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  1. Mr Zoat

    One Positive Change at a Time (ASOIAF: Viserys SI) Dead.

    No, she died. I think they cut it from the television series, but some red priests can breathe life into a body.
  2. Mr Zoat

    One Positive Change at a Time (ASOIAF: Viserys SI) Dead.

    As I understand it, that's not the case. There is a law stating that every male relative takes precedent for... Some things, so Stannis would come ahead of his brother's daughters, but women can inherit. In the post-Targaryen era it hasn't been tested. Dorne is different because it doesn't...
  3. Mr Zoat

    One Positive Change at a Time (ASOIAF: Viserys SI) Dead.

    If Robert has surviving children, they would become king/queen. As far as I could tell, Robert named Stannis because they haven't told him there are survivors yet.