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The SFW image thread

Is there something like an egg hatch for ADHD?

Get an actual professional diagnosis.

It could be a host of other things, a tumblr meme that has nothing to do wtih ADHD is not a medical anything.

Neither is internet forums.

Go back to reddit or WebMD if you want strangers online to validate whatever medical condition you want to have to feel better.
If, while restoring your vintage British car, you've replaced the wiring with something that actually works like it's supposed to, but you still want it to appear to be a fully accurate restoration, then this is the product for you:

Something else from SB's advertising blunders thread- some 1972-vintage slogans that have aged in a way that make them seem more like something relevant to the particular interests of this board, rather than a presidential election campaign:

Something else from SB's advertising blunders thread- some 1972-vintage slogans that have aged in a way that make them seem more like something relevant to the particular interests of this board, rather than a presidential election campaign:

I'm pretty sure everyone at the time picked up on the double meaning. American English and slang hasn't changed THAT much in the last 50 years.

Learning Betty White died from a meme is something else.
I saw it on the news, but didn't quite parse it (or was in denial) because I came in late. Not really related to Betty White, the meme is how I learned that Estelle Getty was a year younger than Bea Arthur, who played her daughter.

edit: somehow mixed the threads... this was supposed to go on the laugh if you find it funny thread, not SFW...
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This becomes both funnier and considerably stranger if you know that the pink ribbon is used by a not-for-profit supporting victims of breast cancer and their families.
So, are we looking at the replacement for Santas ring of bells outside stores?
It might serve to get people going back to stores instead of doing online shopping.
Still generally better than sinking, though.
Depends on how badly the hull was punctured. If it was bad, than he's going to sink anyway, but with several hours to squirm over it. If it's not to bad, than yeah, he's good. If his luck is neutral, than it won;t lift the boat enough to be released from the rocks until he gets someone out to fix it.

What would you call a tow-truck for boats?

Depends on how badly the hull was punctured. If it was bad, than he's going to sink anyway, but with several hours to squirm over it. If it's not to bad, than yeah, he's good. If his luck is neutral, than it won;t lift the boat enough to be released from the rocks until he gets someone out to fix it.
The first one has the advantage that there's more time for the Coast Guard or whomever to show up, though the boat may be a write-off.

What would you call a tow-truck for boats?

I don't know, but I'm reasonably sure that the Coast Guard (or HM's Coastguard, or other equivalent) would have them. Not a tug-boat, exactly, because you also need equipment to keep the boat from sinking, and a tugboat mainly needs a strong engine and a sturdy towing set-up.

Happens 3:20 in. And fast responce times for 1st responders.


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