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Search results for query: *

  1. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Thanks for the chappy! I'll be honest, this was a good chappy, I just didn't care for the POVs all that much. So it kinda got buried under a flood of other new chappies until now, lol. I'd start to get into it and something else would update xD still a good chappy, thanks for writing it!
  2. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Thanks for the chappy! Happy (belated) Birthday!!!! Sorry, it took me a bit to find the time to sit down and read this chappy in one sitting, lol. Love the length of your chapters, though, that wasn't a comment on it being too long. Just me being shorter on time than I would like :( that said...
  3. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Thanks for the chappy! Yeah, this isn't gonna go so well for Tanya... but when does it ever, really? I mean, she typically gets something out of horrible circumstances, but never without cost. So yeah, gruelling fights ahead!
  4. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Thanks for the chappy! Neat to see this perspective! I am tired enough that I didn't notice it was a sidestory until afterwards, though, so no great commentary here, lol.
  5. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Thanks for the massive chappy!!! I am glad Tanya switched to Kaguya being her supplier, that will make a lot of things go much easier from then on. Pretty sure that its canon that Kaguya is pretty limited in what she can do outside of her families immediate affairs. So anything to do with the...
  6. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Thanks for the chappy! Lots of ways to go with bringing religion into this. First time I have seen it in a fanfic this fandom. Can see it going well, being a rallying point for Lelouch or horribly wrong. Yeah, its probably going to go horribly wrong >.>
  7. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Hmmmm... really liked the extra perspective from the step-mom. Never truly considered her evil, just a bit of an idiot and a noble, lol. That said, not really liking sending Kallen into the knights. Thats gonna put a major stop to any developments between her and Tanya for... quite a while, I...
  8. A Young Girl's Guerilla War

    Thanks for the chapter! Nice to see the gangs finally get stomped on completely! Can't wait to see the fallout!