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Search results for query: *

  1. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    Noumenia, Boedromiōn, about- Of course I mean 'about', boy. At my age-. Hah! I am, and I already promised that I would tell you the story. You don't need to-. No, no. I know that your mother was born thirty seven years ago. I will never forget that. And I married Nomia two years before...
  2. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    9th April 2013 13:52 GMT +3 The next thing I'm aware of is the crystal around me cracking off, and Jade looking through my faceplate with concern. "Are we at war with Zamaron now?" "No." I push outwards with my environmental shield, partially-dissolved crystal crumbling off me as it...
  3. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    9th April 2013 13:48 GMT +3 John is looking unduly pleased with himself, and I'm not scanning Daphne because there are Some Things Man Was Not Meant To Know. She's either pregnant with the spawn of a Lord of Order/Lord of Chaos and a Constantine, or she's not. And if she is, we-...
  4. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    9th April 2013 13:41 GMT +3 we appear on a… Beach? Yes, a beach on.. Reformation Island. I take a moment to- "What did you do to me!" -orientate myself as Antimonie squares up to Chantinelle. "I used your love connection to your sister-." "Antimonie?" Mala runs towards us from the...
  5. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    9th April 2013 13:37 GMT +3 "I'm… Surprised." I look around the Themysciran streets. "I know. Three thousand years, and they hardly advanced at all." "You healed Klaus's arm. He thanked you, his family thanked you, and you wanted to leave as quickly as possible." I shrug. "What's not to...
  6. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    9th April 2013 11:02 GMT +1 I walk into the… Ruined church with a frown. This doesn't look recent. Some people exposed to the Anti-Life attacked the sacred, but there wasn't really an organised campaign as far as I've been able to tell. There were a few occasions where Mannheim threw aside...
  7. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    8th April 2013 18:58 GMT -5 "So if it weren't a magic giant, how come she's throwin' knives atcha?" I lean back in my construct recliner, overlooking the stadium below us. The surviving sports venues got repurposed after-. Well, during and after the Anti-Life blanketed the Earth, though...
  8. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    8th April 2013 10:37 GMT -7 That didn't take long. Sunset plants her forehooves on the table. "You what?" Luna doesn't exactly look impressed, either. "I too would request an explanation, Sister." Celestia takes Sunset's response in her stride. Luna words on the other hand make her look...
  9. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    8th April 2013 10:32 GMT -7 A construct telephone floats next to my head as I contemplate Starswirl's Mirror. "Hey, Sunset, do you have a minute?" "I'm about to take a lab, so this better be important." Luna give me a 'are you serious' look. I smile and nod. She rolls her eyes and tosses...
  10. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    8th April 2013 17:20 GMT I walk across the grass field that was once home to my tasmanian tiger pack. The yips and barks are absent, as are the curious pups and their foster parents. All shipped down to Earth, to zoos and nature reserves who will make certain that they never go extinct again...
  11. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    8th April 2013 10:34 GMT +1 The four of us look at the abandoned shop unit, 'To Let' sign newly attached to the wall. Beatriz stalks forward to stare through the windows while Tora looks at her pityingly. "Bea? Sure..? This is the right place?" "Yes." Flame roils over her body for a...
  12. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    8th April 2013 09:58 GMT +1 Guy and Tora look towards myself and Beatriz from the other side of the café. I wave my right hand in an effort to assuage their concerns, while Beatriz pointedly avoids looking at anyone. Tora is the first to turn away, and reaches out with her right hand to turn...
  13. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    8th April 2013 09:41 GMT +1 "Paul…" Guy looks at me awkwardly. "Maybe this ain't such a good idea, huh?" I form an expression of beatific innocence as we drift over the rooftops of Oslo. "Whatever do you mean, Lantern Gardner?" "You bein' the reason she don't have a country no more."...
  14. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    7th April 2013 07:06 GMT -5 "…disrupting your concentration." The two Lex Luthors are sitting across a chess board from each other, and from the looks of things the clean-shaven one has won. He at least does his alter ego the courtesy of not looking too smug about it. "A disadvantage of...
  15. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    6th April 2013 09:46 GMT -7 Pffft. Wallace watches the vapour droplets waft out across the room for a moment, then turns ninety degrees to his right. Pffft. "What's that? Some sort of alchemical-?" "Nah." He studies the pattern, then sprays again. Pffft. "No point in coming up with...
  16. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    6th April 2013 09:34 GMT -7 Richard frowns at his screen. "Space combat feels kinda slow." I give the unsteady-looking game designers around us a quick look, but they don't seem to be offended. Returning my eyes to Richard, I shrug. "That's a bottom-of-the-market hauler. They are kinda...
  17. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    6th April 2013 09:57 GMT -5 Connection made to monitored phone line. I glance down at my right with a faint smile on my lips. Been a while. This number-. Oh, I'd… Forgotten about-. Well, not forgotten, but I'd stopped worrying about-. After I got back from Vega, I sponsored the formation...
  18. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    29th November 2282 20:14 MST "…complain about reinforcements, Elder Lyons." Elder Kathrine Törni doesn't exactly sound thrilled to be talking to the head of the Capital Wasteland Chapter, particularly given their philosophical differences, but at least she's prepared to be polite. "It's a...
  19. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    29th November 2282 13:37 EST "…for some reason, they decided to kill most of their own leadership." Sentinel Lyons snorts through her power armour's air filter. Lyons' Pride have actually switched over to repainted Hellfire Power Armour over their old T-51 armour. Some of them have either...
  20. Mr Zoat

    [Archive] With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Story Only)

    29th November 2282 08:11 EST I use the rear sensors to watch as Iowa disappears behind me. With that cybernetic lunatic verifiably dead, Lafayette can work on turning his victims back into… People, when they can recover their bodies. Or at least removing their brain chips if we can't...