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Search results for query: *

  1. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Sorry for the delay about the Something to Atone For series and was completely irreparable to continue on with at after recent family events made it impossible finish up. Anyway Thanks for the awesome ride Author San while it lasted for everyone else for Doyle Si series in Sunnydale town school...
  2. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Whilst we caught up with our Si Doyle, ensouled Darla, Dennis rolling up to the Summers family household, beforehand we had Si Doyle doing more pondering but on not what we think of course, but Darla brusquely mentioned Si Doyle was being too hard on himself because of the post Vander ( lex )...
  3. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Ahh shucks Why Author San ( You won't believe what happened with my post on the Darla/ Doyle triangle argument I had written about between the them and it was good one too Man ! But Since it 's lost your getting the short version of What I wrote , Whilst ensouled vampire Darla is vampire woman...
  4. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Whilst we catch back up with our Si Doyle with Scooby gang after Buffy Summers left afterwards, but found that there more destruction at the Bronze club besides the fact that everyone was involved was dire straits and needing a Hospital for the injured, which Si Doyle and Cordelia Chase were...
  5. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    "WE'RE GONNA NEED A BIGGER PHONE" SAID GILES ,HA! While we catch up with our resident Watcher Giles with Joyce Summers is still digesting the supposed supernatural world shenanigans in Sunnydale town and Giles found that the Buffy Summers is longest lived Slayer by 2 yrs ,7 months, 1 week, and...
  6. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Ahh shucks Why didn't Angel ( Anne Steele) warn me about this! Probably because she saw something completely different from her vision perspective on the Feral episode in Sunnydale town high school, which had Blunt Buffy Summers is the best Buffy without the filter ( and doing the mating tango...
  7. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    THE PACK IS HUNTING / ( ALPHA BUFFY SUMMERS) SEARCH/ ANIMAL INSTINCT ! Whilst we catch back up with our rest of the Scooby gang at the Hyena attack on the Bronze place,beforehand we Willow POV, along with some surprising savage determined Scooby gang on the loss of post Xander boy affecting...
  8. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    JESSE 'S STEP UP ( XANDER 2.O) ! While we catch up with our resident Si Doyle and Scooby gang in the Bronze Hotspot, which had Cordelia Chase & Jesse hanging out with each other post Vander ( lex) ,as Jesse told Cordelia Chase that Doyle sister Darla was an unexpected" in " at the Bronze and...
  9. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Whilst we caught up with our resident Scooby gang side of things post Vander ( Lex) Xander boy, although everyone is unaware of his nefarious plans at the moment, including asking new bff Slayer Buffy Summers to stake him ( which shouldn't be too hard for the newest hometown Slayer Buffy and...
  10. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    LEX ( XANDER BOY) PLOTS HIS NEFARIOUS PAYBACK PLANS( UNWARE OF BIGGER PLAYERS)HA ! Whilst we caught up with our bad boy vamp Lex ( Xander) Harris was sending out the Shaman ( Hyena)( Feral episode) previously revealed by him and new vamp partner Claw as he suddenly foiled again by the...
  11. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    DID BUFFY SUMMERS GET HYENA'D AT THE ZOO / (WHAT) JUST HAPPENED? While our duo gotten into the evil Zookeeper shaman and as usual the new girl Buffy Summers is underestimated again ,besides Buffy and Si Doyle took on the rogue Zookeeper at the Zoo itself and how he knew about the Scooby gang...
  12. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    YEAH! NOT EVEN YEAR BUFFY SUMMERS/ THE PRIMAL HYENA'S APPEARANCE Something is definitely up with our Scooby Gang Si Doyle, but Si Doyle can't make head's or tail of the underlying issue with that being an supposed supernatural problem or natural one for the Scooby gang at the first hunt at...
  13. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    NIGHT ON THE TOWN( MASTER LEFTOVERS? ) / THE MYSTERY OF LUKE CONTINUES? Not much going these Chapter, but Si Doyle is having a learning curve experience for our Scooby Gang at the Cemetery at Sunnydale with killing a few vamps though, Dennis might be able to handle high school kids at social...
  14. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Never read the Buffy series comics in 8-12 ( minus the TV show universe itself) that I already, besides my own Buffy Summers lore is still spotty in some places but remember the most important plot points. Anyway We caught up with our Si Doyle with the Summers family as the revelations...
  15. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    FRED TAKES THE INITIATIVE? My goodness Fred Burkle is in so deep right now and still trying to protect ex boyfriend Si Doyle from. their reach for now, but considering the light bomb on the up in the air also "his supposed OG Doyle shared fate at the moment. Although Maggie Walsh is putting...
  16. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    SHOCK & AWE ( FIGHT NIGHT FOR JOYCE SUMMERS), HAHAHA! Well Stop the brooding Si Doyle we don't need a Spike 2.0 ( William the Poet) at this juncture, said bff ensouled vampire Darla at the apartment complex with Buffy Summers along with the unlikely Diary ( well he's not likely to let bad...
  17. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    All Shucks My kids are grown up now ( if they just leave the world ending threats alone out of my ) Diary by Si Doyle standards. Buffy Summers for Shame ( you really got it bad ,even if Si Doyle hasn't quite caught up with her intentions toward him yet in mid-season break ,HAHA! ) Already...
  18. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    So Still going through the motions Si Doyle ( considering your new brooding is leaking through the pages) at Sunnydale high school, which no body can see how good your poker face is at the moment Si Doyle with post break up Fred Burkle ( still in talks supernatural world shenanigans) in...
  19. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Welcome back Author San ! Whilst we caught up with our resident substitute teacher Si Doyle with the Scooby gang & Buffy Summers duo in town 2 months after Fred's Burkle ( worst break up ever) since Angel/ Buffy shippers & Iilyaria arrival in the Atv/ Buffy verse world as Fred Burkle...
  20. Something To Atone For. BtVS/AtS, Doyle SI.

    Ahh shucks Buffy Summers ( you're worried about the broken neck thing and completely forgot about the break up with Fred Burkle though, but our unlikely girl Tara McClay is definitely feeling " man " in with girlfriend Bffs but can looking at goods but can 't touch haha! Although I think...