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Search results for query: *

  1. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Really sorry I didn't crosspost this the same day, I honestly just forgot with the terrible few weeks I was having. The whole situation has gone worse than I would like. It's completely ruined my mood or any desire to write about things working out/getting better. I don't want to ruin the tone...
  2. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Since my Grandma died, we've been waiting for probate to finish. Just got our move out date so the house can be sold and I'm probably not going to be updating until I know where I'll be living.
  3. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 89: Rolling Up

    Chapter 89: Rolling Up “Hello?” My words echo through the eerily silent Summers’ home as I turn back to Darla on the porch. “No point inviting you in anymore I guess. It’ll just give Giles more busy work and I don’t really want to annoy him right now.” “You have to smell the blood.” She...
  4. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    I only said endgame. Doesn't even necessarily mean readers will see more then the relationship start before the end of the fic. It also doesn't mean other potential growth ships will not matter. Because everything you said about Darla applies to a different "S2" character I'm going to be...
  5. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    I'm really trying to stick Darla in the "bitchy" sister role. Darla . Since half the readers seem to like pairing spoiler tags, expectas the "endgame ship".
  6. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 88: Something to Ponder

    Chapter 88: Something to Ponder Once everyone understands what they need to do, I somehow manage to get the teens all home before midnight. Going to be another movie day I think. Darla isn’t happy about her close call and storms right up the stairs without another word. But at least Angel...
  7. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 87: Recuperating

    Chapter 87: Recuperating This is all my fault. It’s hard to ignore the truth as my frantic legs drag me down the street. Screams greet my ears before I even make it to the alley and I push past the burning in my lungs. I pissed of a shaman willing to kill Willow and never even thought to...
  8. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    That's the Council's record for longest Slayer (I made up the length, since we know 1 year is already rare and by season 4 Buffy is declared the record holder.)
  9. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Interlude 18: After Curfew

    Interlude 18: After Curfew Instead of just the handful of question Rupert expected. He instead found himself hit with one after another. Joyce is certainly being thorough. The conversation wore down the well educated man as tension filled hours passed by. What’s taking Buffy so long? It...
  10. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 86: Blunt as a Beast (Buffy)

    Chapter 86: Blunt as a Beast (Buffy) With the hunt unfinished, my body still boils with tension as I follow the wise male back out of our prey’s den. He is completely focused on our surroundings. Like my chosen should be. Leaving me free to observe him in safety. Not as powerful. Dismissing...
  11. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 85: Animal Instinct (Willow)

    Chapter 85: Animal Instinct (Willow) Jesse's bellowed warning just before he threw himself over the railing like some kind of action hero is the only reason we had any time to react. While everyone else wasted precious seconds looking around confused, we knew Jesse wouldn't make something like...
  12. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 84: Stepping Up (Jesse)

    Chapter 84: Stepping Up (Jesse) Cordelia is here. “How do does my hair look?” At our club! Even though I know Willow hates her to the same extreme I crave Cordelia, she’s my best friend and hints at the truth. “You should use a comb. Still got a few leaves in that mop.” This is my chance...
  13. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 83: Fading (Marcie)

    Chapter 83: Fading (Marcie) For a new girl from the Hills, Buffy doesn’t seem nearly as snooty as I expected.” Willow gives our friends a cautious look as they arrive at the Sunset Club just as the sun gets low enough to cast long shadows everywhere. “I was expecting someone just as bad as...
  14. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Interlude 17: Best Served Cold

    Interlude 17: Best Served Cold After the newest employee locked up, Lex watched the Brit mutter to himself the entire way to the parking lot. The frustration directed towards his former teacher is all that spared the man. But the last part made him frown. “Why does Buffy ring a bell?” Unable...
  15. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Buffy did indeed get possesed by the Alpha primal. I wanted my own plausible teansferance method and decided killing the hyena made sense. Quite right on why Buffy is an unknown. HA!
  16. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 82: Feral

    Chapter 82: Feral Inside the walls of the zoo, the stench of the hyenas is everywhere and it’s fresh. Did the pack spray the whole place down tonight? Admitting my help will be pretty much useless, I turn to a snickering Buffy. “You hear anything or you just want to keep laughing at my...
  17. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 81: Snickerdoodle

    Chapter 81: Snickerdoodle Trying to keep the conversation going once most of the group is gone, I fumble for something casual to talk about. “... You seem to be getting along with everyone.” “Do they normally bicker so much?” Her eyes widen when I let my demon side out, carefully taking in...
  18. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 80: Night on the Town

    Chapter 80: Night on the Town Coughing as the last cloud of ash plumes around me, laughter comes out of most of my companions. It’s so loud, it sounds like the noise is echoing through the entire cemetery. Only Darla keeps silent, her glare sliding past me to land on one of the rambunctious...
  19. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.
    Threadmarks: Chapter 79: Revelations

    Chapter 79: Revelations "It's kind of like having a lifelong disease she needs to manage." Doing my best to steer Joyce's understanding, I seem to have finally found something that works. "Nothing we do will take away her powers. Unless you want her heavily sedated for the rest of her...
  20. Flightless Man

    Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    I really liked the irony of Doyle trying to keep people safe, but Fred is doing almost exactly what he's doing. If Doyle lets Fred get possesed by Illyria, he deserves to have his eyeballs torn out. He has 8 years to plan for that. Thanks, I really wanted to show Allen has just a much of a...