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Search results for query: *

  1. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    I see how it could cause confusion. I wasn't referring to you. Just that I'm in a discord with someone else I'm following and when they post a notification about new story there QQ sits quiet.
  2. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    So the Roman way then? Good fic, I'm looking forward to the sequel. Will you post the notification to the new thread here? Follows on QQ don't work because I have never received a notification about a new thread being made even though I know that it was due to being in the same discord as the...
  3. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    It should either be ‘ much to really be a nuisance’ or ‘much to be even a nuisance’ I looked up the scale of the Federation compared to the galaxy and the result wouldn’t rate even a sector in SW. I’m surprised that ESP relay survived two whole rockery’s considering how prone to blowing up...
  4. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    This is a bit confusing because Sara is basically repeating what Janaera already said add 'a' after 'wasn't add 'is' after 'society' remove the red part add 'cover' after 'into' don't blaster bolts cauterise wounds? Or is it an effect of getting hit with the heavy version? add 'said' after...
  5. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    I was about to comment about that until I got to this part I was wondering and I don't think it was addressed anywhere but what numbers are you working with here? From what I have seen so far and this statement I'm assuming it's not the 'few thousand troops for a planetary campaign' you see in...
  6. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    I’m pretty sure there are words missing here, alternatively you can make it like this ‘The report from Ambassador Lee regarding Earth's political future was especially pressing‘ Add ‘it’ after ‘handle’ completed While I agree with you completely I think it’s best to just ignore them at this...
  7. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    It lives! Good chapter but the sections with the ISD bridge confuse me. The map room is behind the section with pits and windows so when you enter the bridge from the turbolift you enter the map section immediately rather then have to go through the crew pit section.
  8. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    remove the comma Are you planning to introduce Klingons to Mandalorians? Because I think that once the various misunderstandings are cleared out they would get along like a house on fire.
  9. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Remove the red part Add ‘it’ after ‘mention’ There is a word missing here after ‘officer’ Remove the red part
  10. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    The Sith Empire of the Old Republic game is the second one to bear that name What Republics of the Core? Before the Rakatans were the Celestials. Humans and other races were still banging rocks together at that point. Except for Gree which were contemporaries of the Rakatans. Do you have a link...
  11. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    What older republics? There was only one Galactic Republic, even if it was restored a couple times. And the only other significant Empires were the Hutt Empire, Xims Empire (even if it didn't last long) and the Sith Empire and it's succesors. There were also the Rakatans but they are more the...
  12. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    You used 'the Empire' instead of 'Star Wars' here. The Empire isn't even a decade old, it's the republci that has been around for 25,000 years.
  13. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    While I agree with you and I don't think it counts as massively evil (at least when compared to say, Grievous) I feel like I need to point out the orbital bombardment of San Francisco for the sake of fairness.
  14. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Why the fuck are you even here? All you do is bitch about Jaeneras interpretation of the Federation and give absolutely nothing of value. If you don't like the story so much just set it to 'ignore' and be done with it instead of clogging up peoples alerts with useless ranting no one cares about.
  15. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    either there is something missing before ‘and’ or you need to remove it I think emphasising ‘kept’ will carry the intent better, as is I was confused for a moment with the seeming two sentences that mean the same Remove ‘would’ Remove the red part
  16. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    Not really. While theoretically an option Palpy preferred to use Natural Born sentients because if he could screw over the Jedi with a Clone Army what’s stopping someone else from doing that to him.
  17. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    There is also the fact that the modern SW galactic civilisation in legends is 25,000 years old, so orders if magnitude older then the Star Trek civilisations and as such much more developed Q was the one who set up this whole situation to teach the Feds a lesson and even mentioned stopping the...
  18. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    I don’t understand. I was quoting WhiteDragon?
  19. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    I am genuinely confused here. Why would Bashir get executed for who he is in the Empire if you yourself said that no one can muster half a fuck about genetic engineering in Star Wars?
  20. I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

    add 'the' after 'while' The colony may well be, it's just that some bastards decided to take advantage of the nice people to hide their evil deeds. It's not just the Empire but SW in general. One theory goes that because the Force goes through every living being and everyone is supposed to be...