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Search results for query: *

  1. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    ....What if Isabel became the school nurse early in the story?
  2. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Random short idea... > Weiss' infatuation with Neptune lasts somewhat longer than in canon. > Winter co.es to know of it, and not liking what she can dig up of Neptune's personality profile and his fair weather relationships with his past girlfriends, decides that she needs to intervene and...
  3. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I have an idea for a shorts series someone should do. It can be surmised that at least part of the reason why Salem is so deadset and unshaking on making mankind suffer, aside from general spite, for thousands of years is that her psyche was affected by being submerged in the Pool of...
  4. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    > Even without being a Hunstman, Jaune; 's natural talent for being one shines through (what else would you call someone who became skilled enough to match family-trained huntsmen in a year or two from nothing with some one-on-one training?) and he saves villages and towns off the cuff by acting...
  5. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I don't really want to. Knowing me, it would probably just fill me with anxiety like a lot of other stuff in life does. That said, feel free to use ideas I come up with yourself. I like it when people build upon my ideas, as long as I'm credited when it's warranted.
  6. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Trust me, I'm not talented or skilled enough. I've written thousands of snippets, but that's about all I can manage.
  7. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    A had an idea for a short. > A younger Jaune brings Tanya to show and tell > She's not allowed back afterwards because she advocated for morally gray thinking and to verify worthiness before following authority figures and the children were starting to be influenced. > Of course that was after...
  8. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I hope not to rain on anyone's parade, but there's no reason join Salem's Camp except for self-destructive spite, greed or insanity. She literally wants to destroy the world or that will be an inevitable consequence of her plans, which is why I can never find any fic's about joining her side...
  9. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    > Gilgamesh doesn't like that the only piece of armor Jaune has is a chest piece. > That's how you get yourself killed or maimed unless you're really skilled. > He won't always have his shield. > That's why he'll give him a better, full body set. > Now Jaune looks a bit more like his mini-me.
  10. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Random idea for a series of shorts... > Jaune brings each of his cousins to show and tell as a child. > Chaos ensues each time > Ending when Francesca shows up on her own on a day when Jayne doesn't have anything to bring. > Even worse chaos ensues, and Francesca doesn't moderate her behavior...
  11. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    > And then Francesca Arc nee Prelati crashes the tournament to dunk on Jaune's wannabe concubines. > Her marriage to Jaune is already set in stone, so why not mess with these fools for fun?
  12. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    > Barghest: "You're backing the Rose girl?" > Barghest: "She doesn't have a chest good for rearing babies or good birthing hips." > Artoria Lily!Teenager: "I've seen how girls with her body type tend to develop and those issues should resolve themselves with time." > Artoria Lily!Teenager...
  13. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I only like react fica when they feature the characters of a piece of fiction reacting to it before canon occurs or something like that. If they're reacting to a different piece of fiction that has nothing to do with them, why should I care? I don't.
  14. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Damn it, now you've got me imagining Jaune with Return By Death. > Jaune's semblance allows him to go back in time whenever he dies, but he has perfect memory of what happens each time and each gruesome detail. > Team RWBY and JNPR have to deal with an increasingly more traumatized Jaune while...
  15. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    What if Ozpin gets urges that stem from previous incarnations to do things and he either goes along with them or has to resist them? Like it turns out that Jaune is the direct descendant of one of his previous incarnations, and he realizes it because among other obvious things, Jaune is using...
  16. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I just had an idea I had to share. May is a rather similar to Ruby if you think about it.. > Both of them are snipers. > Both of them have reddish hair. > Both of them even have gray eyes, though May's is Grey-Blue. >....Such a minor difference in eye color, what if she was also a Silver Eye...
  17. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    > Salern wins and destroys humanity, but Humanity gets a small victory by ensuring that she cannot summon the Gods. > She's happy for the most part until she realizes that all of her videogames will eventually decay to nothing bnd there will never be new ones, plus she went on an eons-long...
  18. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Salem stops doing evil entirely when someone points out that if Humanity ever falls, video games would be gone forever, and conquered people don't make good games, so that's not an option either.
  19. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I don't know why, but now I can't help but imagine Raven somehow meeting this version of Jaune, preferably with Yang there as well, and approving of him. > Raven: *Nods.* "Good. You understand true strength." > Raven: "I never would have expected Ozpin to be able to produce something actually...
  20. Electrotechman

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    > It turns out that the Arc Family is the result of a "Breeding Phase" Ozpin went through long ago wherein he used carefully managed reproduction between people to develop inheritable valuable traits he can use for his war with Salem. > The Arcs were developed to produce many children with each...