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Search results for query: *

  1. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    The movie is so terrible they LOVE it. They mock it endlessly and start quoting it all the time. ALL THE TIME. It drives Pyrrha NUTS. Yet they never mock her they mock the movie and they let he know thats what the y are laughing at. I'd have gone with this version...
  2. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    My inintal thought for Kun was full on nemesis for Ren. I'm thinking he's a toad faunus and in no way asssoticated with the WF. As Ren is in control of his emotions Kun draws POWER from his. The more intensely he feels the more power he draws from it. As for why a toad faunus.. well i got...
  3. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Yeah that was what I was taking from it. He completed the mission and then finally took his rest.
  4. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts
    Threadmarks: Cowboys of Remnant: A Simple Picnic

    Here I give you a contribution to Cowboy Jaune that wouldn't let me go till I got it down. Ruby Rose was going to make up for the way this saturday was going. She planned this picnic as a team bonding exercise and her team all bailed to run into town for SHOPPING. Not even fun Dust or...
  5. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    going off the above and my own entry into the anneals of the greater Arc clan One of the most famous Rangers was J.B. Reid-Arc. Who was the last survivor of a troop of rangers wiped out by a gang and went undercover as a masked bandit to bring down the gang. He worked with a Horse faunus...
  6. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Thats more Man with No Name then Lone Ranger. But it would derifnaly be in that role.
  7. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    The Son of the Sun idea been bouncing around a bit. I lied the iea of Salem having been sealed away by Celestia Luna and Twilight. With Most of Ponyville now in Radian. teh Pony's still see Celestia as thier leader but she's purposely been stepping back. Mayor Mare is the mayor or Radian...
  8. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    She would have taken the whole vault if not the whole building
  9. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I'd have also accepted Arsine Lupin III as being able to do it.
  10. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    WE INTERRUPT YOUR EMO MOMENT WITH SOME CRACK MEGA CRACK! Nora messing around and banging away randomly on a computer that should had been recalled but hadn't and Ren needing to use it for some reason or another hits delete to clear our the key sequence @[=g3,8d]\&fbb=-q]/hk%fg so after...
  11. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Plus you know, teenager. They can be amazingly stupid
  12. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I was hearing this version of his myself https://youtu.be/B1UlYm4ttQA?si=ZoHBT15eAsYTkOpp As for a song for Cowboy Jaune to sing.. well heres a sad one for a cowboy to sing at night https://youtu.be/VExw77xJsBQ?si=DY6BZDfK68GxIxhN And at least once.. he's gotta do this one...
  13. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    My thoughts on Adam vs Jaune I lean to the funny myself so I go with Jaune as baiscly his Kryptonite. No matter what he tires he just can't beat Jaune. Jaune just wonders who this looser is who keeps showing up at the most annoying times. Like during movie night?! Seriously?
  14. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Ruby : we need to keep him from the bitches. Yang: RUBY! Ruby: WHAT? It's the proper term for female dogs!
  15. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    She succedded in making herself into a Kamen Rider.. that is the opposite of fucking up. That is fucking WINNING
  16. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Because it shouldn't have mattered! Because when you left it told me that we meant to you. That I was a fool for believing you loved me, loved our daughter! The only reason I don't hate you completely is the best of you is in her!
  17. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Okay.. so Yin as a singer? Pyrrha is very quiet the only introduction Cuz she's fangirling so hard she's locked up.
  18. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Jaune: better you than me bro. Pyrrha: hmmmmmmm
  19. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    She totally would do it. I now have this mental image after taking about it in the discord of Dove being thier old friend and just when team JNPR gets offically announced at Beacon he stands up runs up and gives both Nora and Ren the pick up spining hug in cclebration that he's found them...
  20. Fusion Blaster

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Carrying on from my post above. Maybe make one of Cardin's teammates since they are blank slates?