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[X] Use Jedi Truth: "Teacher wanted to use his power on me. He tried to corner me. It didn't work out for him: I dislike feeling trapped. For example, I also dislike feeling trapped in the Birdcage. Now, let's talk about getting us all out..."

[X] Faustian Sacrifice Offer: "Teacher's power can rob its victims of free will. I have done this to all of his former subordinates as a precaution: you have probably all already noticed that Teacher's subordinates are now loyal to me, so this isn't exactly a surprise. If any of you have a problematic subordinate whom you'd like to obey you, and you don't mind that the subordinate will also obey me, then I offer using Teacher's power on them. This is especially true for uncooperative Tinkers who may be turned towards supporting String Theory's efforts. I will consider each such donated Tinker as a personal favor."

[X] consider all the powers in both our block and teachers with an aim of eating them. Look for a high speed flight power. the best defensive power and the best offensive power. Also check for a "danger sense" or "precog" type thinker power to help avoid or anticipate ambushes from Gavel or crane.
[ ] Faustian Sacrifice Offer: "Teacher's power can rob its victims of free will. I have done this to all of his former subordinates as a precaution: you have probably all already noticed that Teacher's subordinates are now loyal to me, so this isn't exactly a surprise. If any of you have a problematic subordinate whom you'd like to obey you, and you don't mind that the subordinate will also obey me, then I offer using Teacher's power on them. This is especially true for uncooperative Tinkers who may be turned towards supporting String Theory's efforts. I will consider each such donated Tinker as a personal favor."

This sounds good but maybe tone down the no free will part. That will mean there are no volunteers to convert and we really need tinker. Maybe play up how teacher described them, Addictive and requiring renewal with them wanting to obey him

[ ] Use Jedi Truth: "Teacher wanted to use his power on me. He tried to corner me. It didn't work out for him: I dislike feeling trapped. For example, I also dislike feeling trapped in the Birdcage. Now, let's talk about getting us all out..."

I don't see why we need to do this as we already had a meeting where we discussed killing Teacher. They want to kill us but that was going to happen anyway and I am pretty sure Teacher offer his power to everybody.
The phrasing also is odd to me for some reason but interitio would probably use different wording in the update anyway

There is no justice system in the birdcage, but the death of Teacher is enough for the other cell block leaders to call for a meeting. No one liked him, but his death disturbed an equilibrium that was always teetering on the edge of collapse.

Gavel wanted your head, as did Crane, but the others are swayed by the resources you are offering them.

Inevitably the details of your power get out, how you can absorb powers from the parahumans you kill.

You're fairly sure most of the other cell block leaders are planning to kill you now, while you are still relatively weak.
This sounds good but maybe tone down the no free will part. That will mean there are no volunteers to convert and we really need tinker. Maybe play up how teacher described them, Addictive and requiring renewal with them wanting to obey him
Eh, anyone with a brain can see that we've overnight converted Teacher's loyal minions into our own loyal minions. Coming clean about the reality of the situation doesn't seem to hurt us much. Teacher already wasn't trusted, and it's not like people were lining up to play patty-cake with us before we got his toys.

Coming clean allows us to offer his power as a punishment -- something other block leaders may appreciate, since they can turn useless scum into useful scum.

I don't see why we need to do this as we already had a meeting where we discussed killing Teacher. They want to kill us but that was going to happen anyway and I am pretty sure Teacher offer his power to everybody.
The phrasing also is odd to me for some reason but interitio would probably use different wording in the update anyway
Using different wording is fine so long as we're saying the literal truth in a way that obscures the actual truth.
You could potentially make very tiny quantities of some raw materials.

You might be able to if you spend a lot of time practicing, but not soon. You have control over your body at a cellular level, but you lack the knowledge and experience to use yourself as a molecular assembler.

I will however add a cape to your roster, to assist with this. There are capes who violate conservation of mass in the setting.


Powers: Can cause any object within a few centimeters of his skin to grow a large spike away from his body, made of the same material as the object on his skin. Minor precognition granted by Teacher.

Crimes: Used a simple medallion, and hugged people as he killed them.

Cell block leader: Teacher

Personality: Childish, broken

Don't always expect a cape to pop up with the power you need.... in fact this will probably be it. You'll now need to rely on the powers posted earlier.
I was thinking on Hugforcer, and why I didn't make a character that could fill this hole in our repertoire, but then I remembered: I did!
Name: Brambles

Power: (Blaster/Shaker) Shoots a bolt of energy that takes root in the target and rapidly grows in guided directions, growing through whatever obstacles are in its way. Once it reaches the end of its growth (multiple "branches," roughly a foot from the "root," taking between 1-2 seconds) it transforms into whatever solid materials it's eaten through or is rooted in, generally but not perfectly corresponding to the ratio of such.
The bolts will not root in living things but will eat through them. She is immune to her own attack until it has finished transforming.

Cell Block Leader: Ingenue

Crimes: Murder. Some were hits or in battle--used to seal doors/windows shut or suddenly have the floor or wall eat through her victims--but most were executions done by her on behalf of her gang.

Personality: Cold, Passionless, Calculating
Brambles already filled that niche. She roots her brambles in a material, guides it away from the already existing material and into the empty air to maximize gain, and it turns into that material.

Check the original post, it hasn't been edited since the cutoff point :p

That said...


Not sure where to vote now...I'll think and return later.

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