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Search results for query: *

  1. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    IRL logic really doesn't apply in this quest though. Also it is MAGICAL paint that gives you a magical buff. War paint is wearable equipment you can remove and reuse in video games which has mechanics similar to those found in this quest. This is like arguing that smoking is harmless because...
  2. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Why is everyone assuming that paint is a consumable? its obviously a piece of equipment
  3. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    This, so much this. The problem isn't with doing missions, but that the pro missions guys are blatantly suicidal and pick literally the most insanely risky mission available.
  4. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    at the rate we level, just with the known dungeons, we are going to miss out on 90%+ of content. We have to accept that and simply do the best we can for our current level, whatever it is. Grinding low level dungeons to discover unusual things that will be obsolete in a couple of levels is not...
  5. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Wrong, if NOBODY takes a mission, or if someone LESS COMPETENT than us takes a mission, then innocents die (but in the latter case it isn't our fault). By taking a mission we are not qualified for, we are denying someone more qualified the chance of taking it. Which you explicitly listed as a...
  6. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    you are missing a bunch of cons for missions, some of which were explicitly stated: - if we retreat, innocents likely die - enemies can come at us all at once in far greater numbers (you can end up getting caught by an entire army, this is part of why dark lords are so scary, also we heard...
  7. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    since when are we high level? we are such newbs they don't even allow us in the auction house, we are still in the newb tavern
  8. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    changing my vote [X] Arkeus because if I am reading it right he already has 2 votes and nobody voted for my plan.
  9. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    We don't turn them down because we don't know what to expect, we turn them down because they are stupidly suicidal and you guys alwqays vote for the most insanely suicidal mission on offer. You literally pick the most ridiculous "we are all gonna die" mission and run with it. I would vote for...
  10. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    -[] Replenish Potions and ethers as needed -[] Do Ork Warcamp (time to unlock it) for the first time to gather intel -[] Afterwards, do ogre's den (with splitting up) because its nearby -[] Update the Guide when you get back with ice queen and ork warcamp dungeons info
  11. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    are you sure she wants to replace her yeti? There is a dungeon we never did before. I want to unlock it and scout it for our guide. Lets do it (and ogre's den since its nearby) today. As well as updating our guide with the ice queen castle.
  12. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    like i said, those numbers are just example figures. I am not sure where the line is drawn between those different stages. only one we have confirmation on is the level 5 and below will upset people
  13. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Only for the higher level more dangerous ones. The lowbie ones upset people if we close them. but surely there is something between "upset" and "desirable". I am guessing level 5 or lower - upset at you for closing it level 6-7ish - preferred it open, not really upset by the loss level 8-10ish -...
  14. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Thank you for confirming that radeath is completely wrong when he said ONLY Goblin Glade is kept as a newbie dungeon that we will upset people if we close. Also, even if it would be "ok" to close Devil's Eyes, that doesn't mean its desirable to do so.
  15. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    other points stand I am going to ask for confirmation on that
  16. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Except such things don't magically appear out of thin air, you need actual settlers to make things. And you are damaging the city infrastructure by taking away a dungeon they intentionally kept at a low level for people to grind for loot and XP. And QM's latest post suggests that deep delving is...
  17. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    Honestly I don't much care for claiming this one It is too close to the existing city. and it is too cold. sure its a pretty castle, but meh. Interesting. And dangerous
  18. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    cool that was just round numbers for sake of example. now i am curious
  19. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    huh, interesting. this is the method I originally suggested (although hypothesized that eventually they might get so high level that no dungeon in the world exists whose E rank they can do) What about this method suggested by arkeus where many people of various levels do it in one day?
  20. mrttao

    Dungeon Crawler Quest(Original Fantasy)

    What do you mean by 40+ dungeon? that its 40+ at E rank? And, do you need to do what arkeus suggested where you get a team for each rank from E to S?