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  1. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    This is funny ONLY because no one got seriously hurt. Otherwise this would have just been horrifying. But since he lived, we can all laugh at how fucking lucky he is. https://www.reddit.com/r/Idit is always good to see right and left through
  2. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    Doubly so in the fact the he was on his way home. Everyone knew the actor was leaving the show, but they thought the character just got his tour ended and was enjoying his happily ever after.
  3. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    MY Food!!! Were the Hell is my baby?!?! Did that guy steal the dogs board? Helping the poor doggo Metallica Intimidation is an Art Online Not photoshopped, no pilot another cutie I wonder what was chasing it? !
  4. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    I kept having nightmares like this as a kid :eek: Be kind to your elderly spiders everyone This man is LUCKY!!! This one ISN'T !
  5. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    Good moves. Anyone speak kitten How long have these things been around? This is why fireworks are illegal in town! A herd of grass migrating It IS actually flowing Nice! His head doesn't bounce at all I'm taking the theme a little to far here Right into traffic
  6. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    These 2 images are both funny [to me at least] and news at the same time [although many of you may cry over them].
  7. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

  8. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

  9. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

  10. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    You know, that'd be a hilarious version of an Alarm/Wizard-Lock spell combo.
  11. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

  12. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    Thank you.
  13. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    Not easy, but the knowledge to do it is there. And very very expensive.
  14. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    Not really a FAVORITE, but I believe this is the thread anyway.
  15. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

  16. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    Happens 3:20 in. And fast responce times for 1st responders.
  17. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    Depends on how badly the hull was punctured. If it was bad, than he's going to sink anyway, but with several hours to squirm over it. If it's not to bad, than yeah, he's good. If his luck is neutral, than it won;t lift the boat enough to be released from the rocks until he gets someone out to...
  18. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    The joys of high/low tides.
  19. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    So, are we looking at the replacement for Santas ring of bells outside stores? It might serve to get people going back to stores instead of doing online shopping.
  20. killgore444

    The SFW image thread

    I'm pretty sure everyone at the time picked up on the double meaning. American English and slang hasn't changed THAT much in the last 50 years.