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Search results for query: *

  1. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    That's true, but I think that you're ignoring two aspects of this kind of orbital strike in favor of just energy calculation: 1. Firing something that fast is either impossible or really, really hard and expensive. While you can release a rod from orbit that can be as big and as heavy as you...
  2. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    Eh... Not very good overall, life has been pretty rough lately. I did start a new quest, though, which is nice...
  3. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    @_@ Wow, you were busy! Good luck on your projects :)
  4. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    Indeed. Hey Eliwan, how have you been?
  5. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    I... Have no idea what you were just referencing. So the answer to your first question is "yes", and to your second question:
  6. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    I mmmmmaaaaaddddeeee aaaa qqquuueeeesssttt!!!! A dragon quest! To Rule The Skies (SV)
  7. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    Yes, but many anime shows are only 12 or 24 episodes long, which isn't enough to cause the problems most American shows have. They are also usually an adaptation of a light novel or a manga, which means that they can know ahead of time if their plot is good or not. And if the manga/light...
  8. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    This is a recurring aspect of many western TV shows and one of the reasons why I pretty much exclusively watch anime these days.
  9. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    I... Eh... I did a thing. https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/the-rails-of-love-one-shot.3856/#post-827342
  10. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    Are you talking in general, or did he do something especially offensive this time?
  11. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    You should spoiler that picture, it's not really safe for work (which is a part what I'm complaining about). I mean, the only sexualized servant I remember from FSN/FZ was Rider, and even she wasn't that bad. Also, how the hell Kiritsugu and Iri are servants? This is EMIYA's shtick, dammit!
  12. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    >_> God dammit, Nasu. Edit: *Looks at stage 4 Iri character design* GOD DAMMIT, NASU!
  13. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    Wait, what? Kiritsugu is a servant? O_o
  14. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    I. AM. BIRDIE!
  15. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! I need brain bleach.
  16. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    I have, why?
  17. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    You know, it might be some clever reference or joke which I'm simply not getting. But as someone who doesn't get it, I must say that this kind of thing is both unsettling and annoying. You should really stop making this kind of posts, for your own sake.
  18. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    I have tea.
  19. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    Hey Biigoh, who do I need to ask to change my username? Right now it's "itaywex" and I want it to be "Itaywex" (I apparently forgot to sign up with a higher case "i" :-/)
  20. Itaywex

    General chat thread

    TheBleachDoctor. https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/questionable-questing-safe-for-work-section-links.13437/ Once upon a time the adorable kitten did not know what QQ is. *Wipes a tear off* He grew up so well