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Search results for query: *

  1. Charles Flynn

    Gravitas of Zero
    Threadmarks: Chapter Seven

    “I’m going to need to visit the capitol,” I said to my Lady, after I had risen from beneath her bed that night. “Why?” Louise asked, looking at me with suspicion. “Because I need to figure out how widespread the local vampires are. If it’s just one or two transplants like me, if it’s...
  2. Charles Flynn

    Gravitas of Zero
    Threadmarks: Chapter Six

    Masquerade Breach. That was the term for what I had just done, back in my old world. I had exposed my nature as a vampire, in front of mortal witnesses. I felt sick to my stomach at the thought, although that might have been a consequence of vomiting up so much blood. “So,” said Louise...
  3. Charles Flynn

    Gravitas of Zero
    Threadmarks: Chapter Five

    During the day, I dreamed. I dreamed of my old world. I dreamed of… the Productivity Report. Endless nightmares of shame and humiliation echoed through my mind, as I relived my fall from grace within the Camarilla. And then, I woke up inside a coffin strapped to the back of a wagon...
  4. Charles Flynn

    Gravitas of Zero
    Threadmarks: Chapter Four

    Louise fumed with every new student that took the stage with their familiar. And with every new name that was called that wasn’t hers, more eyes turned towards her. More voices were raised in mocking whispers behind her back. I had expected this. Thus, why I had put my plan into motion...
  5. Charles Flynn

    Gravitas of Zero
    Threadmarks: Chapter Three

    It didn’t take long to settle into a rhythm. Every night, I rose from beneath Louise’s bed, and listened to my mistress’ complaints about the day. I would then leave the room with Siesta, who watched over Louise in the day, and get her perspective on things, while also trying to teach her a...
  6. Charles Flynn

    Gravitas of Zero
    Threadmarks: Chapter Two

    I saw the moons beginning to set on the horizon. It would be dawn, soon. I was full by then, standing on the castle’s ramparts, full as a blood-gorged tick. And now that my hunger was truly sated, I had to figure out what I would do next. I could leave, of course. Have Siesta smuggle...
  7. Charles Flynn

    Gravitas of Zero
    Threadmarks: Chapter One

    “Oh my God, you killed him,” I said, even as my compatriot licked clean the blade with which he had just sliced a teenager’s head off. “He was a witness,” Benny, my brainless Brujah brother-in-arms said, shrugging. “Saw me use Celerity. Couldn’t be allowed to live.” “Yes! Yes, he could...