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All QQ members get teleported to 40k

On a scale from 1-10 hhow terrible of a person would you rate me for this?

  • 1

    Votes: 12 9.8%
  • 2

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • 3

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • 4

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • 5

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • 6

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • 7

    Votes: 4 3.3%
  • 8

    Votes: 6 4.9%
  • 9

    Votes: 5 4.1%
  • 10

    Votes: 85 69.1%

  • Total voters
Slaaneshi Heretek. Maybe a bit of Psi. Maybe I will become a Lord Discordant.
Realistically, I'd probably end up corrupted by some flavor of Nurglite.
Realistically, I'd probably end up corrupted by some flavor of Nurglite.
Ensures you'll be happy if nothing else. Green really is the colour of joy and happiness in the grimdarkness of the 42nd millennium. Papa Nurgle's followers always have a smile on their faces, even with their guts spilling out of their stomach. Orks, among all the war and destruction, are having a 'krumping good time as well.
Probs some kinda Eldar TBH. Never have to worry about toilet paper again because I shit crystals and piss pristine sterile liquid.

>No Alpha Psykers

Well shit. Guess I can't into Farseer then.

Warlock it is!
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Well, it's 40k right? So just pick a random human. Odds are you'll live your entire life without ever coming into contact with any of the freaky shit the galaxy has to offer given how widespread humanity is in that setting. And you don't have to worry constantly about Slaanesh using your soul as a rectal condom like the Eldar do.
Well, it's 40k right? So just pick a random human. Odds are you'll live your entire life without ever coming into contact with any of the freaky shit the galaxy has to offer given how widespread humanity is in that setting. And you don't have to worry constantly about Slaanesh using your soul as a rectal condom like the Eldar do.
But that's the coward's way out.:p
But that's the coward's way out.:p
More importantly, it would probably mean living in a medieval hellhole, a post-apocalyptic hellhole, or both. I'm pretty sure no "random human" planets in 40K get anywhere near the living standards of 2010s Earth (not even of the third-world parts).

And then there are the hive worlds...
Do we have the knowledge of the ones we are replacing?

If yes, a Rogue Trader, for no other reason, than that it would allow me to try to keep me far away from the Imperium, while still giving me some freedom.

If we can get enough Rogue Traders together, we may even be able to survive for a while.
More importantly, it would probably mean living in a medieval hellhole, a post-apocalyptic hellhole, or both. I'm pretty sure no "random human" planets in 40K get anywhere near the living standards of 2010s Earth (not even of the third-world parts).

And then there are the hive worlds...

Actually if you read the Ciaphas Cain novels there are some planets where the living standards were reasonable, at least when not being on the receiving end of alien invasions...
More importantly, it would probably mean living in a medieval hellhole, a post-apocalyptic hellhole, or both. I'm pretty sure no "random human" planets in 40K get anywhere near the living standards of 2010s Earth (not even of the third-world parts).
Sure there are. They're called paradise worlds.
Easy. Drukhari Archon of a influential but lesser known Kabal. Loyal to Vect first and foremost. I'll ride the murder-train for as long as I can.
More importantly, it would probably mean living in a medieval hellhole, a post-apocalyptic hellhole, or both. I'm pretty sure no "random human" planets in 40K get anywhere near the living standards of 2010s Earth (not even of the third-world parts).

And then there are the hive worlds...
The hive worlds aren't necessarily that bad. If I remember some of the novels correctly many of them are actually decent places to live.
Easy. Drukhari Archon of a influential but lesser known Kabal. Loyal to Vect first and foremost. I'll ride the murder-train for as long as I can.
As far as the Drukhari go, joining a Haemonculi Coven seem like the safer bet. They stand above most of Commorite society and are largely independent of it. You don't go against one of their number unless you're willing to risk eternal torture that would make Slaaneshi daemons blush for what would most likely be a temporary annoyance or death even if you succeeded.
As far as the Drukhari go, joining a Haemonculi Coven seem like the safer bet. They stand above most of Commorite society and are largely independent of it. You don't go against one of their number unless you're willing to risk eternal torture that would make Slaaneshi daemons blush for what would most likely be a temporary annoyance or death even if you succeeded.

Literally the worst.
Rogue Trader. Go full Captain Kirk, adventure, battle, a harem of willing lovelies in my cabin/mansion/fortress/deck (damn, Imp ships are huge) and enjoy myself before my soul inevitably gets eaten by demons.
Man of iron, from 600M23 that went dormant hoping biolocicals would have killed themselves off by now. Let's see how the galaxy copes.

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