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[CYOA] Capes and Crawlers:Re [OoC]

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Active Character Build - Annabel Thomas
Name: Annabel Thomas | Alias: To be decided
Affiliation: Probationary Ward| Alignment: Good
Gender: F | Age: 16| Build: An athletic lean build with sun kissed skin
Ethnicity: White | Hair: Blond | Eyes: Blue

Classification: Trump

Power: Has the ability to include cards that gives powers based on mythological figures. Can get a new "card" once everyday and with a greater value if she sacrifices something of personal value to her.

Synopsis: Was an average everyday Texan girl before the incident that lead to her having powers. Daughter of a Rancher and veteran of the Mexican invasion, Adam Thomas, and a stay at home no nonsense mother, Samantha Thomas, she was expected to take over the ranch one day. Sadly it is to believed that without meaning to when she first activated her power, she sacrificed her memories to get one of the most potent draws she could and proceeded to kill her assailants before being talked down and brought into the PRT. Her future is up in the air now.

Heracles- Berserker- 4 star
Medusa-Rider-3 star
Mata Hari- Assassin- 1 star

Prisma Buster? - PL 10

Strength 5, Stamina 5, Agility 4, Dexterity 5, Fighting 4, Intellect 0, Awareness 5, Presence 2

Attractive 2, Extraordinary Effort, Fascinate (Deception), Fearless, Luck (Recover) 2, Ultimate Effort: Will Save

Deception 5 (+7), Persuasion 5 (+7)

Class Card Include: Variable 14 (gatcha servants; Limited: Prepared Forms)

Second Wind: Healing 5 (Action 3: reaction, Stabilize; Limited: To Self, Uncontrolled)

Power Settings (Gatcha Servants)
  • Berserker Mode (Powers: Ax Blade [Strength Damage +5], God Hand: Protection 5 [Impervious 15], Growth: Density Growth 5, Regeneration: Regeneration 10 [Persistant], Speed: Speed 5 [AE: Leaping 5], Close Combat: Unarmed +6 (+10), Advantages: Fast Grab, Great Endurance, Holding Back, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Smash, Improvised Weapon, Takedown)
  • Gorgan Rider Mode (Powers: Chains [Elongation 5], Noble Phantasms: Bellerophon [Burst Area Damage 10, Increased Range (Ranged), Tiring], Mystic Eyes: Affliction 10 Perception Area Sight Required; Agility +6 (+10), Fighting +6 (+10), Acrobatics +2 (+6), Strength +5 (+10), Stamina +4 (+9), Advantages: Agile Feint, Skill Mastery, Uncanny Dodge)
  • Mata Hari Include (Powers: Seductive Dance: Perception Area Affliction 10, Distracting; Acrobatics +6 (+10), Agility +5 (+9), Presence +10 (+12), Expertise (PRE) +6 (+8), Close Combat +6 (+10), Dodge +5 (+10), Ranged Combat +2 (+7), Advantages: Agile Feint, Benefit: Great Allure - Attractive affects both genders, Daze (Deception), Fascinate (Expertise), Favored Foe: Soldiers, Improved Disarm, Improvised Weapon, Move-by Action, Prone Fighting, Redirect, Set-up, Skill Mastery, Taunt, Throwing Mastery, Weapon Bind)

Initiative +4
Bellerophon: Burst Area Damage 10 (DC 25)
Damage: Damage 5, +4 (DC 20)
Grab, +9 (DC Spec 20)
Petrifying Gaze: Affliction 10 (DC Fort 20)
Seductive Dance: Perception Area Affliction 10 (DC Will 20)
Throw, +5 (DC 20)
Unarmed, +4 (DC 20)

Native Language

Dodge 5, Parry 5, Fortitude 5, Toughness 5, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 60 + Powers 100 + Advantages 8 + Skills 5 (10 ranks) + Defenses 7 = 180

Validation: Complications: At least 2 Complications are required

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Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.



-fate/gacha order
-class card include!+0

Charles Atlas Superpowers-1

Comic book pretty-1

Heroic Resolve-1

out of context power-1, shardless

Wildbow what's a wilbow? +1

Cape complications+1 (Probationary ward and a very lethal power set)

Could be a potential situation I have to deal with-


That leads to me taking over someone else's body who would have died in a situation that amnesia is a possible explanation to everyone else.

The mask, it does nothing!+1

Which in turn leads to a semi public outing

bad publicity+1

which goes bad as I kill a few people accidentally because heroic spirits are hilariously lethal and I don't have exactly fine control over the force I deal with.

This can also be explained away as a misunderstanding but still leaves mistrust and all of that.
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Active Character Build - Rias Gremory
Name: "Rias Gremory"
Alias: <None Yet>
Affiliation: <None Yet>
Alignment: Chaotic with Good Intentions
Gender: Female
Age: Appears 16-18
Build: Eye-catchingly busty
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Crimson Red
Eyes: Blue-green

Some people are lucky. They're forgettable, easily overlooked, or simply have a build where they can play it up or play it down as they wish. Then there are people like Rias with bright crimson hair, enough charisma to light up a room if she doesn't tone it down, and a figure which (to mangle a quote) makes people wonder where her stripper pole has gotten to.

(And all without any backache...)

Rias has just literally dropped into a strange English speaking city and is not feeling too happy about this. There are holes in her memory, holes filled in by some else's life as a human man, and before the biggest hole is an unpleasant snatch of memory concerning the Dimensional Gap and Big Red.

She wants very much to get home to the Underworld (or was it Scotland? Or Japan?), but she can't seem to transport herself there or even back to Kuoh Academy! And did someone just fly by in cosplay with nobody seeming to think it was more unusual then seeing a local celebrity?

At the moment she wants to find somewhere that takes yen, drink some tea (...didn't she have a Queen who liked tea? Why couldn't she remember about that rather than the lyrics to Doki Doki Heart?) and try to sort out the splitting headache he was suffering. And possibly figure out the gender and identity crisis she was now having too...

(Yes. Her name definitely started with 'Ri' but Rias didn't seem quite right anymore...")
  • Rias has no idea where she is although she has gotten the idea that she is in a world where powers aren't as secret as the world that she remembers being in. People may try taking advantage of this attractive, and apparently vulnerable, woman wandering about Dallas.
  • The mental confusion that Rias is suffering is unlikely to stop her doing acting if she sees something 'wrong' going on. If there is an incident in the immediate area then she might step in and that would attract attention of another kind.
  • If threatened enough Rias might fall back on her Power of Destruction. Unfortunately she has no idea about how her control of it is far worse than she remember it being and so the collateral damage may be enough to gain her significant bad PR.
  • Getting home is a priority so it could be a hook for someone trying to recruit Rias if they could show something with the potential to let her go home.
  • At heart Rias is a rather social and sociable person with a soft spot for those who seem hurt or damaged. Given that this covers far too many parahumans it's likely that she will latch onto a few to help.
  • Once she starts to settle down Rias will want to start performing 'contracts' even if the power gain is, for her, negligible. It is something familiar to her and a way to build connections... but what will whatever group she ends up associated with think of this habit?
  • While she is able to heal people, others might take things the wrong way given that her method involves both parties being naked for maximum skin contact...
  • Devil Powers is immensely flexible, but it isn't always efficient, effective, nor work properly the first time. It would only take one incident of an attempt at Dress Break backfiring for people to start commenting let alone, if she joins the Wards, Youth Guard.
  • When Rias first makes a Demonic Blade people might desire them for their powers, but will they listen when she mentions the potential side effects especially for those who are lacking in the power required to wield them?
  • While she managed to be a student in high school without too many problems Devils are nocturnal by nature and it would be easy for her to accidentally keep others up far later than they intended. Would this be just a quirk or would it cause an issue with those who she becomes friends with?
  • With how positive she may come across as it will probably shock people the first time her "Daymares" occur. Would people pry or leave her be?

+5 Mode: Standard
 4 Greater Power : Crossover (Rias Gremory)
 1 Perk : Charisma
 1 Perk : Heroic Resolve
 2 Perk : Plot Armour
 1 Perk : Resources
 1 Perk : Power Perk (Tinker)
+1 Disadvantage : Geas (Daymares)
+1 Disadvantage : One Who Knows Too Little
+1 Disadvantage : Power Complication (Collateral Destruction)
+1 Disadvantage : The Mask, It Does Nothing!
+1 Disadvantage : Without a Map
This build assumes that you can opt to gain the body/looks of whoever you 'Crossover' with. "The Mask, It Does Nothing!" was also taken based on the idea that her sort of attractiveness is going to be hard to hide and not something that I'd naturally find myself concealing.

While Rias seemingly had very good charisma according to the series it was more of an informed ability so the perk was purchased separately. "One Who Knows Too Little" seemed to fit a tendency to get into situations which are very amusing... from the outside and may also include a few too many fan service moments which results in internet images plus a reputation'.

"Plot Armor" as added to fit in with the idea that I find my life leaning a bit more towards my 'origin' than the normal horrible situations on Earth Bet. "Heroic Resolve" seemed to fit in with that too.

"Resources" is tied in with her "Plot Armour" perk and represents good fortune at making money rather than having somehow brought her family wealth across.

"Power Perk (Tinker)" represents a talent for artificing beyond that she recalls having. There are a wide range of things: simple summoning contracts, faux Phoenix Tears, Demonic Blades, etc. Items on par with Evil Pieces and Sacred Gears are theoretically possible for her to create, but doing so would require somewhere between decades to a century of practice, experimentation, and 'making the tools to make the tools'. (i.e. Rias could technically make them. Practically though, she can't manage it within the boundaries of the RP.)

"Power Complication (Collateral Destruction)" was added to make the "Power of Destruction" more of a final option than something to be used casually. Basically, the merged mind(s) are having issues keeping it under control when used and it tends to run a little out of control.

"Geas (Daymares)" is more about having issues with my fused mind. About once a week (rolling a 1d7 for any given night seems fair) I'd sleep terribly as I suffered through a collage of the worst moments from both my lives put together into a horrible whole.

"Without a Map" was taken to represent being literally dropped into the middle of some strange American city (which is OOCly Dallas) without knowing it and having to cope. If you prefer I'll look for something more appropriate.

(Depending on where she ends up it is worth noting that "All Devil possess a passive ability, called "Language", where people listening to them will hear it in the language they are most familiar with; and vice versa.", but the ability specifically doesn't apply to written language.)
"Wildbow? What Wildbow?" was specifically not taken as it seemed amusing if both Rias and 'I' had read the series. OTOH, if I need to swap disadvantages around, she might have read a version of things which was a yaoi light novel focusing on the three way relationship between Legend, Eidolon, and Legend's trap of a husband...

EDIT: Tidied up a couple of sections, corrected a few mistakes, and removed some redundant text .
Active Character Build - Sayuri Hayabara

Sayuri Hayabara - PL 10

Strength 2, Stamina 6/2, Agility 8/4, Dexterity 2, Fighting 4/2, Intellect 4, Awareness 8/6, Presence 4

Accurate Attack, Agile Feint, Attractive, Defensive Attack, Eidetic Memory, Evasion 2, Extraordinary Effort, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Ritualist, Uncanny Dodge

Acrobatics 2 (+10), Close Combat: Unarmed 1 (+5), Deception 1 (+5), Expertise: Magic 6 (+10), Persuasion 4 (+8), Ranged Combat: Gap 8 (+10)

Gap Attacks
Danmaku: Damage 10 (DC 25; Increased Range: ranged, Multiattack)
Hammer Space: Create 10 (Volume: 1000 cft., DC 20; Innate, Subtle: look natural)
Healing: Healing 10 (Persistent, Restorative, Stabilize)
Portal Reflector: Deflect 12 (Redirection, Reflect)
Teleport: Teleport 6 (1800 feet in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.; Accurate, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Portal, Stacks with: Teleport: Teleport 1+6)
Gap Witch
Border of Contact: Enhanced Trait 6 (Traits: Dodge +4 (+12), Parry +2 (+8))
Border of Languages: Comprehend 2 (Languages - Understand All, Languages - You're Understood)
Border Sense: Senses 5 (Acute: Border Sense, Analytical: Border Sense, Awareness: Boundaries, Extended: Border Sense 1: x10, Rapid: Border Sense 1)
Flight: Flight 4 (Speed: 30 miles/hour, 500 feet/round)
Teleport: Teleport 1+6 (Alternate; [Stacking ranks: +6], 0.5 miles in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.; Accurate, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Portal, Turnabout)
Portal Spam (Indirect 4: any point, any direction, Variable Descriptor 2: broad group - Gap Attacks)
Enhanced Trait: Enhanced Trait 26 (Traits: Agility +4 (+8), Fighting +2 (+4), Stamina +4 (+6), Toughness +2 (+8), Awareness +2 (+8))
Fox Senses: Senses 2 (Low-light Vision, Ultra-hearing)

Initiative +8
Danmaku: Damage 10, +2 (DC 25)
Grab, +4 (DC Spec 12)
Throw, +2 (DC 17)
Unarmed, +5 (DC 17)

Japanese, English

Dodge 12/8, Parry 8/6, Fortitude 8, Toughness 8/6, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 52 + Powers 99 + Advantages 12 + Skills 11 (22 ranks) + Defenses 6 = 180
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