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Search results for query: *

  1. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Dutch Marston and his son, Johnny Marston visit Beacon to rest as a mid point of a journey, causing Jaune and Johnny rekindle an old rivalry. Ovary explosions ensue.
  2. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Here's an idea i've had floating about my noggin': Beac(n has a lot of staff that goes unnoticed, including its Armsmaster: Caroline 'Carol' Frees, Shop class teacher and Engineer. Technically she is a civilian but was recruited into Beacon when Ozpin took on her debt after she built an Assault...
  3. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I was trying to give the lil guy more of a characterization than "bratty younger brother" how did you get that he is a chad, i might never know
  4. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I might develop this later, might not, working the service industry is anything but consistent Whitley goes to Beacon one month after graduation on orders from his dad to check on Weiss. There he meets Ruby and its love at first sight. So far so standard. But here's the kicker: je gets hit...
  5. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    I had a similar idea, but comin from the opposite direction: Jaune does  not inherit the large aura pool of the Arc bloodline, this makes it so all his attempts at being a hunter fail, making him turn to technology as a way to close the gap. It fails multiple times, even getting him laughed out...
  6. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Now hear me out: The reason Ren is so quiet? He has The Voice and can speak Dragontongue, and has the ghosts of various dragons coming to him often, explaining why he is always so done with everything
  7. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    For the Arc clan: every female member suffers from some degree of Saber-face, Isabel Arc being the exception and looking more like her father. Meaning Jaunne's gaggle of sisters look nearly identical but somehow the farmboy can tell them apart perfectly
  8. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts
    Threadmarks: The Old Gods

    Hear me out: Salem has fucked around enough that the Old Gods are coming down to reality to make sure she finds out. In the broken remnants of Ozpin's tower, Cinder had naught to do but gloat. Ozpin lay in a growing pool of his own blood and the Invincible Girl was forced to grovel before her...
  9. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Inb4 Jaune begins the BROhood society to help guys score dates with their crushes
  10. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Another idea: The timeline where everything went right. Where Adam is just a faunus robin hood, leading the fight as an anti-slavery folk hero. Cinder loses her fight against the maiden and she and her crew are captives of Ozpin. Whitley finds love in Ruby, Weiss is baffled and weirded out...
  11. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    So, what y'all be saying is that Pyrrha could be considered a cheat for creating invincibility frames whenever she wants? edit: i mean in games, IN GAMES
  12. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    And the author of them all? BlckK1t13n, famous for authoring hundreds of rather... steamy fanfictions
  13. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Funnier would be if Eve sneaks into Vale and only Jaune and Blake recogonize her whe she isnt dressed up as an evil corporate lady. Like, Eve with a flower pattern summer dress and braids is unrecogonizible to the point even Weiss thinks Blake is trying some crazy plan to get Jaune to break up...
  14. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    An expansion on the Sun x Weiss: Vale gets wrecked, Pyrrha is alive but crippled and half-burned to death, to get his mind off things Sun helps with the reconstruction... Only to realise he has a talent for leadership Cue Sun making good on his namesake and bumbling his way into becoming a...
  15. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    And he STILL gets weird looks from the rest of the gang specially Weiss, who sees him as a house husband now
  16. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    expanding on the half-dragon Jaune idea: Cardin is a third generation minotaur descendant (those gains are 100% natural, no drugs involved) Yang discovers the Branwen clan has phoenix blood in them (thats why her hair catches fire when she's angry) Ren has tengu blood and can manipulate the air...
  17. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Because the dichotomy between "fire, brimstone and suffering" Tiamat and "overly dotting grandma" Tiamat is fucking hilarious. Also, DM always has final say, so if you want your lore-compliant Tiamat in this crack snippet collection, go right ahead and dont let me stop you
  18. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    except DND is an RPG system and bullshit is a dime a dozen, so one ancient wizard being able to match and banish Tiamat is perfectly reasonable. Especially when said wizard has the blessings if 2 major gods
  19. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    or worse: Grandma hears about Jaune being at Beacon and comes over for a... social call with her old acquientance/enemy Ozma...
  20. SpaceK0k0nut

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Explains why he can survive so much punishment and his self-esteem is so low, you'd have to dig all the way to the lava layers to find it