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A Kadoc Grand Order

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A Grand Order quest that stars as a Emo Magus
Chapter 1


Sequence 8 : mele scholer
Jun 28, 2022
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As consciousness slowly dawns, you find yourself amidst billowing smoke and dancing flames, the acrid scent assaulting your senses.

Panic grips you as you realize you're in the heart of a burning city, devoid of life. Coughing violently, you struggle to recall how you ended up here, your memory clouded by the haze of sickness and the distant echoes of an explosion that drew you in.

The sensation of heat sears your skin, urging you to move, to flee from this inferno. But as you stagger forward, every step feels like wading through molten tar, your limbs heavy and unresponsive. Each breath is a struggle, your lungs protesting against the toxic air that fills them.

In the distance, buildings crumble and collapse, their structures devoured by the merciless flames. The once bustling streets now lie barren, save for the occasional flicker of fire that dances among the ruins. There is no sign of life, no sound but the crackling of flames and the wheezing of your own breath.

Fragments of memory pierce through the fog of confusion. You remember being bedridden, consumed by illness, unable to move or escape. And then, the sudden roar of an explosion, distant yet unmistakable, shattering the stillness of your sickroom. Something compelled you to rise, to abandon the safety of your bed and venture out into the chaldea.

With every labored step, you inch closer to the edge of reason, teetering on the brink of despair. Fear gnaws at your insides, threatening to consume you whole. But somewhere deep within, a flicker of determination refuses to be extinguished.

"Dammit, I don't want to die."

That is all you can say before you reach a building that seems safe enough.

It was Japanese style building mostly made with wood and enormous enough to belong to a rather rich family. As you slowly entered through the front gate, you were surprised to find a burnt body of an individual yet it was too burnt to figure out who it belonged to.

The scene is haunting, the charred remains a grim reminder of the devastation that has befallen this city.

Upon entering the building you notice a small amount of magical energy coming from the backyard.

As you follow your senses to the source you walk through the burning house although surprisingly it hasn't been burnt to the ground despite it being mostly wood.

Inside the building, the air is thick with smoke, making it difficult to breathe. You move cautiously, your senses on high alert for any sign of danger. The sound of crackling flames echoes through the corridors, a constant reminder of the peril that surrounds you.

Eventually you reached the backyard and slowly opened the door to the shed from where you sensed the source of the magical energy. The next moment you gasp as you find a summoning circle.

The discovery of the summoning circle sends a jolt of both fear and curiosity through you. Your mind races with questions. Who created this circle? What were they attempting to summon? And most importantly, could this be the key to your salvation?

Despite the uncertainty, a sense of urgency propels you forward. With cautious steps, you approach the circle, your heart pounding in your chest. Every instinct screams at you to turn back, to flee.

As you stand at the edge of the circle, you can feel the hum of power vibrating through the air, tangible and electrifying. It's a dizzying sensation.

Which class do you summon?

[ ] Saber
[ ] Archer
[ ] Lancer
[ ] Rider
[ ] Caster
[ ] Assassin
[ ] Berserker

A.N : Hello and welcome to my Version of the grand order. And yes you are following Kadoc through the whole grand order bit.

The vote that wins I will just use a random Character from that class.
Character Sheet

Name : Kadoc Zemplus
Age : 18
Gender : Male

Mythology expertise = G [30/400 XP]
Tactics = I [0/100 XP]
Magecraft = G [320/400 XP]

Magic circuits : Normal
Quantity : D
Quality : C
Magic crest : 200 years old
Mystery : Anti beast Magecraft

Nitocris - Caster
Cu Chulainn - Caster

Nitocris - Bond 1
Ritsuka - Bond 1 (25%)
Mash - Bond 0 (10%)
Leonardo Da Vinci - Bond 0 (25%)
Cu Chulainn - Bond 1
Last edited:
Chapter 2

You try to connect to Chaldea but for some reason are unable to as if you have been somehow jammed. Then again it was no wonder that something like this had happened.

"Damnit, today has been just shit."

It had all started with a bit of food poisoning that the director had banned him from just joining the A-team's first mission.

You knew that this was some ploy by them to get rid of you because you weren't as talented as them.

This makes you punch the wooden wall in frustration that not only were you going to be fired but the Chaldea had been attacked today of all days as well.

Sighing, you try to shake such thoughts away as these wouldn't help you survive this. Looking around it was obvious that you had been rayshifted into the singularities.

Though when it was a bit harder, although you could narrow this down to Japan and probably around 20 years give and take in the early 2000s.

As contact with Chaldea seemed impossible, your only hope was to summon a Servant to help you solve this singularity, although you knew that Wodime or Daybit would probably be on their to solve this.

But you couldn't be sure that they would also arrive here.

Taking a deep breath, you stood firmly in front of the summoning circle as you started to chant these lines you had memorised in order to summon your Servant.

"Let silver and steel be the essence.
Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation.
Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall
Let the four cardinal gates close.
Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate,"

With each line you felt my Magic circuits your open, they weren't special like those that belonged to proper Magus families and that was why you wanted to summon a Caster since It was better on your Magic circuits, as you would be able to properly support them.

"I hereby declare.
Your body shall serve under me.
My fate shall be your sword,"

Please, summon answer my call. I may not be the best person, Magus or a Master but please I will give everything for this.

"Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail
If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!,"

With each line your back felt boiling hot as you felt the same sensation of the fever earlier making you dizzy. Looking at yourself you couldn't help but think that you were a sorry excuse of a Magus, you couldn't even handle such minor pain.

"An oath shall be sworn here!
I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.
I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!"

I would give everything I have for this to work. My whole being would belong to them if someone answers my call. Just please.

"From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three greet words of power,
Come forth from the ring of restraints,
Protector of the Holy Balance!"

With the line the summoning circle is immediately lit up in bright white light that is fills the whole room and for a few moments blinds you from the surroundings.

After a few moments of light dying down a feminine voice rings out. Confident and beautiful.

"Servant Caster, the incarnation of the sky god Horus Nitocris has answers your summon,"

As your eyes adjusted to the room once again. Your breath hitched as a woman was standing Infront of you.

It was a woman with long purple hair holding a staff. She had darker skin then you, someone who barely left his room, although your eyes immediately caught that she was in a very revealing outfit.

But immediately shake your head and you remember some little details about her. Nitocris was possibly the last queen of the Sixth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt.

And that was all you knew about her at the moment as there was very little known about her in the Egyptian myth.

Looking at her you thought about what to say.

[ ] Why are you barely wearing clothes?
[ ] I am Kadoc Zemplus.
[ ] ...
[ ] Write in

A.N : So, thanks for everyone reading this Quest. Another shorter chapter but Fuyuki part will shorter Chapter mostly filled with Chargen.

And pick your dialogue carefully as these might affect the bond level with your Servant.
Chapter 3
"I am Kadoc Zemplus, and I have summoned you."

You say clear and to the point as anything else would be meaningless and just a drag to deal with.

"I see, well then Kadoc Zemplus, although I may be a pharaoh for only this time I will consider you my partner."

Nodding you decide to tell Caster the rundown of the situation that you have found yourself in. From how this is a Singularity and you're from Chaldea and are tasked to fix these Singularities.

"So, that's the jist of it. Our plan of action should be to gather information first and try and find my companions."

"Well, then what are you waiting for master, shall we set off."

[ ] Explore the house for items
[ ] Just leave

After finishing everything up you walk behind Caster through the streets of the burning city. Grimacing at each Burned body you see on your way.

Roll : 8

You notice nothing out of the ordinary especially Caster who sometimes stops but eventually is silently walking ahead. Although you aren't sure why she does this.

To you these bodies don't look all that well as they smell of burnt human flesh which already makes you feel like puking due to your bad.

As you walked suddenly a simple voice came through. It was from a man who seemed rather stressed from work.

"Right, I finally got through. Hello? Kadoc cam you hear me?"

It was a voice you had become rather familiar with in last day due to being sick and being stuck in the med bay of Chaldea.

It was the head of the medical department Romani Archman.

[ ] I can hear you loud and clear.
[ ] What are you doing Romani?
[ ] Where am I Romani?


"So, you got rayshifted to Kadoc."

"What you mean too Romani?"

You ask him as Caster is looking around to make sure that you aren't attacked while contacting with your allies.

"Oh, nothing that just I was surprised not to find you in bed but actively in Singularity F. Oh and another Master candidate survived and is currently with Mash and the director."

As soon as those words leave his mouth you are suprised.

"Wait a minute, the director also rayshifted?"

This was a suprise to be sure and one you were certain that this didn't mean anything.

"Why are you Suprised Master?"

[ ] Stay silent
[ ] Answer her

"Look, Kadoc I can't talk to you for long as the connection to weak but there is a leyline where the director and others are. About 3 KM away from you towards straight."

With that he glitches and Romani's voice vanished mid sentence as there are barely any much more.

You see that Caster is looking at you expecting a order. With a nod you confirm that it would probably be best to regroup with everyone.

But just as you are about to walk away a group of skeletons are running towards you.

[ ] fight.
[ ] Run away.

A.N : so another chapter. Please vote in. Plan as it will be easier for me. These choices will actually change some stuff around.
Chapter 4
As you and Caster stood your ground. You immediately told Caster what you were thinking.

"Caster, we are going to fight."

Without waiting for anything else Caster immediately got ready to fight the skeletons.

Magecraft Roll : 13

Looking at your enemies it wasn't hard to figure out who they were. At least 10 skeletons were running towards you with varying weapons in their hands. This meant that a necromancer was either very close or was the instigator of this whole thing.

Closing your eyes you immediately activated your magic circuits ready for battle or at least supporting Caster but before you could Conjure the image to activate the circuits.

Caster immediately spoke a single word in a language that you couldn't understand and holes in the ground opened causing small little creatures to crawl out of them.

What came out gave you a surprise as they were dome like creatures with eyes and two feet. It looked like children with white blankets over them although to you it was obvious they weren't children as they radiated magical energy.

As the dome-like creatures engaged the skeletons, you could feel the surge of magical energy in the air. The skeletons, armed with swords and spears, clattered forward, but they were no match for the quick and agile movements of the summoned beings. The creatures darted around the skeletons, their small but powerful forms smashing the animated bones into piles of harmless debris with surprising efficiency

You marveled at the ease with which Caster's minions dismantled the threat. The skeletons crumbled to the ground, their necromantic energy dissipating into the ether.

Caster turned to you with a triumphant smile, her eyes shining with pride. "Did you see that? Aren't they wonderful?" she asked, her tone playful yet eager for praise.

[ ] You did great Caster
[ ] Let's move on
[ ] Write in

Roll : 4

"Hey, Master watch out!"

You heard Caster's voice as you replied to her but it was already too late as a Skeleton had somehow gotten behind you without you noticing. Maybe it was because of you being in a battle for the first time.

Roll : 20 + 2 = 22
Critical pass

Just as your body moved and your mind went into overdrive and on instinct you immediately flooded your body with magical energy and enhanced yourself as the skeletons blade hit your skin.

But thankfully due to the enhancement to your body the damage it did was very slight and like a wild animal you immediately punched the skeleton trying to imitate one of the boxing moves you had seen on television.

With a single punch the head of the skeleton was sent flying due you having done reinforcement and the skeleton immediately fell to pieces as the small creatures Caster Summoned pounced on him.

Caster rushed to your side, her face etched with concern. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

You felt a bit embarrassed. While you wouldn't admit it, Caster was an attractive lady, and her concern for you made your heart race a little. You quickly composed yourself and nodded.

"I'm fine, Caster. Thanks to you, I managed to handle it."

She smiled warmly, clearly relieved. "You did great, Master. Your reinforcement was impressive!"

Yeah right you bet she could easily do better than you and was just humouring you like a little animal. Dam that made you a bit bitter.

With the immediate threat dealt with, you both took a moment to catch your breath.

[ ] Let's move on. [ ] Write in.

You both pressed forward, the eerie silence of the city now punctuated by the faint sound of clattering bones as the remnants of the skeletons settled.

As you continued through the dense trees, Caster remained alert, her summoned creatures flanking your path like loyal sentinels. The adrenaline from the battle still coursed through your veins, sharpening your senses. You knew you had to find the person responsible for the attack.

"Master," Caster whispered, her voice low and serious, "I sense a strong magical presence nearby. It could be your allies."

Nodding, you adjusted your stance, preparing for whatever lay ahead.

Moving stealthily, you approached a clearing where the magical energy felt most concentrated. Peering through the window you saw three people all of them women.

One was easily identifiable,it was the director Olga Marie. The second one was also someone you were familiar with and member of the A-team mash. The only one you weren't familiar with was a young lady with orange hair who wore the Chaldea uniform, so you guessed that she was a master candidate.

It seemed that they were trying to summon a servant to.

[ ] Walk up to them
[ ] Shout "what's up my homies"
[ ] Stay where you are.
[ ] Write in

A.N : I really appreciate people reading this quest and hope all of you are enjoying this. I am mostly writing this to improve my writing so any criticism is alright as long as it is helpful and not just hate.

So you finally reached the main gang.

Basically skills that I posted on the Character sheet all have rank which will help you in these roll Checks which will get higher eventually.
Fuyuki Musings (Canon)
"Master do you find this director person rayshifting surprising?"

Caster asked you this question in an innocent manner like a child that didn't understand something and was asking about it.

Nodding you replied while thinking about it yourself.

"Yeah, you see the director shouldn't be able to rayshift at all as she has very little comparability."

To you this meant that either the director had been tampered with by the one who instigated the the bombing of Chaldea or she was an imposter sent by the instigator to finish of the rest of Chaldea.

"So, how are you planning to deal with this Master?"

Thinking further it still seemed odd that Chaldea could be bombed so easily without someone noticing about the bombing itself. So it meant that multiple were in on it.

This meant you couldn't trust anyone until you were sure that they had no part in the bombing.

To you the two most likely candidates were Beryl guts and Daybit sem void.

"Hey, Master are you listening?"

To you the most likely candidate was beryl guts as he was the most notorious about being a mercenary for hire, so someone hiring him to bomb Chaldea wasn't out of the question. But the biggest problem was that someone from the A-team would have realised this.

They all were better then him and more capable then him then why hadn't they realised about the bombing before it happened?

Of course the second candidate was Daybit. Out of all the team A members he was the most hidden and least known about person. Although Pepe was more unknown but pepe was person one could to some extent easily figure out.

Daybit on the other hand was highly suspicious and a loner kind of person. Although you hadn't told anyone this but you did see him run towards the director's office before the old director died and it was the last time the director was seen alive.

Before you could come up with other theory you felt a finger poking your cheek.

Looking to your right you found Caster very close to your face poking at you. This caused you to immediately jump back and almost yell before you controled yourself.

"Hey Caster what do you think your doing."

You say as you are jumpscared by Caster being so close to you. It was one of those horror houses where something immediately jumps at you. Although you were embarrassed to admit it you didn't like horror houses.

"Nothing, you weren't listening to a Pharaoh Master! I may be your Partner but this doesn't mean you can ignore me."

With that you sigh as you see a bunch of skeletons running towards you.

A.N : This is basically what you told her before the Skeletons arrived. Although you seem suspicious of everyone at the moment.
Fuyuki Part 5
Standing on the corner watching the trio trying to set up the summoning ritual you decided that it would be best that you approached after they completed the Summoning circle.

Your focus was mostly on the director and the new girl. You were still not sure about whether the director could actually be trusted.

"Hey, Master who is the white haired person?" Caster asked with a serious look her previous smile was nowhere to be seen.

"That's the director I was talking about Caster," you replied trying to catch your breath because you felt winded after using Magical energy in the fight before and having to run here. "Why do you ask?"

"Nothing Master but she doesn't feel right."

This set of even more alarm bells in your head. No you had to keep calm. What would be the best course of action right now.

It would be best if you didn't attack head on. Looking through the window it seemed that they were done with setting up the ritual.

Taking a deep breath you stepped out from the building and walked up to the rest of Chaldea even though you weren't sure of trusting them yet.

As you and Caster made your move, Mash immediately noticed both of you and a smile formed on her face. It seemed she was relieved to find you alive.

'Hey, Caster what about the other two? Is there anything suspicious about them?'

Quietly you sent a telepathic message to Caster. This was one of the abilities of becoming a Master. As after completing the contract you were bound to your servant and could telepathically communicate with them.

'The red haired one is normal, her magical energy is even lower than your master, although the purple haired one that is wearing the armour seems more like Servant yet not one.'

This caused you even more confusion. Why did Mash feel like a Servant? This was puzzling. You didn't know Mash very well as she rarely talked to others and seemed very weird to you.

"Ah, director, senpai I have found Kadoc Zemplus."

You could easily hear what Mash said as you had enhanced your hearing to the point that listening to such conversations was quite trivial. It was something any Magus could do.

As you approached, the scene unfolded with Mash calling out to the group. Director Olga Marie Animusphere's sharp gaze immediately locked onto you and Caster. She placed her hands on her hips and strode forward, her irritation palpable.

"Finally! What took you so long? We've been waiting forever," Olga snapped, her voice laced with impatience. "Do you have any idea how critical situation we are in? Any more delays, and we could have been in serious trouble."

Before you could respond, the red-haired girl, presumably 'Senpai', stepped forward with a much warmer demeanor. She extended her hand towards you with a kind smile.

"Hi there, I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru," she introduced herself, her hand outstretched presumably for a handshake. "It's good to see another familiar face. We were getting worried something might have happened to you."

[ ] Take her handshake
[ ] A Magus shouldn't do that so easily.
[ ] Give her a high five
[ ] Write in.

"So, what's the plan now?" you asked, trying to maintain your composure under Olga's scrutinizing glare.

"We're proceeding with the summoning ritual," Olga replied curtly, as if the answer should have been obvious. "And this time, let's make sure there are no more delays."

Mash, standing beside Ritsuka, offered you a small, encouraging smile. Her presence was a strange comfort, even though Caster's earlier words about her left you with lingering doubts.

[ ] try to Summon another Servant
[ ] Don't summon another Servant

A.N : Another Chapter done. So about the summoning bit. Basically you have enough energy in Chaldea to summon a single servant between you or Ritsuka. So think carefully about this.

So about some other mechanics of this Quest is basically any type of snippet you post I will reward it by either answering a Spoiler question or giving boosts to rolls depending on how I like it.
Fuyuki Part 6
Kadoc extended his hand towards Ritsuka, his expression reserved and eyes cautious. Ritsuka responded with a warm smile, her grip firm and reassuring. Despite the friendliness in her demeanor, Kadoc couldn't completely shake off his lingering doubts. He met her gaze steadily, acknowledging the handshake with a slight nod, yet his guarded stance betrayed his unresolved apprehensions.

He hadn't been used to such things as not any Magus worth his salt would actually go in for the handshake, so this did put him at the edge as this meant that this woman was either too talented or looking down upon him. But then again who wouldn't do that.

"Now we have no time for introductions. Master candidate 47 I want you to complete the summoning thing."

With nod she replied with "okay, I will try my best." With a determination in her eyes.

Roll : 16

As she did the ritual to summon the servant Kadoc felt that someone was watching them. He could literally feel the lust for blood in that stare.

Kadoc immediately shouted to his servant to get ready. "Caster! We are being watched."

Caster nodded with a determined expression as she was ready for battle. "Yes, I feel them too master. This feels like a monster."

As if hearing our voices a figure moved with speed that I couldn't quite capture as the figure immediately made a dash for the other Master Ritsuka.


Caster immediately moved, within confirmation running to the defence of the other Master yet the speed of Caster was just a hair short as the figure reached the girl with the weapon in their hand, the figure swung their weapon going for the kill yet a shield was already there to defend Ritsuka from the strike yet the strike was so powerful that the sheer force of the strike sent Ritsuka flying away breaking the Ritual and immediately caused Mash to cry out.


Yet she didn't get the chance to check on the girl as she was also sent flying by the figure. As the figure laughed.

"Hehe, keep your head in the game girlie." The figure, a woman spoke. The woman had long purple air and held a scythe in her hand laughing maniacally as she continuously hit Caster and Mash.

[ ] Help the other Master
[ ] Help Caster
[ ] Write in

A.N : Short Chapter today due not having much inspiration after doing a Psychology exam for uni.
Fuyuki Part 7
As the battle between Lancer and Caster was about to begin the air was crackling with tension as the director ran towards the other Master who was still groaning. Kadoc stood at a safe distance his eye narrowed and his magic circuits ready to provide support to Caster.

"Hehehehehe, let's have fun shall we."

Kadoc's breath hitched as Lancer disappeared from his sight and reappeared in front of Caster almost immediately. Her scythe aimed straight at the neck of Nitocris aiming to kill as she swung.

Yet with Kadoc was ready for the attack. With the help of his Uniform that already had a Spell ready he screamed.

"Emergency evade!"

With the spell boosting Caster, she was able to roll under the strike with it hitting the ground the force of the strike sending shockwaves that nearly sent Kadoc flying.

The ground where Lancer's scythe had struck was now a shattered mess of debris and dust. With her Egyptian Magecraft, Nitocris began to chant in ancient Egyptian, her High-Speed Divine Words allowing her to invoke powerful necromantic spells in the blink of an eye.

"@)£+)@(£()@(£(#)" she intoned, her voice echoing with a commanding tone. From the ground, many mummies started to emerge.

Lancer, unfazed by the sudden appearance of mummies, smirked. "Is this all you can do." With a swift movement, she swung her scythe each and every mummy into almost a million different pieces.

Kadoc, recognizing the threat Lancer posed, swiftly activated another prepared spell. "Emergency evade!"

With that another of the strikes was missed. Yet what happend next was surprising to Kadoc that for a moment forgot about everything else.

It was the other Master Ritsuka who looked much better yet what she was doing was what Suprised Kadoc. She had jumped from an open window from a near by building with a giant rock in her hands performing a hail Mary.

It for some reason reminded Kadoc of a wrestling Match that had a person jumping from the top rope.

Kadoc watched, wide-eyed, as Ritsuka leaped from the building, the giant rock in her hands looking almost comical. She crashed down with a yell, aiming the rock at Lancer's head. The stone shattered on impact, sending debris flying, but Lancer merely staggered, her smirk unfaltering.

"Pathetic," Lancer sneered, raising her scythe to strike Ritsuka down.

Instinctively, Kadoc found himself moving before he could think. "Damn it, I can't let her die!" he muttered, his magic circuits flaring as he prepared a defensive spell. "Reinforcement!"

With a burst of magical energy, Kadoc dashed forward, placing himself between Ritsuka and Lancer's deadly scythe. Just as the scythe was about to connect with his hastily erected barrier, a flash of light and steel intercepted the strike.

Mash Kyrielight, Ritsuka's loyal Shielder Servant, had arrived just in time. Her shield, a formidable fortress, absorbed the impact with a resounding clang. The force of the blow sent shockwaves rippling through the air, but Mash stood firm, her expression resolute.

"Mash!" Ritsuka exclaimed, relief washing over her as she scrambled to her feet.

"Mash Kyrielight, Shielder-class Servant, reporting for duty," Mash declared, her eyes fixed on Lancer. "I won't let you harm my Master!"

Lancer clicked her tongue in annoyance. "Another nuisance," she muttered. "Fine, let's see how long you can last!"

As Lancer prepared her next assault, Nitocris finished her chant. "You will not face us alone," she declared, her voice imbued with divine authority. The mummies rose again, their bandaged forms glowing with a necromantic aura, and swarmed towards Lancer.

"Stay behind me, Master," Mash instructed Ritsuka, her shield ready for the next onslaught.

Kadoc, regaining his composure, stood beside Mash and Ritsuka, his magic circuits humming with readiness. "Let's work together," he said, a determined glint in his eye. "We might just stand a chance."

"Great words, kid."

Everyone turned to see a new figure stepping into the fray. It was a tall man with an imposing presence, his eyes glinting with a mix of wisdom and power. With a confident smirk, he raised his hand and intoned, "Wicker Man."

In an instant, a giant wooden figure appeared, towering over the battlefield. The construct blazed with an otherworldly fire, its eyes burning with intense heat. With a swift motion, the Wicker Man lunged towards Lancer, engulfing her in a fiery embrace. The explosion that followed was immense, a blinding flash of light and heat that sent shockwaves through the ground.

When the dust settled, Lancer was on her knees, her once smug expression replaced with one of disbelief and pain. Her scythe lay shattered beside her, the force of the explosion having rendered it useless.

Kadoc, Mash, and Ritsuka stared at the new arrival in shock. "Who are you?" Kadoc managed to ask, his voice a mix of awe and curiosity.

The man smiled, his eyes twinkling with a knowing gleam. "You can call me Caster," he said. "Caster Class Cu chulainn."

[ ] Calm your self
[ ] Be wary
[ ] "Kamehameha! Just kidding, what's up?"
[ ] Write in.

A.N : You know I was thinking that I should do this Singularity differently like I was thinking of making this fight with Berserker Cu chulainn and the person that helps you would have been Fergus. But ultimately for now I decided against this.
Fuyuki Part 8
As soon as the battle was finished, Kadoc was already on high alert due to the newcomer. The man had quite literally appeared out of nowhere right behind him. He introduced himself easily as Caster Cu Chulainn.

The moment the man had introduced himself, Kadoc's mind went into overdrive and immediately brought up every piece of information on Cu Chulainn he had read about. The one good thing about the internet was that it was very easy to find information one was looking for and to play the music Kadoc wanted to listen to.

Cu Chulainn was a warrior from Irish myths, a demigod born from the union of the god Lugh and his mother, the mortal Deichtine, sister of King Conchobar mac Nessa. A very famous figure that almost any enthusiast of mythical figures had heard of.

What confused Kadoc, however, was that the man who stood before him wasn't what he expected Cu Chulainn to be.

Standing in front of him was a blue-haired, red-eyed man who wore a blue robe and looked to be in his early twenties. He looked more like a druid than a warrior.

Kadoc, his curiosity getting the better of him, accidentally muttered, "Cu Chulainn without his cursed spear, now isn't that a sight."

Cu Chulainn's eyes flared up immediately. "Without my spear? Do you think I chose to come here like this?!" His voice carried a mixture of irritation and frustration. "My Master summoned me wrong! A mistake, a blunder! As if I don't know the importance of my Gae Bolg, my spear of certain death!"

Ritsuka stepped forward, placing herself between the irritated Cu Chulainn and the now wary Kadoc. Her demeanor was calm and soothing, though it was clear from her expression that she was just as puzzled as Kadoc had been moments before.

"Hey, let's all take a breath here," Ritsuka said, her voice gentle but firm. "We didn't mean any offense, Cu Chulainn. Kadoc was just surprised, that's all."

Cu Chulainn's eyes narrowed for a moment, but Ritsuka's calm presence seemed to take the edge off his anger. He let out a long, frustrated sigh and looked away, his shoulders relaxing slightly.

Cu Chulainn took a deep breath, his frustration slowly ebbing away as he observed Ritsuka's calm demeanor. After a moment, he let out a small chuckle, shaking his head.

"Ah, well, can't stay mad forever, can I?" he said, a grin forming on his face. "You lot are something else, though, getting all riled up just because I don't have my spear. Don't worry, I can still kick some serious ass without it."

Ritsuka managed a weak smile, relieved that the tension was easing. "Yeah, sorry about that. Just wasn't expecting… well, this."

Cu Chulainn laughed heartily. "Surprises keep life interesting, don't they?"

Just then, Director Olga Marie Animusphere stepped forward, her expression serious and her gaze fixed on Cu Chulainn. "Enough banter. What we need to know is why you're here. Who summoned you, and what is your purpose?"

Cu Chulainn's smirk widened, and he folded his arms across his chest. "Helping, of course. And that this Grail war is absolutely gone to shit."

Olga raised an eyebrow. "Holy grail war messed up? How, we need specifics."

Cu Chulainn's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Specifics? Well we can say that after the Saber of this war was affected by the grail, every other servant lost one by one and revived all insane things like you saw."

Olga's eyes narrowed, processing Cu Chulainn's words. "So, the Saber in this war was corrupted by the Grail, and it caused a domino effect, driving other Servants mad?"

Cu Chulainn nodded, his expression turning serious. "Exactly. The corruption spread like wildfire. One by one, Servants were tainted, losing their minds and becoming something far worse than what they originally were. I am the only one who wasn't defeated."

Kadoc listening to the whole conversation came to a conclusion after thinking about all of this. "Let me guess you helped us because you want us to help you win the war."

Cu Chulainn's grin widened at Kadoc's astute deduction. "Sharp as a spear, aren't you?" he remarked, his tone a blend of admiration and irony. "Yes, that's right. I need allies who aren't tainted by this mess. And you lot, from what I've seen, are the best chance of putting things right."

Olga Marie folded her arms, her expression still guarded. "And how exactly do you propose we do that? If the Grail itself is corrupted, this isn't just about defeating other Servants."

Cu Chulainn nodded, his demeanor now completely serious. "It's not just about winning battles, no. We need to find the source of the corruption and purify it, or destroy it if we must. Otherwise, every Servant who gets summoned will be at risk of falling to madness. The Grail War won't just be a contest—it'll be a bloodbath."

Ritsuka glanced at Kadoc, who nodded slightly, signaling his tentative agreement. She then turned back to Cu Chulainn. "So, where do we start?"

Cu Chulainn's eyes glinted with determination. "First, how about we find somewhere to rest. As it seems you people are in the worst situation."

This caused Kadoc to Actually pay attention that Ritsuka was bleeding slightly although it wasn't anything serious. Nodding Kadoc shook the hand of Cu Chulainn as Kadoc entered a contract with him.

You have some free time. 2 Actions available.

[ ] Talk to Caster (Reach bond 1)

[ ] Talk to Ritsuka (Reach bond 1)

[ ] Talk to Cu Chulainn

[ ] Talk to Mash

[ ] Talk to Director

[ ] Write in

A.N : Chapter complete. This took time since I was trying to rush through the part 1 of FGO.
Fuyuki Part 9
[X] Talk with Ritsuka (Bond Level 1)

As everyone decided to have a bit of rest Kadoc also tried to take a breath due all the stress he had accumulated over the course of a few hours today, going from being sick to somehow ending up in this mess.

The air was thick with the acrid smell of smoke and a foreboding sense of doom. Kadoc glanced around, taking in the destruction, while Ritsuka nervously fidgeted, glancing from side to side.

"Uh, Kadoc, right?" Ritsuka broke the silence, trying to sound confident despite clearly being nervous. She continued "I don't think we've really met before. I'm Ritsuka. Ritsuka Fujimaru."

Kadoc looked at Ritsuka, his expression a mix of skepticism and mild curiosity. "Yes, I know who you are," he replied, his tone neutral. "You're the last-minute recruit, aren't you?"

Ritsuka nodded, unsure of how to respond to the slightly condescending tone in Kadoc's voice. "Yeah, that's me. I... I didn't expect to be thrown into something like this right away."

Kadoc sighed, his gaze shifting back to the burning ruins. "None of us did. The explosion at Chaldea, the emergency rayshift... It's all happening so fast."

Ritsuka shuffled awkwardly, the weight of the situation pressing down on her. "So, you're a Master candidate right? Then that makes you my Senpai."

Kadoc furrowed his brow, a puzzled look crossing his face. "Senpai? What's that supposed to mean?"

Ritsuka gave a small, somewhat nervous smile, sensing a chance to lighten the heavy atmosphere. "Senpai is a term we use in Japan. It means someone who is more experienced or has been around longer in a certain field or place. It's a sign of respect."

Kadoc raised an eyebrow, processing the explanation. "So, you're calling me 'Senpai' because I'm a more experienced Master candidate?"

"Exactly," Ritsuka confirmed, her smile growing a bit more confident. "It's like acknowledging that you've been through more and can probably teach me a thing or two."

Kadoc's expression softened, the initial skepticism giving way to a faint, almost reluctant smile. "Well, I suppose that's fair enough. Though I never thought I'd hear someone call me 'Senpai' in the middle of all this chaos."

Ritsuka chuckled lightly, appreciating the small moment of levity amidst the tension. "Yeah, it is a bit odd, isn't it? But maybe it's a good reminder that we're still human, even in times like these."

Kadoc studied Ritsuka for a moment, a hint of respect starting to form in his eyes. "You speak good English, by the way. I didn't expect that from someone who grew up in Japan."

Ritsuka blinked, caught off guard by the sudden compliment. "Oh, thank you! I've been studying it for years. I guess it's paying off now, huh?"

Kadoc was still skeptical whether this person was behind the bombing or not but he could at least lower her on his list.

Ritsuka seemed to relax a bit more, the faint smile on her face growing as she tried to lighten the mood. "So, Kadoc, let me guess... You must be from... France?"

Kadoc raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching in what could almost be a smirk. "Not even close."

Ritsuka feigned an exaggerated thoughtful expression, tapping her chin with her finger. "Hmm, how about Spain?"

Kadoc shook his head, his amusement growing. "Nope."

"Okay, okay," Ritsuka said, pretending to be deep in thought. "I got it this time. You're from Italy, right?"

Kadoc crossed his arms, the smirk finally making its way to his face. "Still wrong."

Ritsuka threw her hands up in mock defeat, laughing lightly. "Alright, I give up! Where are you from, then?"

Kadoc's eyes softened as he watched Ritsuka's playful demeanor. He appreciated the effort she was making to keep things light, even if it was obvious she was masking her own nerves. "I'm from Poland," he finally revealed.

Ritsuka's eyes widened in exaggerated surprise. "Poland? Wow, I was way off! But hey, it's not every day you meet someone from Poland."

Kadoc nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "True. But I appreciate the effort. It was... amusing."

Ritsuka nodded back, feeling a small sense of accomplishment at breaking through Kadoc's initial skepticism. "Hey, maybe you can teach me some Polish phrases sometime. It could come in handy."

Kadoc's smile widened slightly. "Maybe I will. But for now, let's focus on getting through this."

Ritsuka nodded, a determined look in her eyes. "Agreed. We'll get through this together, Senpai."

[X] Talk to the director

As Kadoc approached Director Olga Marie, he couldn't shake the feeling of tension that radiated from her. Her usually composed demeanor was replaced by an air of palpable unease, her hands trembling slightly as she clasped them together on the table.

"Zemplus," she greeted him, her voice carrying a faint tremor despite her attempt at authority. "I didn't expect to see you here."

Kadoc's brow furrowed slightly at the use of his last name, a reminder of the formal distance between them. "Director," he acknowledged evenly, choosing not to address her by her first name. "May I join you?"

Olga Marie hesitated for a moment before nodding, though her gaze remained fixed on some distant point, her mind clearly elsewhere. "Please, have a seat."

As Kadoc settled into the ground opposite her, he couldn't help but notice the way her hands continued to shake, a stark contrast to her usual composed demeanor. "Director," he began, his tone carefully neutral, "are you alright?"

Olga Marie forced a strained smile, though it failed to reach her eyes. "I'm fine, Zemplus," she insisted, though her voice wavered slightly. "Just... a bit shaken by recent events, that's all."

Kadoc studied her closely, his instincts on high alert. Something wasn't right, and he couldn't shake the feeling that Olga Marie was hiding something, though he couldn't quite put his finger on what. "I understand," he replied evenly, though his gaze remained probing. "It's been a trying day for all of us."

The director nodded in agreement, though her attention seemed to drift once more, her eyes scanning the room with a sense of unease. "Indeed," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "But we must remain vigilant, Zemplus. The safety of Chaldea depends on it."

Roll : 5

Kadoc nodded in agreement, though he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. There was something off about Olga Marie's behavior, something that set his instincts on edge, though he couldn't pinpoint exactly what it was.

As their conversation lapsed into an uneasy silence, Kadoc couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the director's tremors than met the eye. But for now, he would have to bide his time, gathering information and waiting for the right moment to confront her about his suspicions.

With a final nod of acknowledgment, Kadoc rose from his seat, his mind already racing with plans and strategies. The road ahead would be fraught with danger, but he was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.


Caster Cu Chulainn stood at the center of the makeshift command post, his presence commanding attention as he addressed the gathered Masters and Servants. The atmosphere was tense, but there was an undeniable sense of determination in the air.

"Listen up, everyone," Cu Chulainn began, his voice firm yet filled with an air of confidence. "We're facing a formidable opponent, but with proper coordination and strategy, victory is within our grasp."

But it was Kadoc who had come up with an idea of sorts to deal with the situation. "We need to plan our approach carefully. One Master and Servant will target Archer, while another will engage Saber. Once Archer is neutralized, we'll join forces to take down Saber swiftly. Any ideas on how to execute this?"

Who do you attack?
[ ] Archer
[ ] Saber

A.N : so this took time as I have my last Exams for collage tomorrow so yay. Anyway here is this Chapter. You know I was writing this thought it might be better if Kadoc could just have been a Demi-Servant or Pesudo Servant at the start. I might implement this later if people want it.
Fuyuki Part 10
[X] Fight Archer

As everyone decided that the plan and wrapped things up. Kadoc decided that it was best that he and Caster were the ones to actually fight Archer.

From what Cu chulainn had told them, Saber was King Arthur. This probably meant that she would have a high Magic resistance skill that every go damn Saber had. This meant that Caster and he were basically useless as King Arthur from what he knew about her didn't have any wild beast blood in her.

DC : 13 (Automatically Pass due to high Skill level)

Of course had it been Marrok then Kadoc would have gone to fight him. Since he was supposed to be a Werewolf. But ultimately Kadoc and the crew decided that it was best that they fight Archer since he was some no name person but even then Kadoc had been at edge since how would a nameless Archer be able to hold back cu Chulainn even if he was a Caster.

But Cu chulainn had assured Caster and him that the Archer had a very weak Magic resistance since most of his attacks were hitting him without anything being negated.

As Kadoc and Caster made their way to face Archer, the tension was palpable. Despite their confidence in Cu Chulainn's assessment, they couldn't afford to underestimate their opponent. Caster turned to Kadoc with a question in her eyes.

"Master, what's the plan of action against Archer?"

Kadoc took a moment to gather his thoughts, considering all the information they had. He knew they had to leverage their strengths and exploit any weaknesses Archer might have.

"Alright, Caster, here's the plan. From what Cu Chulainn told us, Archer has a weak Magic Resistance. That means your spells will be effective. We need to focus on keeping him off balance and preventing him from getting a clear shot. Your magic will be our primary offense."

Caster nodded, understanding her role in the fight.

"I'll support you with my own magecraft and try to disrupt his concentration. Our biggest advantage is that your ability to summon mummies and medjad."

He paused, considering the battlefield they would soon be entering.

"We also need to stay mobile. Archer's advantage lies in distance and precision. If we keep moving and don't give him a clear target, we'll reduce his effectiveness. Use the terrain to our advantage; any cover we can find will help."

Caster raised an eyebrow, her confidence showing through her calm demanor.

As they rounded a corner, a single arrow faster then one could see whizzed past Kadoc, making him stop in panic.

Kadoc's heart raced as he saw the arrow narrowly miss him, the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He focused his magical energy, enhancing his eyes to spot Archer, who stood with an ominous aura on a distant building.

"He's up there," Kadoc murmured to Caster, his voice low but urgent. "We need to close the distance and force him into close combat where your spells will have the most impact."

Caster nodded, her eyes narrowing in determination. "I'll provide cover. Keep moving, and I'll try to create distractions to throw him off."

Their plan set, Kadoc and Caster moved swiftly, using the terrain to their advantage as they closed in on Archer's position. Each step brought them closer to their opponent and heightened the tension in the air.

As Archer unleashed his arrows, each shot seemed to carry the destructive force of a cannonball, leaving trails of fiery explosions in their wake. The ground shook with each impact, sending debris flying in all directions. Realizing the imminent danger, Caster swiftly scooped up Kadoc into a bridle carry, her muscles tense with the effort as she dashed for cover.

With every step, the ground trembled beneath them as explosions erupted around them, the sheer power of Archer's arrows threatening to engulf them. Caster's determination fueled her speed as she navigated through the chaos, her focus solely on protecting Kadoc from the relentless barrage.

Their hearts pounded in sync with each detonation, the air thick with tension as they sought refuge from the devastating onslaught. Despite the overwhelming odds, they pressed on, their resolve unyielding as they raced against time to find a safe haven amidst the chaos unleashed by Archer's devastating arrows.

"We're almost there," Kadoc said, his voice steady despite the danger. "Stay focused, and be ready to strike when we get within range."

As Kadoc and Caster turned the corner, their eyes locked onto their elusive target—Archer, standing tall with a bow drawn taut, ready to unleash his deadly arrows. The tension in the air thickened as they realized the gravity of the situation, their resolve steeling for the inevitable clash.

Before they could react, Caster's swift action took them by surprise. With a powerful motion, she hurled Kadoc to the side, her movements fluid and precise. Kadoc's heart leaped into his throat as he flew through the air, a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Time seemed to slow as Kadoc braced himself, activating his reinforcement magic just in time to cushion the impact. Sliding to a halt, he quickly regained his bearings, his gaze fixated on the looming figure of Archer.

Sliding to a stop, he notices a tinge of disappointment flicker within him, prompting a moment of confusion. Then, realization dawns upon him—he had enjoyed the exhilarating chase as Caster carried him through the chaos of battle.

A faint smirk tugs at the corners of his lips as he shakes his head, amused by his own unexpected reaction. Despite the danger, there was a thrill in the adrenaline-fueled pursuit, a rush that stirred something within him.

As Caster's hand swept across the air with a fluid motion, portals emerged from the ground, unleashing a horde of mummies with a silent incantation that Kadoc couldn't decipher. The undead creatures surged forward, their decaying forms moving with surprising agility as they closed in on Archer.

Before Kadoc could react, Archer's voice cut through the chaos with a mocking tone. "I must say, I'm flattered that you've sent an Age of Gods Caster to face me. But do you truly believe such antiquated tricks can stand against my prowess?"

Archer's words were laced with arrogance, his confidence unwavering as he effortlessly dodged the mummies' clumsy attacks.

Undeterred by Archer's taunts, Kadoc focused his magical energy, channeling it into a swift and precise Gandr curse aimed directly at their opponent. The curse, though weak compared to Caster's powerful spells, carried with it a subtle yet potent effect that occasionally caused Archer to pause, his movements faltering ever so slightly.

As the curse struck true, Archer's smirk faltered for a moment, a flicker of irritation crossing his features before he regained his composure. "Is that the best you can do?" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

With lightning speed, Archer's movements blurred as he closed the distance between them in an instant, appearing beside Kadoc with unnerving swiftness.

The sudden proximity sent a jolt of adrenaline coursing through Kadoc's veins as he instinctively raised his guard, preparing for the imminent confrontation.

Archer's presence loomed over him, his gaze piercing as he regarded Kadoc with a mix of amusement and disdain. "You're a bold one, I'll give you that," he remarked, his voice low and taunting. "But bravery alone won't save you from the inevitable."

As Archer projected a short sword and lunged towards Kadoc, aiming for a swift strike, Kadoc's instincts kicked in. But just as the blade was about to connect, a sudden force yanked him downward, pulling him out of harm's way. It was one of the summoned mummies, acting with surprising speed and agility.

Kadoc hit the ground hard, rolling to the side to avoid any follow-up attacks from Archer. As he regained his footing, he shot a grateful glance towards Caster, who was orchestrating the battle with unwavering focus.

"Nice save," Kadoc muttered, his voice tinged with relief as he steadied himself for the next onslaught. With renewed determination, he prepared to rejoin the fray, his resolve unshaken by the close call.

As more mummies surged forward, overwhelming Archer with their relentless assault, Kadoc found himself being carried away from the fray by one of the undead guardians. Despite the chaos unfolding around him, he remained focused, his mind racing with thoughts of strategy

Caster began her incantation, her voice resonated with power and authority, each word imbued with ancient magic.

"Mirror of Corpses, Mirror of Darkness," she intoned, her voice carrying a weight of centuries-old knowledge and arcane wisdom. "Become a doorway and bring terror here."

The air crackled with energy as Caster's words wove a web of magic, summoning forth the twisted reflection of the mirror. It materialized before her, a shimmering portal that seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly glow.

"Anpu Neb Ta Djeser!" she proclaimed, her voice echoing through the chamber with a commanding presence.

As the incantation reached its climax, the mirror's surface rippled and distorted, casting an eerie shadow over the battlefield. It was not a reflection in the traditional sense; instead, it seemed to draw upon the darkest recesses of the void, conjuring forth images of grotesque and dreadful darkness.

Archer, caught off guard by the sudden appearance of the mirror, attempted to dodge its ominous gaze. But before he could evade its reach, the mirror's dark energy surged forward, enveloping him in a shroud of repulsive darkness.

With a cry of alarm, Archer found himself ensnared by the mirror's power, his movements sluggish and disjointed as he struggled against its grip. A mummy, summoned by Caster's magic, seized the opportunity, latching onto him with a vice-like grip.

Despite his best efforts, Archer was unable to break free from the mirror's grasp, his every attempt thwarted by its relentless power. The darkness seemed to seep into his very being, filling him with a sense of dread and unease.

As Caster watched from afar, her eyes gleamed with satisfaction. The mirror had served its purpose, ensnaring their opponent in its inescapable grip and rendering him vulnerable to their attacks.

Just as they let their Guard down they heard a voice that sent Kadoc shivers down Kadoc's spine.

It was Archer bleeding and injured holding a bow ready to attack. But when he was about to attack he immediately let go of his bow.

Archer's voice cut through the chaos, his tone tinged with frustration and bitterness. "I failed again," he muttered, his gaze flickering with a mix of regret and resignation. "I thought... I thought I could make a difference, but..."

Kadoc's heart pounded in his chest as he braced himself for another onslaught, his instincts urging him to remain vigilant. But to his surprise, Archer's next words caught him off guard, their weight sinking in with a sense of finality.

"I failed to protect... to save..." Archer's voice trailed off, his expression pained as he lowered his bow, the tension draining from his form. "Forgive me..."

As the realization dawned upon Kadoc, he watched in stunned silence as Archer's figure began to fade, his form dissolving into motes of light that scattered into the wind.

As Archer's presence vanished, leaving behind only the echoes of his words, Kadoc couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. Despite their differences and the conflict that had brought them to this point, there was a sense of kinship in their shared struggle against fate.

With a heavy sigh, Kadoc turned to Caster, his expression somber yet resolute. "It's over," he murmured, his voice carrying a hint of sadness. "Let's finish this and move forward. There's still much to do."

Together, they ran towards where Ritsuka, Mash and others were fighting with Saber.

[ ] Openly attack Saber
[ ] Sneak attack
[ ] Write in.

A.N : Another update, the next one will be the last.
Fuyuki Last Chapter
The cavernous entrance loomed before them, its gaping maw a silent witness to the chaos within. Kadoc and his Caster dashed forward, their footsteps echoing off the stone walls. The oppressive atmosphere was thick with mana, the air crackling with energy. Each step felt heavier than the last, the weight of their mission pressing down on them.

As they rounded the final bend, the full scene unfolded before them. In a vast, dimly lit clearing, Ritsuka, Mash, and Cú Chulainn (Caster) were locked in a fierce battle against Saber. The oppressive aura of Saber's black armor was a stark contrast to the radiance of the mana swirling around them. The ground was scorched and scarred, testifying to the intensity of the conflict.

Ritsuka stood firm, her determined eyes never leaving Saber. Mash was at her side, her shield raised protectively, while Cú Chulainn cast powerful spells, trying to find an opening. But Saber's movements were swift and precise, her black armor absorbing and deflecting their attacks.

From what Kadoc saw, mash was acting defensively as whenever Saber came for an offensive strike she blocked it with her shield and Cu chulainn hit the Saber with his staff that seemed to be enhanced by a rune.

Kadoc clenched his fists, a surge of adrenaline coursing through him as he took in the scene. "Caster, by the power of my command seal I order you to defeat Saber.!" he shouted, his voice filled with urgency. Nitocris nodded, her eyes narrowed in determination.

With a swift incantation, Nitocris called forth her magic, summoning a swarm of ethereal scarabs that surged towards Saber, aiming to disrupt her relentless attacks. The scarabs glowed with an eerie blue light, their buzzing adding a new layer to the cacophony of battle.

Saber paused momentarily, distracted by the sudden onslaught, giving Mash a precious moment to reposition her shield. "Ritsuka, now!" Kadoc yelled, his voice cutting through the din.

Ritsuka nodded, understanding immediately. "Mash, let's press the attack!" she commanded, her voice resolute. Mash braced herself and pushed forward, her shield glowing with a radiant light as she charged at Saber with renewed vigor.

Cú Chulainn seized the opportunity, his staff flaring with runic energy. He chanted rapidly, and the ground beneath Saber erupted in a burst of blue flames, forcing her to retreat a few steps. Nitocris' scarabs swarmed around her, finding chinks in her black armor and gnawing at the exposed joints.

Saber snarled, her movements becoming more aggressive as she tried to swat away the scarabs and counter the relentless assault. Her sword slashed through the air, but the servants kept up the pressure, their combined magic forcing Saber to stay on the defensive.

Kadoc felt a surge of hope. They were turning the tide. Yet at the end Saber immediately kicked Caster Cu chulainn back and swung her blade.

"Excalibur Morgan"

Kadoc's heart stopped. Nitocris wasn't near him, and Mash, Ritsuka, and Director Olga Marie were far away. No one was protecting him.

Just as he was about to be engulfed in the burning light of Excalibur Morgan, a flurry of petals immediately surrounded him. The petals glowed with a soft, ethereal light, creating a shimmering barrier that deflected the deadly energy

For the first time in his life, Kadoc felt a profound sense of peace. The chaos of battle faded away, replaced by an almost surreal tranquility. The petals carried a delicate, soothing fragrance, calming his racing heart and filling him with an unshakeable confidence.

In that moment of serenity, Kadoc felt a surge of energy through him, rejuvenating his spirit and sharpening his focus. He used another Command Seal, his voice steady and powerful. "Caster, use your Noble Phantasm!"

Nitocris responded without hesitation. "Understood, Master!" She raised her staff high, and with a powerful chant, the ground beneath Saber began to tremble. As a giant mummy from beneath Saber immediately emerged holding her down.

Cú Chulainn, seizing the opportunity, summoned a giant wicker man, its fiery form towering above the battlefield. With a final incantation, he unleashed its explosive power upon Saber, the inferno engulfing her in a cataclysmic burst.

As the dust began to settle, Kadoc looked on, his breath caught in his throat. The radiant flames subsided, revealing the charred remains of the wicker man and the crumbling pyramid. Saber stood in the center, her black armor cracked and scorched, but her defiant stance unbroken.

Kadoc fell to his knees, the exhaustion of expending so much mana overwhelming him. His vision blurred, and his breath came in ragged gasps. He wanted to speak, to scream his frustrations, but he could barely find the strength to remain conscious.

Ritsuka clenched her fists, her frustration evident in the way she bit her lip. "Damn it," she muttered, her eyes never leaving the form of Saber.

Saber chuckled, a sound that echoed eerily through the cavern. "You don't have to worry," she said, her voice carrying an unsettling mix of amusement and respect, "you have defeated me, though your grand order has just begun."

Kadoc's world went dark as his body finally succumbed to exhaustion. The last thing he heard was Saber's ominous words echoing in his mind.

When he awoke, the sterile scent of antiseptic filled his nostrils. The soft hum of medical equipment and the faint beeping of a heart monitor reassured him that he was in the infirmary of Chaldea. Kadoc groggily opened his eyes, squinting against the harsh overhead lights. His body felt heavy, every muscle aching from the intense battle.

A gentle voice broke through his haze. "You're awake," said Dr. Romani Archaman, his face appearing above him. His usually relaxed expression was tinged with concern.

Kadoc tried to sit up, wincing at the sharp pain in his side. "What... what happened?"

"You passed out after we defeated Saber," Romani explained, helping him adjust his position. "Ritsuka, Mash, and Cú Chulainn managed to stabilize the situation. You gave us quite a scare."

Kadoc nodded, the memories flooding back. "Is everyone alright?"

Romani nodded. "Yes, thanks to you and your Caster. That barrier of petals saved your life. It seems someone—or something—was watching over you."

Kadoc recalled the ethereal petals and the profound peace they brought him. "I don't know what it was," he admitted, "but it felt... protective."

Romani sighed, sitting down beside his bed. "Whatever it was, it bought us the time we needed. The battle against Saber was costly, but we prevailed. You're a hero, Kadoc."

He shook his head. "I'm just doing my duty. How is Nitocris?"

"She's recovering," Romani assured him. "You both pushed yourselves to the limit."

As Kadoc lay back against the pillows, the door to the infirmary opened, and Ritsuka entered, followed closely by Mash and Cú Chulainn. Ritsuka's face lit up with a relieved smile. "Kadoc, you're awake!"

"Good to see you're back with us," Cú Chulainn added, his voice carrying a note of approval.

Mash stepped forward, her usual calm demeanor masking her worry. "We were worried about you."

Kadoc felt a mixture of relief and embarrassment at their concern. He turned his head slightly, trying to hide his reddening cheeks. "I-I don't know what you all are so worried about," he muttered, his tone slightly defensive. "I'm not that weak."

Ritsuka chuckled softly. "You were incredible out there, Kadoc. You really helped turn the tide."

He crossed his arms, avoiding her gaze. "I was just doing what needed to be done. Don't think I'm looking for praise or anything."

Mash stepped closer, her gentle smile unwavering. "Still, we're glad you're okay. We were really worried."

Kadoc's eyes darted away, and he huffed. "W-Well, you shouldn't have been. I can handle myself just fine. It's not like I was trying to impress anyone or anything."

Cú Chulainn raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at his lips. "You did more than just handle yourself, kid. You were a key player in that fight."

Kadoc's face grew even redder. "S-Stop it! I don't need you guys fussing over me. I didn't do anything special."

Romani, watching the exchange with a knowing smile, patted Kadoc on the shoulder. "Just take it easy for now. You've earned a rest."

Kadoc grumbled under his breath but didn't argue further. As the others talked and checked on him, he couldn't help but feel a warmth in his chest. Despite his protestations, he was grateful for their support. But he wasn't about to admit that out loud.

"You guys better not slack off just because I'm here," he said, his voice softer. "We've still got a lot of work to do."

Ritsuka nodded, her expression serious. "We know, Kadoc. And with you on our side, I know we can handle anything."

Kadoc turned his head away again, but a small smile crept onto his lips. "Y-Yeah, well... don't get too used to relying on me. I won't always be there to save you."

A.N : So few turns will mostly include some slice of Life. Have 4 AP

[ ] spend time with a Specific person (increase bond)(increasing bond may net you a reward)

[ ] Learn a Skill
(Can include almost anything but I will have to approve it first.)
[ ] Improve a Skill
[ ] Learn any specific lore

Personal actions
[ ] Re-build your workshop
Turn 1 Results
Kadoc sat at the small, sterile table in the Chaldea cafeteria, absentmindedly pushing his food around his plate. His mind was a swirling maelstrom of emotions and thoughts, each more troubling than the last. Saber was defeated, Director Olga Marie was dead, and lev lavinur was a traitor. The burden of it all weighed heavily on his shoulders. The reality of their situation was sinking in, and he felt the isolation of his position acutely.

Why was he here? Why hadn't someone else survived? Wodime would have been so much better in such a condition.

Would he even be useful in a situation like this? He was worthless. He didn't even have useful Magecraft that could help him.

Caster, her purple robes flowing softly as she moved, approached him cautiously. She carried a tray of food herself, a sign that she intended to stay and perhaps offer some semblance of comfort or companionship. "May I sit here?" she asked, her voice gentle but tinged with concern.

Kadoc glanced up briefly, his pale eyes meeting hers for a moment before returning to his plate. "Do whatever you want," he muttered, his tone flat and dismissive.

Undeterred, Nitocris took a seat across from him. She began to eat in silence, giving Kadoc the space he seemed to crave, yet her presence was a quiet offer of support.

Kadoc remained silent, his eyes distant as he continued to absentmindedly move his food around. Nitocris watched him for a moment longer before deciding to change the subject, hoping to distract him from his troubled thoughts.

"Kadoc," she began gently, "what is your favorite food?" Her tone was casual, almost conversational, as if they were simply two friends chatting over a meal.

Kadoc blinked, taken aback by the unexpected question. He glanced up at her, a faint furrow forming between his brows. "Favorite food?" he repeated, as if the concept was foreign to him in that moment. "I... I guess pierogi. They're a traditional Polish dish."

Nitocris nodded thoughtfully. "Pierogi. I have not had the pleasure of trying those. What are they like?"

Kadoc's expression softened slightly as he considered her question. "They're dumplings, usually filled with things like potatoes, cheese, or meat. Sometimes fruit. They're boiled, then often fried in butter."

She smiled, genuinely interested. "They sound delicious. Perhaps you could show me how to make them sometime."

He gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. "Maybe."

Encouraged by his response, Nitocris continued. "And what do you like to drink with your meals? In my time, we often had wine or water, but I've heard there are many more options now."

Kadoc thought for a moment. "I usually just drink tea. Sometimes coffee. Nothing too fancy."

"Tea and coffee," Nitocris mused. "I've had both here in Chaldea. They have a certain comfort to them, don't they?"

"Yeah," Kadoc agreed quietly, "they do."

Nitocris' eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Is there anything else from the modern world that you particularly enjoy? Music, perhaps, or literature?"

Kadoc hesitated before answering. "I like reading. It's... an escape, I guess. And music, sometimes. It helps to drown out everything else."

Nitocris nodded, understanding the need for escape all too well. "Reading and music are wonderful ways to find solace," she said softly. "Do you have a favorite book or genre?"

He shrugged slightly. "Fantasy, mostly. Stories about heroes and other worlds. It's nice to pretend, even if just for a little while, that things can be different."

A comfortable silence settled over them once more, but this time, it was filled with the beginnings of a connection. Nitocris continued to eat, allowing Kadoc the space to speak if he wished, while offering him the quiet companionship he so desperately needed.

(spend time with Caster Cu chulainn)
Kadoc Zemlupus walked into the simulator training room with his usual air of calm efficiency. He carried a small notebook and a pen, ready to take detailed notes. The training room was a vast, high-tech space equipped with state-of-the-art holographic projectors, providing a versatile environment for various combat simulations.

Inside the room, Cu Chulainn stood as he was twirling his staff, he seemed pretty bored. Dressed in his distinctive blue attire, with his long hair tied back. His red eyes glinted as he saw Kadoc walk in.

"Master how are you?" Cu Chulainn said, his voice a mix of casual friendliness and underlying seriousness.

Cu had mostly been busy for the last few hours helping with removing all the rubble and destruction that was caused by the explosion. So Kadoc didn't have time to sit and go through his abilities.

Kadoc looked up from his notebook, offering a brief nod of acknowledgment. "I'm fine, Caster," he replied, though the fatigue in his voice betrayed the weight he carried. He glanced around the simulator training room, taking in the vast space. "I figured it was time we went through some of your abilities. I need to understand what you can do, especially given our current situation."

Cu Chulainn's eyes softened slightly, sensing Kadoc's underlying tension. "No problem, Master. Let's start with the basics and go from there. You need to know what I can do to make the best strategies."

Kadoc nodded, flipping open his notebook and readying his pen. "Right. Let's start with your combat skills and Noble Phantasm. Can you give me an overview?"

Cu Chulainn grinned, his enthusiasm for combat showing. "Sure thing. My primary skill as a Caster class Servant is Rune Magecraft. Specifically Norse ones."

Kadoc was somewhat familiar with them not because he himself was training in them but more on the fact that he had heard a lot about them on his time in the Clock tower.

Rune Magecraft is one of the Thaumaturgical Systems that originated in Scandinavia during the Age of Gods, and are symbols that, once inscribed, automatically realize Mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crests.....

"Wait what?!" was everything that he could speak when he understood what Caster had just said.

Kadoc's pen paused in mid-air, his eyes widening in disbelief as Cu Chulainn continued his explanation. "Rune Magecraft? Specifically Norse ones?" Kadoc repeated, his voice tinged with incredulity. "But... you're not from Scandinavia. Your myth doesn't mention anything about you using runes. How is that possible?"

Cu Chulainn chuckled, twirling his staff with a practiced ease. "Yeah, I get that reaction a lot. It's not something you'd expect from me, considering my roots are firmly in Irish mythology. But my teacher, Scathach, thought I was particularly suited for them."

Kadoc's eyes narrowed slightly, suspicion flickering across his face. "Scathach? She trained you in Rune Magecraft? That seems... unconventional."

Cu Chulainn shrugged, his expression remaining casual. "She's not exactly bound by conventional rules. If she saw potential in me for Rune Magecraft, who am I to question it? Besides, it's proven to be pretty effective in combat."

Kadoc hesitated, his mind racing with questions. It didn't add up—why wouldn't cu Chulainn be famous for them then? It was already weird that Cu chulainn didn't have his gae bolg but to have something not mentioned in his myth or maybe it was and Kadoc haven't read about it.

Kadoc shook his head, trying to push aside his doubts. "Alright, let's move on. Tell me more about your Rune Magecraft abilities, then. What specific runes can you use, and how do they work in combat?"

Cu Chulainn's grin widened. "Sure thing, Master. There are several key runes I can use, each with their own unique properties. The most common ones are the 'Ansuz' rune for fire-based attacks, the 'Berkano' rune for healing and protection, and the 'Thurisaz' rune for enhancing physical strength and resilience. Each rune can be inscribed quickly and used in the heat of battle."

Kadoc scribbled notes furiously, his mind working to assimilate the information. "And your Noble Phantasm? What exactly does it do?"

Cu Chulainn's expression turned more serious. "My Noble Phantasm as a Caster is different from my Lancer form. It's called 'Wicker Man.' It's a powerful summon that can trap and burn enemies within a giant effigy made of wicker and wood. It's pretty devastating, but it requires a lot of mana to use, so it's best saved for when we really need it."

Kadoc nodded slowly, taking it all in. "Understood. And what about your other skills? Any other combat abilities or support techniques we should be aware of?"

Cu Chulainn nodded, understanding Kadoc's need for thoroughness. "Apart from Rune Magecraft and my Noble Phantasm, I also have a couple of other skills that can come in handy. One is 'Disengage,' which allows me to reset the flow of battle. If things get too intense or we're overwhelmed, I can use this skill to create a tactical retreat, giving us some breathing room."

Kadoc noted this down, recognizing the strategic value of such an ability. "Disengage. Got it. And the other skill?"

"That would be 'Protection from Arrows,' which is a defensive skill. It provides a high level of protection against projectile attacks. It's not just limited to arrows; it can block bullets, magical projectiles, and even some weaker Noble Phantasms. This can be crucial in battles where we're facing ranged enemies."

Kadoc finished jotting down the details, feeling a bit more confident about their capabilities. "Alright, that gives me a good overview. We'll need to work out how to integrate these abilities into our battle strategies. Your Rune Magecraft and Noble Phantasm, combined with your other skills, give us a lot of flexibility."

Cu Chulainn smiled, sensing Kadoc's growing confidence. "Exactly, Master. We'll figure out the best ways to use these skills to our advantage. Just remember, I'm here to support you. We'll get through this together."

Kadoc looked up from his notes, meeting Cu Chulainn's determined gaze. Despite the lingering doubts and the heavy weight of their situation, he felt a spark of hope. "Thank you, Caster. Let's get to work and prepare for whatever comes next."

Kadoc Zemlupus hesitated for a moment, then looked up from his notebook and met Cu Chulainn's eyes. "Caster, I have a request," he began, his voice steady but uncertain. "Is it possible for you to inscribe runes on my body? Ones that could increase my luck and improve my health?"

Cu Chulainn raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the request. "I could do that, Master," he replied thoughtfully. "But there's a catch. Those runes would require a portion of my mana to maintain their effects. If I inscribe them on you, my overall fighting ability would decrease because I'd be spreading my mana thinner. Also, using multiple effects simultaneously isn't advisable; it could lead to instability in their performance."

Kadoc frowned, considering the implications. "So, it would weaken you in combat?"

Cu Chulainn nodded. "Yes, it would. In a situation like ours, where every bit of strength and skill counts, it might not be the best idea. We'd be sacrificing our combat effectiveness for the sake of boosting your luck and health."

Kadoc sighed, feeling the weight of the decision. "I understand. Then perhaps it would be better for me to learn how to use these runes myself. That way, I could benefit from them without diminishing your capabilities."

Cu Chulainn's expression brightened with approval. "Now that's a good idea, Master. Learning Rune Magecraft would not only help you but also increase our overall versatility. I can teach you the basics and guide you through the process. It won't be easy, but I'm confident you can handle it."

With a nod Kadoc left mostly due to Having to set up his own Workshop right now.

Re-build your workshop Roll : 98 + 5 (Help from Casters) + 2 (Magecraft Skill) = 105

Kadoc couldn't believe his own accomplishment as he surveyed the completed workshop. With the guidance of Caster Cu Chulainn and Nitocris, he had managed to set up everything almost single-handedly. He marveled at how efficiently he had utilized resources, even impressing Da Vinci herself. As he looked around, a sense of pride washed over him, knowing that he had proven himself capable beyond his own expectations.

The room was mostly bare, save for sturdy wooden shelves that lined the walls, filled to the brim with books and mystic Codes. Each book was neatly arranged, a testament to Kadoc's organizational prowess. Workbenches occupied the center, adorned with vials of colorful potions and carefully labeled ingredients. The air was heavy with the scent of parchment and dried herbs, a comforting aroma that enveloped the room. Despite its simplicity, there was an undeniable sense of purpose that permeated the space, a quiet haven where Kadoc could immerse himself in his studies and experiments.

A.N : Hope everyone enjoys the Vote will be released by an hour or so.
Turn 2
The First week of Chaldea was rather Successful for Kadoc at least. Even though most people were dead and almost all Master critically wounded unable to be of any help.

But with the help of new Servants the cleaning of all the destruction of Chaldea had been mostly cleaned up and those that did survive were working at a 100% to make sure that everything was running smoothly and even Kadoc helped here and there.

Kadoc himself had quite a successful week due to finishing his own workshop which would help with many things. He did get to know Caster Nitocris more well due to their talk and she was at this moment his most trusted person in his perspective now. He also got to talk with Caster Cu chulainn and got to know his Abilities although he did suspect some tampering with his Summons.

Mostly if he were to grade this week it would be a solid B. There were somethings he could do better and such but ultimately a solid week.

How will you spend your next week?
4 AP

[ ] spend time with a Specific person (increase bond)(increasing bond may net you a reward)
- Mash
- Ritsuka
- Romani
- Other people

[ ] Learn a Skill
(Can include almost anything but I will have to approve it first.)
[ ] Improve a Skill
[ ] Learn any specific lore

[ ] Gardening
[ ] Research your own Magecraft
[ ] Spend time in your workshop
[ ] Summon a Servant (If you don't Ritsuka will)

[ ] Exploring Chaldea
[ ] Cook
[ ] Helping with Chores
[ ] Training with Servants

A.N : Vote start and will end at will end 10 hours
Turn 2 Results
The Chaldea library was a haven for Kadoc, its towering shelves lined with books from every corner of history and myth. Kadoc Zemlupus sat at a large oak table, surrounded by stacks of books, a tablet and some bottles of energy drinks.

He was deep in his research on Nitocris and Cu Chulainn, his Servants, trying to glean every possible advantage from their legends.

As he read, he heard the soft sound of footsteps approaching. He glanced up briefly to see Mash Kyrielight standing there, her face illuminated by the warm glow of the library's lamps.

"Hi, Kadoc," she greeted him with a gentle smile. "Doing some research?"

Kadoc grunted an acknowledgment, his eyes not leaving the page. "Yeah. Trying to understand my Servants better."

Mash took a seat across from him, her expression thoughtful. "That's a good idea. Ritsuka has been doing a lot of studying too. She's really dedicated to this Grand Order."

Kadoc's eyes flicked to her for a moment before returning to his book. Of course she is, he thought. Ritsuka always seemed so composed, so in control, unlike him.

"Ritsuka's been working hard to understand magecraft," Mash continued, her voice carrying a note of admiration. "She wants to make sure she's doing everything she can to help us. I've been trying to learn more too, though it's a bit overwhelming at times."

Kadoc made a noncommittal noise, turning a page. He could feel the sarcasm bubbling up inside him. Oh sure, Mash, you and Ritsuka will probably surpass me in no time. She probably is from a more prestigious family of magi anyway.

"But it's inspiring," Mash went on, seemingly oblivious to his inner thoughts. "Seeing how Ritsuka handles everything, it makes me want to be better too. I just hope I can keep up."

Kadoc glanced at her again, his gaze softening slightly despite himself. He could see the earnest determination in her eyes. For a moment, he considered offering to help her with her studies. But then he dismissed the thought. Yeah right. Like I'd be any help. She'd probably just outshine me too.

"Well, good luck with that," he said instead, his tone deliberately neutral. "It's good that you're both putting in the effort."

Mash smiled warmly. "Thanks, Kadoc. If you ever need any help with your research, let me know. We're all in this together, after all."

"Sure," Kadoc replied, not looking up. "I'll keep that in mind."

As Mash walked away, he returned to his book, his thoughts a mix of frustration and grudging respect. Maybe one day he'd find the courage to step out of his own shadow. But for now, he had legends to study and battles to prepare for.

[X] Research Runes (DC : 90, Roll : 68 + 5 = 73)

Kadoc Zemlupus sat in his dimly lit workshop, surrounded by a chaotic array of ancient tomes and crumpled notes. His eyes were red and heavy with fatigue, underscored by the dark bags beneath them that told of sleepless nights. A half-empty cup of coffee, long gone cold, sat precariously on the edge of his cluttered desk. With a sigh, he ran a hand through his disheveled hair, staring at the intricate symbols scattered across the pages before him.

He had been at this for a week, attempting to decipher and master the ancient runes under the tutelage of Cu Chulainn. The legendary hero was a magus from the Age of Gods, a time when the mysteries of magic were far more potent and deeply intertwined with the world. In contrast, Kadoc was a modern magus, his techniques rooted in the more scientific, less mystical practices of the current era. This disparity in their magical foundations had proven to be a significant obstacle.

"Why isn't this working?" Kadoc muttered, frustration seeping into his voice. He picked up his pen, tapping it rhythmically against the desk as he scanned the text for the hundredth time. The symbols blurred together, their meaning eluding him despite his best efforts.

Cu Chulainn's teachings were invaluable, yet they seemed beyond Kadoc's grasp. The older magi's methods, while brilliant, were tailored to a world that no longer existed. Kadoc needed something more attuned to his own nature, something he could connect with on a fundamental level. The runes of the ancient gods felt alien, distant, like trying to grasp smoke with bare hands.

His thoughts drifted to the Slavic runic language, a system of magic closer to his own heritage. It was less powerful than the Age of Gods' runes, but it was familiar, rooted in the same soil he was. The idea of starting over, of abandoning his families worth of work, gnawed at him. It felt like a defeat, a accepting to give up what his family had worked towards he was basically telling himself to die.

Kadoc leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling. He could almost hear the mocking laughter of those who doubted him, who saw him as nothing more than a second-rate magus. Admitting that he needed to pivot to a different path felt like admitting they were right.

"Slavic runes…" he whispered to himself, the words tasting bitter. It would mean discarding much of what he had struggled to learn over the past week, but it might also mean making actual progress. He glanced at a nearby shelf, where a few books on Slavic magic sat, untouched. They seemed to call to him, promising a clearer path, albeit one that would demand years of dedication and study.

He sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the decision pressing down on him. Kadoc picked up one of the Slavic texts and flipped through its pages. The runes were simpler, their meanings resonating with him in a way the ancient symbols never had.

"It's going to take years," he said, his voice weary but resolute. "But at least it'll be years spent moving forward."

With renewed determination, Kadoc set aside the dense tomes of the Age of Gods and pulled the Slavic text closer. He dipped his pen in ink and began anew, the first strokes on a long journey. The road ahead was daunting, but for the first time in days, he felt a spark of hope. Maybe, just maybe, this path would lead him to the mastery he sought.


[X] Summon a Servant.

Kadoc Zemlupus watched from a distance as Ritsuka Fujimaru, the Master of Chaldea, stood at the summoning circle. The intricate symbols glowed with a faint, otherworldly light, and the air was thick with the weight of magical energy. Kadoc crossed his arms, maintaining his usual cool demeanor, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of curiosity.

Ritsuka held a single Saint Quartz between her fingers, her expression one of focused determination. She whispered a quiet prayer, a hopeful plea to whatever powers governed the summoning. She tossed the quartz into the circle, and the room was immediately filled with a blinding light.

Kadoc squinted, raising a hand to shield his eyes. As the light began to fade, the figure of a man emerged from the center of the circle. He wore a simple, green tunic and a leather belt, with a sword sheathed at his side. His demeanor was unassuming, his expression almost shy.

"Rider, Mandricardo, at your service," the man said, his voice humble and respectful. He bowed slightly, his eyes meeting Ritsuka's with a mix of admiration and nervousness.

Ritsuka's face lit up with a warm smile. "Welcome to Chaldea, Mandricardo. It's an honor to have you with us."

Kadoc couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. It wasn't that he desired the Servant for himself, but rather he envied the ease with which Ritsuka interacted with the new arrival. Her kindness and openness seemed to draw people in effortlessly.

Mandricardo glanced around the room, his eyes widening slightly as he took in the advanced technology and the myriad of magical instruments. "This place... it's incredible," he murmured.

"Yes, it is," Ritsuka agreed. "And now, it's your home too. We'll be working together to protect humanity."

Kadoc stepped forward, his curiosity getting the better of him. "So, you're the famous Mandricardo," he said, his tone neutral but not unfriendly.

Mandricardo turned to face him, offering a polite nod. "Yes, that's right. And you are?"

"Kadoc Zemlupus," he replied. "One of the Masters."

The Rider's eyes widened slightly in recognition. "A master, huh? Well, it's good to meet you, Kadoc. I look forward to working with you."

Kadoc nodded, though he couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider in this moment of camaraderie. He watched as Ritsuka and Mandricardo continued their conversation, discussing the Rider's past exploits and his role in the upcoming battles. Despite his initial reluctance, Kadoc found himself silently hoping that this new Servant would bring some much-needed strength to their cause.

As the conversation flowed, Kadoc lingered at the edge of the room, observing. Ritsuka's unwavering optimism and Mandricardo's genuine humility struck a chord with him. Perhaps, he thought, there was still hope for redemption – not just for the world, but for himself as well.


Kadoc walked through the pristine, futuristic halls of Chaldea, his footsteps echoing slightly in the otherwise quiet corridor. Beside him, Nitocris and Mandricardo followed, their eyes wide with curiosity and wonder at the high-tech surroundings.

"This place is something else," Mandricardo said, his voice carrying a mix of awe and skepticism. "I've never seen anything like it."

"Yeah, it's pretty advanced," Kadoc replied, glancing at him. "Chaldea is designed to monitor and protect humanity. We're equipped with all kinds of technology to help us intervene in Singularities—anomalies in time that could threaten human history."

Nitocris, dressed in the same uniform that he and Ritsuka were due to his own embarrassment of her walking around almost naked, thought he wouldn't say it aloud. Leonardo da Vinci had already laughed too much at him when he told her this. She seemed intrigued by the advanced technology around her. "It is quite different from what I am accustomed to," she mused.

"That's an understatement," Mandricardo muttered under his breath, earning a gentle nudge from Nitocris.

Kadoc led Nitocris and Mandricardo down another corridor, stopping in front of a door labeled "Da Vinci's Workshop." The sound of tools and machinery could be heard from within.

"This is Da Vinci's workshop," Kadoc explained. "She's one of the first Casters we summoned."

As they entered the room, they saw Da Vinci, fully absorbed in her work at a large workbench cluttered with various tools, blueprints, and devices. She was tinkering with what looked like a small mechanical gadget, her hands moving with precision and expertise.

"Hey, Da Vinci," Kadoc called out, not wanting to startle her but still needing to get her attention.

Da Vinci looked up from her work, a bright smile spreading across her face. "Ah, Kadoc! Welcome! And I see you've brought guests." She put down her tools and wiped her hands on a cloth before walking over to them.

This is Mandricardo," Kadoc introduced. "He just arrived and I'm showing him around."

"Mandricardo, it's a pleasure to meet you," Da Vinci greeted warmly, extending a hand. "Welcome to Chaldea. I'm sure you'll find your time here quite enlightening."

Mandricardo shook her hand, his grip firm yet respectful. "Thank you. I'm looking forward to working with all of you. This place is... beyond anything I imagined. Although I am not sure you need little old me."

Da Vinci laughed, a sound that was both light and comforting. "Oh, don't be modest. Everyone here has a role to play, and I'm sure you'll find your place soon enough."

Kadoc gave a slight nod, appreciating Da Vinci's words, though still feeling a bit like an outsider himself. "Da Vinci, could you show Mandricardo some of the basics around here? I'd like him to get a sense of what we do."

"Of course," Da Vinci said, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Come, Mandricardo. I'll give you a crash course on Chaldea's tech and facilities. It might be a bit overwhelming at first, but you'll get used to it."

Kadoc leaned against the wall, watching Da Vinci and Mandricardo. His fatigue weighed heavily on him, making his eyelids droop. Nitocris, still standing by his side, noticed his weariness.

"You haven't slept in a while, have you?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Kadoc shrugged, trying to play it off. "It's nothing. Just been busy with research."

Nitocris frowned, crossing her arms. "Master, you can't push yourself like this. You're no good to anyone if you collapse from exhaustion."

Kadoc's eyes flashed defensively. "I'm fine, Caster. There's just a lot that needs to be done."

Nitocris's expression softened, though her tone remained firm. "Master, you need to take care of yourself first. Overworking will only make things worse. Even the greatest pharaohs needed rest."

Kadoc looked away, feeling a mix of frustration and gratitude. "I know, but there's so much at stake. I can't afford to slow down."

"Master," Nitocris said, her voice gentle but insistent, "rest is not a weakness. It's a necessity. If you don't take care of your body and mind, your efforts will be in vain."

Kadoc glanced at her, a faint smile tugging at his lips despite his fatigue. "I appreciate the concern, but it's not that simple."

Nitocris placed a hand on his arm, her touch comforting. "We all have our roles to play, but we can't do it alone. Lean on us, Master. Let us help you. We're a team."

Kadoc sighed deeply, the weight of her words sinking in. "Maybe you're right. I'll try to get some rest when I can."

Nitocris smiled, a glimmer of relief in her eyes. "Good. We'll face these challenges together, but only if we're all at our best."

Kadoc nodded, feeling a bit lighter despite his exhaustion. "Thanks, Caster. I'll try to remember that."

As they turned their attention back to Da Vinci and Mandricardo, Kadoc felt a renewed sense of determination. He knew he couldn't afford to burn himself out, and with the support of his friends and allies, he felt a spark of hope for the future.
Turn 3
The second week of Chaldea was rather unsuccessful for Kadoc at least. Even though Chaldea had summoned a new Servant successfully he had barely achieved anything.

The first mistake was that he had wasted a whole week researching Rune Magecraft even though he wasn't talented in it. Even with cu Chulainn but that was mostly due to himself being an Age of God Magi which made Kadoc feel stupid like that should have been obvious to him that he wouldn't actually learn much from him except the very basics due to the huge difference in the style.

Although he wouldn't class this as a complete failure as he did learn something useful at least, he has gained minor knowledge on runes and had a theory that he might have some advantage for the Salvic Runic language.

Grade : C-

How will you spend your next week?
4 AP

[ ] spend time with a Specific person (increase bond)(increasing bond may net you a reward)
- Mash
- Ritsuka
- Romani
- Other people

[ ] Learn a Skill
(Can include almost anything but I will have to approve it first.)
[ ] Improve a Skill
[ ] Learn any specific lore

[ ] Gardening
[ ] Research your own Magecraft
[ ] Spend time in your workshop
[ ] Summon a Servant (If you don't Ritsuka will)

[ ] Exploring Chaldea
[ ] Cook
[ ] Helping with Chores
[ ] Training with Servants

A.N : Voting start and will end in about 10 hours
Turn 3 Results
Kadoc Zemplupus lay on the narrow cot, staring at the ceiling of his dimly lit room. The events of the past days churned in his mind, a relentless storm of thoughts and emotions.

He hadn't slept properly since the bombing of Chaldea, the weight of the disaster and the responsibilities that followed pressing down on him like an iron fist. Exhaustion gnawed at him, yet sleep remained elusive, teasing him with its promise of respite but never truly delivering.

Dr. Romani Archaman, with his gentle yet insistent demeanor, had practically forced Kadoc to rest. "You need to sleep, Kadoc," Romani had said, his voice carrying an authority that left no room for argument. "You can't continue like this. You'll burn out."

Kadoc had reluctantly agreed, though he doubted the efficacy of mere sleep would help him with the task at hand. Like he would be any useful.

As he lay there, the darkness of the room seemed to seep into his thoughts, and gradually, the barrier between waking and dreaming began to blur.

He felt a strange, heavy sensation pulling him down, deeper and deeper, until he found himself standing in a vast, ancient hall. The scene was vivid, almost painfully so, every detail etched with a clarity that made him question whether he was truly dreaming. The air was thick with the aroma of exotic spices and the intoxicating scent of wine, mingling with the soft murmur of voices and the clinks of goblets.

Golden light flickered from braziers, casting dancing shadows on the opulent walls adorned with intricate carvings of gods and pharaohs. The grandeur of the place was almost overwhelming, and Kadoc felt a strange sense of both awe and foreboding.

As the voices of the banquet guests rose and fell around him, he realized with a start that he couldn't understand a single word they were saying. Their speech was a foreign tongue, a jumble of unfamiliar sounds that washed over him like a distant melody.

He looked down at his hands, or rather, Nitocris's hands, and felt a surge of disorientation. It seemed that he was seeing her memory, he had heard of this phenomenon which was caused by being contracted to a heroic spirit.

The world seemed to shift and warp around him, and suddenly, he was seeing through her eyes, feeling the weight of her thoughts and emotions.

Nitocris stood at the head of the grand hall, her regal presence commanding the attention of all who gathered before her. Dressed in resplendent garments of gold and crimson, she exuded an aura of power and majesty that left no room for doubt - she was a queen in every sense of the word.

The banquet hall buzzed with conversation and laughter as guests from far and wide mingled, their voices rising and falling like a symphony of chaos. Yet beneath the veneer of revelry, an undercurrent of tension simmered, a palpable sense of unease that lingered in the air like a storm on the horizon.

Nitocris, however, remained unruffled, her gaze sweeping over the assembled throng with a steely determination. These were not just guests gathered to partake in her hospitality; they were pawns in her grand design, unwitting players in a game of fate that she alone held the strings to.

As the night wore on and the wine flowed freely, Nitocris observed with a watchful eye, her mind calculating every move, every word spoken in hushed tones. She knew their secrets, their desires, their ambitions - and she would use them to her advantage.

And then, at the height of the festivities, when the revelry was at its peak, Nitocris gave the signal. With a single gesture, she unleashed her vengeance upon those who had killed her brothers and had defied the throne of the pharaoh.

The ground trembled beneath their feet as the walls of the banquet hall seemed to groan and creak with the weight of impending doom. And then, without warning, the floor beneath them gave way, revealing a yawning chasm that stretched down into the depths below.

Panic swept through the crowd like wildfire as they realized the horror that awaited them, but it was too late. With a deafening roar, water surged forth from the depths, engulfing everything in its path with merciless force.

The screams of the doomed echoed through the hall, a cacophony of terror and despair that was soon silenced beneath the relentless tide. One by one, they were swallowed by the raging waters, their lives snuffed out in an instant as Nitocris's wrath washed over them like a tidal wave.

And as quickly as it had begun, the deluge receded, leaving behind only silence and death in its wake. The grand hall lay in ruins, the echoes of the tragedy reverberating off the walls like a haunting lament.

Kadoc jolted awake, his heart pounding against his chest as he gasped for air. Beads of cold sweat dotted his forehead as he struggled to make sense of the vivid dream that still lingered in his mind like a ghostly echo.

To his surprise, he found himself face to face with Caster, her gentle smile cutting through the darkness of the room. "Master, are you alright?" she asked, concern evident in her voice as she reached out to touch his trembling hand.

Kadoc blinked in confusion, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he took in the sight of his dimly lit room, illuminated by the soft glow of the light. And then, he noticed the posters adorning the walls - posters of rock bands and musicians, a stark contrast to the austere surroundings of Chaldea.

Heat flooded his cheeks as he realized just how different his tastes were from the image he tried to project. "I... uh, I'm fine, Caster," he stammered, his voice betraying his discomfort as he attempted to sit up, pulling the thin blanket around him self-consciously.

Caster's smile only widened, amusement dancing in her eyes as she regarded him with gentle affection. "I came to check on you, Master," she said, her tone warm and reassuring. "You seemed troubled in your sleep. Was it just a bad dream?"

Kadoc nodded, though the memory of the dream still lingered, its intensity leaving him shaken. "Just a dream," he muttered, his gaze flickering away from Caster's probing stare. "Nothing to worry about."

But even as he tried to dismiss it, the echoes of Nitocris's wrath still haunted him, a reminder of the weight of his responsibilities and the dangers that lurked in the shadows of his own mind.

Kadoc stumbled, sweat dripping from his forehead, muscles screaming in protest as he completed another grueling set of push-ups within the Chaldea training simulator. "I'm a Master, not some foot soldier," he gasped between labored breaths, glaring at Caster Cu Chulainn. "Why do I have to do this?"

Cu Chulainn, leaning casually against the wall, a faint smile playing on his lips, responded without missing a beat. "Better to have and not need, than to need and not have, lad. You might be a Master, but out there, anything can happen. You need to be ready for it."

In the corner, Rider Mandricardo was Training his Master, Ritsuka Fujimaru, who was also in the same state as him although worse.

Since as a Magus such combat ability was already required which made Kadoc train harder since he was always behind others. Although most of Team A was better than him in such departments due to them having better Magecraft and magic circuits or long line of magic family to fall back on.

Kadoc groaned, rolling onto his back, trying to catch his breath. "Still, this seems excessive," he muttered, wiping the sweat from his brow with a shaky hand. His body ached from the intense regimen, every muscle screaming in protest.

Cu Chulainn chuckled, his eyes twinkling with a mixture of amusement and sympathy. "Excessive? Maybe. But it's necessary. You've got potential, kid. You just need to push yourself harder. You think I got where I am by taking it easy?"

Kadoc snorted, the corner of his mouth twitching into a reluctant smile. "Point taken," he conceded, forcing himself to sit up. "But don't expect me to thank you for this."

"In due time, lad, in due time," Cu Chulainn replied, crossing his arms over his chest. "Now, get up. Defend yourself!"

As Kadoc dragged himself to his feet, he heard the faint hum of the simulator initializing a new scenario. He turned just in time to see three massive boars materialize before him, each one easily twice the size of any animal he had ever encountered. Their tusks gleamed menacingly, and their eyes burned with an unnatural ferocity.

"Defend yourself!" Cu Chulainn's voice was calm, but there was a note of urgency in it that sent a shiver down Kadoc's spine.

Kadoc's mind raced as he assessed the situation. He knew his only hope lay in his Anti-Beast Magecraft. He quickly muttered an incantation under his breath, summoning the magical energy within him. A faint blue glow enveloped his hands, signaling that his spell was ready.

The first boar charged at him with terrifying speed, its massive form barreling forward like a runaway train. Kadoc barely had time to react, stumbling backward and narrowly avoiding the creature's lethal tusks. He raised his glowing hands and unleashed a burst of magical energy, aiming for the boar's head.

The spell hit its mark, causing the boar to reel back with a pained squeal. However, it wasn't enough to bring the beast down. It shook its head, momentarily dazed but still very much alive and dangerous.

"Focus, Kadoc! Aim for the weak spots!" Cu Chulainn's voice cut through the chaos, offering a shred of guidance.

Kadoc's heart pounded in his chest as he circled the boar, searching for an opening. The other two boars were starting to close in, their eyes fixed on him with predatory intent. He had to act fast.

With a burst of determination, Kadoc lunged forward, aiming another spell at the first boar's vulnerable neck. This time, the magical blast struck true, penetrating the thick hide and sinking deep into the creature's flesh. The boar let out a final, ear-splitting scream before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

But there was no time to celebrate. The other two boars were upon him, their massive bodies flanking him from either side. Kadoc stumbled, his exhaustion threatening to overtake him. He desperately fired off another spell, hitting one of the boars in the leg and slowing its advance. However, the other boar was still coming, and Kadoc was out of time.

Just as the second boar was about to strike, a blur of blue intercepted it. Cu Chulainn, his spear in hand, effortlessly deflected the attack, sending the boar skidding across the ground. He glanced back at Kadoc, a hint of approval in his eyes.

"Not bad, kid," Cu Chulainn said, his tone still casual despite the intense situation. "But you need to finish the job."

Kadoc nodded, taking a deep breath to steady himself. With renewed determination, he turned his focus back to the wounded boar. He gathered the last of his strength, channeling his magic into one final, concentrated blast. The spell struck the boar's heart, and with a final, shuddering breath, it too fell to the ground.

The last boar, realizing it was outmatched, turned tail and fled, disappearing into the simulated forest. Kadoc collapsed to his knees, every muscle in his body screaming in protest.

Cu Chulainn approached him, a satisfied smile on his face. "You did well, Kadoc. Better than I expected."

Kadoc looked up at him, panting heavily. "Thanks," he managed to say between breaths. "But I still hate you for making me do this."

Cu Chulainn chuckled, offering him a hand. "You'll thank me one day, lad. Now, let's get you some rest. You've earned it."

[Reached Bond 1 with Cu chulainn]

The dimly lit room of Chaldea's library was filled with the scent of old books and parchment. The vast expanse of the room was lined with shelves upon shelves of tomes, scrolls, and mystical artifacts, all whispering tales of ancient knowledge. At one of the tables near the center, Kadoc Zemlupus sat across from Ritsuka Fujimaru, the young and brave Master of Chaldea.

Kadoc adjusted his glasses, glancing at the eager yet slightly apprehensive expression on Ritsuka's face. He cleared his throat, the sound echoing softly in the quiet room.

"Alright, Fujimaru, today we're going to cover the absolute basics of Magecraft," he began, his voice steady and authoritative. "To start, let's define what Magecraft actually is."

Ritsuka leaned in, her eyes focused on Kadoc, ready to absorb every bit of information.

"Magecraft," Kadoc continued, "is the artificial reenactment of Mystery, which is ordinarily possible only by inhuman beings. In simpler terms, it's the ability to replicate phenomena that science can achieve, but through supernatural means."

Ritsuka nodded, her curiosity piqued. "So, it's like using magic to do what science can do?"

"Precisely," Kadoc affirmed. "But there's more to it. While the process of Magecraft is considered miraculous, the end result is not. This distinction is crucial. For example, lighting a fire with a match is mundane, but doing the same with a spell is Magecraft. The fire itself is not a miracle, but the way it was created is."

Ritsuka's eyes widened in understanding. "I think I get it. The outcome is normal, but the method is what makes it special."

"Exactly," Kadoc said with a hint of a smile. "Now, the limits of Magecraft have changed over time. As science evolved, many things that were once considered magical are now possible through scientific means. This has pushed the boundaries of what we consider Magecraft."

Ritsuka tilted her head slightly. "Can you give me an example?"

"Sure," Kadoc replied, leaning back in his chair. "In the past, something like communicating over long distances would be achieved through Magecraft. Today, we use phones and the internet. These advances in science have made certain magical practices obsolete, forcing Magecraft to evolve and adapt to new mysteries that science has yet to uncover."

Ritsuka tapped her chin thoughtfully. "So, as science progresses, Magecraft has to find new areas to explore?"

"Precisely," Kadoc nodded. "Magecraft now often delves into areas that are still beyond the reach of modern science, dealing with the manipulation of spiritual energies, summoning of entities, and other phenomena that remain in the realm of the supernatural."

He paused, giving Ritsuka a moment to absorb the information. "Now, let's talk about the basic components of Magecraft. There are three main elements you need to understand: the source, the medium, and the spell. The source is where the magical energy comes from. For most magi, this is their own Od, their personal magical energy. The medium is what you use to channel this energy, which can be a wand, a staff, or even your own hands. And finally, the spell is the structured formula that directs the energy to achieve the desired result."

Ritsuka nodded slowly, trying to piece together the concepts. "So, it's like having a battery, a conductor, and a circuit?"

Kadoc chuckled softly. "That's a very apt analogy. The source provides the power, the medium conducts it, and the spell is the circuit that determines how the power is used. Understanding these basics is crucial for any practitioner of Magecraft."

Ritsuka took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and responsibility. "I think I'm getting it. There's so much to learn, but I'm ready."

Kadoc's expression softened. "You're doing well, Fujimaru. Remember, Magecraft is as much about knowledge as it is about practice. Take your time to understand these fundamentals, and we'll build on them as you progress. For now, let's start with a simple exercise. I want you to try and get used to your own personal magic circuits."pll

Ritsuka closed her eyes, focusing inward as Kadoc guided her through the process. The journey of mastering Magecraft had just begun, but under Kadoc's patient tutelage, Ritsuka felt a spark of confidence ignite within her.

[Reached Bond 1 with Ritsuka]

Kadoc settled into a well-worn armchair, a thick tome about the history of Rome cradled in his hands. The room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of a desk lamp casting a warm halo on the pages. As he began to read, the narrative transported him back to ancient times, weaving a tapestry of power, ambition, and transformation.

The story of Rome, Kadoc mused, is one of the most compelling in human history, a civilization that evolved from a small settlement on the Tiber River to a vast empire spanning three continents. It began, according to legend, with Romulus and Remus, the twin brothers raised by a she-wolf. Romulus would go on to found the city in 753 BC, naming it after himself. This mythological origin, filled with drama and divine intervention, set the stage for a history marked by remarkable achievements and equally notable downfalls.

In its early years, Rome was a monarchy, ruled by a succession of seven kings. This period saw the establishment of many of the city's foundational institutions, such as the Senate. However, the last king, Tarquin the Proud, was overthrown in 509 BC, leading to the establishment of the Roman Republic. Kadoc noted the significance of this transition: the Republic represented a new form of governance, where power was shared among elected officials, a novel concept in the ancient world.

The Republic era was characterized by internal strife and external expansion. Kadoc read about the struggle between the patricians, the aristocratic class, and the plebeians, the commoners. This social conflict led to the creation of the Twelve Tables, Rome's first code of law, aimed at appeasing the plebeians by guaranteeing certain rights and protections.

Rome's military prowess was also on full display during the Republic. Kadoc found the accounts of the Punic Wars particularly gripping. These wars against Carthage, a powerful city-state in North Africa, were pivotal in establishing Rome's dominance in the Mediterranean. The Second Punic War, with Hannibal's daring crossing of the Alps, showcased the strategic brilliance and resilience of both sides. Ultimately, Rome's victory solidified its status as a formidable power.

The transition from Republic to Empire was tumultuous. Kadoc read about the rise of influential generals like Julius Caesar, whose crossing of the Rubicon in 49 BC marked the end of the Republic. Caesar's subsequent assassination on the Ides of March in 44 BC underscored the volatile nature of Roman politics. The aftermath saw the emergence of Augustus, Rome's first emperor, who established the Pax Romana, a period of relative peace and stability that lasted over two centuries.

Under the emperors, Rome reached its zenith, expanding its borders from the British Isles to the deserts of Arabia. The architectural and cultural achievements during this time were immense, with iconic structures like the Colosseum and the Pantheon symbolizing the grandeur of Roman engineering and art. Kadoc marveled at the ingenuity and ambition that drove such projects.

However, the seeds of decline were sown even as the Empire flourished. Kadoc read about the internal decay, economic troubles, and relentless barbarian invasions that chipped away at Rome's stability. By 476 AD, the Western Roman Empire had fallen, marking the end of ancient Rome.

Yet, as Kadoc closed the book, he reflected on the enduring legacy of Rome. Its laws, governance, culture, and innovations continued to influence civilizations long after the Empire's fall. The history of Rome, he thought, is not just a chronicle of events but a testament to human resilience and the perpetual quest for greatness.

[Mythology Expertise skill Increases from 60% to. 80%]

A.N : Turn 3 is also complete the next one will be the last.
Turn 4
How will you spend your next week?
4 AP

[ ] spend time with a Specific person (increase bond)(increasing bond may net you a reward)
- Mash
- Ritsuka
- Romani
- Other people

[ ] Learn a Skill
(Can include almost anything but I will have to approve it first.)
[ ] Improve a Skill
[ ] Learn any specific lore

[ ] Gardening
[ ] Research your own Magecraft
[ ] Spend time in your workshop
[ ] Try and make your Magecraft

[ ] Exploring Chaldea
[ ] Cook
[ ] Helping with Chores
[ ] Training with Servants
Turn 4 Results
In the dimly lit records room of Chaldea, shelves stacked with books, digital archives, and mystical artifacts surrounded Kadoc Zemlupus as he worked diligently. He had been assigned to assist Leonardo da Vinci, Chaldea's resident genius, with organizing the massive backlog of records.

"Kadoc, my dear boy, could you hand me the Azoth blade from that top shelf?" da Vinci called out, perched precariously on a rolling ladder as she rifled through a stack of scrolls.

Kadoc sighed, his brow furrowing. "Sure, but do you really need to be climbing around like that? We have a step stool for a reason."

Da Vinci chuckled, her voice musical. "Where's the fun in that? Besides, heights give me a better perspective on things. Ah, there it is!" She pointed excitedly.

With a resigned nod, Kadoc reached for the Azoth blade, a simple Mystic Code resembling a blade-shaped wand, and handed it to her. "Here. Just... be careful."

"Always am!" she replied with a wink, which Kadoc doubted. He moved to the next shelf, sifting through documents marked with stamp of Classified.

As Kadoc sifted through the classified documents, he found his thoughts wandering. He couldn't help but compare da Vinci to the NPCs in his favorite RPGs, the ones who served as guides and mentors before meeting an untimely demise. They were always cheerful and full of wisdom, their deaths serving as a catalyst for the hero's journey.

"She's just like them," he mused internally. "The kind of character who sets the tone of the story, who gives the protagonist a reason to fight. I just hope she doesn't—"

His thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a gentle boop on the head. He looked up to see da Vinci grinning down at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Has the little mage fallen for my beauty?" she teased, clearly joking to snap him out of his brooding.

Kadoc's cheeks reddened slightly, and he frowned, trying to hide his embarrassment. "I was just thinking about something, that's all."

"Well, stop thinking so hard," she said with a lighthearted laugh. "We've got plenty of work to do and no time for daydreaming."

Kadoc couldn't help but smile a little at her infectious energy. Despite his earlier worries, he knew that as long as da Vinci was around, Chaldea was in good hands.

[Bond reached 25% with Leonardo]


. Ever since the bombing of Chaldea Kadoc hadn't had the chance to sit down and continue the reserch of his own Magecraft so today he had made sometimes for himself and entered his Workshop to such.

Although he did have a idea of having Da Vinci help him but as a Magus his pride didn't allow that nor would he have been even able to understand his own Magecraft if she had helped him properly because she wasn't used to the system of Magecraft that his family used

Kadoc settled into the confines of his workshop, a place that, while not his private sanctuary, he still considered his most prized work to date. Shelves lined with books and unfinished Mystic Codes surrounded him, each piece a testament to the generations of research carried out by his family. The faint, lingering scent of incense and old parchment filled the air, a comforting reminder of the legacy he carried.

Despite the chaos of recent events and the pressing matters of Chaldea, Kadoc had managed to carve out this precious time for himself. He knew that his research into his family's unique Magecraft couldn't be neglected any longer. The intricate system they employed was something that had fascinated him since childhood, a complex web of spells and incantations that required meticulous understanding and precise execution.

With a deep breath, Kadoc began sifting through his notes. Pages filled with his ancestors' theories and his own annotations lay spread out before him. The challenge was immense, but the potential rewards were equally significant. As much as he respected Da Vinci's prowess and intellect, he knew that this was a journey he had to undertake alone. Her approach to Magecraft, though undeniably brilliant, was rooted in a different tradition. It lacked the nuances and subtleties of the techniques that had been passed down through his family.

His mind drifted to the core principles of his Magecraft, focusing on the aspects he had struggled with the most. He recalled the countless hours spent trying to decipher the intricacies of his Magic Circuits and the specific rituals that amplified their potency.

He remembered the pain when the Magic crest was passed onto him and although it held only a meager history of 200 years it was still something he held somewhat of a pride in.

Kadoc's thoughts turned to his experiments on Anti-Beast Magecraft, a specialized field that had become increasingly relevant. The recent threats they had faced underscored the importance of developing effective countermeasures against monstrous entities. He recalled the theories about exploiting the inherent weaknesses in Beast-class enemies, the specific spells.


Kadoc Zemplupus, typically engrossed in his studies of magical theory and ancient texts, found himself unexpectedly immersed in the pages of a history book detailing World War I. The thick volume lay open before him, its yellowed pages filled with accounts of global conflict and human struggle. Kadoc's interest had been piqued by a passing reference to the war's impact on Magecraft—a subject he hadn't previously considered.

As he read, Kadoc navigated through the dense narratives of alliances, battles, and the socio-political dynamics of early 20th-century Europe. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary in Sarajevo marked the precipice that plunged the world into unprecedented conflict. Kadoc traced the progression of battles like Verdun and the Somme, grappling with the grim realities of trench warfare, the emergence of new technologies like tanks and airplanes, and the devastating toll on human lives.

Beyond the military strategies and technological advancements, Kadoc delved into the societal shifts triggered by the war. He discovered the evolving roles of women in wartime industries and the seeds of independence planted in colonial regions of the Middle East and Africa. The aftermath of the war, notably the Treaty of Versailles and the establishment of the League of Nations, underscored humanity's attempt to forge peace through diplomacy and international cooperation.

For Kadoc, reading about World War I wasn't just an academic exercise; it was a journey into understanding the moral complexities and human resilience amidst chaos. He encountered poignant accounts of soldiers enduring gas attacks and the psychological trauma of trench warfare. These narratives, alongside his magical studies on healing and resilience, deepened Kadoc's appreciation for the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

As he turned the pages, Kadoc found himself captivated by the personalities shaping the war's course. From the diplomatic maneuvers of leaders like Woodrow Wilson and Georges Clemenceau to the conflicting ideologies of Tsar Nicholas II and Kaiser Wilhelm II, Kadoc marveled at how individual decisions reverberated through history.

By the time he closed the book, Kadoc's understanding of World War I had broadened significantly. He saw connections between the global upheaval of the early 20th century and the delicate balance of magical energies he studied in his academic pursuits. Kadoc emerged with a newfound appreciation for the interconnectedness of history, humanity's capacity for both destruction and resilience, and the enduring quest for a more peaceful world.

[Gained Skill Historical Knowledge at Rank G]

A.N : So next Chapter will be the the First actual Singularity. Since you guys didn't make any Mystic Codes this time you don't really have anything to pick and the next Chapter will be on Monday.
Singularity 1 Part 1
"hehehehehe" laughed Kadoc Zemplupus acting as if he had just heard the greatest joke in his lifetime.

"Master, I am sure that it would be best if you don't drink any more." Said Nitocris who was sat opposite to her Master. She was getting increasingly worried about her Master who she has found in the cafeteria alone with the Hero cu Chulainn drinking.

"Hehehe," Kadoc chuckled, his speech slightly slurred as he leaned back in his chair. "I'm fiiiiine, Nitocris," he reassured her with a wobbly wave of his hand. "Just... enjoying the moment."

Nitocris sighed softly, concern etching her features as she watched him. "Master, I think it would be best if you stopped drinking now."

Kadoc blinked slowly, his gaze wandering before settling on Cu Chulainn. "Hey, Cu," he grinned widely, "wanna hear a joke? Why don't skeletons fight each other?"

Cu Chulainn raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued despite himself. "Why not?"

"Because they don't have the guts!" Kadoc burst into laughter, slapping his knee and nearly tipping over his drink.

Nitocris shook her head, smiling despite her worry. "Master, your sense of humor might be... influenced right now."

"Master, I really think you've had enough," Nitocris insisted, her voice firm yet gentle. When Kadoc ignored her and continued to giggle at his own joke, she made up her mind. With a determined sigh, she stood up, walked around the table, and effortlessly hoisted him up.

Kadoc blinked in surprise, but his drunken smile remained. "Whoa, Nitocris! You're stronger than you look!"

"Thank you, Master," she replied, adjusting her grip to ensure he was secure. "But it's time to get you back to your room."

As she carried him towards the exit, the cafeteria door swung open and Ritsuka stepped inside, a serious expression on their face. "Kadoc, Nitocris, there you are. Doctor Roman asked me to find you. He's discovered a new Singularity."

Nitocris paused, her eyes widening with concern. "A new Singularity? Now?"

"Yes," Ritsuka nodded, glancing at the clearly intoxicated Kadoc. "We need everyone to be ready as soon as possible."

Kadoc tried to focus, his drunken haze lifting slightly at the mention of a Singularity. "A Singularity, huh?" He attempted to straighten up in Nitocris's arms. "Well then, lead the way, Ritsuka! Duty calls!"

Ritsuka smiled, offering a supportive nod. "Let's get you both to the Command Room. Doctor Roman will fill us in on the details."

With Kadoc still safely in her grasp, Nitocris followed Ritsuka, her worry now mingling with a sense of urgency. The lighthearted moments were over, and the seriousness of their mission set in.

As Nitocris carried Kadoc through the halls, Ritsuka led them swiftly to the Command Room. Upon entering, they found Mandricardo, Mash, and Cu Chulainn already assembled, their expressions reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"Ah, you're here," Doctor Roman greeted them from the central console, his face lined with concern. "Nitocris, you can set Kadoc down. We need everyone's full attention."

Nitocris gently placed Kadoc in a chair, making sure he was stable before taking her place beside him. Kadoc shook his head, trying to clear the last remnants of his drunkenness, while the others focused on Doctor Roman.

"Alright, everyone," Roman began, pulling up a holographic map of Europe on the main screen. "We've detected a new Singularity, and it's a significant one. It's located in Europe, around the year 1918—during the final months of World War One."

Mash's eyes widened. "World War One... The Great War. That's a critical period in human history."

"Exactly," Roman affirmed. "The Singularity appears to be centered in the Western Front, a key battleground of the war. Unfortunately, we don't have much more information than that. We know the time period and that it's a Singularity, but the specifics are still unclear."

Cu Chulainn leaned forward, his expression serious. "So, we're going in blind. Any idea what might be causing the Singularity?"

Roman shook his head. "Our scans have been inconclusive. We don't know what's causing the disturbance or who might be involved. You'll need to investigate on the ground and gather intel as you go."

Mandricardo crossed his arms, his brow furrowing. "It's going to be tough navigating such a chaotic period without more information, but we'll manage."

"Exactly," Roman said, looking at each of them. "Your mission is to enter the Singularity, investigate the cause of the disturbance, and find a way to restore the proper course of history. This will be a dangerous mission, but I have full confidence in your abilities."

Kadoc, now more focused, nodded firmly. "Understood. We'll figure it out and set things right."

Ritsuka stepped forward, determination shining in their eyes. "Let's get ready, team. We have a Singularity to fix."

The team quickly made their way to the Rayshift Chamber, the air thick with anticipation and determination. Each step echoed their resolve as they approached the Coffins, the specialized pods designed for the rayshifting process.

Doctor Roman followed closely behind, giving final instructions. "Remember, the situation is volatile. Stay together, gather information, and be prepared for anything. We'll monitor your progress from here and provide support as best as we can."

Mash looked at Ritsuka, who gave her a reassuring nod. "We'll be ready, Doctor Roman."

Nitocris helped Kadoc into his Coffin, making sure he was secure. "Are you alright, Master?"

Kadoc gave her a faint smile. "I'll be fine, Nitocris. Let's focus on the mission."

One by one, they settled into their Coffins. Ritsuka took a deep breath, glancing around at their comrades. "Alright, everyone. Let's make sure we bring history back to its proper course."

The Coffins sealed with a soft hiss, and the room's lights dimmed. Doctor Roman's voice came over the intercom. "Initiating Rayshift sequence. Countdown starting... now."

A digital timer appeared on the chamber's main screen, counting down from ten.

"Ten... nine... eight..."

Inside their Coffins, the team members felt the familiar hum of the machinery as the rayshift process began.

"Seven... six... five..."

Cu Chulainn tightened his grip on his spear, his expression resolute. Mandricardo closed his eyes, focusing his mind on the task ahead.

"Four... three... two..."

Mash felt a sense of calm wash over her, her shield ready for whatever awaited them on the other side.

"One... Rayshift—start!"

Kadoc felt a tingling sensation run through his body. One moment he was in a claustrophobic tube. The next he was falling from the sky with no one around him.

What will you do?

[ ] Use Command Seal (3/3)(Specify who are you calling)
[ ] Use Reinforcement

A.N : The first actual Singularity yay.
Great War1
The world spun in a disorienting blur of colors and sounds as Kadoc Zemplupus hurtled through the sky. His body, mid-fall, was caught between the pull of gravity and the chaotic turbulence of the rayshift. The technomagical contraption had malfunctioned, sending him plummeting uncontrollably toward an unknown destination. The air whipped past him, tearing at his clothes and stinging his eyes.

Kadoc squinted through the wind, glimpsing the ground below—a patchwork of mud, trenches, and explosions. The smell of smoke and the distant sound of gunfire confirmed his worst fears: he had been rayshifted into a war zone.

He had mere seconds to act. With a deep breath, he focused his magical energy, channeling it through his limbs. The familiar warmth of Reinforcement spread through his body, strengthening his muscles and bones, preparing him for the impact.

"Focus," he muttered to himself, blocking out the fear and the cacophony of war below. "Just like in training."

The ground rushed up to meet him. With a final surge of magic, Kadoc braced himself and hit the earth with a bone-jarring thud. Pain shot through his legs, but the Reinforcement held, absorbing much of the impact. He tumbled and rolled, coming to a stop in a muddy trench, gasping for breath.

His surroundings came into focus: wooden planks, sandbags, and soldiers clad in uniforms caked with mud and grime. The stench of death and gunpowder filled the air. Kadoc pushed himself to his feet, wincing at the dull ache in his legs.

"Where am I?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the din of battle.

A soldier nearby stared at him, eyes wide with shock. "What the hell? You just fell from the sky!"

The soldier's shock quickly turned to suspicion. He raised his rifle, aiming it directly at Kadoc. "Stand down!" he barked, voice filled with authority and fear. "Don't move!"

Kadoc, still reeling from the fall and the residual effects of the rayshift, raised his hands slowly. His magical reserves were low, and he knew any sudden movement could end badly. "I'm not here to harm anyone," he said, keeping his tone calm despite the adrenaline coursing through him.

The soldier, not taking any chances, stepped closer and patted Kadoc down, ensuring he had no weapons. Satisfied but still wary, he motioned to two of his comrades. "Bind his hands. We're taking him to the commander."

The soldiers moved quickly, securing Kadoc's wrists with rough rope. They led him through the trench, their path winding through the chaos of the battlefield. The camp was a small, makeshift setup just a few meters away, sheltered by sandbags and wooden barriers.

They pushed Kadoc into a tent, where a grizzled man with a stern expression sat behind a makeshift desk, maps and papers strewn around him. The leader looked up, his eyes narrowing as he took in the sight of Kadoc.

"Who is this?" the commander demanded, his voice a gravelly growl.

"He fell from the sky, sir," the soldier replied, keeping a firm grip on Kadoc's arm. "I saw it with my own eyes."

The commander leaned forward, studying Kadoc intently. "Speak. Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

Kadoc chose to remain silent as he knew very well that it was best to keep something like the Chaldea under raps and that atleast no sane man would believe him.

Although before the commander of this barracks could do anything a Soldier burst into the tent.

"Commander! The Japanese are advancing from the east!" the soldier exclaimed.

The room tensed. The commander shot to his feet, eyes narrowing. "What? How close are they?"

"Close, sir. We need to mobilize now."

Kadoc's confusion deepened. He looked around at the soldiers, noticing their mix of English and French uniforms. Japan was supposed to be an ally in this era. Why were they advancing on what seemed to be Allied forces?

The commander glanced at Kadoc, suspicion momentarily forgotten in the face of the immediate threat. "Lock him up and make sure he doesn't go anywhere," he ordered. "We need every available man on the front."

As the soldiers dragged Kadoc away, he couldn't help but replay the soldier's words in his mind. The Japanese are advancing. It didn't make sense. Something was wrong with this scenario, and Kadoc needed to find out what.

The soldiers roughly shoved Kadoc into a small cell, slamming the door shut behind him. The dimly lit space was cramped and smelled of damp earth. He glanced around, his eyes landing on the cell's only other occupant: a man no older than thirty, with brown skin and black hair. The man sat calmly against the wall, his eyes bright with curiosity.

As Kadoc settled into the corner, the man offered a warm smile. "Hey there," he greeted. "I'm Rat."

Kadoc, eager to piece together the puzzle, tried to probe Rat for more information about their location and the situation with the Japanese.

"Rat," Kadoc began, keeping his voice low, "where exactly are we? And what's this about the Japanese advancing? They were allies, last I checked."

Rat raised an eyebrow, his expression a mix of confusion and amusement. "You're not from around here, are you, kid? This is France, 1918. But things have been strange lately. About a month ago, a woman claiming to be Oda Nobunaga started rallying the Japanese. She's been leading them on a campaign to take over Europe, and she's been successful so far."

Kadoc's eyes widened. "Oda Nobunaga? That's impossible. She's been dead for centuries."

"Yeah, well, that's what everyone thought," Rat replied with a shrug. "But she's not just any woman. I think she's one of those Heroic Spirits, like in the Grail Wars the Makiri, Tohsaka, and Einzbern families have been involved in."

The mention of the Grail Wars and the prominent Magus families made Kadoc's blood run cold. This wasn't just a historical anomaly; this was Magus territory. "How do you know about that?" Kadoc asked, his voice edged with suspicion. "That's Magus stuff. Regular people shouldn't know about it."

Rat noticed Kadoc's wary expression and chuckled. "You're a Magus, aren't you?" He gestured toward Kadoc's Mystic Code, a piece of enchanted clothing that marked him as a practitioner of magecraft. "It's not exactly a secret, kid. You stick out like a sore thumb."

Kadoc's mind raced. If this man knew about Magi and the Grail War, he wasn't just a regular soldier. "Who are you really, Rat?" Kadoc demanded.

Rat's smile widened. "Just a man caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, like you. But I've got a knack for surviving, and right now, surviving means knowing who's who and what's what."

Kadoc leaned back against the damp wall, absorbing Rat's words. Oda Nobunaga, a Heroic Spirit leading a Japanese army in 1918, was a problem that Chaldea would need to address. For now, he needed to gain more information and find a way out of this cell. Trusting Rat was a risk, but it seemed like his best option.

"How about it kid, will you help an old man escape this place before we become prisoners of war?" Rat said while he stood up standing up to his full height. Which was about 6 feet.

[ ] Accept
[ ] Decline

A.N : Sorry this took time..
Great War 2
Kadoc considered the proposition from the Magus in front of him. He knew he didn't have a Servant with him at the moment and contacting Chaldea wasn't an option right now.

"I accept your proposition," he said, looking at Rat.

The moment Rat heard these words, his face lit up. He immediately jumped to his feet and said in a low voice, "Great, now let's go."

"Wait, right now?" Kadoc asked, surprised by the man's sudden enthusiasm.

Rat stood up, glancing out of the cell to ensure no one was around. He pulled a hidden pin from his pocket and began to pick the lock with practiced ease.

Kadoc watched with a mix of curiosity and apprehension as Rat worked on the lock. The sound of the pin clicking against the metal was surprisingly loud in the silence of the cell block. Rat's hands moved quickly, a testament to his experience with such tasks.

"Keep an eye out," Rat whispered, not breaking his focus.

Kadoc nodded and positioned himself near the cell door, peering down the dimly lit corridor. The shadows seemed to shift and dance, playing tricks on his eyes, but there was no sign of any guards.

After a tense moment, there was a soft click, and the cell door creaked open. Rat gave Kadoc a triumphant grin and gestured for him to follow.

"Stick close and stay quiet," Rat instructed, slipping out of the cell.

Kadoc followed, his heart pounding in his chest. This was a risk, but he had no other choice.

They moved silently through the dimly lit corridors, Rat leading the way with practiced ease. As they approached a junction, Kadoc noticed the path ahead split into two directions. Rat immediately took the left path without hesitation.

"Wait," Kadoc said, stopping in his tracks. "Isn't the right way the way out?"

Rat turned back, a whimsical grin spreading across his face. "It is," he replied, his voice light and airy. "But the barracks are this way. We might pick up something useful from there."

Kadoc frowned but nodded, realizing Rat had a point. "Alright, lead the way."

Rat resumed his pace, and Kadoc followed, curious about what they might find in the barracks and how it could aid their escape.

Kadoc remained on edge, his distrust of Rat simmering beneath the surface. He followed silently, his eyes darting around for any signs of danger.

"So," Rat began, glancing over his shoulder, "which mage family do you come from?"

Kadoc kept his gaze forward, not responding.

Rat tried again. "You must have some interesting stories, being a magus and all."

"Not interested," Kadoc replied curtly.

Undeterred, Rat pressed on. "You know, we might work better together if we get to know each other a bit."

Kadoc's silence was deafening. Rat sighed but didn't push further, recognizing the futility. They continued through the corridor, Rat's earlier enthusiasm slightly dampened by Kadoc's cold reception.

They reached the room rather quickly. It was a large, cluttered space filled with boxes and mostly useless items. Rat immediately walked up to the boxes and began rifling through them with practiced efficiency.

Kadoc watched as Rat tossed aside random objects, muttering to himself. After a few moments, Rat found something of interest and tossed it to Kadoc. Kadoc caught the item and inspected it—a uniform identical to the ones he'd seen the soldiers wearing, clearly English military attire.

Rat rummaged a bit more before picking up a bag. He turned to Kadoc with a grin. "Put that on. We'll blend in better this way."

Kadoc hesitates but begins to put on the uniform. Suddenly, they hear voices coming from the hallway they just walked through.

[ ] Hide behind the boxes.
[ ] Try to sneak out through another exit.
[ ] Confront the approaching voices.
Great War 3
Seeing that some people were approaching the room, Kadoc immediately, without a second thought, hid behind a pair of boxes that had enough room for him.

For some reason, he felt that he was forgetting something important, but now wasn't the time to dwell on it.

Rat followed behind him and hid as well. To ensure they wouldn't be caught, Kadoc used one of his meager spells.

"Rat's body in hiding. Cat's byway escape. Let shallow cleverness prevail o'er cunning." As he spoke the incantation, his magical energy immediately sprang into action.

It was like a veil of shadow had overtaken them and wrapped them in a blanket. Even their footsteps made no sound.

Kadoc and Rat stayed hidden as the soldiers entered the room, standing around for a while before eventually leaving.

Once the soldiers were gone, Kadoc and Rat emerged from their hiding spot. Rat, with an amused laugh, said, "Quite a cute spell you got there. Good spell, but particularly weak since it only hides you from those who aren't looking for you."

Kadoc took offense at this and replied, "Yeah, insult me all you like. I've heard it all before."

Rat shook his head, saying it wasn't meant as an insult. "But wouldn't just using Suggestion on them have been far easier? It would be quite easy to convince them we are part of the same group."

Kadoc immediately facepalmed, thinking to himself that he forgot such a basic spell. "I can't believe I didn't think of that," he muttered, feeling a mix of frustration and embarrassment.

Rat took the lead as they crept through the dimly lit bunker, moving with the practiced ease of someone well-versed in stealth. Kadoc followed closely, keeping his senses alert for any signs of danger. The concrete walls and metal doors of the bunker felt claustrophobic, but Rat seemed to navigate the labyrinthine corridors with confidence.

They reached a junction where the corridor split into two. Rat paused, listening intently to the sounds around them. The muffled noise of distant artillery and occasional shouts from above were the only indicators of the war raging outside.

Rat gestured to the right corridor. "This way," he whispered.

They continued, slipping from shadow to shadow. Kadoc couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy for Rat's skills. He moved like a ghost, silent and almost invisible in the dim light.

As they neared the exit, the sound of voices grew louder. Rat motioned for Kadoc to stop. They crouched behind a stack of crates, peeking over the top. Two soldiers stood by the door, talking in low voices. The flickering light of a lantern cast their shadows against the wall.

Rat leaned close to Kadoc, whispering, "Stay here and be ready to move."

Before Kadoc could respond, Rat stepped out from behind the crates. He moved with the casual confidence of someone who belonged there. As he approached the soldiers, he raised his hand slightly, his fingers moving in a subtle pattern.

The soldiers noticed him immediately. "Hey, who goes there?" one called out, raising his rifle.

Rat's voice was calm and steady. "Sleep now," he intoned, his eyes flashing with a brief but intense light.

The soldiers' expressions shifted from suspicion to confusion, then to a blank, drowsy stare. Their rifles lowered, and within moments, they slumped to the ground, fast asleep.

Kadoc emerged from behind the crates, marveling at the effectiveness of Rat's spell. They walked past the unconscious soldiers and toward the exit.

Once outside, the cold night air hit them, a stark contrast to the stuffy confines of the bunker. The battlefield lay ahead, a chaotic landscape of trenches, barbed wire, and craters. Rat moved quickly, staying low as they made their way toward the relative safety of the treeline.

As they reached the edge of the forest, Rat couldn't help but grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Look at what we have here?" A voice spoke out in an almost amused tone.

The voice caused Kadoc to jump and look toward its origin, where a towering machine stood. The machine was far too advanced for something that should have been available in World War I. It had several distinct features, most notably several thick cables hanging from its upper back and a large, bucket-like helmet that completely encased its head, with six horizontal slits aligned in two vertical columns serving as its means of seeing out.

The machine held a spear.

"Deserters, are we?" the machine taunted, its voice dripping with contempt. "Cowards fleeing the battlefield? How disgraceful."

Kadoc and Rat exchanged glances but showed no signs of fear or anger, their faces remaining impassive.

The machine's annoyance grew. "No reaction, huh? I suppose I should teach you a lesson in discipline!"

With that, the machine readied its spear and moved at high speed, swinging the weapon towards them. Just as the spear was about to strike, a sword intercepted the blow.

A man with long indigo hair tied into a ponytail and indigo eyes appeared in front of Kadoc and Rat. He wore a traditional light purple umanori hakama and kimono, light purple tabi, and black zori with a purple haori and tekkou. His demeanor was calm and serene as he parried the machine's attack effortlessly.

"Who dares to interfere?" the machine growled, pulling back its spear for another strike.

The indigo-haired man remained composed, his eyes narrowing slightly as he assessed the situation. "I won't allow harm to come to these men," he stated calmly.

The machine let out a roar of frustration and lunged again, but the man moved with fluid grace, countering each strike with precision. It was clear that he was a master swordsman, his movements almost a dance as he defended Kadoc and Rat.

"Stay back," the man instructed them without taking his eyes off the machine. "I'll handle this."

Kadoc and Rat nodded, retreating a few steps but staying ready to assist if needed. The battle between the man and the machine raged on, each clash of weapons sending sparks into the night.

[ ] Help
[ ] Run away
[ ] Use a Command Seal to summon Nitocris.

A.N : Another Chapter done. You know going through the Kadoc wiki his spells really looks like Nasu made him in DND and took him straight into Fate. His spells really have an almost 1 to 1 in DND.
Great War 4
The moment the fight between the Machine and the swordsman started it was a blur to Kadoc. It wasn't hard to guess that these people were Servants since no human could actually get on this level and the amount of mana they were using was still beyond what Kadoc was used to.

[Skill : Mythological Expertise success.]

For Kadoc it wasn't hard to guess that the blue swordsman was one from Japan. Although he couldn't quite pinpoint which one it was, he had already made a mental list on who it could have been.

From his list he had Sasaki Kojiro, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Okita Souji or many more. He just needed to see the Noble Phantasm of the man and he would be successful in identifying the blue swordsman.

[Skill Mythological Expertise : Failed]

However he couldn't quite pinpoint who the machine was supposed to be. Since looking through all the information he had on History and Myth not many people were famous who had armour or Machines like that. The way that man fought with the spear meant that either he was from the Berserker Class with a low level of mad Enhancement or a Lancer Class.

Despite his frustration, Kadoc knew intervening was futile. The sheer speed and power of the Servants' clash were beyond his ability to affect. His presence would be more a hindrance than a help. He could only watch and hope for a moment when his skills might become relevant, waiting for the opportunity to identify and understand these mysterious warriors.

As Kadoc struggled to keep up with the rapid exchange of blows, he noticed Rat standing beside him, eyes narrowed in concentration. Kadoc watched as Rat's lips moved in a silent incantation, his fingers tracing patterns in the air.

A sudden chill filled the air, and the battlefield seemed to darken. Kadoc glanced around and saw the fallen soldiers beginning to stir. The lifeless bodies twitched, then jerked upright, their eyes glowing with an unnatural light. Rat had animated the corpses.

This made one thing clear that Rat used Necromancy as his Magecraft and looking at his complexion and such meant that he was from Egypt.

"Go," that was all Rat said before the corpses flung themselves at the Machine in hopes to stop the fight.

The machine-man, caught off guard, turned to face the new threat. The undead swarmed him, clawing and grappling, forcing him to divert his attention from the blue swordsman.

Yet it was all for naught as laughter escaped the machine. Like a deranged lunatic.

"Hehehehahhahaha." He slaughtered all the corpses in a single strike of his spear which sent shockwaves to absolutely demolish even the stragglers and sent Kadoc flying back at least 10 to 20 meters.

Kadoc struggled to comprehend the rapid series of events. The blue swordsman, with precision and grace, took his stance and uttered a word Kadoc recognized immediately.


In an instant, the swordsman struck downward, and Kadoc's eyes widened as he witnessed not just one, but two additional swords materialize and strike from opposing angles. It was a display of unparalleled skill and supernatural prowess.

The machine-man, momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected assault, attempted to defend himself, but the swordsman's attack was too swift. The blades sliced through the air with a force that seemed to transcend reality, leaving shimmering trails of light in their wake.

Kadoc could barely follow the motion, but he knew he had just witnessed a Noble Phantasm. The precision, the coordination, the sheer power—it was unmistakable. The swordsman was clearly a master of his craft, wielding his abilities with deadly efficiency.

As the dust settled, the machine-man staggered, sparks flying from the gashes left by the swordsman's attack. Despite the damage, he still stood, his mechanical body whirring and clicking as it attempted to recover. Kadoc could see that the battle was far from over, but he now had a crucial piece of information.

"Rat," Kadoc called out, his voice steady despite the chaos. "We need to identify their True Names. If we can understand who they are, we might find a way to turn the tide."

Yet looking to his side Rat wasn't found anywhere. It seemed that the man had run away after using the Corpses as a distraction.

Kadoc cursed under his breath as he realized Rat had fled. It wasn't surprising, given the overwhelming power of the combatants, but it still stung to be left alone.

He looked back at the machine-man and saw the gashes from the swordsman's attack beginning to close. Sparks and mechanical whirs accompanied the self-repair process, but it seemed more like regeneration than mere mechanical repairs. The machine was healing itself, making Kadoc's task even more daunting.

Yet he screamed at the Blue swordsman. "Saber---"

[ ] Let's Run
[ ] Become my Servant
[ ] Kill him.

A.N : Chapter done.
Great War 5
"Saber became my Servant!" Kadoc screamed as he got up from the ground. It was clear to him that to win he had to contract with Saber.

It didn't take long for the blue Swordsman to understand what he meant so in an instant movement the blue Swordsman appeared before him like instant transmission.

The man had a smile on his face like an inside joke that Kadoc didn't understand yet but Kadoc didn't care as he wanted to survive this ordeal first.

Their hands met each other and gave a firm handshake as Kadoc felt a connection take with the man.

It was his third servant so Kadoc was already on his knees due to mana exhaustion but he didn't realise how much pain he was putting himself in.

At that moment he heard the blue Swordsman say. "Assassin-class Servant, Sasaki Kojirō. I come to serve."

Kadoc's mind raced with confusion as he processed the words of the blue Swordsman—no, Sasaki Kojirō. How could this legendary swordsman be an Assassin-class Servant? Everything he knew about classes and Heroic Spirits screamed that Kojirō should be Saber.

Sasaki Kojirō seemed to sense Kadoc's confusion. "I know what you're thinking," Kojirō said, his smile never fading. "But explanations can wait. We have a bigger problem right now."

Kadoc's attention snapped back to the battlefield. The machine man who had been injured earlier was now fully healed, drawing mana from the land itself. The realization struck Kadoc hard: their opponent was far from defeated and seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.

Before he could formulate a plan, Kadoc's comms crackled to life. "Kadoc! Can you hear me? It's Romani Archaman!"

Relief washed over Kadoc, nearly bringing tears to his eyes. "Romani! Finally! We need help. This machine man is drawing mana from the land. We can't defeat him like this."

Romani's voice was urgent but reassuring. "Understood. I'll analyze the situation from here. In the meantime, focus on keeping yourself safe and minimizing his access to mana."

Sasaki Kojirō stepped forward, drawing his blade with a calm precision that belied the intensity of the situation. "Stay behind me, Master. I'll handle the front line."

Kadoc's momentary relief was quickly overshadowed by Romani's next words. "Kadoc, this Servant is too strong for you to handle right now. You need to retreat. While he's still healing, there's a chance you can get away."

Kadoc's eyes widened. "Retreat? But—"

"No time for debate," Romani interrupted. "Get out of there now!"

Sasaki Kojirō didn't need to be told twice. With a swift, almost practiced motion, he scooped Kadoc up and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of rice.

"Hold on tight, Master," Kojirō said, his voice calm but urgent.

Kadoc barely had time to brace himself before Kojirō took off, moving with a speed and agility that left Kadoc's surroundings a blur. The wind whipped past them as they sped through the landscape, the sound of the machine man's enraged roar fading into the distance.

As they ran, Kadoc's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He felt the sting of failure, the gnawing worry about their next steps, but also a strange sense of trust in Kojirō and Romani. For now, survival was their only priority.

Kojirō's voice broke through his thoughts. "We'll find a safe place to regroup. Trust in me, Master."

Kadoc nodded, though he wasn't sure Kojirō could see him. "Right. Let's keep moving."

And with that, they continued their escape, the bond between Master and Servant growing stronger with every step.

Before long they were able to reach a sort of farther place and reached a farm of sorts.

The moonlight cast an eerie glow over the desolate farm as Sasaki Kojirō gently set Kadoc down. "Stay close," Kojirō whispered, his eyes scanning their surroundings.

Kadoc nodded, his legs unsteady from both the mana exhaustion and the rapid escape. He followed Kojirō to one of the farmhouses, its door ajar as if inviting them in. The sense of foreboding was palpable, but they had little choice.

As they stepped inside, the stench of decay hit them like a physical blow. Kadoc gagged, bringing a hand to his mouth to stifle the bile rising in his throat. The scene before them was one of utter horror: a family lay scattered around the room, their bodies riddled with bullet holes.

Kadoc's breath came in shallow gasps as he took in the grisly sight. The father lay slumped against the wall, eyes vacant and lifeless. A mother, clutching her young child, was sprawled near the fireplace, their faces frozen in expressions of terror and pain.

[ ] Ask Romani Questions
[ ] Explore the place
[ ] Talk with Kojiro
[ ] Write in

A.N : so a shorter chapter but I wanted to show Horrers of war in the next one and will probably get more so in detail with that one.
Skill Level
- **Description**: The character has minimal experience and understanding of the skill. They may have just started learning it or have a very basic, theoretical knowledge.
- **Example**: A novice in sword fighting might barely know how to hold a sword properly and struggle with basic swings.

**H (Beginner)**:
- **Description**: The character has a basic grasp of the skill but lacks practical experience. They can perform simple tasks with some guidance.
- **Example**: A beginner in archery can string a bow and shoot arrows, but their aim and consistency are poor.

**G (Apprentice)**:
- **Description**: The character has some practical experience and can perform common tasks with the skill. They might still need supervision for more complex actions.
- **Example**: An apprentice blacksmith can forge simple items like horseshoes but struggles with more intricate work.

**F (Competent)**:
- **Description**: The character is competent in the skill and can perform it reliably without supervision. They can handle standard challenges and tasks.
- **Example**: A competent healer can treat common injuries and illnesses effectively.

**E (Skilled)**:
- **Description**: The character is skilled and shows proficiency. They can perform complex tasks and solve problems that arise in their field.
- **Example**: A skilled musician can play a variety of pieces on their instrument with finesse.

**D (Expert)**:
- **Description**: The character is an expert, recognized for their deep understanding and advanced skills. They can handle challenging and unusual tasks with ease.
- **Example**: An expert tracker can follow faint trails in difficult terrain, even in poor conditions.

**C (Master)**:
- **Description**: The character is a master of the skill, exhibiting exceptional talent and control. They often teach others and innovate within their field.
- **Example**: A master chef can create exquisite dishes, balancing flavors with precision.

**B (Grandmaster)**:
- **Description**: The character is a grandmaster, with near-perfect execution and a profound, almost intuitive understanding of the skill. They are among the best in the world.
- **Example**: A grandmaster martial artist can anticipate opponents' moves and respond with incredible speed and accuracy.

**A (Legendary)**:
- **Description**: The character's skill is legendary, bordering on the mythical. Their abilities are renowned and often defy normal expectations.
- **Example**: A legendary mage can cast spells of immense power with minimal effort, often shaping the course of events.
Quest Mechanics
This quest runs on narrative mechanics, which means everything is down to choices and the skills you possess. There will be very little dice rolls, if any. It's up to you guys to achieve victory. To elaborate on the skills, there's a system of ranks dedicated to multiple skills in this quest that you can increase with XP.

For the ways to earn XP, you can make omakes and stuff like that, make accomplishments in the quest, win certain battles, practice the skill (this will just give a certain amount of XP to the skill you're practicing in), etc.

If you guys got any further questions, I'm always free, so hit me up in the thread.
Great War 7
It didn't take long as Kadoc immediately set out to set up a bounded field around the perimeter around the house.

[Magecraft Skill Activate][DC : 30][5 XP]

Although it wasn't something that would stop a Heroic Spirit because it wasn't set up like that. Basically his Bounded Field was set up to sound and alarm anytime someone passed the threshold giving him enough time to get ready for the battle.

Of course he wasn't sure how an Assassin would mesh with his field but he was sure that an expert assassin probably could get past it without any problems.

While Kadoc toiled away at the bounded field, he had sent Kojiro to just quickly check around the fields for anything important or to see if anyone was there but ultimately speaking it wasn't anything kojiro couldn't handle.

Roll= 4 + 5 = 9
DC : 20

"The perimeter is a clear Master." A voice rang out beside him.

This made Kadoc jump in fright as he wasn't used to not being aware of his surroundings and which might mess him up.

"What the hell Assassin? Why did you do that?"

"Ah, just a bit of a joke young master." Assassin replied while putting his hands up to show he meant it as a jest.

"Well don't do that. You gave me heart attack and I was about to use my command seal." Kadoc answerd as he calmed himself and was a bit annoyed that he got caught of gaurd.

Shaking his head he continued. "Now that this is set up we just have to wait for Ritsuka and the others to get here."

Assassin nodded with a smile on his face that made him seem serene like he was a painting rather than a man.

At that moment Assassin looked at him and said. "Young Master I saw a caller on my way back maybe it may have some rations that will help?"

"It might so let's check it out." I replied nodding agreeing that I finally had a Servant that wasn't a pain in the ass to deal with right now.

While did appreciate Nitocris she was too bossy to deal with alot of times and Cu was a bit too free type like a mix of Thor and Tony stark from Marvel.

With that he and assassin walked to the cellar, the walk taking about 2 minutes. Eventually when he reached it the door were made of wood that had been slapped on half ass sort of way.

Beryl could probably easily use that as weapon eh but I would place my bets on Pepe to beat the shit out of him even with this. Was the thought that went through Kadocs head.

[ ] You break it
[ ] Ask Kojiro
[ ] Use Spell

A.N : Short Chapter but they will come out faster now.
Great War 8
Kadoc Zemlupus and Assassin Kojiro stood in front of the old cellar door, the wood weathered and splintered from years of neglect. A faint scent of damp earth and decaying wood permeated the air. Kadoc glanced at Kojiro, a slight frown of determination crossing his face.

"Assassin, we need to get inside," Kadoc said, his voice calm but insistent. "Break the door."

With a fluid, precise motion, Kojiro unsheathed his katana. The blade glinted briefly in the dim light before he slashed through the door with a swift, decisive strike. The wood splintered and gave way, fragments scattering across the ground.

They stepped into the cellar, and Kadoc immediately felt the chill of the damp air envelop him. The room was shrouded in near darkness, the only light coming from small, faintly glowing cracks in the ceiling above. Kadoc muttered a quick spell, reinforcing his eyes to pierce through the gloom. Slowly, the room came into clearer focus.

The cellar was a small, cramped space with stone walls that dripped with moisture. The floor was uneven, a mix of dirt and old cobblestones. Along the walls, rusted farming tools hung in disarray—scythes, shovels, hoes, and other implements of labor long forgotten. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and rust.

Kadoc's enhanced vision allowed him to see more clearly. Despite the clutter, only three items truly stood out in the cellar. In one corner, a metal chain lay coiled like a serpent, its links heavy and tarnished but still intact. It seemed out of place amidst the farming tools, hinting at a more sinister purpose.

Next to the chain stood a stone statue, about waist-high, of a figure whose features were worn smooth by time.

On a small, rickety wooden table near the center of the room, a revolver lay. Its metal surface was dull, the chamber empty and devoid of ammunition.

Do you pick something up?
[ ] Yes (Write in)
[ ] No


As Kadoc and Kojiro emerged from the cellar, the sunlight hit their faces as it was setting behind a pair of hills casting shadows. Before Kadoc could get another word out of his mouth, a voice rang out in his mind, clear and urgent.

"Master, we are under attack."

It was his first Caster, Nitocris who had contacted to him. Kadoc's eyes widened, and he turned to Kojiro, his expression shifting from determined to alarmed.

"Assassin, the others are under attack. It seems that they are now close enough to contact us again."

Without hesitation, Kojiro nodded and they rushed out of the cellar, Kadoc leading the way as he focused on Nitocris's mental presence, hoping to get more details about the threat they were facing

As Kadoc and Kojiro rushed out of the cellar, they emerged into an open area where the fading sunlight cast long shadows across the chaotic scene before them. The air was filled with the clash of steel, the crackle of magic, and the shouts of combatants locked in battle.

In one corner, Cu Chulainn, his blue hair unmistakable, was fiercely engaging a group of adversaries. His spear whirled with lethal precision, keeping his enemies at bay while issuing commands to his subordinates, who fought with equal ferocity.

Nearby, Nitocris and Mandricardo were locked in a heated battle with another Servant. Nitocris's eyes glowed with magical energy as she summoned spells to counter her opponent's attacks, while Mandricardo's swordsmanship kept them both protected.

Further away, Ritsuka and Mash were under heavy assault from a squadron of enemies. Despite the overwhelming numbers, they were holding their ground, aided by another group of allies whose presence helped tip the scales in their favor.

Who do you support. This option increases bond.
[ ] Cu Chulainn
[ ] Nitocris
[ ] Ritsuka

A.N : Done. Critsism is always appreciated.