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A Romantic Penalty (Higurashi) (One-Shot)

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Summary: Rika arranges for Satoko to lose at a game of Old Maid for a special punishment. (SFW)...
Chapter 1


Getting out there.
Aug 7, 2022
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Summary: Rika arranges for Satoko to lose at a game of Old Maid for a special punishment. (SFW)

I wrote this for Satorika week after seeing it trending. I'm still not very experienced so it might not be the best, but who can say no to these two girls kissing. Don't take the actual canon to seriously, just imagine them in whatever world you like best. I wrote it vaguely for that reason.

It was a fairly standard day for Satoko. She woke up with Rika, went to school, and gathered with her friends in the classroom for another day of club activities. The games of Old Maid went… poorly for her. While her traps were effective for Mion and Keiichi, Rena and Rika saw through everything. Every distraction she prepared failed to startle them. Every mark she made on a card was removed the second it entered their hands. Even her crocodile tears failed to move Rena's heart. It was like they knew everything she would try and conspired to make her lose.

And lose she did. While she wasn't that far behind Keiichi and Mion, she still ended up in last place, with Rika in first. For her punishment, Rika decided to think about it, and everyone else left to head back to their homes. Rika and Satoko were walking back home, when Satoko asked what Rika had decided.

"Sooo… what do I need to do?" Satoko questioned Rika, nervous due to how odd the situation was. Rika had never waited until they got home to punish her, and she had been strangely silent as to why she decided to this time.

"I'm still thinking. Nipah!" Rika responded with a vague yet cheerful reply once again. It was enough to strike fear into the hearts of any man, even those who did not know her personality. "Just wait until we get home. I'll tell you then Satoko." Rika began to stroke Satoko's head. A sign of bad things to come.

"Don't patronize me!" Satoko pushed her hand away and began to walk faster. This only encouraged Rika to speed up to stay next to her. At first, they were just walking faster than usual. This changed as Rika caught up to Satoko, at which point Satoko began to run.

Naturally, Rika started running as well. She was able to keep pace with Satoko, and never fell behind more than a few meters. "Don't worry Satoko. I promise it will be VERY fun. Just you wait!" By now, both girls were in a full sprint.

"Just tell me already! Don't keep me in suspense like this!" Satoko yelled back at Rika as she ran, choking out the words as she sprinted.

"No way!" Rika yelled back, in a much calmer tone than Satoko. She was easily holding Satoko's pace and kept around 3 meters between them. At this point, Satoko didn't even know why she was running, all she knew was she didn't want to lose to Rika again. She ran until she made it back to their home, running inside before collapsing on the ground.

The sprint left Satoko exhausted and out of breath. Her vision blurred, and her legs burned. "Why did I do that?" Satoko fell unconscious, right as Rika walked in. Rika observed Satoko on the ground and moved to pet her head.

"Poor Satoko, all tired from running away from me." Rika said as she pets Satoko's head. "I'll make dinner, just wait a bit." Rika picked Satoko up as she drifted off to sleep.

"Yaaaaawn." Satoko had slept for around an hour before waking up with a deep yawn. She found herself on her futon with a blanket over her. "Must have been Rika." Satoko thought as she stood up. A thick smell of curry wafted through the room, coming from the kitchen.

"Ah, Satoko!" Rika heard Satoko wake up and called out to her. "I just finished setting the table, come over hand have some curry." Rika beckoned Satoko over to the table, two plates of curry and rice ready for consumption. "I made it just for you!"

"You still haven't told me what my punishment is." Satoko reluctantly sat down at the table, still worried about what Rika was planning. She was just about to have some curry before Rika interrupted her.

"That's right! I still need to punish you!" Rika's cheerful intervention made Satoko put down her spoon in dismay. While Satoko did not notice it, a hint of anxiety crept along Rika's face.

"So, are you going to tell me now?" Satoko pouted at being denied her food, still hungry from the day's activities and eager to have dinner. "You've been hiding it ever since we left school. This is getting really annoying."

"Just close your eyes, I'll make your punishment quick." Rika once again refused to answer Satoko with a big smile on her face. Satoko grimaced in response.

"Fine, but you better make it quick, I'm hungry." Satoko closed her eyes. "It's probably just going to be something stupid like-" Satoko's thoughts were interrupted when a soft, warm feeling embraced her lips. At first, she thought it was curry, but the taste was much sweeter. It couldn't have been candy; it was far too warm. Satoko's mind shut down trying to figure out what was causing the ambrosial feeling that went all the way down to her heart, and before she knew it, it was over.

"Ta-da! You can open your eyes now Satoko!" Rika stepped back and sat down in her chair, keeping her cheerful expression, but with a sense of anxiety now obvious in her movements.

Satoko stood still for a second, unable to even open her eyes. Rika watched her friend's expression with both anticipation and worry. Then, Satoko opened her eyes, and asked a question.

"R-Rika… was that my punishment?" Satoko stuttered out a simple question. It was all she could say in response to what just happened.

"Eh heh… yeah… how was it?" Rika herself wasn't any more coherent. Her voice was quieter than usual, and her ever-present smile had faded. All that remained was worry about what Satoko thought.

"Well… it felt warm, and sweet… what was it?" Satoko couldn't deny how it felt. Despite her initial annoyance with Rika's actions, she couldn't bring herself to lie. All that was left was to confirm what just happened.

"Well… I kind of… maybe…….. you guess!" Rika tried to deflect the question back at Satoko.

"Well, I think I know what it is, but you deserve a punishment too for dragging it out so long." Satoko got up with a determined look in her eye and walked over to Rika. "Close your eyes."

"Y-yes." Unsure of what Satoko was doing, Rika closed her eyes. She sat there, eyes closed for several seconds, worrying about what Satoko planned to do. Rika's thoughts quickly turned negative, filled with worry that Satoko hated her for what she did. These thoughts were then crushed as a familiar feeling spread across her lips. Passion flowed through her, a calming feeling coursing through her veins. It was warmer, softer, and left both girls with a sense of fullness they haven't felt before. After what felt like minutes, the feeling left, leaving its warmth with Rika.

"Ok… you can open your eyes now." Rika opened her eyes as Satoko gave her permission too and saw a blushing Satoko mere centimeters away from her face. "So… was I right? Did it feel like when you did it?"

"Yes, yes it did." Rika looked down, embarrassed that Satoko realized what happened, and happy that she enjoyed it.

"Do you to do it again?" Satoko managed to ask Rika this very important question.

"Yes… do you want to keep doing it tomorrow?" Rika felt the same as Satoko and asked another very important question.

"Yes… do you want to keep doing it forever?" Satoko said yes, and asked the final, most important question of them all.

"Yes… yes I would like that very much Satoko." Rika sealed their relationship with her response, and finally looked up with a bright smile.

"Thank you, Rika. I love you!" Satoko pulled in her new girlfriend for a hug, proclaiming her love with both words and actions. The two embraced, feeling each-other's warmth, before being interrupted by a loud sound.

"Growl" Satoko's stomach growled as she hugged Rika, still hungry and not having touched her now lukewarm curry. Embarrassed, she backed off and sat back down in her chair.

"We should probably eat now." Satoko awkwardly started to eat, her face red both from what just happened and the curry she was eating. Rika agreed and began to eat as well.

"So, want to ki… do that thing from earlier again?"

"Yeah.. but close your eyes"

"Only if you do so as well Rika."


Both girls shared a futon, the one Rika usually slept in. They decided to sleep together from now on, to commemorate their new relationship, and because Satoko's futon was drenched in sweat from earlier. They both closed their eyes and embraced each-other's lips. Once more, the feeling of warmth flowed between them, strengthened by their embrace. Their bodies were closer than they had ever been, with only their pajamas between themselves. They kissed nonstop for minutes, before falling asleep in each-other's arms.

Dreams of their life together danced in their heads as they dreamt, knowing that their bond would never break. Their life would be wonderful, and no matter what happens, they would face it together. Rika's courage to enact her plan, and Satoko's willingness to go along with it had forged their bond from merely close friends to unbreakable lovers.

"By the way Rika, why was Rena trying to make me lose as well?"

"Oh, I told her she could watch us kiss."

"Damnit Rika don't make promises like that without telling me!"



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