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I get to conquer the Federation (SW SI X ST)

Whilst Jaenera Targaryen enters the big leagues officially by Emperor Palpatine himself after she also offer him Genesis project from the Federation post conquest.
As always their be naysayers( COMPNOR) in the group of the about her new Viceroy position and New Imperial Grand Admiral of the new Territorys, but dares disrespect Emperor ruling ( cause they 'll know what they would get in return from being disobedience to powerful Emperor Palpatine ( an offer they can't refuse) HAHA!
Erstwhile, Jaenera Targaryen mysterious planning for both of Star Wars Rebellion & Post Federation conquest as the breaking of the human shackles begins to bear fruition?
We'll see how it goes next time for our new Imperial Grand Jaenera Targaryen and I conquered the Federation sequel starting with newest game in the Galaxy far far away.
This is the Way
Continue on
Catch ya later
the problems also werent only on imperial center either, You had places like corellia and Kuat being threatened into compliance by the New Republic and quite alot of Humancentric worlds being forced ot open themselves to huge numbers of refugees. To make it worse is alot fo these systems still had planetry fleets that then went rogue or join a imperial faction. Later corellia full on revolted and went for independance and Kuat basically sold the imperial factions ships by the fist full, while being politely hostile neutral.

Yeah, I remember Corellia falling into an economic recession as a result of the Fall of the Empire, likewise for Kuat after the New Republic seriously damaged Kuat Drive Yards during the planet's liberation.

Yep along with the various inquisitors that survived and Daala with her hidden fleet.

Well, that's one big butterfly, Daala no longer a secret. She commanded the Imperial Fast Attack Force during the Battle of Earth, and again during the Battle of Andor. Afterwards, she commanded the Thirteenth Battlegroup, and served with distinction at the Siege of Kharzh'ulla.

At this point, Daala has the reputation of a linebreaker, between her aggressive tactics and her fearless personality. And with the patronage of both Grand Moff Tarkin and Grand Admiral Targaryen behind her, she's also untouchable to the COMPNOR drones.

TLDR: she's this Galactic Empire's Bittenfeld.

Alot of the earlier problems can be laid at mon mothmas feet entirely, literal she became the chancellor as soon as they won but it took years for her to willing give up the powers she had, she also refused to step in to stop alot of the worse events happening. it says alot when most of your high command resign within months of winning along with alot of the rest of the alliances. Whats worse though is when Mon mothma finally resigned she handed power to the Damn spy master, who absolutly depising anything with the name imperial it it. It was bad enough he sacrificed planets to the vong in the early parts of the war.

I honestly got the impression that she has basically been salty that Palpy beat her to the crown. She always gave me the same skeevy feeling that the lady in Mockingjay did.

Agreed; the good admiral even lampshades this in passing, describing Mon Mothma as a two-faced political animal. Contrast her opinions of Bel Iblis, who she calls a firebrand (which Corellians would take as a complement), or Bail Organa, who she describes as a genuine idealist (a likewise genuine complement either way).
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skirmishes continued to rage in the hundreds of thousands of empty space extending between
needs a unit of measurement. Kilometers would work as metric is sued in SW but I have been told by an author I know that miles are more suited to writing numbers when your just throwing around vague big numbers meant to impress and don't need specifics.
keeping the latter occupied, allow another Imperial to shoot them down from the front
to draw away as much of the enemy fighters,
add 'as possible' after 'fighters'
Inform all rites that we are to execution Contingency 9066 immediately, with the amendment
We wouldn't to throw off our aim, would we now?
add 'want' after 'wouldn't'
meaning while they weren't their acceleration continued to build unlike the cruisers.
add 'moving' after 'weren't'
After thousands of years,
How many times in the past millennia has the dream come so close to being lost forever
Majestic 12 is supposed to be founded in 1948 according to that conspiracy theory. However with the reveal that the sequel will be a crossover with Assasins Creed among others the millenia remark makes more sense. I will leave this one up to you since it depends on information I simply don't have
Imperial Command Fleet returned to Earth in the wave of the Fall of Kharzh'ulla.
General Corlis Cocburn of the Imperial Army, Inspector-General of the Terran Occupation Command.
add 'answered' after 'Command'
I'm doing it because it's the right things.
The both of then turned to look out the bridge windows then,
I was honestly more impressed with the Targaryen Gambit in all honesty,
remove the red part
"That's such a terrible, we absolutely have to do it."
add 'idea' after 'terrible'
I shall you after today's Court assembly is done
add 'see' after 'shall'
I pulled out the DSD my family's troops had stored what we'd recovered from Memory Alpha.
add 'on' after 'Alpha'
instantaneously calling what we call the 'Genesis Effect'.
yet another Imperial appointee being giving sweeping powers over a vast
Perhaps with herself as the duly elected Galactic Empress, appointed by the popular acclaim of her fleets and armies.
So the Roman way then?

Good fic, I'm looking forward to the sequel. Will you post the notification to the new thread here? Follows on QQ don't work because I have never received a notification about a new thread being made even though I know that it was due to being in the same discord as the author.

Also, I forgot to ask but how large a domain are the Valyrians ruling and what is House Targaryens position? In ASOIAF they were originally the weakest of the Houses ruling the Freehold but I get the impression that their running the show in this fic.
Good fic, I'm looking forward to the sequel. Will you post the notification to the new thread here? Follows on QQ don't work because I have never received a notification about a new thread being made even though I know that it was due to being in the same discord as the author.

Yes, I will post a notification and link here. And...I'm in a discord?

Also, I forgot to ask but how large a domain are the Valyrians ruling and what is House Targaryens position? In ASOIAF they were originally the weakest of the Houses ruling the Freehold but I get the impression that their running the show in this fic.

The Valyrians have a sector of their own out on the Expansion Region, and as mentioned a few times in the story, they've fought the Hutts, the Mandalorians, and even the Republic quite a few times over the millennia. They're very friendly with the Arkanians, though, outright contracting the latter to gene-mod them (the Valyrians) into having their distinctive platinum-blonde coloring and (outright impossible in nature) violet irises. The Great Houses also consider the Forty Families as part of their exclusive group, with the SI even referencing that quite a lot of COMPNOR's upper crust includes many of her cousins, aunts, and uncles.

As for the Targaryens...they're mid-ranked among the Forty Families, considering they hold the title of Marquis Dragonstone, with their heir entitled to a viscounty as a courtesy title.
Yes, I will post a notification and link here. And...I'm in a discord?
I see how it could cause confusion. I wasn't referring to you. Just that I'm in a discord with someone else I'm following and when they post a notification about new story there QQ sits quiet.

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