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Anything At All (Worm v1 CYOA, Kaleidoscope, SI, one-shot)

Kinda funny people kept whining about being too op when the setting is full of suck.

I wouldn't touch the place without assurances and being op is just the mandatory opening offer.

Like wasn't there around 10^85th-87th power alternate Earth's that got quarantined by the two entities?

That's a bullshit number of alternate universes under their lock and key.
Kinda funny people kept whining about being too op when the setting is full of suck.

I wouldn't touch the place without assurances and being op is just the mandatory opening offer.

Like wasn't there around 10^85th-87th power alternate Earth's that got quarantined by the two entities?

That's a bullshit number of alternate universes under their lock and key.
This. All of this. Also, I just like extreme amounts of power that can be applied creatively. :)
Any strat guides on Alexandria, Legend, Shaper and Psychokinesis?
Alexandria and Legend are traps - they're completely useless unless you also take a power with the means to actually access zion's body... Which would ironically make them the best for a story because you'd need to use something like the methods from Canon to attack him.

For shaper you just need to remember to spread backups around the globe asap in case your body gets killed, at that point the only real threats are the endbringers and scion - the machine army has biological components connecting to the Shard, so you could just axe those at range, as well as all parahumans (possible exception of Alexandria). You'd need to make some kind of dimension breaching organism, but the shards prove that's possible, and Shaper is vague on whether that kind of tinkeresque knowledge is within its ability, so it'd be up to the writer.

Psychokinesis is basically God mode, you'd just need to hand around Alexandria and study any Doors she uses. Study her power to mimic it while you are there. My personal choices would be PK with II. Because the only real limit to PK is how much you know, and II neatly let's you know practically everything :V
Author's Note: I posted this on SB a couple years ago, and while I'm not going to double-post everything I did there over here I figured that since there's a resurgent interest in Worm fic on the NSFW forum right now, I might as well get one of the very few Kaleidoscope-based v1 CYOA fics I've ever heardo of, let alone written, back on the grid.
I was just thinking didn't you do this a while back.
Psychokinesis is basically God mode, you'd just need to hand around Alexandria and study any Doors she uses. Study her power to mimic it while you are there. My personal choices would be PK with II. Because the only real limit to PK is how much you know, and II neatly let's you know practically everything :V
Ah, yeah. With the supernatural skills and knowledge of II reality becomes clay with PK.
In stories with II there are a lot of people throwing suggestions on settings and tech that the writer might not be invested in and don't want to spend the effort to trawl through wikis and source material which is fair.

However here's an in universe way of getting some meta knowledge.

Put a charge or two in:
[Pop Culture: Sci-fi (Earth of Origin)]
[Pop Culture: Fantasy (Earth of Origin)]
Personally Kaleidoscope always felt too meta for me, technically it is just manipulation of Space and Time limited only by your Experience, Imagination and Creativity. But with the entire Multiverse or Omniverse as i prefer (considering the sheer scale) at your fingertips, the ability to time travel to your future and give yourself Millenia of Experience with it and borrowing the Imagination and Creativity of the Omniverses greatest it practically obliterates those limitations.
So where does it End unlike Power Manipulator and to a lesser extent Inspired Inventor which are both capped only at the the initial Rate of Power Gain and otherwise completely and explicitly unlimited, but can for example Kaleidoscope reach back and chose an alternate Version of yourself that took a different Option in the CYOA?
Can it give you the abilities of literally any fictional character or are some so Powerful they notice and erase you before you know it?

It trades out being able to bust the power curve on the high end in return for instant gratification and nigh-endless versatility.
Eh. That not really true, as you yourself mentioned Eidolon gives you the ability to give yourself a Power that makes temporary Trump based Abilities Permanent, but that isn't the End.
The CYOA says "any Power you wish, and may be swapped out at will" and "your Power will automatically provide abilities that aid you in surviving and achieving your goals". Even with your least favorable interpretation that still leaves you strong enough to throw yourself at literally any Earth Bet Threat with Zero Thought or Preparation because you gain those at Will.
Considering that for example Combat Knowledge, Tactics and Synergy and other knowledge would aid you in surviving, an Author would have to be either entirely uncreative with something that gives you instant access to any Power or actively limit and nerf the ability

Not to mention with that Temporary Trump Affects become Permanent Ability you can easily and instantly become Capital G God, just slot it in and let the other 4 charges you have cycle through every single imaginable Power with the only limiter being how fast you Interpret at Will (for me that's the speed of your thought something that gets hugely accelerated with the right Powers) and how fast the Power itself can cycle because if your goal is to get as many Powers and Strength in general as you can, it will simply do all the heavy lifting for you.
When you take a Googolplex amount of Powers which range form literally anything like boost other temporary gained Powers, merge all Power into cohesive massive whole that can affect itself, unlimited creativity, the collective knowledge of Humanity (take Victor Skill Stealing and take it up a Notch) to any other conceivable Power.
Why does it matter if you start at your weakest at redrawing Global Maps level if you can freely combine, merge and do whatever with your abilities?
And that's just the weakest interpretation it only says at the weakest level a Power is at a Threat Level of 8 with 9-10 being the Norm but there in no given Upper Limit.

Eidolon is the only Power in the CYOA that could be slapped on the most moronic idiot and still leave them able to tear through everything in Worm the instant they dropped in, even if they got ambushed by Zion the Planck-Second they emerged into Reality.
Any other Power except maybe Emps (wouldn't surprise me if he had some automatic response to Personal Danger that teleports him away or something similar that allow him to get his bearings) requires Conscious Thought or leaves you vulnerable to Exile (like Shaper and Alexandria) where you can simply be dealt with by being thrown into an alternate completely barren Universe.

You don't even have to worry about unconsciously wishing for a good fight because 1. That is pretty much impossible to achieve without depowering yourself to hell and back and 2. The Power helps you in surviving and achieving your Goals which probably doesn't include finding out you manipulated an entire Earth/Multiverse and caused untold suffering just because you have a fighting boner.

The more you think about these abilities the more ridiculous they get and honestly I am glad as I would never willing visit Earth Bet without such an "I Win" Button.
Another v1 "cheat":

If you win, you get a power to open portals to the wormverse. So with a PM charge spent on that power, or an Eidolon trump power directed at it, or Shattered Limiter, or even regular power growth ( v1 powers grow in strength and versatility ), you can get multiverse travel without Kaleidoscope level of fanfic-destroying op-ness.
cliffc999 and others for me what i do is to pick power manipulator, Inspired inventor shattered limiter, endbringer and world breaker at minimum, emerge at cauldron main base where the main members of cauldron i.e. alexandria, eidolon. legend, contessa, doctor mother and number man are having a meeting at the base where the eden's body is stored. transfer their powers, deactivate the endbringers and upgrade it to the alexandria, eidolon and legend version of the worm v1 and upgrade contessa's power to allmighty by spending 10 charges on each. connect with the eden shards there to become a new entity. Kill the core shards of zion and assimilate his shards as well and wait until i go to my home universe. after that become the god king of my universe

Secondary Tasks to be done in priority order
1. Combine Strider and Doormaker and upgrade it to the worm v1 kaleidoscope
2. Copy amy's power and upgrade it to the shaper power from worm cyoa v1
3. Copy Taylor power and upgrade it to khepri+ (Control any and all sapient and sentient on an planet simultaneously)
4. copy simurgh's telekinetic power and upgrade it to psychokinetic power of worm cyoa v1
5. use kaleidoscope after its creaded to visit any fanfics which has the celestials (celestial forge, grimoire, menagerie and inventory) and their variants as well as tinker of fiction and projection power from projection quest and its variants. copy them as well
6. visit every worm crossover fics and obtain its crossover elements for me
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Some Thoughts on Inspired Inventing

* Applied Metaphysics (1 charge) - This one's from 'The Von Neumann Steamroller', and it was one of the ideas I was most impressed with. Knowing with certainty the answers to such questions as 'Is there life after death?'...
Would this help to discover if feng shui works in the current universe?
Alexandria and Legend are traps - they're completely useless unless you also take a power with the means to actually access zion's body.

Alexandria, yes.

Legend can fire Sting shots with the energy release of 1000 Hiroshima bombs a second. Combine with Blank and you could solo Scion right out the gate, since thats what killed him canonically.

And so, now some useful charges to buy as early as possible.

One fanfic I read had someone invest in Bene Gesserit Disciplines and Mentat Training. Without Spice, precog is severely limited, but it still gave the protag extreme control over their mind and body, along with access to the Weirding Way and other powerful benefits.
One fanfic I read had someone invest in Bene Gesserit Disciplines and Mentat Training. Without Spice, precog is severely limited, but it still gave the protag extreme control over their mind and body, along with access to the Weirding Way and other powerful benefits.
I remember that Cliff's II fanfic does most of that, though I don't remember if it had the precog or the Weirding Way, because from memory that's not actually Bene Gesserit stuff.
Legend can fire Sting shots with the energy release of 1000 Hiroshima bombs a second. Combine with Blank and you could solo Scion right out the gate, since thats what killed him canonically.
You are mistaken my friend. Legend could indeed kill his avatar for a few seconds, the problem however is that his real body is in another dimension that Legend has no means to reach. The problem isn't a lack of fire power, but the fact that there's just no means to target him without first hitting him with Sting. Which he has defences for, meaning you have to play out Gold Morning.

Edit: I somehow missed the part where you said it could fire sting shots admittedly, but the CYOA says nothing about being able to fire sting shots. It says you can manipulate their properties like legend can, like make freezing or matter destroying blasts etc. You're stretching that pretty far to assume it can use sting, which is a whole separate power.

Admittedly, it still wouldn't work. Scion has autododge on sting, they only hit him because he let them, because they first broke his spirit. They essentially bullied him into committing suicide
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Admittedly, it still wouldn't work. Scion has autododge on sting, they only hit him because he let them, because they first broke his spirit. They essentially bullied him into committing suicide

Legend also says "You can fire blasts of light whose properties and effects are within your control."

It does not say "You are limited to what Legend can do."

For more information, try the Legend Guide posted earlier.
Legend also says "You can fire blasts of light whose properties and effects are within your control."

It does not say "You are limited to what Legend can do."

For more information, try the Legend Guide posted earlier.
By your logic legend can make you a Harry potter style wizard with rapid fire super spells that can do nearly anything...
By your logic legend can make you a Harry potter style wizard with rapid fire super spells that can do nearly anything...

I mean. . . Yes? You were probably trying for reductio ad absurdum, but you're not wrong. Have you seen the other powers on this list? Sting shots are perfectly reasonable things to fire compared to what Power Manipulation can get you after a single day's charges, so when it says 'the powers and effects are yours to control' its perfectly reasonable to assume they can, at the very least, be the kind of weaponized blast you want them to be.

There's a reason that Alexandria's 'invulnerable to literally everything strong enough to do anything' power is the weakest one, and thats because of its lack of variety and the fact that Scion isn't vulnerable to physical force.
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There's a reason that Alexandria's 'invulnerable to literally everything strong enough to do anything' power is the weakest one, and thats because of its lack of variety and the fact that Scion isn't vulnerable to physical force.
Not quite. You can pull of sidereal martial arts bullshit like punching monsters into completely well adjusted human beings, pull off xianxia cultivator fuckery of warping reality through brute force, and expand the field responsible for Alexandria outwards and alter reality that way.

Really Alexandria reminds me of the ki option to a magic cyoa.

I don't like to be the one to point this out but the Kaleidoscope doesn't allow you to travel in time but rather to travel between parallel versions of the world, dimensions, etc. It is basically a power of 'Space' not of 'Time', although I know the scientific space-time correlation.

Just saying since it seems to be a common mistake from the fan community.
Technically, traveling through alternate timelines is time travel, just horizontally.

Alexandria and Legend are traps - they're completely useless unless you also take a power with the means to actually access zion's body... Which would ironically make them the best for a story because you'd need to use something like the methods from Canon to attack him.
Not necessarily. The Alexandria force field allow you to ignore physics, you can quite literally fly into Zion's pocket dimension if you know where it is. Legend can imbue any property on it's lasers, so just fire off a Gae Bolg/Sting laser beam at the golden dude.
Man I love Power Manipulation.

Make a charge catcher so you can collect excess charges, increase PM's range so you don't have to take a bus tour to copy all the things, when paired with Inspired Inventor copying Miss Militia's power and then tweaking it so you always have tools any tools you want is a hell of a combo, make a ghost power for intangibility and most things in the city can't even touch you.

It's full of so much win.

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