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Search results for query: *

  1. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Oh wow. I had lost all hope! So glad to see this return! I hope this story continues, because it had so much going for it! Now, to read the chapter... Edit: Rei's mood at the start of the chapter nicely mirrored my own as I returned to this story :D As always, this fic's fight scenes are fun...
  2. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Seeing if this story has updated is in fact the only reason I bother to log into this website. Glad to see you back! Here's hoping you finish it, or at least write more !
  3. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    No. That quote doesn't prove what you said. It shows that Kakuzu has anger issues and is violent, but it never says that he killed his partners because he was annoyed at their very existence. He isn't some omnicidal maniac. He successfully worked as a bounty hunter, right? That means functioning...
  4. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Citation? This seems weird considering he's known as a long-term survivor (pretty cautious, healthy survival instinct, ect). Do we even know why he became a missing-nin?
  5. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Ah, but they aren't rogue ninja.
  6. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    She's what, 9? Eleven? And we know that her father doesn't want her to grow up too fast.
  7. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Yes. That was a plot point ages back. She's been forbidden from learning ninjutsu before graduating, apart from the academy three. Right? At least I'm certain the clan would give her no teachers and that her father was against it. SixPerfections I presume that she figured out what Fire chakra...
  8. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Do you mean the Bleach Omakes or the actual fic? Edit: Also yeah, I'm pretty sure that the author said on SB that they really hated when people begged for updates.
  9. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    I would absolutely not be opposed to a Good Rei. Heck, she could even become a radical pacifist and I'd be okay with it! It would make sense too. Her refusal to become as "evil and messed up as the village system" is a fundamental character motivation, and right now she doesn't seem self-aware...
  10. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Friendly reminder that Rei has yet to kill a human in cold blood, and that despite her murderous impulses she acknowledged that she'd likely be emotionally affected by having to actually do it. She wasn't too happy about killing that boar, yet alone a person! Of course her downwards spiral and...
  11. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Point. But at least there is a good side! Think positive! She doesn't have Hinata in permanent despair scrabbling and suffering for the tiniest bit of positive attention! Or at least she's willing to give her some in public, which is better than nothing. Would Rei even care about her being...
  12. ItsComplicated

    Walk on the Moon (Naruto SI)

    Typo? Did you mean "nowadays"? Or "these days"? This PoV is turning out to be a great way to show the relationship between Hinata and Rei and all the ways in which it's become a little less fucked up during the timeskip! Oh god. Is Rei aware of this? This seems like it'll be the source of a...