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An Experiment into the Controlled Release of Information about the Future.

The only war: part three
0730 AM

The first "war fleet" in almost 1000 years launches from Albert. Crowds gathered to send the militia off. International media on hand documenting and reporting everything.

They split into 6 groups to target the PLF and Calidonian facilities

Over in Calidonia, popular support for the PLF and the Government has been dwindling. Protesters are demanding that the PLF be arrested and turned over. The Police, armed with a few dozen laser pistols for 7,000 officers begin getting ready to defend the government buildings only.

Unsurprisingly, an odd disease breaks out, I believe you call it the "Blue flu". Half of the Calidonian police caught it. So less than 3,500 police armed mostly with sophisticated tasers and handcuffs.

1030 AM

Touchdown began.

The vast majority of Albertson's Militia were armed with bats, some even had nails put in them. They were there mostly to intimidate and, if needed, gang rush a position if the actual fighters went down (or ran out of ammo/arrows).

This strategy worked amazingly well. They never once were used and the first 3 of the locations surrendered without a fight. Dozens were arrested.

The other 3 locations, the defenders were outnumber 10-to-1. Heavy casualties on both sides but they were quickly overran.

230 PM: 4 hours after initial attack.

Mission success, Albert achieved total decisive victory. All of the "Soul Batteries" were recovered and the doctors immediately released the "Souls".

After being in a "Battery" for so long, a few went into the "Afterlife" for rest. Most though immediately bolted back to Albert where they were "guided" to women who were ready to conceive.


Criminal tribunals were had but those were rather dull, and predictable. Caledonia eventually recovered, but not before a quarter of their population moved. The new government became much more moderate, and eventually rejoined Texanada. (took well over 100 years.)

Most places don't do "annual" traditions, instead going more of a "every 7-years" celebration. So every 7 years, Albert throws a huge celebration that includes historical reenactments. People hit each other with foam sticks and get drunk.

Our Holo Parks actually rents out the whole theater area for these reenactments. It is kinda fun.

The whole affair is still a considered hilarious.

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