Spoiler 5.7
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Spoiler 5.7
I took a second to process Panacea's revelation. "Okay, I'm going to neither confirm nor deny that, but why do you think so?"
"Someone showed me the video, and I know how injured you were. You'd already healed some, but you had electrical burns on your legs, more one than the other, just like the video, and that's in addition to your bullet impact shaped contusions, though they were already healing, hairline fractures in your arms and legs, bruised organs, and on top of that half your ribs were broken!" she declared, working herself up, as I held her at arm's length. "Why didn't you tell me? What were you thinking getting into a fight like that!?"
I nodded. "Yeah, that'd do it." I considered the difficulties of having this conversation in a restaurant, and made a snap decision, starting to fly towards home base. "I'm making dinner."
"That's not an answer!" she contested, glaring at me.
"No," I rebuked, as I thought my meaning had been clear. "It's what I'm going to do while I give you the answer." That it let me consider my answer on the way back was also a plus.
Landing and walking into the base, mind spinning, I considered the hard sell, the entire 'I need you to join if I'm going to tell you my secrets' gambit. No, I decided, as even thinking on how I'd do so left a bad taste in my mouth. Honesty and trust it was, but first, "Burgers work?" I asked her, checking the fridge.
"Fine," she agreed, impatient.
I considered taking my time getting ready, finding her lack of patience childish, but maybe I shouldn't tease her right now. A few minutes later they were sizzling away and we both had a glass of water. I turned, leaning against the counter. "Okay, before we start, I won't lie to you, but if you tell people what I tell you, it will turn out badly."
I saw her eyes narrow, and guessed her thoughts, "Panacea, you should know by now that I wouldn't threaten you. I won't be doing anything bad, but Boardwalk had to fight his way out of the Rig after he saved the lives of Vista, Gallant, and countless cops because they were going to throw him in a holding cell, and who knows what would've happened to him after that. If they find out where he is, let alone if you effectively unmask him, I'm not sure what they'll do, but from what I've seen, it won't be good."
She struggled with herself, finally stating, "Heroes wouldn't do that Vejovis."
"So you're calling me a liar. Nice Panacea. Nice." I waved away her protest, grabbing a laptop and accessing the base's intranet, getting the cleaned-up copy of the Armsmaster confrontation Quinn had sent me. Putting it down in front of her I pressed play as I finished making dinner, refusing to answer any more questions. Plating the burgers as the video finished, I slid hers in front of her as I sat down. "So. Heroes wouldn't do that, but what makes you think the Protectorate are heroes? I sent the director of the local PRT this video, as well as the video I have of the Bay Central Bank fight, if you want to see it, and absolutely nothing has happened. Armsmaster is still officially the head of the Brockton Protectorate," and hadn't that been a shocker when I looked it up this afternoon, "and while it's stopped them from going after us, officially, over his actions, The Lady, Bug hasn't received so much as a single apology for being attacked by the then leader of the government-backed 'hero' team. You're a hero Panacea, would you really put yourself on the same level as him?"
I ate my burger, hurt and angry. I knew breaking Panacea's years of conditioning from Brandish was going to be difficult, but I seemed to have made almost no progress whatsoever. She stared at her meal, not touching it. What, I thought, my food's not good enough because I'm not a perfect hero like you think you are? The sheer pettiness of that statement broke the mental line I was on. No, that's unfair. She's being unfair too, but that's no reason to- "I'm sorry," she said quietly, interrupting my thoughts. "You've never lied. I wish you had actually, but you haven't."
I put my burger down, pleasantly surprised, but masking my thoughts. "Alright then. You have questions? I have answers, but as you said, I won't lie, even if you'd prefer me to."
"You're Boardwalk." It wasn't a question. I waited until she gave me an annoyed look, realizing it as well. "How?"
I shrugged, switching out costumes and personas. "How do ya think Panny?"
She blinked, nonplussed. "You're. . . a shapeshifter?" she guessed.
I chuckled, popping off the mask and putting it down, smirking. "Only the threads, try again."
Her brow furrowed, "Multiple personalities?"
I dropped the Persona, laughing. "Not everything is powers Panacea, it's just acting."
"But you had different powers!" she protested.
I turned my hand to Shadow, poking it insubstantially through hers. "I have quite a few powers."
She rejected my statement, declaring, "But no one has more than three!"
I turned my other hand to Light, "I do, Break does, I think there's a villain named Circus that does as well. And let's not even get started on the Triumvirate." I didn't know their exact powers, but to be that strong they had to be multi-'talented'.
"Are you a Tinker? Is your power linked to your costume? Different suits have different powers, and they are your power?" she queried, trying to find a way for me to confirm to her worldview.
I blinked. I hadn't thought of that, and it would make an excellent cover story if I needed one. Unfortunately, I'd made a commitment to stay honest, even if I was the only one that'd know I broke it. Shaking my head, I shifted my costume to my civilian garb, dismissing and summoning the Light and Shadow, before doing the same thing as Vejovis.
"Are you like Eidolon? You can only do three at once?" she tried plaintively, trying to understand what I was doing in the context of what she knew to be fact.
I winced. "Please don't compare me to that idiotic glory hound," I responded, keeping Light and Shadow going as I levitated off the ground, Glory Girl Style, while manifesting a speed zone that moved my chair back.
She looked at me, before shaking her head. "How-No, I don't want to know. So you're both. Why?"
"Deniability," I replied, motioning towards her dinner. "Eat before it gets cold." Sitting down on a layer of air I continued, smirking at her noise of frustration as I did so. "I'm a Hero, but as we've seen, those who claim the title abuse it, and there are those who would seek to stop me, either because they have evil intentions, or because they are scared of the darkness in their own hearts. They think of what they would do if given the same power and see the same intentions in all others, ignoring that by acknowledging and controlling that darkness one can overcome it, instead of running from it like a scared child. The fears manifest in different permutations, but it all stems from those two sources."
"Because of that I needed two identities," I waved, one hand in Vejovis' white cloth glove, one in Boardwalk's black studded leather. "One to be the hero who helps those in need and is allowed to do so, and one to be the hero who walks in the shadows to fight villains in ways that those with villainous tendencies have made socially unacceptable. Hookwolf, Oni Lee, and others have unequivocally killed enough civilians that, if they were tried for their crimes in our justice system, as our laws say they should be, their prison terms would be in the triple or quadruple digits. Honestly, those two should have been tried in abstentia, as much as I dislike the concept, and the only reason they wouldn't have a death sentence is that New England is extraordinarily far left on the political divide. In a fair world, they would have kill orders on them, though after last night's fight Oni Lee might, but I'm not holding my breath."
"If Vejovis went after them half as hard as they go after unpowered people, there'd be cries for his head. Of note is that villains go easier on heroes, since they know the kind of response say, killing a Ward would provoke, but if some unpowered kid pulls a knife, let alone a gun on Hookwolf, and didn't back down, he'd kill them, but the media here cares nothing for those people. Normal people fighting villains? There are quite a few in positions of power that have effectively made such a thing laughable, borderline unthinkable," I nearly spat, "and if someone in their desperation makes a final stand and dies, they're just considered stupid. If they make a stand and Trigger though, that gets attention, because now they matter, and they'd probably survive as fighting someone with unknown powers is a risky proposition, causing their would-be killers to back off until they're sure they could still defeat their victims. "
I subsumed myself in Shadow, letting the Light shine from beneath. "Boardwalk though, he'll never be accepted as a hero, and that's just as how he likes it, even though he is one. He wouldn't be a crazed vigilante, doing the 'all criminals deserve one thing, death' bullshit, but he'd be willing to match his foe's level of violence. He'd capture the Undersiders, maybe rough them up a bit, but after Skidmark tries to shoot him in the head with a pistol, Boardwalk might capture him, might permanently maim him, or might just kill him depending on the circumstances. Vejovis has no such options at present, and thus can be caught up by the 'surrender or I'll kill this hostage' scenario. Boardwalk would just kill the bastard, and try to save the innocents, but if they die, he'll disgustedly state that their deaths are on the people who killed them, not the people they were being used to leverage, and anyone who claims otherwise is a fuckin' moron."
Panacea replied after a moment of thought, "I couldn't do that."
Yet. "I'm not asking you to," I assured her instead, letting go of the power and sitting there in my Vejovis guise, sans mask, "and if I felt like I had to, and you said no, I wouldn't force you to."
She sighed. "What happened last night? I saw the video, but that was just the fight, not what led to it." I got her a coffee as I covered the lead-up, leaving out the part about recruiting Purity, knowing how much that would further derail the conversation. I finished with my escape, and sat back, waiting for her response.
"Thank you," she finally said, continuing at my confused look. "For saving Gallant and Vista. Vicky was-, I'm not sure how she'd take it if he died. You didn't have to, and with what you said about Boardwalk, you, I don't know, had to go against what he was supposed to do when you did it, but thank you for doing it anyways."
I nodded, "Dean and Missy are Heroes, and saving heroes is my mission, not that of any identity I might use to further that end. I was willing to throw away the work I'd put in building Boardwalk's identity to make that happen, and would again, if needed."
She started to smile, before a frown crossed her features. "Wait, is Vejovis another identity?"
I shifted to civies as I smiled. "In public, yes, but when we're just hanging out, I'm just me, Lee Elric, the man who will save the world, no matter what I'm wearing."
She blinked at me, not sure how to respond. "That's. . . nice?" she tried. "How? That's, the whole world? How are you going to do that yourself?"
I shook my head. "Not by myself, no. That's why I'm trying to find and help true heroes, people I can trust to have my back, people like you. It's why I'm recruiting for my team, and the only reason I haven't asked you yet is because there were things you needed to figure out before it would be even fair to ask. That being said, the offer is open once you're sure it's what you want. As for how?" I shrugged. "I'll get by, with a little help from my friends."
Dropping Panacea off back at her house, as Vejovis, we didn't talk, her sister having called her as we left the base and Panacea reassuring the other girl that she was fine, and we'd eaten dinner someplace a bit out of the way, and how did she know that she'd not just gone out like normal anyways? I was tempted to listen in, but that would've been rude, and didn't seem like something that was mission critical. Hanging up she informed me, blushing, "Apparently there's a blog about us."
I shrugged. "We're healers, and that gets attention. There's like, what, a dozen of us in the world that are as open-ended as we are? It's a rare but incredibly valuable power. Heck healing, or the appearance of, is one of the things that a lot of religions are built on."
She shook her head, turning a beet red. "No. I mean it's about us."
It took a second before I understood what she meant, and I tried not to blush in turn. "They are aware that you're a minor, and I'm obviously not, correct?" I inquired dryly.
She took a breath, matching my tone as we landed, "They don't seem to care."
I facepalmed. "Perverts, the lot of them. Wait, how does Glory Girl know about them."
"That is something that I'd like to know," the healer agreed, sighing as she looked at her house, where her sister was once again unsubtly watching us from a window. "Thank you again for being honest," she said turning to face me. "And sorry, it's, it's hard to believe the Protectorate would do that when. . ."
"The media is all about how great they are?" I asked. "Yeah propaganda is insidious like that. Don't worry, you wouldn't be the first to accuse someone of lying instead of believing a harsh truth, and I doubt you'll be the last. No hard feelings. See you tomorrow for healing?"
She nodded, smirking, "Only if you get enough rest! I'll be checking!"
I waved her off, laughing, "Fine mom, I'll get to bed at a descent hour. See you then!" Flying back with a wave towards Glory Girl, I headed to home base to try my hand at Space Warping. Considering it came with a sensory component, I knew I couldn't use it anytime soon, as Vista would be able to sense my work if she came in range. The uses for it I'd copied from seeing Vista in action last night were automatic, as was par for the course with replicating uses of a power I'd directly seen, and reshaping the twists only took a few seconds. The long tunnel formation she'd used to get us to the rig was also useful, if cumbersome, and I worked on shrinking it from a passage leading north, far out of the city, into something a bit more useful.
After only a few hours my alarm went off, and I grudgingly headed to bed for three hours of meditation. I'd figure out the specifics of it soon, and hopefully I'd only need a couple hours every week of rest if I wasn't constantly fighting, but for now better too much than too little.
This time instead of just relaxing into near-unconsciousness I focused on my power, trying to relax into it and focus around it, to catch the details hiding under the vague sense of energy. After a while I started to gain the sense of it. Fire, burning deep within, flickering against unseen wind, but before I got more than just a general impression my alarm went off, prompting me to get breakfast and head to meet up with Taylor for another morning of bomb clearance.
The officer leading the team, who introduced himself as Officer Garnett, was much more respectful, though he was confused on one point. "I was reviewing your previous day's work Vejovis, and I don't see the underlying method to your coverage."
I shrugged, "We were given no instructions other than, 'go find bombs', so I warned the people around us, then we did."
Garnett looked at me for a moment before swearing under his breath, "Fucking Galston," and looking at his phone. "We'll start by clearing the City Hall, and we'll work from there on clearing Downtown. Rivers, Beltran, I want you at the one and eleven of the perimeter of the swarm, warning people." He turned to look back at me as two of the officers jogged off. "We had complaints, now I know why. If you would?"
From there we moved on as we had before until we found the third device, this one booby trapped to go off if you opened it up, if I was understanding the mechanisms inside well enough. Pointing it out got Garnett swearing, prompting me to offer the use of our beetles. "You can do that?" he asked incredulously.
I nodded, as did Taylor. "I informed the previous fellow before we started. Grumpy chap, never got his name." Turning to my partner I motioned in front of us. "Lady Bug, you're better with detail work, do you think you could create a model of the device?"
She shrugged, "Sure." Waving a hand in front of herself insects gathered, forming the inverse of the shape that we could see, the gnats holding in place unnaturally to create the structure. I looked at it, and realized that to someone who couldn't sense insects, all it looked like was cube of bugs. Grabbing the top layer and sending them back into the greater swarm, I pointed out the pull line now suspended in the air.
Garnett hesitated before crouching down to get a better look at it, the gnats we used small enough that they were almost impossible to pick out individually from a distance, the entire thing a seemingly solid grey mass. Taking a flashlight, he shone it in and around the model, highlighting the structure. Calling for their expert on his comms, he soon had Dragon helping him, using a camera to see the structure of what we'd made. After a minute, he pointed out a strand of insects near the bottom. "This one, can you cut it?"
"The red one?" Taylor asked, "Sure." She grabbed a few cockroaches from a nearby restaurant and had them chew through it. "Want me to open it and see if it worked?"
He double checked that the rest of his team had cleared the area before nodding. "If you can." She gathered the swarm and pushed the inside open, the hinge swinging smoothly, pulling the wire in the process. Nothing happened. We waited a few minutes, and still nothing. He sent one of his troopers over, shaking his head when I asked incredulously why they didn't send a drone, responding, "I was informed that these were not technically bombs, and thus we had no need for such."
He laughed at Taylor's indignant, "That's stupid!", nodding in agreement. The squaddie he sent, a woman by the name, or codename, Peterson came back after a moment, what looked like a Tinkertech scanner in hand, reporting that it was dead.
Officer Garnett nodded, "This makes our job much easier. Thank you."
'Do you want to be helpful, or be safe?' I wrote with bugs in the vent of the building to our left.
Taylor looked at Garnett, before writing 'Helpful', adding a moment later, 'He's not a jerk'.
"If it helps, we can split up, though I insist we stay in Comm contact," I said tapping my ear while spelling 'which for us is the range of your control Lady Bug'. "Ours are short range, but we can cover more ground that way."
The commanding officer nodded, calling up the PRT for a few more helping hands, sending most of his current team with Taylor. With that we spent the next few hours clearing half of downtown in its entirety and by the time we called it quits we had over fifty devices defused, with only a handful of detonations, and no casualties. I did have to support a building that had a load bearing wall turned to gas with my strength for ten minutes until the PRT was able to get some supports to prop it up. It might've been longer, but after five minutes I claimed that I was tiring, and didn't know how much longer I could hold it, my strength 'failing' as they set up the supports, which got the lead out of the people doing so.
Dropping Taylor off, I confirmed that the Truce was meeting tomorrow at Somer's Rock, but she didn't know when other than "After 4". Making it in time to meet Panacea, I noticed that Glory Girl, looking oddly nervous, wanted to say something to me. Holding up a hand and pointing upwards, lifting high into the air, she followed suit, the two of us coming to stop several hundred feet up. I stopped the wind when she came level with me, and I wrapped us in a sound bubble. "Okay, we won't be overheard. What's up Glory Girl?"
"Amy said you could get in touch with the guy from that fight, Boardwalk?" I nodded. "Can you tell him thanks? For saving D-Gallant. After what you said that night, I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I, I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him." She held herself as if cold, eyes cast downward.
I floated towards her, putting a hand on her shoulder. Her head snapped up, looking at me, warily, but without hosility. "Glory Girl, Dean is a Hero who deserves the title. I, or those who may be under my employ, would go out of their way to save him and people like him. Even if it means I, or he," I corrected, "have to let Oni Lee get away to do so."
She just nodded, eyes bright. Letting the sound bubble slowly disperse, and releasing my hold on the wind, I nodded back before I dropped down, slowing my fall right before I hit the ground, Panacea waiting.
I took a second to process Panacea's revelation. "Okay, I'm going to neither confirm nor deny that, but why do you think so?"
"Someone showed me the video, and I know how injured you were. You'd already healed some, but you had electrical burns on your legs, more one than the other, just like the video, and that's in addition to your bullet impact shaped contusions, though they were already healing, hairline fractures in your arms and legs, bruised organs, and on top of that half your ribs were broken!" she declared, working herself up, as I held her at arm's length. "Why didn't you tell me? What were you thinking getting into a fight like that!?"
I nodded. "Yeah, that'd do it." I considered the difficulties of having this conversation in a restaurant, and made a snap decision, starting to fly towards home base. "I'm making dinner."
"That's not an answer!" she contested, glaring at me.
"No," I rebuked, as I thought my meaning had been clear. "It's what I'm going to do while I give you the answer." That it let me consider my answer on the way back was also a plus.
Landing and walking into the base, mind spinning, I considered the hard sell, the entire 'I need you to join if I'm going to tell you my secrets' gambit. No, I decided, as even thinking on how I'd do so left a bad taste in my mouth. Honesty and trust it was, but first, "Burgers work?" I asked her, checking the fridge.
"Fine," she agreed, impatient.
I considered taking my time getting ready, finding her lack of patience childish, but maybe I shouldn't tease her right now. A few minutes later they were sizzling away and we both had a glass of water. I turned, leaning against the counter. "Okay, before we start, I won't lie to you, but if you tell people what I tell you, it will turn out badly."
I saw her eyes narrow, and guessed her thoughts, "Panacea, you should know by now that I wouldn't threaten you. I won't be doing anything bad, but Boardwalk had to fight his way out of the Rig after he saved the lives of Vista, Gallant, and countless cops because they were going to throw him in a holding cell, and who knows what would've happened to him after that. If they find out where he is, let alone if you effectively unmask him, I'm not sure what they'll do, but from what I've seen, it won't be good."
She struggled with herself, finally stating, "Heroes wouldn't do that Vejovis."
"So you're calling me a liar. Nice Panacea. Nice." I waved away her protest, grabbing a laptop and accessing the base's intranet, getting the cleaned-up copy of the Armsmaster confrontation Quinn had sent me. Putting it down in front of her I pressed play as I finished making dinner, refusing to answer any more questions. Plating the burgers as the video finished, I slid hers in front of her as I sat down. "So. Heroes wouldn't do that, but what makes you think the Protectorate are heroes? I sent the director of the local PRT this video, as well as the video I have of the Bay Central Bank fight, if you want to see it, and absolutely nothing has happened. Armsmaster is still officially the head of the Brockton Protectorate," and hadn't that been a shocker when I looked it up this afternoon, "and while it's stopped them from going after us, officially, over his actions, The Lady, Bug hasn't received so much as a single apology for being attacked by the then leader of the government-backed 'hero' team. You're a hero Panacea, would you really put yourself on the same level as him?"
I ate my burger, hurt and angry. I knew breaking Panacea's years of conditioning from Brandish was going to be difficult, but I seemed to have made almost no progress whatsoever. She stared at her meal, not touching it. What, I thought, my food's not good enough because I'm not a perfect hero like you think you are? The sheer pettiness of that statement broke the mental line I was on. No, that's unfair. She's being unfair too, but that's no reason to- "I'm sorry," she said quietly, interrupting my thoughts. "You've never lied. I wish you had actually, but you haven't."
I put my burger down, pleasantly surprised, but masking my thoughts. "Alright then. You have questions? I have answers, but as you said, I won't lie, even if you'd prefer me to."
"You're Boardwalk." It wasn't a question. I waited until she gave me an annoyed look, realizing it as well. "How?"
I shrugged, switching out costumes and personas. "How do ya think Panny?"
She blinked, nonplussed. "You're. . . a shapeshifter?" she guessed.
I chuckled, popping off the mask and putting it down, smirking. "Only the threads, try again."
Her brow furrowed, "Multiple personalities?"
I dropped the Persona, laughing. "Not everything is powers Panacea, it's just acting."
"But you had different powers!" she protested.
I turned my hand to Shadow, poking it insubstantially through hers. "I have quite a few powers."
She rejected my statement, declaring, "But no one has more than three!"
I turned my other hand to Light, "I do, Break does, I think there's a villain named Circus that does as well. And let's not even get started on the Triumvirate." I didn't know their exact powers, but to be that strong they had to be multi-'talented'.
"Are you a Tinker? Is your power linked to your costume? Different suits have different powers, and they are your power?" she queried, trying to find a way for me to confirm to her worldview.
I blinked. I hadn't thought of that, and it would make an excellent cover story if I needed one. Unfortunately, I'd made a commitment to stay honest, even if I was the only one that'd know I broke it. Shaking my head, I shifted my costume to my civilian garb, dismissing and summoning the Light and Shadow, before doing the same thing as Vejovis.
"Are you like Eidolon? You can only do three at once?" she tried plaintively, trying to understand what I was doing in the context of what she knew to be fact.
I winced. "Please don't compare me to that idiotic glory hound," I responded, keeping Light and Shadow going as I levitated off the ground, Glory Girl Style, while manifesting a speed zone that moved my chair back.
She looked at me, before shaking her head. "How-No, I don't want to know. So you're both. Why?"
"Deniability," I replied, motioning towards her dinner. "Eat before it gets cold." Sitting down on a layer of air I continued, smirking at her noise of frustration as I did so. "I'm a Hero, but as we've seen, those who claim the title abuse it, and there are those who would seek to stop me, either because they have evil intentions, or because they are scared of the darkness in their own hearts. They think of what they would do if given the same power and see the same intentions in all others, ignoring that by acknowledging and controlling that darkness one can overcome it, instead of running from it like a scared child. The fears manifest in different permutations, but it all stems from those two sources."
"Because of that I needed two identities," I waved, one hand in Vejovis' white cloth glove, one in Boardwalk's black studded leather. "One to be the hero who helps those in need and is allowed to do so, and one to be the hero who walks in the shadows to fight villains in ways that those with villainous tendencies have made socially unacceptable. Hookwolf, Oni Lee, and others have unequivocally killed enough civilians that, if they were tried for their crimes in our justice system, as our laws say they should be, their prison terms would be in the triple or quadruple digits. Honestly, those two should have been tried in abstentia, as much as I dislike the concept, and the only reason they wouldn't have a death sentence is that New England is extraordinarily far left on the political divide. In a fair world, they would have kill orders on them, though after last night's fight Oni Lee might, but I'm not holding my breath."
"If Vejovis went after them half as hard as they go after unpowered people, there'd be cries for his head. Of note is that villains go easier on heroes, since they know the kind of response say, killing a Ward would provoke, but if some unpowered kid pulls a knife, let alone a gun on Hookwolf, and didn't back down, he'd kill them, but the media here cares nothing for those people. Normal people fighting villains? There are quite a few in positions of power that have effectively made such a thing laughable, borderline unthinkable," I nearly spat, "and if someone in their desperation makes a final stand and dies, they're just considered stupid. If they make a stand and Trigger though, that gets attention, because now they matter, and they'd probably survive as fighting someone with unknown powers is a risky proposition, causing their would-be killers to back off until they're sure they could still defeat their victims. "
I subsumed myself in Shadow, letting the Light shine from beneath. "Boardwalk though, he'll never be accepted as a hero, and that's just as how he likes it, even though he is one. He wouldn't be a crazed vigilante, doing the 'all criminals deserve one thing, death' bullshit, but he'd be willing to match his foe's level of violence. He'd capture the Undersiders, maybe rough them up a bit, but after Skidmark tries to shoot him in the head with a pistol, Boardwalk might capture him, might permanently maim him, or might just kill him depending on the circumstances. Vejovis has no such options at present, and thus can be caught up by the 'surrender or I'll kill this hostage' scenario. Boardwalk would just kill the bastard, and try to save the innocents, but if they die, he'll disgustedly state that their deaths are on the people who killed them, not the people they were being used to leverage, and anyone who claims otherwise is a fuckin' moron."
Panacea replied after a moment of thought, "I couldn't do that."
Yet. "I'm not asking you to," I assured her instead, letting go of the power and sitting there in my Vejovis guise, sans mask, "and if I felt like I had to, and you said no, I wouldn't force you to."
She sighed. "What happened last night? I saw the video, but that was just the fight, not what led to it." I got her a coffee as I covered the lead-up, leaving out the part about recruiting Purity, knowing how much that would further derail the conversation. I finished with my escape, and sat back, waiting for her response.
"Thank you," she finally said, continuing at my confused look. "For saving Gallant and Vista. Vicky was-, I'm not sure how she'd take it if he died. You didn't have to, and with what you said about Boardwalk, you, I don't know, had to go against what he was supposed to do when you did it, but thank you for doing it anyways."
I nodded, "Dean and Missy are Heroes, and saving heroes is my mission, not that of any identity I might use to further that end. I was willing to throw away the work I'd put in building Boardwalk's identity to make that happen, and would again, if needed."
She started to smile, before a frown crossed her features. "Wait, is Vejovis another identity?"
I shifted to civies as I smiled. "In public, yes, but when we're just hanging out, I'm just me, Lee Elric, the man who will save the world, no matter what I'm wearing."
She blinked at me, not sure how to respond. "That's. . . nice?" she tried. "How? That's, the whole world? How are you going to do that yourself?"
I shook my head. "Not by myself, no. That's why I'm trying to find and help true heroes, people I can trust to have my back, people like you. It's why I'm recruiting for my team, and the only reason I haven't asked you yet is because there were things you needed to figure out before it would be even fair to ask. That being said, the offer is open once you're sure it's what you want. As for how?" I shrugged. "I'll get by, with a little help from my friends."
Dropping Panacea off back at her house, as Vejovis, we didn't talk, her sister having called her as we left the base and Panacea reassuring the other girl that she was fine, and we'd eaten dinner someplace a bit out of the way, and how did she know that she'd not just gone out like normal anyways? I was tempted to listen in, but that would've been rude, and didn't seem like something that was mission critical. Hanging up she informed me, blushing, "Apparently there's a blog about us."
I shrugged. "We're healers, and that gets attention. There's like, what, a dozen of us in the world that are as open-ended as we are? It's a rare but incredibly valuable power. Heck healing, or the appearance of, is one of the things that a lot of religions are built on."
She shook her head, turning a beet red. "No. I mean it's about us."
It took a second before I understood what she meant, and I tried not to blush in turn. "They are aware that you're a minor, and I'm obviously not, correct?" I inquired dryly.
She took a breath, matching my tone as we landed, "They don't seem to care."
I facepalmed. "Perverts, the lot of them. Wait, how does Glory Girl know about them."
"That is something that I'd like to know," the healer agreed, sighing as she looked at her house, where her sister was once again unsubtly watching us from a window. "Thank you again for being honest," she said turning to face me. "And sorry, it's, it's hard to believe the Protectorate would do that when. . ."
"The media is all about how great they are?" I asked. "Yeah propaganda is insidious like that. Don't worry, you wouldn't be the first to accuse someone of lying instead of believing a harsh truth, and I doubt you'll be the last. No hard feelings. See you tomorrow for healing?"
She nodded, smirking, "Only if you get enough rest! I'll be checking!"
I waved her off, laughing, "Fine mom, I'll get to bed at a descent hour. See you then!" Flying back with a wave towards Glory Girl, I headed to home base to try my hand at Space Warping. Considering it came with a sensory component, I knew I couldn't use it anytime soon, as Vista would be able to sense my work if she came in range. The uses for it I'd copied from seeing Vista in action last night were automatic, as was par for the course with replicating uses of a power I'd directly seen, and reshaping the twists only took a few seconds. The long tunnel formation she'd used to get us to the rig was also useful, if cumbersome, and I worked on shrinking it from a passage leading north, far out of the city, into something a bit more useful.
After only a few hours my alarm went off, and I grudgingly headed to bed for three hours of meditation. I'd figure out the specifics of it soon, and hopefully I'd only need a couple hours every week of rest if I wasn't constantly fighting, but for now better too much than too little.
This time instead of just relaxing into near-unconsciousness I focused on my power, trying to relax into it and focus around it, to catch the details hiding under the vague sense of energy. After a while I started to gain the sense of it. Fire, burning deep within, flickering against unseen wind, but before I got more than just a general impression my alarm went off, prompting me to get breakfast and head to meet up with Taylor for another morning of bomb clearance.
The officer leading the team, who introduced himself as Officer Garnett, was much more respectful, though he was confused on one point. "I was reviewing your previous day's work Vejovis, and I don't see the underlying method to your coverage."
I shrugged, "We were given no instructions other than, 'go find bombs', so I warned the people around us, then we did."
Garnett looked at me for a moment before swearing under his breath, "Fucking Galston," and looking at his phone. "We'll start by clearing the City Hall, and we'll work from there on clearing Downtown. Rivers, Beltran, I want you at the one and eleven of the perimeter of the swarm, warning people." He turned to look back at me as two of the officers jogged off. "We had complaints, now I know why. If you would?"
From there we moved on as we had before until we found the third device, this one booby trapped to go off if you opened it up, if I was understanding the mechanisms inside well enough. Pointing it out got Garnett swearing, prompting me to offer the use of our beetles. "You can do that?" he asked incredulously.
I nodded, as did Taylor. "I informed the previous fellow before we started. Grumpy chap, never got his name." Turning to my partner I motioned in front of us. "Lady Bug, you're better with detail work, do you think you could create a model of the device?"
She shrugged, "Sure." Waving a hand in front of herself insects gathered, forming the inverse of the shape that we could see, the gnats holding in place unnaturally to create the structure. I looked at it, and realized that to someone who couldn't sense insects, all it looked like was cube of bugs. Grabbing the top layer and sending them back into the greater swarm, I pointed out the pull line now suspended in the air.
Garnett hesitated before crouching down to get a better look at it, the gnats we used small enough that they were almost impossible to pick out individually from a distance, the entire thing a seemingly solid grey mass. Taking a flashlight, he shone it in and around the model, highlighting the structure. Calling for their expert on his comms, he soon had Dragon helping him, using a camera to see the structure of what we'd made. After a minute, he pointed out a strand of insects near the bottom. "This one, can you cut it?"
"The red one?" Taylor asked, "Sure." She grabbed a few cockroaches from a nearby restaurant and had them chew through it. "Want me to open it and see if it worked?"
He double checked that the rest of his team had cleared the area before nodding. "If you can." She gathered the swarm and pushed the inside open, the hinge swinging smoothly, pulling the wire in the process. Nothing happened. We waited a few minutes, and still nothing. He sent one of his troopers over, shaking his head when I asked incredulously why they didn't send a drone, responding, "I was informed that these were not technically bombs, and thus we had no need for such."
He laughed at Taylor's indignant, "That's stupid!", nodding in agreement. The squaddie he sent, a woman by the name, or codename, Peterson came back after a moment, what looked like a Tinkertech scanner in hand, reporting that it was dead.
Officer Garnett nodded, "This makes our job much easier. Thank you."
'Do you want to be helpful, or be safe?' I wrote with bugs in the vent of the building to our left.
Taylor looked at Garnett, before writing 'Helpful', adding a moment later, 'He's not a jerk'.
"If it helps, we can split up, though I insist we stay in Comm contact," I said tapping my ear while spelling 'which for us is the range of your control Lady Bug'. "Ours are short range, but we can cover more ground that way."
The commanding officer nodded, calling up the PRT for a few more helping hands, sending most of his current team with Taylor. With that we spent the next few hours clearing half of downtown in its entirety and by the time we called it quits we had over fifty devices defused, with only a handful of detonations, and no casualties. I did have to support a building that had a load bearing wall turned to gas with my strength for ten minutes until the PRT was able to get some supports to prop it up. It might've been longer, but after five minutes I claimed that I was tiring, and didn't know how much longer I could hold it, my strength 'failing' as they set up the supports, which got the lead out of the people doing so.
Dropping Taylor off, I confirmed that the Truce was meeting tomorrow at Somer's Rock, but she didn't know when other than "After 4". Making it in time to meet Panacea, I noticed that Glory Girl, looking oddly nervous, wanted to say something to me. Holding up a hand and pointing upwards, lifting high into the air, she followed suit, the two of us coming to stop several hundred feet up. I stopped the wind when she came level with me, and I wrapped us in a sound bubble. "Okay, we won't be overheard. What's up Glory Girl?"
"Amy said you could get in touch with the guy from that fight, Boardwalk?" I nodded. "Can you tell him thanks? For saving D-Gallant. After what you said that night, I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I, I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him." She held herself as if cold, eyes cast downward.
I floated towards her, putting a hand on her shoulder. Her head snapped up, looking at me, warily, but without hosility. "Glory Girl, Dean is a Hero who deserves the title. I, or those who may be under my employ, would go out of their way to save him and people like him. Even if it means I, or he," I corrected, "have to let Oni Lee get away to do so."
She just nodded, eyes bright. Letting the sound bubble slowly disperse, and releasing my hold on the wind, I nodded back before I dropped down, slowing my fall right before I hit the ground, Panacea waiting.