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So this is something that has been poking my brain for awhile now so I thought to post here so...
Original Chapter 1
For those that want to see what the Original Chapter 1 was like on SB & SV.

It started with an explosion of sea life out in the Persian Gulf.

Sea life that had not been seen since the fall of Ur and the first Childhoods End. There was no great declaration like with the others.

There was no destruction of cities either... At least, not at first. It was about 2 weeks after the Simurgh caused Canberra to be sealed off from the rest of the world, that is when people started to notice. Exotic energies and matter were emanating from 'Her', where she lay in the mud, stone and silt.

She looked like she was sleeping when those brave but foolish divers found her. No visible eyes to be seen at the time, not moving a muscle.

Aside from the gigantic bleeding wound torn into her along the chest there was nothing to suggest that she was a living being. Yet as she bleed, sea life flocked and flourished around the wound site. Life itself tried to shroud her from view. What little was seen at the time of discovery suggested that she was a truly titanic creature compared to the other Endbrigers.

At over 196 feet tall she dwarfed the others. Yet in thier hubris those foolish divers pressed on, thier sub which had been made with Tinker Alloys for the crushing depths of The Mariana Trench pressed through the flock of life that tried to block the path. If only they hadn't.

It wasn't until that the sub whether by Fate or just simple chance they passed too close to the wound. It's not known even now all these decades later what truly happened to the crew of that sub.

The black box's recovered from what was left of the remains suggest that there was panic when a small hole was rent into the hull. It's true cause unknown even today, but people sucepect it might have been The Great Mother moving in response to their presents near her. In the damaged state she was in what mother would want to thier children to see them like that.

Not long after that... She rose from the sea, and then all hell broke lose.