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Bad Company (Taylor/OC, Worm AU)

Arc 2, Ch 3: Criminal

I couldn't sleep.

The internet... I'd just seen too much. I'd heard the locker room talk from PE Class in middle school and then it ramped up in the Gym plus after school in the weight room. So it wasn't like I wasn't familiar. We really didn't have the internet at home, I'd use it at school or the city libraries scattered around the city. But sweet Jesus - there is a lot going on. It's - this is beyond the man talk at Abuelo's construction sites.

I know the men working there would probably whistle at Taylor walking past but would actually say what they would do if it was Sophia walking by. I didn't understand the difference back then. But after seeing online that hardly any of the guys looked like me and very few if ever look like Taylor, and those are just the advertisements - animated all over the websites. But at least now I definitely, generally, kinda understand the mechanics of what's expected of me.

I also know that if I pretend I know what I'm doing things could go wrong. And that would just be lying.

This - this requires a lot of trust, so I guess I'll talk to her about things before. Hopefully she doesn't cover her face and dies on me when I do that. Better to ask permission than forgiveness in this situation, I imagine.

But here I am listening to her sleep. She already half woke once and found the bottle of water and The Pouch on the nightstand. She took more meds and just passed out again. I kind of want to wake her to get her to eat something but she's really sleeping hard.

I gave her my pillow cuz she was drooling bad on hers. I didn't want her waking up embarrassed about it, so I didn't want her feeling any worse than what she's been through. I'm surprised she still cares about that stuff around me. She's still human, humans drool and smell and sweat, nothing wrong with being normal now and again.

I glanced at her in the dark and she's so thin, almost frail in the dark. But in her full costume, as Skitter she comes alive bigger than her own life. Behind our masks the tears and sweat and drool are gone, all there is is our presence and power.

It's crazy.

A single black widow spider can maim, cripple, or even kill a full grown man. During construction Abuelo warned they might be found hitching a ride if they got lumber that passed through Albuquerque or Brown Recluses from Texas. Ever since I found out what she could do I immediately thought if Taylor was a bad person she could easily be an untraceable assassin sending a single spider to get a target, like a James Bond villain.

That's how I know she's not bad. She doesn't do the easy thing. Taylor meets her problems head on even if it sends her home stumbling and in pain.

Maybe Lisa is right.

Maybe I am obsessed with Taylor.

My head isn't where it should be, I still have those moments I'm lost in what I am doing but now I can step back and look at what I have done. She's a large piece of my world now in a span of several weeks even though I was gone for half of it. Abuela was my sole concern since Grandpa passed. I just - I just worry about people close to me. I need them whole and happy, and just like that Taylor doubled my world.

Okay, yeah that's obsessive but she for sure likes me back, deals with my crazy, and I like doting on her. Every smile, every little laugh, that's a part of her getting to feel something other than dread or worry and that is victory. Victory against this unfair world. So this right here, right now, this is how we choose to live.

A ringtone goes off in the kitchen, our new crime office. I reluctantly get up and take my time going to answer.


"Attitude, Dusty Boy", I can hear the grin in her voice.

"We're half asleep, what?"

"No she's asleep, and you're watching over her", she laughed to herself.

"They used to burn people like you at the stake back when there was no electricity and people died from like - colds and cuts, Tattletale."

"Oh, that's refreshing. Anyway, how is she doing?"

"Sleeping that Pearl Harbor shit off. Taking pain meds and chugging water. Hasn't eaten since breakfast and it wasn't much."

"Okay, I'll tell Coil to send a medic to check in on her in the morning, see if she needs an IV or something stronger than over the counter stuff", Lisa sounded genuinely concerned.

"Why the call if you knew I'd answer and be pissed off?"

"Because Dusty, we all have a big meeting tomorrow. All Capes on Deck, in costume, and ready to roll out."

"Great", I rubbed at my eyes, they burned a little.

"Now go. Check if she needs to get up to eat or pee, then keep her warm til the medic shows. Then I'll call back to give you a heads up when the limo arrives to take you to Junior Prom."

The hell?


"You dense - forget it. I'll call Taylor to say when your ride is passing by for pick up", Lisa hung up abruptly.

Good riddance.

I realized I was still wearing the PRT uniform. I moved to the bathroom to quietly change out of it. I tore the velcro open and unzipped the suit and the DVD and books fell out. I completely forgot about them. The books were warm from my body and lightly damp from sweat and the DVD intact and unscratched.

Plaid boxers and a shiny white undershirt and sweaty white socks was all I was left with as I shucked off the suit. I cracked the small bathroom window open and left the costume hanging over the shower curtain rail to let it air out. I kicked my boots under the sink and there was a knock at the door.



I opened the door and she shoulder checked me as she shuffled past to the toilet. I was about to step out but she grabbed the hem of my shirt.

"Don't. Might pass out", she mumbled.

I nodded and remained there with my side to her as she went. My shirt still gripped in her hand.

Again, this is new. I remember in sitcoms this was funny to the audience but painful to the couples. She finished and washed up, I stood just in the doorway and helped guide her back to bed.

"You hungry? Thirsty? Cold? Want some music?"

"Cold", Taylor admitted as she climbed back into bed.

¡Lisa es una bruja!

I pulled a white knit blanket from the foot of the bed and pulled it over us as I climbed in next to her.


Taylor's jogging alarm woke me.

"Mmh?" It was my turn to grunt.

"Sorry, going for my jog", she sounded out of it and beyond tired.

"Uh uh, medic coming to check on you later. Witch's orders", I murmured into her hair.

"Huh, Lisa? Okay", she responded and I fell back to sleep.


Knocking at the door and the phone on the table ringing got me out of bed.

"Sunshine, I think it's the medic." I said as I patted her side.

She stirred, "Should I get up?"

"Only if you need to go to the restroom. I'll get the door."


I materialized by the front door and greeted the medic. Instead it was a guy in an olive green fishing vest over a thin red flannel button up shirt and tan work pants with a fishing kit, fishing pole and a black backpack.

"She needs a medic, not a gutting", I said to the guy.

"Ha, this was your coworker's idea. Said your folks probably fish, it'd be good cover."

"Little racist but yeah that's right. Got a name?"

He shrugged, "Ahab?"

I snorted as I unlocked the screen door and let Ahab in, "Patient is in our bedroom, Captain."

I led the way and he leaned the rod by the couch. We found her sitting on the edge of the bed still wearing most of her costume looking sleepy with her mess of curls and dark circles under her eyes.

He gave her a once over, asked questions and all that good stuff. She ended up with a prescription of rest, fluids, strong antibiotics in case of infection symptoms, and a week's worth of actual pain killers.

After Ahab left she changed out of her costume and left it to air out on the shower railing too. Modesty went out the window as she was the sickie today, and I wrapped the half naked brunette in part of our bedding and carried her to the couch. I propped her up and got her comfortable with the laptop and made some breakfast on the fire outside, checking on her periodically. Lisa had put protein pancake mixes, honey and sugar packets, plus tea bags in the costume bag, so we just needed water from our supplies.

"The Hell?!" I could hear her from outside.

I rushed back into the house, "What's wrong?"

Taylor turned the laptop to me, "Look."

One of the stories on the news site was the PRT being attacked by the Undersiders and apparently the rogue named as Dust Devil helped in the breach.

"I knocked out Calvert?"

"It says you did."

I thought for a second, "I should have. What an asshole. Covering his ass and selling me out."

"I didn't know, Ray. Pretty sure the rest didn't either. Lisa has been pretty forthright since our talk the other day."

I shrugged. It really didn't matter. I kissed the top of her head, "Whatever it wasn't like I expected them to welcome me back with open arms. They couldn't get anybody important to meet up with me anyway."

"Ahh, I saw your searches."


"Glad you decided to look into things. We can talk about it anytime - except during 'business'. It's private, so even if you think it's just joking or flirting between us, don't do it while we're working, okay? I trust you, you really don't know how much I trust you, Ray."

Her stare was intense and my legs turned to Jello for a fraction of a moment. This is the woman, this is the moment.

"Besides, I had the talk already and actually had health class. I've read things, too", Taylor continued from the heart of the comforter burrito I wrapped her lower body in.

And of course there would be books about sex. Of course she would have read them. Brian probably read them.


"Swank, maybe we'll talk tonight? Get that whole thing worked out while you heal up? Anyway hot water is on the way for tea and food will be ready in a few", I announced and rushed outside before she could answer.

The hot cast iron skillet let me make a couple silver dollar pancakes at once. Halfway through cooking them and before I flipped them I took some of the mixed nuts packets I saved from a few of my meals in case Taylor got hungry and I sprinkled crushed up walnuts and pecans I picked out. Since our breakfast was going to be quick and without any meat protein, figured nuts would make them interesting and more filling.

I piled them up in a paper bowl and stuck a teabag in my favorite mug with Hero's logo on it. I dumped in some hot water and brought her tea and our breakfast inside. The screen door slammed behind me as I entered, "like always I ruined the first couple pancakes so I got dibs on them. The rest have-"

Taylor had unwrapped herself from the comforter and it was draped across the couch. She sat in the middle of two of the covered cushions and the laptop was on the little ottoman Abuela used as a coffee table, "Feeling better from the meds, huh?"

She nodded, "Not just that. Now sit." Taylor gestured to the spot next to her on the comforter with a jerk of her head.

I brought the tea to her and she just balanced it on a magazine on the ottoman.

"Pancake?" I ask as I sit down with the bowl in hand. Honey and sugar packets stacked on top of my undercooked, not-so-round cakes.

Gingerly she took the bowl from me and put it on the same magazine as her tea.

Without the bowl we were just sitting on the couch in shirts and underwear. The Pouch was nowhere to be seen so maybe things needed saying now instead of tonight?


She shushed me as she pushed me back on the couch. Taylor followed me down as she stretched herself over me and kissed me as she pinned me to the comforter. All this time together we hadn't done much of anything but peck each other from time to time or hold each close in the cold.

This was different.

I could taste mouthwash and fragments of a mint candy she ate from the glass bowl in the kitchen. I smelled her sweat and the strange, vinegar sting of the foam clinging to her hair. The wounds on her skin were still warmer than the rest of her that pressed on me as I lost myself in all of her.

"Say it", she said after she broke the kiss. "Won't stop you."

The moment was heady and my mouth was still trying to kiss rather than make sounds happen, "Love you. I love you."

"You won't lie to me."

It wasn't a question.

"I - no. Not even to save myself."

Big brown eyes searched mine intensely and this time I was pretty sure I was the prey.

"Shirt. Off." She spoke the order with a stilted, serious tone.

I raised my left arm and used it to hold us both up from the couch as I grabbed the hem of my undershirt with my right hand and pulled it off in a single move. She pushed me back down with one hand, and held me there as she looked me over before tossing her glasses towards the ottoman.

Taylor grabbed my hands and placed them on her hips. "Shirt. Off", she repeated again.

But I already -



I warned her talking to me like this would do something. I just expected it to be me.

So I did as I was told.


Lisa's call woke us as we napped on the comforter on the floor. A supply truck would pass by forty minutes later, just enough time to shower, eat cold pancakes, and toss some body powder into our costumes before suiting up again.

Once the masks were on, for once in my life, I changed my demeanor and kept things serious. Ray is fun, loud, and says what he means. Ward Ray was the same but with a duty to the city in mind. Dust Devil was going to be different. He's a rogue, a criminal but not a villain. He does what he's told but on his own terms.

If Coil doesn't like it then he can take a long walk off a short pier wearing an ankle bracelet with cinder block charms.

It was a twenty minute ride, woulda been ten before the self appointed city councilman Mr. Levi Athan decided to rearrange the city overnight with mostly non-union types.

The sewer entrance was mediocre, the secret base itself would have made the Empire Eighty-Eight nostalgic for the old days and at the same time bore them, finally the faceless army of hired mercenaries was cool in the mid to late eighties. For this City Domination project I would give Coil a 'Needs Improvement' and 'Does Not Play Well With Others'.

I think all this to myself. Taylor doesn't call me weird. No one laughs, and the mood stays tense and cold.

Skitter is a few steps ahead of me and we make our way down metal steps descending into a big chamber with several branching corridors. A lot less sewer and a lot more base, plenty secret. The chamber is still being cleared of wooden crates by the faceless troops in body armor and tactical gear.

The rest of the chamber is basically just a general multi story open area for meetings, musters, and exercises or demonstration. Right now there is a long table with seats and at its head is Coil's wheelie office chair slash throne. The memory attached to it makes me sick to my stomach and I fight the urge to react by letting a fresher memory replay in my mind.

We had forgotten about the pouch until after we woke and Taylor dutifully took the medication. I didn't understand why she hesitated at first. It was the right thing to do. No matter what I believe it's not my body, not my place to ask her to risk herself for a chance. I'm no Father figure and I barely felt ready for what had just happened.

Others started filtering in after us. Taylor pointed out The Travelers, mercenary capes, secretive but effective in their tactics. I recognized Trickster from the Endbringer fight. Ballistic and Sundancer, she both described and their powers sounded like they were useful at the battle too.

The Undersiders made their way in. Tattletale, Regent, Bitch, Grue, and an additional member. I didn't recognize them with their grinning horned mask, scarf, and purple accents in their hair. Grue seemed to keep close to this one, girlfriend or sidekick?


Of course Circus showed up dressed with nearly painted on tights and leotard. I received a wink and blown kiss in acknowledgement by the clown and chose to remember the feeling of Taylor's curls between my fingers as we kissed like we'd never done before.

Behind the clown girl was another painted face. A slight woman with short dark hair, white and purple grease paint, a button up white shirt, black bow tie, purple suspenders, black trousers and dress shoes. Out of everyone present they were the most animated with grand sweeping arm gestures and mimed, mute laughter.

"Greetings", I could hear the slimy bastard as the coward slithered into the room, "I trust everyone has arrived?" Coil asked as he took his seat at the head of the table. Circus and the other woman each stood at his sides flanking his seat.

"Please, everyone take a seat we have much to discuss", the mime woman gestured at the table. Folks took their seats and chose their places. I stood next to Skitter. A horned masked girl appeared next to Grue suddenly and confused half the table.

"Now, as I told you when I recruited many of you, Brockton Bay has a problem. There is just simply too much crime. Much of it is unorganized, chaotic, destructive and wasteful. This is where not only am I paying you but I am charging each of you a slice of the city, territories to police and rule."

Regent seemed to wake up from his boredom at the sound of ruling over others.

Coil dropped a manila folder on the table top, "Circus, Master Mime, do pass these out to our members."

The sheets gave a basic map with bullet points for each highlighted area, "Each page gives you some details on the borders of your territories and notable buildings, business interests, and or threats to consolidating your power. I don't expect all of you to rush headlong into any one aspect but I do expect improvements or plans for improvement in one way or another at our next meeting. You'll also find contact information for each of you with dedicated agents that can get you information or resources to make your rule go as smoothly as possible."

Once Circus and Master Mime finished passing out handouts Coil stood from his seat, "Questions or concerns directly for me? Otherwise, call the number for your territory's agent on your sheets once you get settled."

"Why is there a piece on here for me?" I asked.

"I expect you to take care of it as the rest would."

"No, I don't want it. I'm not paid. I don't play."

Coil balled a fist for a second and then relaxed his hand, "Minor details, Dust Devil."

"Major details, Coal. Major. I'll be in Skitter's territory, anyone has a problem with that - tough."

Coil shrugged, "Yes, details - I'll have revised maps drawn up and distributed to you by the time you arrive at your bases. Each territory will have fully furnished and equipped home bases for you and any of your recruits."

A murmur of approval went through the room, "And I do encourage you to recruit minions, underlings, and the like. Your bases will be regularly restocked with the basic food, medical, and hygiene supplies. Simply call your Agent and we can have other things included in your drops or rush delivery due to necessity. Any lingering concerns?"

Skitter looked around the table and raised a hand, "I do."

"I'm aware of your concerns, he will be fairly compensated, Skitter. I assure you. Speaking of assurance, the fact we are able to be here so far ahead of schedule is thanks to Dust Devil getting us access to the last pieces of information to help us take this city and make it great once again."

Circus and Master Mime started applauding. Their claps echoed in the chamber.
Was this babies rays first exposure to unrealistic beauty standards and pornography?
Was this babies rays first exposure to unrealistic beauty standards and pornography?
Think of it this way. He was raised by old school Hispanic grandparents. He had to hide his sci-fi and horror movies in his closet. We're talking stuff that still airs on broadcast tv. His only real computer or internet access was at school or the library.

Coil's work phones are probably his very first personal cell phone let alone smart phone.

And you might think, 'No one could live this way in the modern times'. And the answer is yes, very easily. They kept Ray busy, doing stuff around the house, encouraging him to lift weights after school, giving him attention by taking him to job sites, encouraging him to read regularly. And when Clockblocker of all people is teaching him terms like Knife-play and Ray eats it up because this guy knows stuff. This kid is a hero. And he's a funny guy.

Ray's the kinda kid who sees wrong and wants to do something about it because his world has an order to it. It's a happy go lucky rise tinted world until the ABB blew it up.
Ya I agree is ignorance is very plausible given the time period and his cultural and economic background. I really like the guy he's just so fucking endearing and goofy shame am afraid what the s9 is going to do him.
Ya I agree is ignorance is very plausible given the time period and his cultural and economic background. I really like the guy he's just so fucking endearing and goofy shame am afraid what the s9 is going to do him.

I already have scenes written out ahead of time of certain moments. Stuff I come up with randomly throughout the day. A couple are S9 related and they're both messed up. I'm going to chalk things up to teenage overconfidence and surviving Leviathan relatively unscathed.
Arc 2, Ch 4: Nothing Personal

Coil won't stop making a big deal about how great his plan is, the free food, bases, etc. It's like he's trying to convince kids how fun taking over a city will be. I made a mistake choosing to stand next to Skitter. He won't stop talking and I need better support for my feet. Not used to standing still for so damn long, all for an asshole so in love with his own voice.

Besides, the Empire Eighty-Eight may be all messed up but the scary ones are still out there just as racist and violent, just without the schemer Kaiser to direct them. Looters showing up in big groups raiding homes and businesses. Drug gangs are still out there, even drug cartels would find a way to have a presence here. Reports from the West Coast said The Elite were attempting a take over in Brockton Bay during the trouble with Lung.

Then if each cape here takes a piece what about the cape who gets the spot on PRT territory? Or the cape who gets the land around the Leviathan made sinkhole? What does everyone gain by taking the city? Won't they just shut things down and wall it off at some point?

"Now if each of you would be so inclined to follow the driver assigned to your territory,. The number on their hardhats should match to the allotments on your maps. They'll escort you to your bases and show you how it all functions", Coil spoke again and Master Mime gestured like a game show hostess at Coil's mercenaries dressed as Emergency Relief personnel. The men and women wore hardhats, safety goggles, jump suits or coveralls, and respirators to obscure their identities.

But I don't ask my questions because I have to watch my girlfriend listen to a damn madman. This is ridiculous. I'm not going to participate and take part of the City for myself. I'm a hero not a tyrant, and I don't care how the news paints me. I know what I'm doing and why, they don't. Just because people point at you and call you bad doesn't make you so. Just because the world tries to tell you who you are doesn't mean you have to prove them right. It's not easy but isn't living a lie just as hard?

Skitter stood and the Travelers filed out first. Grue walked over to us, "Skitter, do you think it's good for him to give up his territory?"

Talking about me in front of me, wow.

"Pinché, Cucuy".

Regent laughed as he threw an arm around the horned-mask girl's shoulders.

"What?" Grue asked, exasperated

"Dusty called you the fucking Bogeyman, Grue."

His darkness puffed up around him and buried his entire mask in darkness.

Skitter nodded, "It's fine. He's staying with me anyway. You all can borrow him once he's finished with my territory."

"Oh, she's pimping you out already, Dusty Boy?" Regent made whipping sounds.

"What, Dusty is with Skitter?" the new girl asked.

Tattletale butted in, "Yes, but only recently. So be careful how hard you poke that topic unless you want to wake up with a head of lice and a bed bug infestation."

"Gross, but kinda cool", the masked girl admitted.

Regent shrugged after Grue removed his arm from the girl's shoulders.

Rachel pushed past Grue and Regent towards the lineup of drivers and the rest of us followed her. The driver to Skitter's territory was a woman in personal protection equipment. The gear seemed a bit extreme until over a half hour later she pulled up a half block from the hidden entrance.

The neighborhood was beyond flooded, and we were definitely in The Docks, old ABB territory. You needed hand holds to get up into and off the truck from the street, but here the water was nearly up to the edge of the door in places. We were close to where I woke up in Coil's custody the night of the Endbringer fight but those warehouses we're washed away now but plenty of the brick and mortar buildings designed with hurricane resistance in mind stood but sometimes buried in feet of water.

We stepped out of the truck into thigh high water and slowly the street went uphill, the ground semi dry near a storm sewer. Here we slipped inside Cranston leading us through a couple turns before we found a security door and keypad. The six digit code was like playing Happy Birthday using the tones on a telephone's keypad.

Cranston led us inside, "Aside from electronic keypads for access is a security monitoring system. All the bases are equipped with cameras, security doors, riot/storm doors and shutters for the public face of the structure. It's three tiered, first floor is kitchen, activities space, living area, bathroom, and of course, still being assembled, bunk space."

Wow, that's assuming she gets a good number of henchmen or minions or foot soldiers. That's a lot of beds.

"Second floor is aimed at your costumed identity, identities. A place to privately confer and equip as needed in your day to day operations. As things are going ahead of schedule, thanks to you Dust Devil, we have yet to fill this space so any requests for special equipment or supplies or decor?"

Skitter looked at me and I shook my head, "I'm good. My powers don't need a place for me to hang my - horns, I'm just here to help her. Skitter probably needs space to do her weaving?"

Taylor's body language changed as she got closer to Cranston and Coil's agent pulled out a small note recorder and recorded Taylor's very specific requests. Abuela would call it nesting, she was making the space hers. This was Skitter's lair, her base, and, as my Abuelo would say about himself, I was just furniture.

All the crap Coil has put me through certainly made me feel like furniture, all used, abused, and left behind when disaster struck. Skitter's suggestion to loan me out to The Undersiders didn't help with the feeling, and it stung. She knew how much I didn't like them and yet to appease Grue offered me up without hesitation or even asking.

"Third floor is for- your personal space: bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. All stocked with the basics. I'll have a second set of supplies brought up, men's hygiene products, ahh, contact lenses for Skitter and other personal products sent up, of course."

Of course.

"What do you want here?" Skitter asked, not looking at me.

I shrugged, "It's your base. Your choice. I'll probably be out on loan a lot for it to even matter."

Now she turned to look at me but we both remained quiet.

Cranston filled the awkward silence as she continued, "You don't need to decide now but in some of the boxes downstairs are a flat screen tv, DVD player, wireless internet kit, and a couple laptops. An inflatable mattress until we can get a proper bed installed. The electronics can be set up anywhere really."

"Is that all?", Skitter asked without looking at her.

"Ahh, during the reconstruction of the area trucks will refill your propane tanks regularly, gas up generators, and drop off supplies. Here is my card, the number goes directly to me and I can get you most requests the same day unless it's something the disaster has made difficult to acquire. Feel free to call at any hour, and unless there are any other details to address?"

Skitter and I just stared at each other silently.

"Then I will see myself out. Goodbye, Skitter, Dust Devil", the woman ducked out through the storm sewer entrance.

"What was that?" she asked.

"What was what?"

"You - you're going to live here too. You gave up your territory-"

"And as Alec put it, you pimped me out to people you know I can't stand."

"Like it or not we need this to work, Ray. If we're going to do what needs to be done Coil needs to see things work smoothly. That means we work together - as a team."

I tore my mask off, "Those weirdos are not my team! Remember, I was Dusty the Coma Boy while you were running around commiting crimes and - and kissing on the bogeyman."

Taylor removed her mask, "We already talked about this, Ray. But is that what this is about? You're upset Brian didn't like you giving up territory?"

"That and you trying to please him and offering me up without asking me."

Taylor covered her face with her hand, "Ray, you have to participate. This is happening with or without you but- I... no, fine. Don't. You don't have to do anything."

I heard the disappointment in her voice and it killed me. I was upset but to hear her like I failed her, that was a kick in the pants. I closed the distance and slipped my arms around her waist, "I hate Coil, I hate seeing you being used by his snake ass. So knowing he can send you into danger on a whim - and then watch you come limping back home. It's torture. It sucks. I love two people in this whole wide world and I don't want to lose either of you."

"Ray, you know capes don't live very long. Our lives are short and violent and messy. I'm happy you choose to love me but remember I chose this. I'm going to see it through, and I - appreciate you helping me. I just assumed since you agreed to help me that you'd back my plays as I call them."

Curse my helpful ass.

Annie put her hands on my chest and kissed me. The tension melted from my shoulders and my hands found their way across her back, pulling her close to me.

"That's the sweetner I like", I said after she broke the kiss.

"Hmm, how long does it take to inflate a bed?"

I grinned, "Five, maybe six minutes. Depending how -firm- you like it."

She tried to keep a straight face as she pushed her arms against my chest, "okay that was pretty good. Cheesy, but it worked. Go, grab the bed, take it upstairs and inflate that thing. I'll see what kind of drinks and snacks they stocked and bring what I find up there."

I practically tripped over my own feet getting to the box pile.

She rested after a bit of messing around. I remembered the pouch was across town and Cranston said our supplies weren't coming for a few hours. So despite Annie insisting that it's okay to do what I wanted as she napped, I didn't quite trust either of us to stop at the right time.

Better she get the rest.


Taylor stretched next to me, some of her hair was trapped under my head, "Nngh, pee", She grunted.

"I'm good. You go", I lifted my head and she tugged herself free of me and rolled out of bed. She had borrowed one of my shiny white undershirts, the kind players wore under jerseys to help wick away sweat and reduce that smell you get from working out too much. It was much too big for her but I liked the view as she zombie shuffled away.

Next to my head was a half drunk bottle of generic root beer and her two empty cans of the most generic Lemon-Lime soda, cuz that was its official name. I took a long drink of the root beer, polishing it off and by the time the bottle was back on the floor Taylor was climbing back into bed.

"You hurting, any?" I asked.

She nodded her head.

"Want me to pick up some stuff from the house and your meds?"

"Gonna lock it up?" she asked curling up next to me, big brown eyes half lidded.

"Yup, yup. I'll make a few trips, check on Abuelita first, maybe look in on your dad?"

She hesitated and shut her eyes, "Just looking?"

"He won't see me, Annie."


While her eyes were still shut I pecked her on the lips and like a praying mantis her arms hooked onto my shoulders and she kissed me back. She only released me once she was done and I didn't mind.

"See this is why I don't do stuff while you're out of it."

"Mhm, go."

A few minutes freshening up then I was out the sewers and at St. Mary's in no time.

Several feet in front of the front doors there were signs posted: Biohazard warnings, Quarantine notices, and two men in those big plastic suits straight from a sci-fi zombie movie with equipment hanging from their shoulders by straps.

"What's going on?" I asked and the men stood there silently.

"Hey, I need to get in there."

At that they suddenly came to life and it wasn't just Any equipment but rifles on slings that were shouldered.

"Sir or Madam please refrain from attempting to enter the Quarantine zone. The people inside have been exposed to an infectious disease and are being treated by national guard medical staff and CDC personnel."

"I can't -"

"Sir or Madam you cannot go inside. Please desist or we will call in PRT and or Protectorate assistance in subduing you."

I just stared at the two plague soldiers. My Grandmother got exposed to a disease? At the church? I mean they were taking a lot of people in. She would get in contact with people as she'd been volunteering to cook and stretch the food they received.

"Is there anyone I can contact from the CDC or National Guard to ask about the people I have inside there I've been helping?"

One soldier pointed a thumb at the signs posted behind them, "All the info you need is on the signs but please take a picture with your phone or ask one of us to recite the information so you do not attempt to come closer.

I fished one of the phones Coil issued me out of my pocket, a thin bar shaped phone. I took a couple photos and walked away. I reviewed the pictures and dialed the CDC number.

"Hello, boyo", Circus voice was on the line.

My stomach dropped, "What the hell?"

"Tsk, it's a shame the things that get spread around when sewage and garbage is floating around in stagnant water."

"Why the hell is your number on the posters?"

Circus was quiet a moment, "You really are a bit slow, Ray. The CDC and National Guard didn't set that up. We knew you needed persuading to remain in check and your tantrums at the PRT and at the meeting made it clear you are one colt that needed to be broken."

They took her.

"Yes, we have your Grandmother. She is alive and well. You can consider her well being part of your pay... and yes you will be paid. Perform and you can see her on occasion, underperform you won't see her, refuse and Master Mime will have no trouble making a command performance. Now, let me tell you - you do not want to see one of her shows. Tsk tsk, ain't pretty."

My mouth was dry and I turned my head to look back at the two plague soldiers. Their rifles were pointed at the ground but both hands were on the weapons


"Listen, Ray. It's not going to be that bad. Mrs. Alcaraz is under my personal care because it was my idea. So now she has access to good food, clean water, medicine, supplements, and doctors. She has it better than most in Brockton Bay. Let's just keep it that way until Coil is satisfied with your loyalty to his cause."

"You better not-"

"Ah ah ah, in all truth you have nothing to stand on, boyo. Just be a good little Devil, and we'll transfer her to a shelter near you in time. So, just go to your new home, talk to your bug girl and don't think of this as a test or punishment but as an opportunity. An opportunity to shine. T.T.F.N.''

The line went quiet and I stared at the phone. The screen read 'Call Ended' and my blood went cold.

So he has that Dinah girl as a trophy and my Grandmother as a hostage. The city he's taking for himself. He's got my Annie working for him so she can take him down and now I really am his slave.

Plus I'm surrounded and associated with killers, mercenaries, and villains.


Coil had the PRT through Calvert, and The Protectorate and Wards through them. The Cops would just kick the can down to the PRT and Youth Guard. Youth Guard would probably just call in The Guild or-

Or New Wave.

That's right Mrs Dallon, Brandish is an attorney. They're a family, they'd understand. But she is part of the law - maybe Amy, Crystal or Victoria would listen to me? Talk to their moms and dads for me? They - they were all over the Boston Games back in the day, fought heavy hitters.


But I have to talk to Anne first. It's important and I can't leave her out. It's a huge decision and I trust her.

Love her.

I didn't feel right when I rematerialized in the middle of the flooded hellhole compared to my Abuela's neighborhood.

I was wading through thigh high water at some points as I just felt isolated and lost. We had a home, a neighborhood, we were going to watch Big Trouble In Little China and figure out how to make little pizzas out of our supplies. Instead I'm sloshing through garbage soup and trying not to step on glass or get cut by anything rusty.

That's when I remember I still needed to check on her Dad's house and pick up stuff from Abuela's.


He got us all on his web, makes us feel all comfortable and okay. Then shnik-shnik the fangs go in and he's - coiling you up.

I breaker state and zip back to Coil's base. I passed through the security gate and the motorpool when my dust form slammed into an invisible wall. I find myself back in my human state laying on my back and everything hurts. I try to get up but I just hurt too much to stand.

The click of shoes on concrete draws closer to me. Towering over me is one of the driver's, "What a surprise, Mr. Devil"

The voice was familiar but not, a young guy's voice with a bit of a drawl to it.

"Master Mime has gotcha in one of her classic acts. The old invisible wall trick, and that pain you're feeling, boyo, is the pain she pretends to feel as she lays on the ground."

Ohhhh, fer reals? Circus has been pretending to be one of Coil's men?

Like they could read me, the figure chuckles, "Now you get it, kid. So are you going to behave and go home or are you going to realize something worse than this could happen to your loved one, Mr. Devil?"

"Home", is what I could choke out through the pain.

The driver whistled through their respirator and the pain stopped and I had control of my body again. I laid on the ground for a moment to collect my thoughts. It was stupid to just react and attack. Didn't I have a plan I was going to talk to Taylor about?


I stood and Master Mime sauntered over and bowed with a flourish. As she stood back up she held out her hand offering it for me to shake.

Shit, this is weird.

When I reached out she flicked her hand and a card appeared between her fingers. I took the card and Circus or the driver or whatever walked away.

It was a white card with text printed In dark purple ink with a black border.

'Nothing Personal', it read. It sure as shit felt personal.

She gestured for me to flip it over. The other side read, 'Not many get more than one performance. Keep it that way.'

"Don't you care what you're doing?" I dared to ask.

She touched her chin thoughtfully and looked up for a long moment. She returned her gaze to me, scrunched her nose, and shook her head no

"Great", I responded.

She waved goodbye as I backed away from her and raced over to Taylor's house. Of course her dad wasn't home. He was probably in his Snake suit back at the secret base plotting how to give me cavities and gingivitis so I need his dental plan.

After that everything was automatic. Instead of dropping everything off in Skitter's base I just piled it in front of the security door. I wanted to see her but I didn't want to have to relive everything so soon after it happened.

This is my punishment for everything. Sticking my nose in ABB business, choosing Taylor over just doing my assignment, and letting my powers inflate how important I was in this world. I'm nothing, just some stupid kid who wanted to fix things meant to stay broken.

I finished collecting our things and sat in the dark of the storm sewer by the door.


"Ray?" her voice sounded tired, out of it. My Annie.

"When did you get back? This - is this everything from the house?" Taylor tapped the dirty cooler we used to bury our water supply in with her barefoot.

I pulled my mask from my face and my eyes stung, "I fucked up and they took her. I couldn't do anything about it, and they shut me down. Showed me I'm just cursed."

Taylor kneeled in front of me, grabbed my face between her hands and stared into my eyes, "They took your - Grandmother? Ray? Did they? Who did they take?"

I nodded my head and she pulled my head against her shoulder, "We're going to get her back. That's what this is about, stopping him from steamrolling this city and its people."

It felt nice to be comforted as much as I didn't deserve it.

"Let's get this stuff. I need my pain meds and when you're ready we can talk about anything, okay?"

I nodded and she stood up and grabbed a box of meal packets before shuffling back inside. I wiped my face off with a dirty gloved hand and filled my arms with our stuff.
This is the point where he should go into his Leviathan fighting form and begin slaughtering Coils people until his grandmother is returned, blackmail go two ways, murder a dozen of Coils mercs, take all of Coils capes who he just got told where they're holding territory hostage, and tell Coil that if his grandmother isn't returned the capes die, and Coil has to negotiate, or watch all his plans come to nothing.
I don't get it. Didn't he get his shit pushed in because he called Coil bitch's dad? I thought he called Coil's bluff. He still thinks Coil is Taylor's dad?
This is the point where he should go into his Leviathan fighting form and begin slaughtering Coils people until his grandmother is returned, blackmail go two ways, murder a dozen of Coils mercs, take all of Coils capes who he just got told where they're holding territory hostage, and tell Coil that if his grandmother isn't returned the capes die, and Coil has to negotiate, or watch all his plans come to nothing.

That's why he doubled down on the clowns. So far Lisa and Ray are the only two press ganged into Coil's service. Lisa was easier to wrangle with a single threat to her existence. Ray required actual extra expenditure of resources. between the threat of master mime's power and Abuela being stashed somewhere in the city, Ray is toast until they figure out how to take Coil or give Coil what he wants.

So far twice violence or intending to be violent has been shutdown.
I don't get it. Didn't he get his shit pushed in because he called Coil bitch's dad? I thought he called Coil's bluff. He still thinks Coil is Taylor's dad?

This is true. He already tested Coil on this but the thought is in the back of his mind and is there. It's more that Ray is still deep in the 'life is unfair ' / 'worst case scenario' line of thinking. Coil being someone he can't just smash with a toilet or steel girders in his Solid -breaker State because it'd upset Taylor is part of that tragedy in his head.

So he is still stuck on that as a concept even in his joking to himself.
It's just how Coil operates he only works with people he has leverage over.
You're exactly right. It's like Teacher in Ward, he keeps telling everyone he needs their permission to work his power on them but in reality he can enslave people as he wishes. He's just a lonely guy at his core and needs people to not be his thralls.

Coil is still human and paying them to work for him or stay out of his way (mercs, circus, Regent) is just one avenue of control while promises as a manipulation (travelers, Grue, Bitch) is another. Then you have the threats both subtle and not (Taylor, Ray, Lisa).

Coil is doing his 4d chess and Ray, who has been messing with his groove, is finally knuckled under.
That's why he doubled down on the clowns. So far Lisa and Ray are the only two press ganged into Coil's service. Lisa was easier to wrangle with a single threat to her existence. Ray required actual extra expenditure of resources. between the threat of master mime's power and Abuela being stashed somewhere in the city, Ray is toast until they figure out how to take Coil or give Coil what he wants.

So far twice violence or intending to be violent has been shutdown.
That just mean he need to not target Coil directly, he was at the meeting, he know who Coils valued underlings are, so he need to go into his Kaiju form, then take the some of them hostage, capture Tattletale and Grue maybe, and tell Coil they die if he don't return his grandmother.
That just mean he need to not target Coil directly, he was at the meeting, he know who Coils valued underlings are, so he need to go into his Kaiju form, then take the some of them hostage, capture Tattletale and Grue maybe, and tell Coil they die if he don't return his grandmother.

Coil can get more Mercs and hirelings.

Ray has one grandmother.

Coil wins this one... So far.
Coil can get more Mercs and hirelings.

Ray has one grandmother.

Coil wins this one... So far.
Yeah, but again it's two-way, Coil has only 1 source of leverage on Ray, he kills Rays grandmother, he has nothing on Ray, whereas Ray has lots of potential ways to make Coil hurt, meaning he can burn a few of them to make an example.

That's the weakness of having a single hostage, if you kill them you have no more leverage, if you don't you show you're bluffing.
Yeah, but again it's two-way, Coil has only 1 source of leverage on Ray, he kills Rays grandmother, he has nothing on Ray, whereas Ray has lots of potential ways to make Coil hurt, meaning he can burn a few of them to make an example.

That's the weakness of having a single hostage, if you kill them you have no more leverage, if you don't you show you're bluffing.
Hostage only works with valuation. Can't replace Abuela.
Hostage only works with valuation. Can't replace Abuela.
That's kind of the point, can't replace Abuela go both ways, Coil can't replace her as a hostage either, which make her not that good leverage on Ray, since if Coil kill her, then that mean Ray has no reason to exercise whatever restraint he's still using.

It's the problem of only having a single hostage, you can't actually carry out your threat, without losing your leverage.
Concept Art: First Night, First Fight

I had an idea for a cheesecake style picture as if Ray was taking one in the field then it evolved from shenanigans to her first fight against Lung.


Arc 2, Chapter 5 is on its second rewrite. This arc is generating alot of cut content and almost entirely rewritten chapters. So expect that in a couple days.
Arc 2, Ch 5: These Are Dreams

No more phone calls, tours, or meetings. No more clowns or performances. The rest of the day was just ours.

I finished bringing things inside and she setup on one of the downstairs bunk beds as I started making some food while she grabbed the internet stuff and a laptop to set up.

An hour later and the hotdogs and chili cheese fries were all gone. She was reading the news and summarizing it outloud for me as I cleaned up.

"Two dead, eighteen injured during a series of neighborhood raids just north of the Docks."

"Hmm, so that's - the old border of the Empire Eighty-Eight and ABB territories."

"Kaiser's dead and Lung and Bakuda are Birdcaged. No, order or protection over there anymore."

"Cross streets put it near your grandmother's house."


"Since The Docks are yours does that put it in your territory?"

"No, Tattletale's if the maps stay roughly the same in this direction."

"Meh, she's a thinker not a do-er."

"She just might feel bad and try to protect it for you. Or we could ask?"

Oh no.

"Nah, I'll just swing by and check on it as I'm loaned out."

"Ray", she said with a sigh.

"No, I mean it. If she's a thinker and Regent is a body spasm master then those two need physical back up. I'll help just to- just to show Coil I'm helping."


"Beside I'm doing you first - your territory first."

"Of course, you have a one track mind", she made a light laugh.


"I been - uhh, meaning to speak to you about all that from like that morning after Leviathan."


"You were pretty insistent that I could do whatever to you - in bed. But, is that because you wanted me to - do stuff or you like stuff happening to you in your - sleep? No judgement, just curious."

Taylor was quiet for a while as I used steel wool and heated water from the stove to lightly scour burnt hotdog chilli meat from the cast iron pan I brought from Abuela's.

"Ray, I just kind of assumed guys in relationships wanted sex from their girlfriend. Do I like it, yes, but I figured it was just expected. When I'm feeling low I just think of it as the cost of wanting to being close to you."

Awwwww, well now I feel like some kinda lusty ass monster.

I dried my hands on a kitchen towel and made my way to her and sat on the floor next to her bunk bed, "Ahh, I really enjoy our mutual - uhh, enjoyment of each other. But, if you just want to be held or just kiss or just be close. I'm beyond fine with that, Anne. Naked fun time isn't just why I love you, to me it's just an - like a showing or like a - expression, yeah, expression of our trust and it feels great cuz it's with you, ya know?"

More quiet as the afternoon Sun spilled through the cracks and gaps of the shutters. She dropped her arm down from the bed and I reached up to take her hand in mine. I gave her long fingers a light squeeze.

"I called Lisa. I wanted to hold a meeting here at the base, get them up to date on the developments today. She said they'd be here in a couple hours, but in the meantime... do you want to come up here and read the news with me?"

I wasn't exactly a fan of the Undersiders but after our talk now I wanted to reassure her how I appreciated her.

"Of course, Annie."


The Sun was a lot less bright coming from the shutters when The Undersiders arrived in Skitter's base. I sat down and watched them, a stranger in their weird dynamic. Regent and Imp, her cape name is Imp, Aisha - Brian's little sister. Alec and Aisha seem to be thick as honey. Sticking together and sharing in jokes or harassing people and finding fun where they can.

Rachel keeps mostly to herself, always a dog or more present at her heels or on chains. Lisa is always on the move, at any time part of her is restless. Her eyes watching, observing the room or the screens of tvs and computers. Her terrible mouth with it's God awful insight into anything and everything, rarely wrong but when she is it's a travelty - travesty.

Brian is certainly there. Being somewhere between Rachel and Lisa, observing the team, keeping the peace, being the chains keeping the Undersiders together.

Taylor, the love of my short life, is the group's voice of reason, the Charlotte in Coil's web. Every so often they gather together and plot and plan on their own, seperate from Coil's meetings.

Today isn't any different. I'm a fly on the wall as Lisa is going off. Brian and Taylor backing each other up as they discuss Dinah and Abuela. Apparently it's my own fault for instigating things from the start so I'm left out of the planning since - well, I kinda really don't.

"Hey, Mr. Boy", Aisha piped up from one of the stools at the countertop in the kitchen.

I frown, "Why are you calling me Mr Boy?"

"Pfft, got told off cuz I can't call you-" she bumped her shoulder against Regent who was pulling apart the Hydrox cookies I put out.

"Dusty Boy", he piled the creme filling onto a single cookie wafer.

"Yeah that, Mr. Boy. Why are you sitting at the cool people table?" she asked as she shoved a small stack of shucked cookie wafers into her mouth and munched loudly.

Alec snorted.

"Well I live here so - technically why are you two at my table?"

Aisha held one finger up as she kept munching away at the dry cookies. She munched and munched and munched until Alec pushed a can of Lemon-Lime soda at her. She opened it very carefully and away from herself then took a huge drink, "I asked first, and it's sorta rude to answer a question with a question."

"Yeah, this isn't Jeopardy. Dusty boy.", Alec added.

"Well, Regent - Alec, whatever tortured me a while back so I'm not big on him even being here."

She narrowed her eyes then looked to Alec, "You hazed him into the Undersiders? I wasn't told there was hazing. Am I being hazed? And if I have already been hazed how'd I do?"

"No, I actually helped Tattletale torture him. I haze as I please. Not yet have you been hazed, but I'm going to give you a pass on it because you got rid of most of these cookies", he replied, rapidfire.

Aisha pumped her fist in the air and then shoved another cookie in her mouth, "Anyway, that's rough about the torture. I'm sure Alec sterilized the nipple clamps."

I decided I had enough but when I tried to stand my legs went out from under me and Alec laughed.

"Alright since you're sticking around another question, Mr. Boy. Is it or is it not true that you are making the creaky mattress with the Bug Girl?"

"Skitter", Alec corrected.

"Taylor isn't it?"

"Skitter is her cape name. Taylor is her dork name."

"I heard that", Taylor said from across the room.

"Don't care!" Alec answered while steadying his tower of cremes.

"Why would you even-" I got cut off.

"What do you see in her?" Aisha asked.

"If there is a mirror over the bed then that answer is 'himself'", the cookie artist snickered.

What do I see in Taylor? I see the smart woman I met in half my classes. I see the lady who kneeled in my french fries when I asked her to be my girlfriend. I see a tough chick willing to shove a spear up an Endbringer's butthole to save a life. And... well, I see a future.

"That's a lot more than I thought you'd say, also-"

"She did what with a spear?" Aisha asked.

"Yeah, that".

I blinked, "What?"

"You see a future", Lisa repeated from across the room. I watched Taylor staring my way.

I said what I was thinking... outloud? Shit, but it's true, "Apparently I'm thinking outloud, today."

"That's a problem if we're going to keep Coil from making things worse. But speaking of the immediate future-", Brian continued going back and forth with Lisa.

Alec took a second cookie wafer and stacked it precariously on top. Aisha appeared from nowhere, "No, the mirror is behind some little keebler elf sized cubbie holes glass things not over the bed."

"Are you sure it's not a hidden mirror in the ceiling? She is probably training her bugs to flip switches in the room maybe they're going to flip one to reveal it?" Regent asked as he carefully and slowly slid the tall sandwich cookie over to Aisha.

I watched as Aisha dragged over a big box from the wall and stood on it as she leaned over the sandwich cookie tower with her mouth open. A moment later Brian appeared and hooked an arm around her waist and lifted her off the box. She flailed and protested, "This is what I get for aspirin to greatness!"

"Aspiring", Alec corrected.


"What is wrong with you all?" Brian asked like it's my fault they're here asking me these questions.

"Some of us got tortured by the rest of you, remember?"

He was wearing the bulk of his Grue costume just not the helmet. He levelled his gaze at me and put Aisha down on her feet. "Look, I'm going to admit that grabbing you off the street was a really bad, shaky at best idea when it happened but it happened and we have to work together now. Aisha is at least trying to get to know you and she had zero to do with Tattletale's plan."

"Yeah", she added again.


"Look, since apparently I'm speaking what's on my mind. Yeah, I'm not big on most of you here. It's been shit knowing Tattletale, Regent, and you, Grue. You'll notice I'm not trying to get revenge or pick on any of you but that doesn't mean I'm happy about any of this. I'm here for two reasons I care about Taylor and Coil has my Grandmother."

"-and Taylor sitting in a tree. C-A-R-I-N-G."

Brian shot his sibling a look and she claimed up with a grin.

I got up from the stool and squared myself up to Brian, "No, no - she's right. I'm just putting this out there but if you think Taylor and I-"

Brian held his arms up palms flat in surrender, "Hey, man. I'm not starting anything or getting between anyone. Things happened in the past, and it's museum quality past now, and it's staying there, alright?"

I stared him down for a moment before snatching a fistful of the top of the babel cookie and shoved it in my mouth. I plopped down back on the stool and kept my eyes on him warily.

"Awww, ruined it!" Aisha whined.

Alec pushed the can of soda in my direction.

Rachel stood from her spot on the floor where she was petting Brutus, trudged over and grabbed a handful of cookie creme herself.

Aisha made dying noises as she slumped to the floor while Brian went back to their meeting.


It's been nearly a week since the meetings. Things haven't been the same and all I want is to focus on right now. So she's right there in bed, a real bed, after we tore a hole in the inflatable. We're not entirely sure who's horn or mandible did it but it sure did happen.

Annie's right there drooling peacefully and I can't get back to sleep. So I watch her and think on my dreams for the past several nights. They're the same kinda dreams but never exactly the same or even the same time period.

Home is her territory and the base here but sometimes the area is still being rebuilt or it's already fixed back up and thriving. Instead of minion bunk beds it's just the one bunk bed. It was strange at first seeing kids wandering around the place eating and playing quietly. Then I realized they weren't just random kids from the looks of them.

The oldest is a girl, long brown hair, big brown eyes, tall for her age but she's more like my Mom. She's all smiles and pointing things out, talking all the time like she'll die if she runs out of words or that we'll forget she's there. Youngest is a boy, short, dark curly hair like his Mother, and hazel eyes. He's a bit heavy for his age but in my family we grow out of it. Quiet, reads but mostly sits and draws the things he sees through the spaces between the shutters.

Sometimes the kids don't understand what we do for a living other times they're upset we're not like the guys on their shows or the news. Sometimes one is gone and the other is just a picture on the wall, other times Anne is cradling one and round with the other. When they're so small and in my arms I feel like It going to break them and I die a little bit on the inside when I have to put them down or let them go.

I'd be freaking out to be a parent out in the real but not in the dream. In the dream I'm doing my damnedest to hide everything from our presence behind the scenes of the city to our happiness. The storm sewer is even normal to the kids, raising them to be wary of strangers and how to lie and keep to the lie.

But always, we're hiding from the snake.

Sometimes the snake is swallowing them up, or it's swallowing up Skitter. Once it took my arm and I felt lucky that's all it took when it found us. There is no fighting it. Best I can do is just putting things off until it rears it's head.

I don't know what Taylor wants from this, from me, but parts of me is taking our reality and pushing it forward, imagining more. It's strange to be young but wanting responsibility and to be in charge of tiny lives when I'm still a kid, but I've never been normal. Just afraid of being a burden, afraid that I'm stealing the lives from my folks over the years. So to imagine happiness and a future like that - that's some pressure when Taylor keeps reminding me with our powers comes mostly fighting and an early death.

But even with that in my head there are parts of those dreams that are sweet and good, especially for when I'm a bit older and less panicked to imagine. But as I sit here and take the snake out of the nightmares, strip the hiding and lies and all the secrets, these are dreams I look forward to.

Tomorrow she wants to start taking an active interest in the people flocking to her territory. Our past several days of work clearing up the trash and debris, draining the water has attracted people into settling nearby. I want things to go well for her especially after the shit I pulled with Coil. So I'm going to follow her lead.

Her eyes opened and found me looking on her, "Hey".

"Hey, beautiful."


"What's wrong? Bad dream? Want me to go to sleep and dream beat them up for you?"

She shook her head, "So weird. No, well - yes, a bad dream."


"It was just a mix of things we been dealing with and it ended with Coil being my dad. So- what's wrong, Ray?"

I guess she was plenty awake to read my expression in the dark, "I had a suspicion that maybe, possibly, Coil was your dad."

"No. No. He's not, completely different body builds and - no. Why would you think that?"

"I kind of assumed so and when I got brought before him I decided to confront him, to test him I said Rachel's name instead of yours. That's when I got Circus'd."

Taylor sighed deeply.

I took the opportunity to slide an arm under the sleepyhead's shoulders and pulled her closet to me, "I'm glad I'm wrong."

"Yeah. Me too."

"Maybe we should go see him this week. Your dad. Once Queen Skitter addresses her subjects and we get the royal ball rolling."

"I'm not Queen Skitter", she pushed on my chest lightly.

"Yes, whatever you say my liege."

"Nngh" she grunted before she relaxed, "maybe. We'll see "

"As you wish", I replied. "Your majesty".

She turned her whole body around and I got a face full of her curls.
I was wondering have you ever considered writing fic for any of Wilbows non parahuman works?
I was wondering have you ever considered writing fic for any of Wilbows non parahuman works?
Twig is the only non Parahumans that I've read. I love Sy and the Lambs but have only read it once because it devastated me emotionally like no book has ever done before.

I've not touched pact or pale.
Arc 2, Ch 6: Cuddle Bug

"You look good, Taylor", I said as I watched her change into her Queenly Attire. My brain sort of freezed my mental image of her at how we first met in class. She was pale, quiet, quick to flee or shrink herself down to avoid any kinda attention.

Abuelo woulda called her a wallflower. Yeah, I remember the time he went on about wallflowers needing the right opportunity to bloom. Guys on the worksite then started saying stuff about quick blooming or knowing how to make a flower squirt and just leaving me confused. Abuelo was laughing while he got the guys back to work.

She paused while she slipped her legs into the costume, "No Queen or jokes with royal references. They need to know things are serious, that this is a legitimate gesture and not some villain playing King of the Hill with part of the city."

"King of the Hill, like from shooter games? Where you need to control an area to score points for your team?"

She narrowed her eyes at me, "I meant as in controlling a - okay, yes. Like that, but you're antagonizing the heroes and other villains by holding it."

"Sweet, got it in one."

She looked at me again, "I thought you didn't really have any electronics growing up? You brought up video games."

I perked up a bit at the topic, "Back in Middle School, I made friends with Ignacio. Pretty much my only friend. His mom was Mexican and his Dad was Asian, and on his birthday he'd get something cool from his Dad like a console and then at Christmas get games for it."

Taylor nodded, listening to me. Guess she expected more.

"Uhh, so his Mom knew my Abuela from St. Mary's. We kind of got not forced into friendship but they found excuses for us to hang out. I'd play games with him when his brother was busy at school or work fixing cars. Like, uhh, so we kept away from joining gangs."

"Okay. So what happened to Ignacio?" She asked as she pulled her leggings and booties on.

"We ended up getting into the same trade school program as his brother. We had high school classes and then we'd get some training in a trade like construction or automotive maintenance, plumbing, ya know", I sighed cuz I really hated this part.

"So last year, the ABB wanted to up their numbers and needed people who knew stuff, useful stuff, apparently they wanted more than thugs, dealers and pimps. So they started in the trade school. Taiko, Ignacio's brother, had joined and tried to force him to join, too."

Taylor paused half dressed, "That's the fight that led to your getting attacked again and-"

"Yeah, that's - yeah. Lost my regular life and my friend", I started looking her over, updating my mental image of Annie. "Hey, you're starting to really tan from all the stuff we've been up to, Sunshine. Getting some more muscle definition from it too on top of all the early morning jogs."

Taylor gave me such a look, I got goosebumps, "Get dressed. This is business time, you're getting nothing until Skitter and Dust Devil's day is done."

"Arrr, my feelings, Cap'n."

"None of that either. Just get dressed and start rounding up people and meet me in the center of the territory in like forty minutes. The truck with supplies is coming."

I grabbed my suit and mask then backed out of the room shooting her with finger guns as she suited up, "You are my Sunshine".

"Just go!"

I cackled, tossed my costume over the railing and leapt over after it. Apparently my power assumed I'd survive a three story fall onto furniture and cardboard boxes so I swapped to my breaker state halfway down and rematerialized by my suit. I yanked the thing on and slipped on the mask. Which I fudged with too much trying to get the lenses to look right and have the horns stick out of my forehead just right.

On the counter was some of the stuff I requested from Cranston. A dark leather work belt meant for tools, figured the brown would blend with my suit, and a waterproof sport stopwatch with the time set already. I found I was still struggling with my focus and keeping time, so I figured if I hung the watch around my neck I could have something physical dangling that would beep and remind me it was there.

I fixed the belt on my waist, it was already set up with an emergency wind up flashlight, a longer black metal cop style flashlight, a pouch stuffed with a spare battery for the cop light along with protein and granola bars, and the other pouch was half full of marble-sized ball bearings. Taylor insisted I figured out how to weaponize even my dust form if I was away from any materials for my brute form, as she called it.

I grabbed a sticky notepad and scribbled a quick drawing of a cuddle bug and stuck it to the door of the storm sewer entrance before I left. I can't help myself. I know I'll pay for it later.

We were splitting up the territory in half. I'd take everything from the central base to the south and she'd take the truck north and head back to a central street we cleared specifically. She wanted to distribute packages like I'd picked up from the city emergency services to bring everyone together and try to form a community. Besides not everyone had a devastatingly quick boyfriend who could carry stuff across town in minutes.

The heat of the day was far off and high noon was still a ways off too. So it's basically morning, early. We're up early so we're going to wake the people who have been trying to survive everyday by shoving bugs and dirt into their homes to get their butts outside and make them jog a little to get some food and medicine and stuff.

Oh my God we really didn't think this through did we? I mean we could have made flyers right? Gently leave some in English y Espanol and just dip out. Put like a generic time like high noon and poof just sit at the area we describe and wait.

I'm going to get shot at, I know it.


Oh yeah, Annie decided that I needed to help put muscle rub on the places she couldn't reach while she explained the plan. At least it didn't turn into naked fun time. So - that's a check under the relationship positive column.

Figured I would start in the southern most point. This would be really close to where the warehouse that turned into the world's scariest flooding fun house held me.

Most of these Warehouses collapsed or literally got swept into the bay. I'll talk to Taylor later to ask her if I should clean the stuff sticking out of the water.

I swapped to my breaker form and weaved through the remaining standing buildings. Most had broken windows or holes bashed into them so I could get in and out with ease. Only one had evidence of people in it. A big tent with three empty sleeping bags. No one was around so I materialized and left a sticky note:


I zipped out of there and repeated this at a couple other campsites in the shells of warehouses.

It was when I got to the houses and apartment buildings I met actual people. A three story house with a half broken tree leaning across the roof there was a woman with a shotgun. She looked tired and was wary of tlmy dust form that tried to pass through her latched shut screen door.

"Whatever you are back off!" she yelled from her hallway, the single barrel aimed at me as she pushed me back with the threat.

I filtered back through her screen door and kept myself in a vague human shape.

"What do you want?"

I held up ghostly hands and rematerialized, "Ma'am, I have been told by my Boss to inform everyone in this area that supplies and equipment are being handed out at 10AM on the corner of Starlin and Ditko."

"When's that? We don't exactly got electricity to run the clocks, nowada-"

I grabbed my stopwatch from my chest, and the shotgun went off. Buckshot passed through me and I rematerialized, "Seems in about twenty-five minutes. I'm going to forget you tried to shoot me just this once. Try anything like that again in front of my Boss and - she's not as forgiving."

The woman nodded.

"Twenty five minutes. Supplies are kind of heavy, you might want to bring someone with."


This plus talking about my trigger earlier, is leaving me with a bad feeling. My power can basically force me to dodge a bullet but my Sunshine can't. I have to be more careful if I let bullets pass through me. I mean who are they going to hit? I need a better suit, not that I plan to get shot regularly... Or ever.

I changed up my process, usually slipping inside their place, knocking and leaving sticky notes like the crappiest ghost haunting them. I got a lot less shotguns pulled on me this way, but folks did see the ghost figure leave the room. Also it saved time not answering questions.

With my stopwatch telling me I had five minutes to spare I could already see a stream of people wandering in groups of twos and threes down the street coming my way. One last set of apartments remained.

"HELLO, WAVECREST APARTMENT PEOPLE!" I decided to go the loud route.


A beer bottle shattered next to me.


Another bottle flew down square at me and I caught it.


The apartments had a storage or tool shed near me; it was thoroughly trounced by the Endbringer storm. I started taking it and it's contents into my breaker form and my body started bulking out into my brute form. Sand had washed up during the waves and we're amongst the dying grass and added to my size, the bottles and junk they had pelted me with absorbed into me. Part of the parking lot and it's asphalt and concrete drew in and I was about a story tall but with gaping holes showing the dusty winds inside swirling and drawing material in.

"GO GET SUPPLIES NOW OR I WILL BRING THIS PLACE DOWN WITH YOU IN IT!" my inner wind howled and shrieked the words for me.

It kinda creeped me out to hear it. The people coming down the street had paused in their advance. The people slowly filtered out of a few apartments. Many looked haggard and sick but able to walk without assistance.

I understood they were scared to fall for a trap or get raided by Merchants or other gangs. But Skitter needed the people to see her and benefit from her resources if she was going to get her territory in shape for - Coil.

The trickle of people continued from the apartments and from down the street so I decided to lead this particular procession. I kept using my concrete and rebar hands to direct people as my house-sized self shuffled down the street.

I made my way down the street, sure I couldn't control bugs but I had a line of people a good distance behind me. As I made my way to the street corner I saw water had pooled up again from the rains overnight. Probably another clog in the storm drains I'd have to pull or it was another set of drains that connected to nowhere from Leviathan's damage to the city.

Skitter was sitting casually on a pile of supplies, her long legs covered in black silk barely dangling over the waters. Almost wish I had a camera for a nice pin-up shot of Brockton Bay's newest crime lord greeting her people. Despite the fact I know she has bugs crawling all over her wherever her skin isn't exposed icks me out a bit, I still found her whole presentation of herself - of Skitter, very rrrrowl.

I can't help it.

Maybe she had taken in what I said, about acting as a Queen. I know I was joking but it was true, you rule over people you had better look like you knew what you were doing and made sure people knew it was you making it happen.

Be confident.
Say you have a plan.
Make up a plan.

A massive swarm swirled overhead partially darkening the area below providing relief from the morning Sun. When my ant line of people had bulked out her existing crowd, I wandered over to a heap of broken concrete and building chunks, it was one of my dumping spots for when we cleared the neighborhood. I dropped the bulk of my mass, which got me a few scared or wary looks and I was a phantom again. She needed to be the center of attention and I'd monitor the crowd.

A swarm of her insects washed over the supplies and her from the truck. I'm talking about a small wave of all sorts of flying and crawling nasties. The crowd backed up a ways with tendrils of insects whipping out at the crowd giving the supplies more room.

Once all the bugs had poured out of the truck she was all that was left behind standing on the back of it holding onto a metal rung on side. It looked like she had materialized from one spot to another using the bugs as her transport or if she was made of bugs.

It was pretty cool.

"Some of you have heard of me, maybe even seen me. My name is - Skitter."

Her voice buzzed with the drone of her mass of insects. A creepy surround sound experience I'd only felt at the movie theater.

I kept looping around and above the crowd, I did my best to not disturb her flying bugs and just made myself seem a part of the swarm. That's when Battery showed up.

I decided to zip around her a bit. Show Skitter I was on this problem.

"Dust Devil", the Protectorate heroine didn't budge as she leaned against one of the still standing light poles in the area.

I materialized in front of her, "Hello, Battery."

"Can't say I approve of the new look, kiddo."

I shrugged, "I didn't pick it."

"I am laying claim to this area! From this moment, I rule this territory!"

Skitter's words caught Battery's attention, "S'cuse me. This is Battery. We have a situation here by the Docks, Skitter is declaring herself as - ruler of The Docks."

There was a quiet moment then she spoke again, "No, no show of force, and yes it's some Empire and old ABB turf. The situation is ongoing. I'll keep you updated."

"I am not the ABB, I am not the Merchants, the Empire or the Chosen! I am acting in your interests! I demand no money from you, I do not intend to interfere in your lives unless you interfere in mine! I do not want to take or destroy what you have!"

Battery said to me, "That true?"

I nodded slightly, really not wanting my horns to bounce like a kid's bug antenna headband, "Yes, she's legit on this."

"Uh huh", Battery sounded unimpressed.

"-abilities will mean there will be no buzzing or biting flies harassing you, no cockroaches crawling over you as you sleep. I am offering you protection, security, and reprieve, for as long as you are my subjects! All I require is that you obey my rules, so hear me!"

Battery held a hand out at Skitter and the crowd, "You do understand she's basically taking away part of the city from the city, state and Federal Government. She's courting a huge response if this goes bad. And this is already bad."

"No gangs will operate here. Merchants? Chosen? I know some of you are in this crowd. Consider this my declaration of war. I will not permit you to sell drugs, to hurt my people or steal from them, or to seek shelter in my territory!"

I shrugged, "We've done more for this area in less than a week than any of the government - and you're the only person representing anything close to law here. Yet you are here and probably gonna take off in a bit to report to Armsmaster-"

"Miss Militia".

I threw up my hands at her correction, "Miss Militia and you won't be back until you get orders to do something about us, and that's the thing Battery. It's always a reaction to the bad stuff - no one came to help Skitter when she needed it or me, not when we asked. Now we're a problem when we're trying to do something good because we're not doing it how everyone who failed us wants it to be done."

Skitter's showing was building to this. To make it known who and what she considered an enemy, "To everyone else! If you assist any of these groups, give them food, shelter, or business? If you sell drugs, steal or prey on people in this area, you lose my goodwill. You will receive no more supplies, and you will earn my attention, with eyes on you for every waking hour. That's strike one. If I catch you doing it again? I treat you as one of the enemy."

"Alright, go - do what you need to do. I'm not going to make a scene", Battery dismissed me.

I swapped back to my dust form and sweat through the crowd. Many were armed but just as many looked sick, showing signs of underfeeding and weariness. The crowd was restless with their murmuring.

Her speech went on. The confidence in her and the eeriness of her use of her bugs. They came alive with her thoughts and emotions. It was like an orchestra and her feelings were the conductor's wand, the bugs buzzing and droning and movements. The idea she planted that her bugs could eat a cow in less than two minutes was threat enough to keep the crowd in place especially after they saw how easily she was swallowed up by the huge ass pile of insects earlier.

"Thank you for listening. These supplies are yours to take. One to each family or group, up to two if your family is large enough", she finished but no one made a move.

Then one family after another took boxes and the crowd formed up into a line on its own. Civility, as Taylor put it, would find its place once people had some meals and decent rest in them. They still needed purpose for it to blossom into civilization.


My wallflower was now a Queen. No, she was always a Queen, and now she could watch over and provide for her subjects.

I was circling around the truck, looking for any opportunitists trying to maybe jack the whole thing or steal a couple kits from any reserves on the vehicle when a man started shouting. I zipped over to a man slashing the area around him with a knife, five others were yelling swears and cheering him on.

A crazed look was in his eyes as the shirtless guy played at being a badass. I materialized in front of him and slammed a fist into his solar plexus he doubled over but kept the knife in hand

Big mistake.

He flailed it out in front of himself blindly stabbing and slicing out at me. He had zero fighting experience but he was part of a crowd. I snatched up the flashlight from my belt and brought the butt of it down on the top of his skull as he was still hunched over. He crashed into the stagnant water, his knife disappeared into the muck below.

"This - is Dust Devil. He serves my every whim. I control insects, this territory, and him. Mr. Devil here controls the very buildings you live in. Commands the streets you walk upon. To you he may as well be the very will of this city. Abuse it or its people and he can turn this place from a shelter into a nightmare you can't possibly escape", it's not how I expected to be presented.

It wasn't very heroic but the moment she snapped her fingers I materialized to her side, a step behind her."Do not challenge us. Do not test me. I am the authority in The Docks. Take your wounded and go. Never return".

A couple of the guy's friends who were egging him on hoisted him out of the water. He choked and sputtered as he was breathing it in from where I had left him. One held the guy I brained with a flashlight up and the other four charged Skitter.
She hopped off the truck and threw her arms forward.

The Sun dappled the people as a portion of the flying insects shrouding us all split into four streams of attacking insects. Her personal swarm around her poured out from under her armor and costume and the cries and panic of the four men made the people back away as they flailed and tried to throw themselves into the water.

I saw Battery watch the attack end as quickly as it started and she approached the downed men, "This isn't right".

The heroine's suit glowed with energy as the piles of insects coating the men receded back towards their master. Bites, scratches, and inflamed wet flesh were now baking in the sunlight her swarm parted to make. Each figure writhed and moaned in the water under their natural spotlights for all to see.

Skitter responded finally, "It's not right that private citizens are doing what the government refuses to do. Not everyone is healthy enough or feels their family is safe enough to be able to get supplies from the few places across the city, Battery."

"You can't just demand fealty from these people. Just look at what you did to those men."

"Exactly, you stood by and watched as they attacked me, threatening the rest of the crowd. And that's all you can afford to do - stand by and watch as Brockton Bay devours itself. Find the Merchants, find the Chosen, and The Fallen, stop them from impeding the progress this city needs to come back. Otherwise get out of our way."

Skitter picked up one of the kits and held it out. A young woman passed her toddler into another woman's arms and approached. She reached out and plucked it from the crime Lord's hands. The crowd returned to grabbing from the pile and stepped around Battery and the attackers.

"What's your deal?", Battery called over the crowd.

"Boss here said her piece, Battery. If you want an audience you present yourself to the nearest swarm around the territory and announce yourself next time. Anything less than that or a direct invitation is grounds for a fight. For now we're done wasting our breath", I crossed my arms after I spoke.

It was harsh but once again The Protectorate and PRT have done little to nothing for the people. Gangs roamed free and they stood by while criminals divvied up the city like an extra large pizza.

Battery pursed her lips in a frown then disappeared in a blur. I have that effect on women. The frowning not the running. Also grunting, a lot of grunts of displeasure and otherwise.

Skitter turned to me as the crowd thinned out and the Emergency kits dwindled. She made a show of addressing me, "Dust Devil, can you get the names and locations of the families and people who do not get a kit now? Promise them a kit by the end of the day and a bonus gift for their patience. Understood?"

"Got it, Skitter. Consider it done", I nodded once and pulled out my sticky notepad and stationed myself by the last few kits.
I was wondering have you ever considered writing fic for any of Wilbows non parahuman works?
Just reread this.

I've considered doing a Twig story. I'm just not sure what section to draw from and do. I really love the lambs but would have to reread the story to get back into their heads.

I remember identifying with Sylvester and his mental lamb simulations back at the Academy rebellion.
You really should Pact and Pale are amazing.

I get kind of weird dealing with books on magic. I've written original stuff for sites back in '02 to late 00s with magic protagonists. Back then I had an editor and got paid occasionally, I was dumber and cockier then.

And the crazy thing was I was brought on as part of a writing team to write superhero fiction but got moved to the supernatural/occult titles to fill a void. If you ever read Have No Fear Of Perfection "Sheila Torrance" character is the OC I created for the old magic series I wrote back in the day. My editor has since written a number of pieces using her in the decade after that.

Right now I prefer Playing with superheroes for a bit longer before I try magic stuff again.
I get kind of weird dealing with books on magic. I've written original stuff for sites back in '02 to late 00s with magic protagonists. Back then I had an editor and got paid occasionally, I was dumber and cockier then.

And the crazy thing was I was brought on as part of a writing team to write superhero fiction but got moved to the supernatural/occult titles to fill a void. If you ever read Have No Fear Of Perfection "Sheila Torrance" character is the OC I created for the old magic series I wrote back in the day. My editor has since written a number of pieces using her in the decade after that.

Right now I prefer Playing with superheroes for a bit longer before I try magic stuff again.
No shit am honestly impressed with your background.

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