CREDIT SCORE IN THE FIRST PLACE] And people keep on telling me how I'm paranoid in only relying on debit and cash for everything...
  2. John_Oakman

    Pornhub Content Purge

    If the owners of the site is smart, they'll already have contingency in place, either by moving towards crypto or utilize older forms of money transfer such as Western Union (memes of being the choice of scammers aside, that's also why the institution is still so widely used)
  3. John_Oakman

    Pornhub Content Purge

    These days for most regular/mundane searches Bing is comparable to Google (and honestly most major search engines are comparable in terms of performance). One major edge Bing has over Google though is their NSFW search capabilities (especially as you can fully turn safe search off, unlike with...
  4. John_Oakman

    Pornhub Content Purge

    Bing, indirectly. I'm betting that the porn site market will balkanize, especially as most of the current major porn sites will likely follow suit (for the same financial reasons), meaning that the resulting vacuum will be filled with the horde of smaller players. Meanwhile Bing will continue...
  5. John_Oakman

    Pornhub Content Purge

    Oh no! Anyways... As if there aren't dozens of better sites that caters to the same niches...