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Search results for query: *

  1. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    My last RP experience taugh me that as long everyone have fun, grammar becomes a secondary concern. Thank god because I suck at it. :V
  2. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Pretty much all clans are really horrible, lead by monstrous narcissistic sociopathic psyhopaths. Only clan that could be ever considered as most humane and made of relatively "Good" Vampires would be Clan Salubri but they went extinct after thier leader, Saulot was diablerised by Tremere.
  3. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Weird to see Big D being so silent. But he appears to have real compassion toward vampires that acknowledge that their condition is a tragic curse not an ascension into something greater. With Kevin, I wasn't 100% sure how much is real honesty and how much is manipulation. But looks like usually...
  4. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    A Fomori? Constant blood vomiting and not dying from it implies that. Fomori often are suffering from alignment that should kill anyone or anything else but it doesn't, they end trapped in constant suffering. His eyes become Horus Armor Eyes which is nice callback.And dear god they better...
  5. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I think it's balanced by Losing dot of Humanity. So mass Embraces aren't possible. VtM was more lenient with cost of Embracing. But I can see that low humanity and amcient vampires would never really have a problem with acquiring enough blood of other kindred to survive. Just open a farm...
  6. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Isn't it part of lore that Vampires cant be fat? Exempt that one clan that can eat fresh human flesh and store it insode thier bodies. Vampires quickly lose all fat tissue after Embrace making them extremely skinny. And bad at swimming when your body lose all buoyancy which might give birth to...
  7. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    What was that tagline? "Captain Planet for Furries"?;)
  8. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I'm alone in thinking that Big D family might be expies of Chaos Gods?
  9. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Alfabusa and his team continue showing their mastery or writing and showing great characters. Kevin started as a meme, a Evil Vampire Wizard and turned out that he is very sympathetic and decent person under layers of larping that still clings to his Humanity. Complete opossite of Pyotor who is...
  10. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    How exactly those crossover will affect both settings? Replace Servants with Mages and/or Nobles?
  11. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Garou are mone of the most dangerous CQC supernatural combatants you might have misfortune to meet. They are fast strong, heal really fast, have sharp animalistic senses and are impervious to most weapons that aren't silver or magic, just seeing them can cause delirium AND worst of all they like...
  12. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Of course. I posted my impressions about first episode some time a go. And might as well post others Markus... you ruined everything even in AU. Much better delivery of horror than last episode. Pyotor is one scary mother fucker. Animation really nicely deliver his malicious nature...
  13. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I didn't see this or any other WoD/CofD splat games being run here. I guess it's not a popular setting you want to use for the more vanilla content you would see on QQ. This setting is for more niche stuff, I think. But hey. There's this famous second golden rule. You don't like it change it...
  14. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Official? Hunter: The Vigil is my favorite. Rest are also fun. Exempt Beast. Can't stand this one. I'm also interested in checking out that Deviant: The Renegade. Fanmade splats I like the most would be Exalted versus World of Darkness and Princess: The Hopeful.
  15. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Lots of things piling up, I can't point out one specific problem. End result was me losing interest in this franchise. It just didn't feel worth it and enjoyable to engage in this stuff anymore.
  16. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    I'll pass. I'm very much burned out on anything having to do with Fateverse.
  17. Imabot

    General World of Darkness Discussion Thread QQ Edition

    Bruva Lives! *stomp!* *stomp!* I love fact that Games Workshop might own WH40k but they don't own personas that Alfa and the rest of the crew had created for the 40k characters. So now they are legally distinctive but the same in spirit. And there are some mythology gags here and there. Like...