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Search results for query: *

  1. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    so force ghost-ite time then? because holy shit that man doesnt quit. Juane can be a damn power-house and a litteral spirit entity...well, this should also be good for remnant, till the gods come back to see how ozpin's and salem's latest spat has gone down, and then decide to spice it up again.
  2. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    That’s an absolute OMPH!!!
  3. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    *uncle goes off to prove to the young whipper snappers that magic is real, and Jaune is the perfect apprentice/BOY!/helper/minimum-wage labor* i can see Uncle doing this to prove to the silly fools about real magic.
  4. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Both, and juane can easily be the same…
  5. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    FOR SUPER EARTH!!! Time to dive helldiver! Let’s teach these Grimm how humanity fights its wars! (oh man, just imagining helldivers with aura would be hilarious…that is if juane somehow after falling into that void ends up becoming SUPER PRESIDENT for SUPER EARTH after the Illuminat makes their...
  6. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Marriage contract, old blood, nobles. Nora can get her wish.
  7. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    vale gets saved...by SKY PIRATES! with all the davey jones and (kids not understanding these days what it meant to be a actual pirate and such) crossbones...of course it also means that Juane is more like the one piece adventure version rather then pirates of the Caribbean version... funnily...
  8. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    He gets with best girl…after a few more dates to figure things out and ruby getting adorable red faced.
  9. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    30 points for lancaster pairing, ladies you are falling behiend. still though cant say i was not expecting ruby to not pounce like that. Girl should take juane out for dinner, or better yet make some strawberry cookies with and for him. the best way to a mans heart is through his stomach at...
  10. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Juane has upheld the bro-code. He has passed his first test. cardin needs to rethink of his life choices and meditate on his bro-code. that is all, still though that was awesome how that was handled!
  11. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    whelp, Darkarc now has a even larger following his streams...and he is going to become THE memetic super villain of all time. Even Salem is taking notes here, and she is old as heck to have seen it all rise and fall! Ozpin is relieving Salems Chuuni phase im guessing...not fun times with that...
  12. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Hammy, Bombtastic, and Utterly Terrifying Juane... thats something remnant would freak out about...then again Ruby might like that kind of hamminess.
  13. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Fou and Patric's eternal struggle for the prized possession of Juane's attention (endearing as it is, because Juane somehow manage to like a certain adorable shielder, managed to "tame" Fou...for the word of it.)
  14. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    i highly doubt Ozpin didnt know what he was doing...he probably calculated allot of shit and didnt get any sleep (why he kept drinking coffee or hot choco during the test, he needed the energy after clearing MOST of the grimm out). He just didn't expect the Arc luck to find an elder Scorpion...
  15. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Oh man, Lancaster and dragontamer pairings would be pretty much intimidated with all those aunts, uncles, and of course cousins who all see Jayne as a precious kiddo to watch out for. (if I recall he spent most of his childhood weak and in the hospital?) I can safely see the RWBY and NPR...
  16. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    oh boy...thats going to be *fun times*, especially if the king requires entertainment while trolling his descendant in his child form.
  17. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    juane being a super detective at the entire scene, as well as picking up cues enough he suspected either a teleporting semblance or a speedy one. so him becoming the greatest detective in the world would be hilarious. He can be known as…THE HUNTSMAN! And his colorful enemy (in red and black)...
  18. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    or better yet, Jaune is basically acting as Commissar Ciphas Cain in the moment and is basically bullshiting and lucking his way out of the situations. Maybe the fact if Salem hears its an Arc that's going around...maybe she could have a momentary flashback and go "Oh HECK NO! NOT AGAIN! NOT...
  19. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    oh boy...what if ruby is a sweet-heart romantic under all that sugar and grimm-blenderness? She basically grew in a tad bit sheltered, so Juane doing a song for her (by accident), could result in rose tinted glasses for her...and numerous misunderstandings going on! Of course it all eventually...
  20. [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    whelp, she is at least living a better life then the one she had last time...hopefully.