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[X] A PT Raid, this time on something more than a supply base. You and Houki don't know what it is, but it's important.
Today was the day; the day you landed a permanent blow against Phantom Task. You were within a briefing room with Laura and the rest of the platoon leaders of the 501st. Houki is in front of everyone, with a projector showing a map of Europe with multiple locations highlighted. Taking out a pointer, she begins the briefing.
"Today, ladies and gentlemen; we land the first permanent blow against Phantom Task. Recently, I have managed to obtain the allegiance of an...inside operative within the organization; their intel providing me with the location of a high-priority facility of theirs, it's purpose unknown to the agent. They have also informed me as to how PT has managed to keep these bases hidden: the moment their locations are compromised; the bases and all operatives at them are terminated, all records of its existence erased from their databanks. What happens to any vital resources is unknown, though it's presumed they are preserved and move to another base."
"The only reason this base hasn't been eliminated is because our double agent; Codename M, and myself had to go through several countermeasures in order to obtain this opening. However, time is still limited; we must strike today or the opportunity to finally hurt Phantom Task will be lost."
"That being said; this is the plan: Major Orimura and Schwarze Hase will attack the compound, meanwhile the other two platoons; will divide up into squads and attack the following bases here and here," Houki says, pointing out the lesser bases outlined on the map, "This will divide what forces Phantom Task will have available to them, and ensure that the primary objective is eliminated. All squads will have the secondary objective to attempt to obtain the leader of the base they are raiding for interrogation; though if it proves too time consuming or will get in the way of the overall plan, extermination is an acceptable alternative."
"Once a squad has finished their raid, they are to meet at the designated rendezvous point nearest to their location; shown here in blue," Houki then points out the three points, "You will then head over to the primary base and aid Schwarze Hase in their own efforts. The locations of your targets will be on your IS. Any questions?"
"What will our loadout be, ma'am?" Clarissa, Laura's second in command asks. Houki presses a button on a remote, showing a slide of a new IS frame.
"This is the mass production unit; designated Hagel. Based off the 8th Generation Schwarzer Regen, it's equipped with an AIC and railgun along with the ZERO System interface that can link up to a commander unit's Druid System for further tactical efficiency. You'll all be equipped with standard IS equipment best suited to your proficiencies," Houki informs them, telling them them what they're going to be riding into battle with.
"Now, any other questions?" Nobody replies back, so Houki nods and tells them, "You have your orders, move out!"
"Yes ma'am!" With that, the lieutenants all head out to carry out their objectives. You follow shortly afterwards, meeting up with Laura's platoon to strike at the main objective. As you reach them, you put on the Black Knight and see the coordinates of the base. Looking at the rest of the platoon, you see them all equipped with their ISes, Laura at the lead. You look at her and she looks back, nodding in confirmation for moving out.
You take the lead; just as you're about to take off, Houki contacts you via radio, "Ichika...be careful."
You simply grin roguishly, "Oh course; we'll be back in a flash. Phantom Task won't know what hit em..." With that, you take off; the rest of the platoon following your lead. It was time to hit Phantom Task where it hurt.
The mission started like all your other missions did; albeit with more men on your side and with more enemies to deal with. You had Laura break through the perimiter with her hadron cannon and railguns with the rest of the platoon targeting turrets with their railguns. Once they were destroyed, you then hand to deal with the standard PT greeting: IS pilots flying early generation ISes; Uchiganes and Raphaels galore. Compared to your more state of the art equipment, they fell like lambs to the slaughter.
Once the last of them fell, you and your platoon then delved into the base itself; discovering that it was massive on the inside: the ground floor expanded large enough to actually continue flying your ISes. And there was more underneath; as you found the entrance to the next floor, the floor that held what Phantom Task was working on here...
What you found disgusted you; row after row of people in tubes, many of them horribly mutated and mutilated by some sort of experimentation. None of the ones you saw were alive. You didn't know if this was inhuman experimentation, cruel torture, or a mix of both. It took everything you had to not break out in endless fury, to not be consumed in rage and destroy everything in your sight. You had though your resolve was unyielding when you learned about their human trafficking. Oh, how you were wrong...
Schwarze Hase was faring no better, themselves just as disgusted by what they were seeing. Although many of them were hardened soldiers, there was only so much that a person can handle, can be taught to ignore. This...this was far beyond that threshold.
You still had a mission to accomplish, though; so you rallied the platoon and continued on. Walking past each and every dead person, your resolve, your determination, your hatred of Phantom Task was only reinforced with every move you made. Even through all you had faced in your lifetime, nothing had ever reached the vileness or disgusting malevolence that they had.
Eventually, the hallway stopped; and before you stood a massive colossus of metal, shaped like a mockery of a T-Rex. Flanking it were rows upon of rows of towering robots, each double the size of a full grown man if not taller; all reaching up to the colossus's knees. Behind the colossus, you can see that the halls of tubes continued; but contained inside were not people, at least not any longer: pitch black monstrosities, with talons and fangs were what laid within them.
"Mein Gott...what is all of this?" You hear Laura ask you, standing to your right; eyes filled with horror and disgusted awe.
You turn to her and tell her, "I don't know, and I don't care: whatever it is, it's going to be crushed by me. By us. Ladies!" You call out to the entire platoon, "Prepare your weapons; we're torching this place to the ground."
As if hearing you, the colossus seems to flash and glow; coming to live to immediately rush towards you all. Everyone manages to get out of the way just in the nick of time; with you blasting a hole through the roof so everyone can get airborne.
However, the monstrosity doesn't give up so easily; jumping through the hole you carved through, it lands upon the surface and lets our a mind-numbing roar. From its maw comes a laser of some sort that you all scramble to dodge. Then; like demons from the abyss, the rest of Phantom Task's creations: the metal hulks and warped abominations, all come forth to annihilate you all. The mechanical killing machines all using thrusters on their backs and feet to fly, while the biological weapons of war ride upon them like mockeries of knights upon their noble steeds.
As you begin fighting off the metal hulks that begin to rush you, you try to raid Houki; only to get static. Damn, it looks like you have to hold your ground until reinforcements arrive.
Taking note of your surroundings; you see the colossus dealing with several soldiers and Laura is facing off against multiple abominations. Both seem to be in a deadlock; though if you save one, you might be able to come to the aid of the other. Or...you might be too late.
Which will you rescue?
[X] Laura, she's surrounded and can't hold out forever; with the training they have, the soldiers can keep the colossus distracted long enough for you two to kill it
[X] The soldiers; Laura is a competent fighter, the best in the company. She can last long enough for you to kill the colossus before backing her up
Today was the day; the day you landed a permanent blow against Phantom Task. You were within a briefing room with Laura and the rest of the platoon leaders of the 501st. Houki is in front of everyone, with a projector showing a map of Europe with multiple locations highlighted. Taking out a pointer, she begins the briefing.
"Today, ladies and gentlemen; we land the first permanent blow against Phantom Task. Recently, I have managed to obtain the allegiance of an...inside operative within the organization; their intel providing me with the location of a high-priority facility of theirs, it's purpose unknown to the agent. They have also informed me as to how PT has managed to keep these bases hidden: the moment their locations are compromised; the bases and all operatives at them are terminated, all records of its existence erased from their databanks. What happens to any vital resources is unknown, though it's presumed they are preserved and move to another base."
"The only reason this base hasn't been eliminated is because our double agent; Codename M, and myself had to go through several countermeasures in order to obtain this opening. However, time is still limited; we must strike today or the opportunity to finally hurt Phantom Task will be lost."
"That being said; this is the plan: Major Orimura and Schwarze Hase will attack the compound, meanwhile the other two platoons; will divide up into squads and attack the following bases here and here," Houki says, pointing out the lesser bases outlined on the map, "This will divide what forces Phantom Task will have available to them, and ensure that the primary objective is eliminated. All squads will have the secondary objective to attempt to obtain the leader of the base they are raiding for interrogation; though if it proves too time consuming or will get in the way of the overall plan, extermination is an acceptable alternative."
"Once a squad has finished their raid, they are to meet at the designated rendezvous point nearest to their location; shown here in blue," Houki then points out the three points, "You will then head over to the primary base and aid Schwarze Hase in their own efforts. The locations of your targets will be on your IS. Any questions?"
"What will our loadout be, ma'am?" Clarissa, Laura's second in command asks. Houki presses a button on a remote, showing a slide of a new IS frame.
"This is the mass production unit; designated Hagel. Based off the 8th Generation Schwarzer Regen, it's equipped with an AIC and railgun along with the ZERO System interface that can link up to a commander unit's Druid System for further tactical efficiency. You'll all be equipped with standard IS equipment best suited to your proficiencies," Houki informs them, telling them them what they're going to be riding into battle with.
"Now, any other questions?" Nobody replies back, so Houki nods and tells them, "You have your orders, move out!"
"Yes ma'am!" With that, the lieutenants all head out to carry out their objectives. You follow shortly afterwards, meeting up with Laura's platoon to strike at the main objective. As you reach them, you put on the Black Knight and see the coordinates of the base. Looking at the rest of the platoon, you see them all equipped with their ISes, Laura at the lead. You look at her and she looks back, nodding in confirmation for moving out.
You take the lead; just as you're about to take off, Houki contacts you via radio, "Ichika...be careful."
You simply grin roguishly, "Oh course; we'll be back in a flash. Phantom Task won't know what hit em..." With that, you take off; the rest of the platoon following your lead. It was time to hit Phantom Task where it hurt.
The mission started like all your other missions did; albeit with more men on your side and with more enemies to deal with. You had Laura break through the perimiter with her hadron cannon and railguns with the rest of the platoon targeting turrets with their railguns. Once they were destroyed, you then hand to deal with the standard PT greeting: IS pilots flying early generation ISes; Uchiganes and Raphaels galore. Compared to your more state of the art equipment, they fell like lambs to the slaughter.
Once the last of them fell, you and your platoon then delved into the base itself; discovering that it was massive on the inside: the ground floor expanded large enough to actually continue flying your ISes. And there was more underneath; as you found the entrance to the next floor, the floor that held what Phantom Task was working on here...
What you found disgusted you; row after row of people in tubes, many of them horribly mutated and mutilated by some sort of experimentation. None of the ones you saw were alive. You didn't know if this was inhuman experimentation, cruel torture, or a mix of both. It took everything you had to not break out in endless fury, to not be consumed in rage and destroy everything in your sight. You had though your resolve was unyielding when you learned about their human trafficking. Oh, how you were wrong...
Schwarze Hase was faring no better, themselves just as disgusted by what they were seeing. Although many of them were hardened soldiers, there was only so much that a person can handle, can be taught to ignore. This...this was far beyond that threshold.
You still had a mission to accomplish, though; so you rallied the platoon and continued on. Walking past each and every dead person, your resolve, your determination, your hatred of Phantom Task was only reinforced with every move you made. Even through all you had faced in your lifetime, nothing had ever reached the vileness or disgusting malevolence that they had.
Eventually, the hallway stopped; and before you stood a massive colossus of metal, shaped like a mockery of a T-Rex. Flanking it were rows upon of rows of towering robots, each double the size of a full grown man if not taller; all reaching up to the colossus's knees. Behind the colossus, you can see that the halls of tubes continued; but contained inside were not people, at least not any longer: pitch black monstrosities, with talons and fangs were what laid within them.
"Mein Gott...what is all of this?" You hear Laura ask you, standing to your right; eyes filled with horror and disgusted awe.
You turn to her and tell her, "I don't know, and I don't care: whatever it is, it's going to be crushed by me. By us. Ladies!" You call out to the entire platoon, "Prepare your weapons; we're torching this place to the ground."
As if hearing you, the colossus seems to flash and glow; coming to live to immediately rush towards you all. Everyone manages to get out of the way just in the nick of time; with you blasting a hole through the roof so everyone can get airborne.
However, the monstrosity doesn't give up so easily; jumping through the hole you carved through, it lands upon the surface and lets our a mind-numbing roar. From its maw comes a laser of some sort that you all scramble to dodge. Then; like demons from the abyss, the rest of Phantom Task's creations: the metal hulks and warped abominations, all come forth to annihilate you all. The mechanical killing machines all using thrusters on their backs and feet to fly, while the biological weapons of war ride upon them like mockeries of knights upon their noble steeds.
As you begin fighting off the metal hulks that begin to rush you, you try to raid Houki; only to get static. Damn, it looks like you have to hold your ground until reinforcements arrive.
Taking note of your surroundings; you see the colossus dealing with several soldiers and Laura is facing off against multiple abominations. Both seem to be in a deadlock; though if you save one, you might be able to come to the aid of the other. Or...you might be too late.
Which will you rescue?
[X] Laura, she's surrounded and can't hold out forever; with the training they have, the soldiers can keep the colossus distracted long enough for you two to kill it
[X] The soldiers; Laura is a competent fighter, the best in the company. She can last long enough for you to kill the colossus before backing her up