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Search results for query: *

  1. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Jesus Christ, Blake.
  2. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    It's those silver eyed warrior genes. They are too strong.
  3. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Traitors. Is not even friendship sacrd anymore?
  4. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Ruby totally isn't playing the "sane person" angle to get an advantage over the two crazy almost-yanderes and how dare you imply otherwise.
  5. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Blake: The White Fang are just misunderstood! Jaune *loading shotgun* Sure, sure. Ruby *sharpening ALL the knives* We just wanna talk to them, honest.
  6. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    You know both their fanbases have been shipping them since day one.
  7. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Whitley: Joke's on you, I'm into that shit!
  8. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Blake, holding a camera: This can obviously only be solved one way. Naked wrestling. I have the baby oil right here. Get to it, boys.
  9. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Jaune better learn how to use his Semblance on himself fast. He's gonna need it.
  10. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Jaune: You're not thinking big enough! Yes, a scythe-sniper is nice... But it could also be a rocket launcher! That also shoots lasers and acid! And the scythe blade is a chainsaw AND electrified! Ruby: I love you. Let's get married and have twenty babies.
  11. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Cardin: I'm just trying to be a racist asshole! Velvet: Joke's on you, I'm into that shit!
  12. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Essentially? "I'm seventeen and had no political training, how am I better at this than everyone else!? Why do you politician guys suck so much!?"
  13. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

  14. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Jaune being a Dad is too OP, pliz nerf.
  15. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Yang: Jaune, do your thing! Jaune: *sighs and unzips his pants*
  16. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Behold! The Evercucked!
  17. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Okay, I laughed at Jaune not being the oblivious one for once.
  18. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Glynda lied as easily as she breathed.
  19. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Being Glynda is suffering.
  20. sperance

    [RWBY] RWBY Shorts

    Reminds me of a story where Nora convinced a White Fang guard she was a cow faunus just by pointing at her breasts.