Episode 11 - part 2
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Episode 11 – part 2
Tara blinks, once, as the orientation video continues to play on an antiquated TV and Video player. Checking her wrist, she curses at the lack of watch on her uniformed arm. Whoever they hired to do the voice over for the safety video could make good money selling sleep aids.
She jerks as an the extended Doublemeat Burger Palace advert comes on once more. It's cheery and lively pacing a stark contrast to the videos about not putting your hand in the grinder, or always using the guard when slicing chicken, along with graphic pictures of the results. Which somehow manage to seem utterly mundane when coupled with the voice.
She jumps as the door to the training room opens, and the light switches on. She's not sure if she should be wondering if it's been two hours already, or was it really only two hours?
"Hello, I'm Manny, the manager. It's not a pun, just coincidence."
Tara spins around in her chair to see a middle-aged man with a completely unremarkable face. His voice is barely more than a monotone.
Tara puts on a smile, "Hi, I'm Tara, though you probably already knew that."
"Indeed, follow me and I'll show you around. It's a shame you can't work full time."
Tara smiles, "Well, you know. College."
Manny shows her to the break room first, where there's a guy lounging at the sole table in the room, "This is the break room, and that's Dave. He's a lifer, keep an eye on him and you'll end up like me."
Tara glances over as Manny taps his "10 year" achievement badge.
"Gary used to do nights, but he didn't show. Lucky you."
Tara grimaces, "Yeah, lucky me."
Manny leads her to the bank of lockers and opens one, "This is your locker."
Tara's eyes widen when she sees the scarves and personal effects in the locker, "Um, there's someone's stuff in there."
Manny looks at the locker with barely a hint of curiosity, "They left. Keep the stuff or bin it."
Making their way back to the entrance of the break room, Manny shows Tara the punch clock and takes a card with her name on, before putting it in the device, "Now you're clocked in. Remember to clock out."
As she watches Manny put her card in the slot for it, her eye is drawn to a single bracket with multiple cards sticking out, "Um, what's that one for?"
Manny looks up, "Absent without cause. Your card will stay there for a week before you are removed from payroll."
Tara shivers, "Why so many cards though?"
"New hires, do a shift, never come back."
What follows in an achingly slow tour of the kitchen and counter area with a description given in a tone that has Tara struggling to keep her attention on Manny and not letting her thoughts wander. Something that's made worse when she sees a spark of void energy jump from her nose to the lip of her hat. Having a quick look around, she sees nothing amiss.
"…you will be working with Robbie for the next couple of days."
Tara's attention snaps back to Manny as she realises she's just missed the explanation of the till, "Oh, uh, sure."
Manny nods slowly, "Have a good shift. I hope to see you back here tomorrow."
"I'll be here." Tara turns to Robbie, it says so on his shirt, "Hi, uh, I'm working with you this evening?"
Robbie looks at her with a dead eyed look, "You are. This is the till, it has pictures of each of the menu items on it." He looks up towards an old lady with a silver-haired wig, "This is Agnes, she's a regular. Watch me."
As Agnes approaches the counter, Robbie says, in a voice void of any enthusiasm, "Welcome to Doublemeat Burger Palace. May I take your order."
Agnes smiles at Robbie, "Can I have a doublemeat medley, a small sprite, and a cherry pie?"
With practiced motions, Robbie presses the buttons for the order, and then presses another button that causes the till to open, "See, it's simple. Just punch in the order and then press this button once it's finished. Now, fill this cup."
A couple of customers later, Robbie says, "This is the Roberts family, they're another regular. Why don't you take this one?"
Tara plants a smile on her face as they arrive, and tries to listen to the father. However one of the kids loudly shouts, "Dad, Dad, her hat's looking about. Can I have a hat like that. Please?"
Finally the father looks down, "Timmy, be quiet otherwise you won't get your nuggets." Looking back at Tara he continues, "Sorry about that. Do you know if they'll be selling hats like yours on the website?"
Tara looks alarmed as her eyes try to see past the cap, "I'm sorry, this is just a prototype, I don't think I was supposed to be given this one."
The father shrugs, "Ah well."
Tara smiles, "I'm sorry, would you be able to repeat your order. Only I've just started here, and I'm still getting used to stuff."
Once the order has been served, Tara stretches up to Robbie, "Robbie, I'm just going to powder my nose."
Robbie nods mechanically, "Don't take too long, as they take the time out of your break."
Tara nods and flees to the rest room, where she shuts the door and tries to pull the void around her quickly. Five minutes later, she's actually used the rest room for its intended purpose, dispelled the hat, and mostly drained her void reserves, for the moment.
Returning to the front, she somehow manages to make it through the rest of her first shift, as well as eat an entire Medley.
Looking back down at her work, she sees that she's started writing the formula for a magical prism in the margins of her coursework. While useful for separating out the sources of magic in an area, it has nothing to do with Object Orientated design principles, and use case diagrams.
She's about to copy the formula out into her magical notebook when the door opens behind her. Slamming her hand over the formula, she turns around in the chair to see Amy. "Amy, what are you doing here?"
Amy smiles at her, "Can't I drop in to see a friend?"
Willow narrows her eyes, "Friends don't take friends to places like Rack's."
Amy scoffs, "Oh, please. I could tell you enjoyed it. Don't tell me you've been cutting down."
"So what if I have?"
"What did they do? Spin you some sob story about how you're addicted to magic? How you shouldn't use as much as you have been?"
Willow wanted to say it's because of her apprenticeship, or the money she makes charging crystals, or any number of things. Instead, she says, "It's none of your business."
Amy smiles widely, "Sure it isn't." a muttered spell sends a green light into Willow's chest, "There, a gift from me. Now you can do magic and truthfully tell people it wasn't yours. Oh, and catch, first one's free, it will keep you going when you hit your downer."
Willow looks surprised when a quartz crystal lands in her lap, then she starts to laugh hysterically as she recognises it as one of her failures.
With a smile, Amy leaves, closing the door behind her.
Willows laugh quickly turns into pained gasps as the magic inside her starts to try to find its own way out, and coming into conflict with her contract. As she collapses to the floor, she sweeps her notebooks off the desk and on top of herself. Clutching her chest, Willow croaks out, "Stipo" before lying, gasping on the floor as the magic inside her has a small outlet while it takes her notebooks and papers and packs them neatly into her backpack. Grabbing the bag by a strap, Willow crawls over to the door and uses the handle to pull herself to her feet. A strangled spell sees her dressed for leaving her room, and gives her enough reprieve from the pain to open the door and stagger down the hallway.
When she reaches the stairs, the almost drunken high from the magic combined with the pain in her chest sees her almost stumble into the stairwell before she manages to lurch past it, and grab the rail. Leaning heavily against the wall, she inches past the stairwell to the elevator and punches the button down.
Collapsing into the lift, she mutters, "Detergeo" followed by "Purifico", leaving the elevator clean than it's been since it was first installed. With the brief cessation in pain, Willow lifts herself up enough to press the 1st floor button, before collapsing against the door. An interminable time later, the doors open again, and Willow collapses to the floor, looking at the back of the lift, Willow spots her backpack. Weakly, she stretches out her hand, and it levitates over to her and the pain in her chest subsides to only being overloaded with magic, rather than both overloaded and not being able to use it.
With the reduced pain, Willow drunkenly climbs the door to the elevator, and staggers drunkenly out of the dorm building to the nearby payphone. Once she gets to the phone, she leans heavily against it as she fumbles her purse out of her bag along with a couple of quarters. Blinking owlishly, she shakes her head to clear her vision enough to get the card for Mikes Machining. As she tries to read the number, she collapses against the pillar, with great pain filled sobs.
As she's laying there, a young man walks over and crouches down next to her, "Hey, are you ok?"
Willow feebly lifts up the card, "Call, help. Please."
The man smiles at her, "Sure, I'll do that."
Picking up her wallet, the man dials Mikes machining while looking at her student ID, "Oh, hey. I found a Willow Rosenburg leaning against a payphone outside Sunset Dorm. She looks like she's in lots of pain."
Willow groans out, "Amy, slipped, overload."
The man interrupts whoever's on the other end, "One mo, she just said something. Amy, slipped, overload. Oh shit, I think someone slipped her some drugs and she's OD'ing. Sure, there's a bench right next to the phone, I'll help her onto it… Um, a backpack and her wallet with like a couple of dollars worth of quarters in it."
As the man hangs up, and helps Willow onto the bench, she can't shake the feeling that there was over $100 in her wallet as it's rent day tomorrow.
As the others are taking off their own hearing protection, Vhesthine calls out, "Roselyn, Buffy, one of our own is in trouble. I need you two to pick them up."
As Roselyn turns around, Vhesthine throws her her purse, "I'll walk you both to your car."
Concerned, Buffy hurries over as Vhesthine quickly walks out the door, with Roselyn jogging to keep up, "Vhesthine, what's happened?"
"Willow's in trouble. Bad enough that a man phoned on her behalf. She said three words, Amy, slipped, and overload."
Buffy frowns as they reach Roselyn's car, "What does that mean?"
Vhesthine gives Buffy an actual kiss, "Buffy, it means that you may need to feed from her. When you do, if you feel resistance, then that's her essence. If she's suffering from magical overload, then what you're looking for will probably taste oily and disgusting."
"Vhesthine, why don't you go?"
Vhesthine looks at Buffy sadly, "Because then there'd be two people suffering overload. I don't have a way of using large amounts of magical power. Also, once I'm dead, that's it, I'm gone for good."
Roselyn calls from the drivers door, "I'll get her there, you just make sure we've got somewhere to put Willow when we get back."
For Buffy, the short five minute journey to the university dorms seems to go by in the blink of an eye, as the enormity of what she'd been asked to do weighs on her mind and thoughts. All of those thoughts go out of her mind the instant she sees Willow clutching her head and gasping for breath on the bench, sweat pouring from her face.
Pushing open the car door before Roselyn's even stopped, Buffy pays no heed to pretending to have human limits as she bounds over to Willow, and picks her up gently. She then makes her way back to the car, and opens the rear door, before shuffling in on to the bench seat back first so that Willow can lie on top of her, face to face.
When her head touches the far door, Buffy brings her feet up onto the seat and manoeuvres Willow so that she can kiss her.
"Just so you know, this doesn't mean we're dating or anything."
Willow lets out a pained laugh and Buffy closes her mouth over Willows.
She's not sure when in the journey it happens, but at some point something about the exchanges that Buffy's been doing with Vhesthine clicks, and she gets a flood of strawberry flavoured milkshake tingling through her body. It feels so much better than feeding or being fed by Vhesthine, but also less intimate, as though there's something fundamental that's missing.
It's only when Willow gives a pleasure filled moan that Buffy realises she's taking too much, and immediately feeds the strawberry milkshake essence back into Willow, along with some of her own reserves. The creak of the handbrake pulls Buffy out of her latest attempt to find something that isn't strawberry flavoured, and Roselyn opens the door by her head.
"Come on, we need to get her inside. Pass her up and I'll carry her if you can get the doors."
A couple of minutes later, Willow is laid out on the couch-chairs that have been placed side by side. Vhesthine's standing beside her with Buffy and Roselyn, "How did you get on Buffy?"
Buffy shakes her head, "She tastes like strawberry milkshake, but I couldn't find anything that tasted bad."
Vhesthine leans over and feeds very lightly on Willow before grimacing, "The pain has made her hold on her own essence too loose. Roselyn, you don't have to be here."
Roselyn shakes her head, "Look, I know she works with the boss, but I ain't going to let her go just because I'm squeamish around magic."
Vhesthine nods and takes a deep breath, "There is a spell we can use. I'll demonstrate it, but, Roselyn, you'll need to do the spell and let Buffy feed on you."
Roselyn looks at Buffy, "I didn't know you were a succubus too."
Vhesthine shakes her head, "She isn't, we'll talk about it after Willow's safe."
Roselyn nods, so Vhesthine rips open Willow's top, and places her bare hand on the skin between Willow's breath, "You must repeat exactly what I say, and how I say it. Píngzhe dàdì de lìliàng, wǒ jiāng nǐ de mófǎ jù wéi jǐ yǒu." As she speaks, green sparks pull up from Willow's chest and dance around Vhesthine's hand, before racing up her arm and settling into her skin. With great effort, Vhesthine wrenches her hand away from Willows chest, and tips back, breathing heavily.
Willow's breathing and whimpers of pain become less laboured, but not so much that she regains coherency. As Vhesthine gets her breath back, Buffy pulls her up into a hug, before leaning back to look at her pitch-black eyes.
"Vhesti, are you ok?"
Vhesthine jumps at Buffy and tries to feed off her. As Buffy pushes her back, Vhesthine lands on the floor, "So good, so good. I need. Need, need, need."
Buffy looks at Vhesthine critically, "Roselyn, I need you to get some of the quartz sand we use for moldings, and meet me outside. We need to fix whatever's happening to Vhesthine, and then she can talk you through whatever she did to Willow."
Roselyn looks at Vhesthine with a shudder, "You want me to do that to myself?"
Buffy shakes her head, "I think that the idea is that you take enough to turn your eyes black, and then I take it from you."
As she's looking at Roselyn, Razial's office door finally twigs something inside her, and she slaps her hand against her head, "We are so stupid. Give me a moment."
Walking smartly across the reception, she raps her knuckles on Razial's door. A couple of minutes later, an annoyed Razial answers the door, "I thought I said I wasn't to be disturbed."
Buffy smiles sweetly and points at Willow, "Your apprentice needs help."
Razial growls at Buffy, who continues to look unimpressed. Eventually he says, "Fine, but you need to fill a few crystals for me."
Buffy shrugs, "Sure, you'll need to teach me how though."
Razial just growls at her, before he picks up Willow and slings her over his shoulder. As Razial does so, Roselyn takes her life in her hands by asking, "Hey Boss man. Could I learn magic?"
Razial turns around slowly and looks at her critically, "No. But if you signed a contract to work for me for the next 50 years doing what you're already doing, I could turn you into a succubus."
Roselyn looks down at Vhesthine, "Um, I'd have to talk to Tazar first."
"He could be changed too, for another 25 years."
Roselyn swallows hard, "I'll talk to Tazar."
Razial just disappears in a flash of fire and Roselyn turns to Buffy, "Um, what did I just do?"
Buffy just picks Vhesthine up off the floor, and immediately has to wrestle her to keep her away from her lips, or tearing her clothes off. Ignoring the damp spot where Vhesthine was kneeling, Buffy struggles towards the door, "Roselyn, the door please."
It takes the two of them 10 minutes to get Vhesthine across the road into one of the many abandoned warehouses in the area. It then takes them 3 tries to get a quartz circle laid out around Vhesthine, as she keeps trying to grab them when they get too close.
Once the circle is complete, Buffy kneels down just close enough to touch the circle, "Roselyn, Tara's been teaching me a little magic, so while I'm sure I can do this. You should probably head back to the workshop in case I do something wrong."
Roselyn moves back to the door of the warehouse, before turning around to watch.
Helplessly she watches as the Lotus starts to scream, while behind her a void portal starts to form. Ballas' cruel laughter rings in her ears as the void starts to pull the Lotus towards it, her outer chassis falling away first when her fingers gain purchase on the ground.
Suddenly, free of her fear, she lunges forward and grabs the Lotus's hand and reaching for her warframes hand behind her. Feeling like she's missed the grab by millimeters, she braces herself against the pull of the void, and tries to pull the Lotus to her, "I'm not letting you go, not again."
One of the sentients flies into her back, obviously thrown by Ballas. Whatever the reason, it does it's job, as Buffy loses her footing and all three of them tumble through the portal into the void.
Dawn swallows hard at that news, and puts on a smile while she follows Mrs Penshaw into the kitchen where Janice is already chopping salad vegetables and grating cheese to go into the burritos.
Mrs Penshaw leads her over to her spice cupboard, "You can make the spice mix for the mince with me. It's the secret of the best burritos. First of all, find the spices that you want to use. Then we'll mix them together to make the mix."
Dawn nods, and carefully opens each of the jars, and takes a sniff. Trying to block out the smell of boredom from Janice, and the smell of happy patience from Mrs Penshaw, Dawn picks out only the spices that she can actually smell.
Mrs Penshaw has a massive smile when she exclaims, "Well done, tonight we will be having a fragrant meal, with some sweetness. Though I would suggest putting these two back, as they won't go together as well as you'd think from their scents."
Reaching up into the cupboard, she pulls down an empty jar, and a marker, before writing 'Dawn's burrito mix' on the side, "Now you take these spices, and you grind them in the pestle and mortar until they are a fine powder. Start with a little of each, and then add a touch more if you think it's needed."
With a worried smile, Dawn copies the method that she's shown for grinding the spices into powder, having to be careful not to put too much force into it.
It's a couple of hours later when Maria and her boyfriend come down for dinner that Dawn's self-control is really tested. Not only does she need to eat human food for the first time in almost a month, but the overpowering smell of lust and infatuation keeps distracting her.
Tara blinks, once, as the orientation video continues to play on an antiquated TV and Video player. Checking her wrist, she curses at the lack of watch on her uniformed arm. Whoever they hired to do the voice over for the safety video could make good money selling sleep aids.
She jerks as an the extended Doublemeat Burger Palace advert comes on once more. It's cheery and lively pacing a stark contrast to the videos about not putting your hand in the grinder, or always using the guard when slicing chicken, along with graphic pictures of the results. Which somehow manage to seem utterly mundane when coupled with the voice.
She jumps as the door to the training room opens, and the light switches on. She's not sure if she should be wondering if it's been two hours already, or was it really only two hours?
"Hello, I'm Manny, the manager. It's not a pun, just coincidence."
Tara spins around in her chair to see a middle-aged man with a completely unremarkable face. His voice is barely more than a monotone.
Tara puts on a smile, "Hi, I'm Tara, though you probably already knew that."
"Indeed, follow me and I'll show you around. It's a shame you can't work full time."
Tara smiles, "Well, you know. College."
Manny shows her to the break room first, where there's a guy lounging at the sole table in the room, "This is the break room, and that's Dave. He's a lifer, keep an eye on him and you'll end up like me."
Tara glances over as Manny taps his "10 year" achievement badge.
"Gary used to do nights, but he didn't show. Lucky you."
Tara grimaces, "Yeah, lucky me."
Manny leads her to the bank of lockers and opens one, "This is your locker."
Tara's eyes widen when she sees the scarves and personal effects in the locker, "Um, there's someone's stuff in there."
Manny looks at the locker with barely a hint of curiosity, "They left. Keep the stuff or bin it."
Making their way back to the entrance of the break room, Manny shows Tara the punch clock and takes a card with her name on, before putting it in the device, "Now you're clocked in. Remember to clock out."
As she watches Manny put her card in the slot for it, her eye is drawn to a single bracket with multiple cards sticking out, "Um, what's that one for?"
Manny looks up, "Absent without cause. Your card will stay there for a week before you are removed from payroll."
Tara shivers, "Why so many cards though?"
"New hires, do a shift, never come back."
What follows in an achingly slow tour of the kitchen and counter area with a description given in a tone that has Tara struggling to keep her attention on Manny and not letting her thoughts wander. Something that's made worse when she sees a spark of void energy jump from her nose to the lip of her hat. Having a quick look around, she sees nothing amiss.
"…you will be working with Robbie for the next couple of days."
Tara's attention snaps back to Manny as she realises she's just missed the explanation of the till, "Oh, uh, sure."
Manny nods slowly, "Have a good shift. I hope to see you back here tomorrow."
"I'll be here." Tara turns to Robbie, it says so on his shirt, "Hi, uh, I'm working with you this evening?"
Robbie looks at her with a dead eyed look, "You are. This is the till, it has pictures of each of the menu items on it." He looks up towards an old lady with a silver-haired wig, "This is Agnes, she's a regular. Watch me."
As Agnes approaches the counter, Robbie says, in a voice void of any enthusiasm, "Welcome to Doublemeat Burger Palace. May I take your order."
Agnes smiles at Robbie, "Can I have a doublemeat medley, a small sprite, and a cherry pie?"
With practiced motions, Robbie presses the buttons for the order, and then presses another button that causes the till to open, "See, it's simple. Just punch in the order and then press this button once it's finished. Now, fill this cup."
A couple of customers later, Robbie says, "This is the Roberts family, they're another regular. Why don't you take this one?"
Tara plants a smile on her face as they arrive, and tries to listen to the father. However one of the kids loudly shouts, "Dad, Dad, her hat's looking about. Can I have a hat like that. Please?"
Finally the father looks down, "Timmy, be quiet otherwise you won't get your nuggets." Looking back at Tara he continues, "Sorry about that. Do you know if they'll be selling hats like yours on the website?"
Tara looks alarmed as her eyes try to see past the cap, "I'm sorry, this is just a prototype, I don't think I was supposed to be given this one."
The father shrugs, "Ah well."
Tara smiles, "I'm sorry, would you be able to repeat your order. Only I've just started here, and I'm still getting used to stuff."
Once the order has been served, Tara stretches up to Robbie, "Robbie, I'm just going to powder my nose."
Robbie nods mechanically, "Don't take too long, as they take the time out of your break."
Tara nods and flees to the rest room, where she shuts the door and tries to pull the void around her quickly. Five minutes later, she's actually used the rest room for its intended purpose, dispelled the hat, and mostly drained her void reserves, for the moment.
Returning to the front, she somehow manages to make it through the rest of her first shift, as well as eat an entire Medley.
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Willow's sitting at the small desk in her dorm room trying to work on her college assignments instead of the advanced magical principles that Razial has been having her make notes on while he's been trying to analyse Buffy's void magic. Most of it is going over her head, but it is an approach to magic that is closer to her geeky origins than the form of magic she practices.Looking back down at her work, she sees that she's started writing the formula for a magical prism in the margins of her coursework. While useful for separating out the sources of magic in an area, it has nothing to do with Object Orientated design principles, and use case diagrams.
She's about to copy the formula out into her magical notebook when the door opens behind her. Slamming her hand over the formula, she turns around in the chair to see Amy. "Amy, what are you doing here?"
Amy smiles at her, "Can't I drop in to see a friend?"
Willow narrows her eyes, "Friends don't take friends to places like Rack's."
Amy scoffs, "Oh, please. I could tell you enjoyed it. Don't tell me you've been cutting down."
"So what if I have?"
"What did they do? Spin you some sob story about how you're addicted to magic? How you shouldn't use as much as you have been?"
Willow wanted to say it's because of her apprenticeship, or the money she makes charging crystals, or any number of things. Instead, she says, "It's none of your business."
Amy smiles widely, "Sure it isn't." a muttered spell sends a green light into Willow's chest, "There, a gift from me. Now you can do magic and truthfully tell people it wasn't yours. Oh, and catch, first one's free, it will keep you going when you hit your downer."
Willow looks surprised when a quartz crystal lands in her lap, then she starts to laugh hysterically as she recognises it as one of her failures.
With a smile, Amy leaves, closing the door behind her.
Willows laugh quickly turns into pained gasps as the magic inside her starts to try to find its own way out, and coming into conflict with her contract. As she collapses to the floor, she sweeps her notebooks off the desk and on top of herself. Clutching her chest, Willow croaks out, "Stipo" before lying, gasping on the floor as the magic inside her has a small outlet while it takes her notebooks and papers and packs them neatly into her backpack. Grabbing the bag by a strap, Willow crawls over to the door and uses the handle to pull herself to her feet. A strangled spell sees her dressed for leaving her room, and gives her enough reprieve from the pain to open the door and stagger down the hallway.
When she reaches the stairs, the almost drunken high from the magic combined with the pain in her chest sees her almost stumble into the stairwell before she manages to lurch past it, and grab the rail. Leaning heavily against the wall, she inches past the stairwell to the elevator and punches the button down.
Collapsing into the lift, she mutters, "Detergeo" followed by "Purifico", leaving the elevator clean than it's been since it was first installed. With the brief cessation in pain, Willow lifts herself up enough to press the 1st floor button, before collapsing against the door. An interminable time later, the doors open again, and Willow collapses to the floor, looking at the back of the lift, Willow spots her backpack. Weakly, she stretches out her hand, and it levitates over to her and the pain in her chest subsides to only being overloaded with magic, rather than both overloaded and not being able to use it.
With the reduced pain, Willow drunkenly climbs the door to the elevator, and staggers drunkenly out of the dorm building to the nearby payphone. Once she gets to the phone, she leans heavily against it as she fumbles her purse out of her bag along with a couple of quarters. Blinking owlishly, she shakes her head to clear her vision enough to get the card for Mikes Machining. As she tries to read the number, she collapses against the pillar, with great pain filled sobs.
As she's laying there, a young man walks over and crouches down next to her, "Hey, are you ok?"
Willow feebly lifts up the card, "Call, help. Please."
The man smiles at her, "Sure, I'll do that."
Picking up her wallet, the man dials Mikes machining while looking at her student ID, "Oh, hey. I found a Willow Rosenburg leaning against a payphone outside Sunset Dorm. She looks like she's in lots of pain."
Willow groans out, "Amy, slipped, overload."
The man interrupts whoever's on the other end, "One mo, she just said something. Amy, slipped, overload. Oh shit, I think someone slipped her some drugs and she's OD'ing. Sure, there's a bench right next to the phone, I'll help her onto it… Um, a backpack and her wallet with like a couple of dollars worth of quarters in it."
As the man hangs up, and helps Willow onto the bench, she can't shake the feeling that there was over $100 in her wallet as it's rent day tomorrow.
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Buffy looks up as the forge turns off, and the whole workshop goes silent except for the sound of Ir'in on the gas welder. Taking off her hearing protection she looks around, and sees Vhesthine by the emergency cut off button.As the others are taking off their own hearing protection, Vhesthine calls out, "Roselyn, Buffy, one of our own is in trouble. I need you two to pick them up."
As Roselyn turns around, Vhesthine throws her her purse, "I'll walk you both to your car."
Concerned, Buffy hurries over as Vhesthine quickly walks out the door, with Roselyn jogging to keep up, "Vhesthine, what's happened?"
"Willow's in trouble. Bad enough that a man phoned on her behalf. She said three words, Amy, slipped, and overload."
Buffy frowns as they reach Roselyn's car, "What does that mean?"
Vhesthine gives Buffy an actual kiss, "Buffy, it means that you may need to feed from her. When you do, if you feel resistance, then that's her essence. If she's suffering from magical overload, then what you're looking for will probably taste oily and disgusting."
"Vhesthine, why don't you go?"
Vhesthine looks at Buffy sadly, "Because then there'd be two people suffering overload. I don't have a way of using large amounts of magical power. Also, once I'm dead, that's it, I'm gone for good."
Roselyn calls from the drivers door, "I'll get her there, you just make sure we've got somewhere to put Willow when we get back."
For Buffy, the short five minute journey to the university dorms seems to go by in the blink of an eye, as the enormity of what she'd been asked to do weighs on her mind and thoughts. All of those thoughts go out of her mind the instant she sees Willow clutching her head and gasping for breath on the bench, sweat pouring from her face.
Pushing open the car door before Roselyn's even stopped, Buffy pays no heed to pretending to have human limits as she bounds over to Willow, and picks her up gently. She then makes her way back to the car, and opens the rear door, before shuffling in on to the bench seat back first so that Willow can lie on top of her, face to face.
When her head touches the far door, Buffy brings her feet up onto the seat and manoeuvres Willow so that she can kiss her.
"Just so you know, this doesn't mean we're dating or anything."
Willow lets out a pained laugh and Buffy closes her mouth over Willows.
She's not sure when in the journey it happens, but at some point something about the exchanges that Buffy's been doing with Vhesthine clicks, and she gets a flood of strawberry flavoured milkshake tingling through her body. It feels so much better than feeding or being fed by Vhesthine, but also less intimate, as though there's something fundamental that's missing.
It's only when Willow gives a pleasure filled moan that Buffy realises she's taking too much, and immediately feeds the strawberry milkshake essence back into Willow, along with some of her own reserves. The creak of the handbrake pulls Buffy out of her latest attempt to find something that isn't strawberry flavoured, and Roselyn opens the door by her head.
"Come on, we need to get her inside. Pass her up and I'll carry her if you can get the doors."
A couple of minutes later, Willow is laid out on the couch-chairs that have been placed side by side. Vhesthine's standing beside her with Buffy and Roselyn, "How did you get on Buffy?"
Buffy shakes her head, "She tastes like strawberry milkshake, but I couldn't find anything that tasted bad."
Vhesthine leans over and feeds very lightly on Willow before grimacing, "The pain has made her hold on her own essence too loose. Roselyn, you don't have to be here."
Roselyn shakes her head, "Look, I know she works with the boss, but I ain't going to let her go just because I'm squeamish around magic."
Vhesthine nods and takes a deep breath, "There is a spell we can use. I'll demonstrate it, but, Roselyn, you'll need to do the spell and let Buffy feed on you."
Roselyn looks at Buffy, "I didn't know you were a succubus too."
Vhesthine shakes her head, "She isn't, we'll talk about it after Willow's safe."
Roselyn nods, so Vhesthine rips open Willow's top, and places her bare hand on the skin between Willow's breath, "You must repeat exactly what I say, and how I say it. Píngzhe dàdì de lìliàng, wǒ jiāng nǐ de mófǎ jù wéi jǐ yǒu." As she speaks, green sparks pull up from Willow's chest and dance around Vhesthine's hand, before racing up her arm and settling into her skin. With great effort, Vhesthine wrenches her hand away from Willows chest, and tips back, breathing heavily.
Willow's breathing and whimpers of pain become less laboured, but not so much that she regains coherency. As Vhesthine gets her breath back, Buffy pulls her up into a hug, before leaning back to look at her pitch-black eyes.
"Vhesti, are you ok?"
Vhesthine jumps at Buffy and tries to feed off her. As Buffy pushes her back, Vhesthine lands on the floor, "So good, so good. I need. Need, need, need."
Buffy looks at Vhesthine critically, "Roselyn, I need you to get some of the quartz sand we use for moldings, and meet me outside. We need to fix whatever's happening to Vhesthine, and then she can talk you through whatever she did to Willow."
Roselyn looks at Vhesthine with a shudder, "You want me to do that to myself?"
Buffy shakes her head, "I think that the idea is that you take enough to turn your eyes black, and then I take it from you."
As she's looking at Roselyn, Razial's office door finally twigs something inside her, and she slaps her hand against her head, "We are so stupid. Give me a moment."
Walking smartly across the reception, she raps her knuckles on Razial's door. A couple of minutes later, an annoyed Razial answers the door, "I thought I said I wasn't to be disturbed."
Buffy smiles sweetly and points at Willow, "Your apprentice needs help."
Razial growls at Buffy, who continues to look unimpressed. Eventually he says, "Fine, but you need to fill a few crystals for me."
Buffy shrugs, "Sure, you'll need to teach me how though."
Razial just growls at her, before he picks up Willow and slings her over his shoulder. As Razial does so, Roselyn takes her life in her hands by asking, "Hey Boss man. Could I learn magic?"
Razial turns around slowly and looks at her critically, "No. But if you signed a contract to work for me for the next 50 years doing what you're already doing, I could turn you into a succubus."
Roselyn looks down at Vhesthine, "Um, I'd have to talk to Tazar first."
"He could be changed too, for another 25 years."
Roselyn swallows hard, "I'll talk to Tazar."
Razial just disappears in a flash of fire and Roselyn turns to Buffy, "Um, what did I just do?"
Buffy just picks Vhesthine up off the floor, and immediately has to wrestle her to keep her away from her lips, or tearing her clothes off. Ignoring the damp spot where Vhesthine was kneeling, Buffy struggles towards the door, "Roselyn, the door please."
It takes the two of them 10 minutes to get Vhesthine across the road into one of the many abandoned warehouses in the area. It then takes them 3 tries to get a quartz circle laid out around Vhesthine, as she keeps trying to grab them when they get too close.
Once the circle is complete, Buffy kneels down just close enough to touch the circle, "Roselyn, Tara's been teaching me a little magic, so while I'm sure I can do this. You should probably head back to the workshop in case I do something wrong."
Roselyn moves back to the door of the warehouse, before turning around to watch.
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Buffy leans forward and pushes void energy into the circle and starts to cycle it the way she remembers Tara doing for Willow and then Dawn. Then the green energy starts to come out of Vhesthine's mouth and Buffy's suddenly back on Praghasa watching Ballas drawing the last of the power out of the Lotus.Helplessly she watches as the Lotus starts to scream, while behind her a void portal starts to form. Ballas' cruel laughter rings in her ears as the void starts to pull the Lotus towards it, her outer chassis falling away first when her fingers gain purchase on the ground.
Suddenly, free of her fear, she lunges forward and grabs the Lotus's hand and reaching for her warframes hand behind her. Feeling like she's missed the grab by millimeters, she braces herself against the pull of the void, and tries to pull the Lotus to her, "I'm not letting you go, not again."
One of the sentients flies into her back, obviously thrown by Ballas. Whatever the reason, it does it's job, as Buffy loses her footing and all three of them tumble through the portal into the void.
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Mrs Penshaw smiles up at Dawn, "Dawn, it's good to see you. You don't come around nearly enough anymore. Come, come, we are making burritos today. Maria has her boyfriend round, so we're going to be making much for everyone."Dawn swallows hard at that news, and puts on a smile while she follows Mrs Penshaw into the kitchen where Janice is already chopping salad vegetables and grating cheese to go into the burritos.
Mrs Penshaw leads her over to her spice cupboard, "You can make the spice mix for the mince with me. It's the secret of the best burritos. First of all, find the spices that you want to use. Then we'll mix them together to make the mix."
Dawn nods, and carefully opens each of the jars, and takes a sniff. Trying to block out the smell of boredom from Janice, and the smell of happy patience from Mrs Penshaw, Dawn picks out only the spices that she can actually smell.
Mrs Penshaw has a massive smile when she exclaims, "Well done, tonight we will be having a fragrant meal, with some sweetness. Though I would suggest putting these two back, as they won't go together as well as you'd think from their scents."
Reaching up into the cupboard, she pulls down an empty jar, and a marker, before writing 'Dawn's burrito mix' on the side, "Now you take these spices, and you grind them in the pestle and mortar until they are a fine powder. Start with a little of each, and then add a touch more if you think it's needed."
With a worried smile, Dawn copies the method that she's shown for grinding the spices into powder, having to be careful not to put too much force into it.
It's a couple of hours later when Maria and her boyfriend come down for dinner that Dawn's self-control is really tested. Not only does she need to eat human food for the first time in almost a month, but the overpowering smell of lust and infatuation keeps distracting her.