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A Celestial Forge on Remnant

If you have trouble with high end int perks just veto them. Though keep in mind to understand most forge tech you do need that high int.

There are some more low end int perks like that factorio one but they are rare

Let's hope MCs family unlocks his aura soon.
This is my first celestial forge fic that I've read so I have little to no idea on what any of these perks are but it looks like Jayne is focused on MacGyver-ing whatever he needs.

My assumption is that Jaune is going to be able to build like a death ray or something. Might I suggest a Jaune that can make anything lethal? Like John Wick Jaune is that makes sense. Just having him focus on one time use objects would actually make for an interesting story, like he'd be unable to actually use things for repeated amount of time so he'd constantly be tinkering or grabbing whatever's on hand in a fight.
I also don't know how well I can write a character smarter than myself, so I'm pretty wary of that category in general lol.
generally speaking, "intelligence" is possessing a lot of discrete knowledge and being able to rapidly recall it, as well as use it to adapt to new situations ("raw intelligence" is also good at explaining complicated concepts simply). the reason that writing characters smarter than you isnt that big a deal, is that theres a disconnect between perceived timeframes which is inherent to writing: the characters (and also the readers) are working in "real time", while you get to take as long as you want

so if jaune gets a doctorate level knowledge of mathematics, and a situation comes up where he needs to intuitively grasp multivariable calculus, but YOU dont know multivariable calculus; you can take a week reading articles, watching educational videos, and seeking expert advice until you get the perfect response written out; and to the other characters (and also the readers!) it will seem like hes just really good at math

you can take as long a time as you want on a given interaction, but the shorter you spend getting it just right, the more the reader will be able to tell "wait a minute, thats not right." the other characters will react how you write them to react, so youre really just working around your audiences suspension of disbelief

of course, if you get something wrong, Im sure someone here will correct you ;)

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