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The 41st millennium. The darkest pit of a bleak aeon. Where civilizations that'd faced the night...

Useless Writer

Know what you're doing yet?
Feb 15, 2017
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The 41st millennium. The darkest pit of a bleak aeon. Where civilizations that'd faced the night for tens of thousands of years crumbled to dust and new horrors were birthed from the dark mistakes of the past. The greatest realm of civilization to remain amongst these blood-soaked stars, the Imperium of Man, is reaching its eclipse phase. That terrible moment where it will crumble into anarchy and madness, or it will be reborn under the light of a billion suns.

Change is coming. When the God Emperor of Mankind dies (and he will die) the Warp itself will buckle and boil as the Emperor is reborn. Strengthened by the souls of untold trillions of willing sacrifices, he will strike out at his eternal foes as the galaxy burns. The dead will rise again to man the battlements and drive the engines of war once more as angels wing duel with daemons. The end times are upon us.

You know this intimately. The visions of the future burned into your mind by the broken fragments of the Emperor's fleeting consciousness. Where lesser minds have broken beneath the weight of these revelations, you have not only withstood the mind-shattering implications of the end of Mankind but gained a fragment of hope from the visions of doom and death.

You are a servant of the God Emperor's Inquisition.... in name. Your master's agent has not yet called you to service once in the three years you have been tapped for service. So business continued as per usual. Which for you meant...

[ ] Collating facts, accumulating data and processing information. (Adept)
[ ] Enforcing the Planetary Governor's law and cracking down on dissidents (Arbitrator)
[ ] Killing in His name. (Assassin)
[ ] Preaching the Imperial Creed to the common folk. (Cleric)
[ ] Patrolling the Munitions Dump or playing cards in the Armory (Guardsmen)
[ ] Keeping your head down when the Enforcers came knocking on your door. Praying to the Emperor they don't find your stash (Scum)
[ ] Maintaining the Holy Machinery. (Tech Priest)

Character Gen, WAT DO?

[ ] I want an in-depth character generation prologue, covering every aspect of the story.
[ ] I want you to do most of the work, I'm here for the blood, death, and suicidally depressing future. GET TO IT!!!
[x] Maintaining the Holy Machinery. (Tech Priest)
[x] I want you to do most of the work, I'm here for the blood, death, and suicidally depressing future. GET TO IT!!!

[x] Maintaining the Holy Machinery. (Tech Priest)
[x] I want you to do most of the work, I'm here for the blood, death, and suicidally depressing future. GET TO IT!!!
[X] Preaching the Imperial Creed to the common folk. (Cleric)
[X] I want you to do most of the work, I'm here for the blood, death, and suicidally depressing future. GET TO IT!!!

I liked your necromancer fantasy quest, so let's see what you'll pull out of your hat this time :)
No "actively trying not to explode (Psyker)" option? Probably for the best. :p
[X] Patrolling the Munitions Dump or playing cards in the Armory (Guardsmen)
Alright, closing the vote. Give me an hour to generate the character

rolling d5.... 4
(Result 1=Tech priest, 2=Tech Priest, 3=Assassin, 4=Cleric, 5=Guardsmen)
Character sheet
Inquisitorial Adept File: Salomis, Novice of the Tarsus Chantry

Age: 33 Terran years

Description: A tanned, lanky woman with Black hair, blue eyes, and numerous blisters and burn scars pockmarking her arms from intense sunburns.

Background: Born and raised as a dross hound in the outer reaches of the Hive Tarsus. Salomis endeared herself to the lay-preachers in her parent's factory hub, learning as much as she could of the Emperor's word in an admitted attempt to escape the rough life of sweltering heat and harsh labor. This ambitious personality caught the attention of the Middle-hive Preacher Amasaron, who decided to sponsor her entry into the Tarsus Chantries. The Adept's meteoric rise through the ranks due to her quick wits and congenial manner caught the eye of Inquisitor -REDACTED-. Who tapped the adept for further training and eventual Adept initiation.

Divination: Truth is Subjective

Fate Points:2
Insanity Points:0
Corruption Points:3
Awareness (Success= roll 15 or lower)
Barter (Success= roll 22 or lower)
Carouse (Success= roll 11 or lower)
Charm (success= roll 44 or lower)
Command (Success=roll 22 or lower)
Concealment (Success= roll 17 or lower)
Contortionist (Success= roll 17 or lower)
Deceive (Success= roll 22 or lower)
Disguise (Success= roll 22 or lower)
Dodge (Success= roll 17 or lower)
Evaluate (Success= Roll 20 or lower)
Gamble (Success= Roll 20 or lower)
Inquiry (Success= roll 22 or lower)
Intimidate (Success= roll 13 or lower)
Logic (Success= Roll 20 or lower)
Scrutiny (Success= roll 31 or lower)
Search (Success= roll 15 or lower)
Silent Move (Success= roll 17 or lower)
Swim (Success= roll 13 or lower)
Tech-Use (Success= Roll 20 or lower)
Speak Language (Tarsus Surface Speak)
Speak Language (Low Gothic)
Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (Success= roll 40 or lower)
Literacy (Success= roll 20 or lower)
Performer (Singer) (Success= roll 22 or lower),
Trade (Cook) (Success= roll 20 or lower),
Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) (Success= roll 40 or lower)
Speak Language (High Gothic) (Success= Roll 20 or lower)
Nothing as yet. Surely the emperor will provide.
Last edited:
You have spent the last three years since your graduation from the Tarsus Chantries preaching to the people of outermost layer of the Goldenhand. The trade center of the Calixis Sector, located in scenic Hive Tarsus. Your flock consists mostly of minor functionaries and wharfsmen, all vital cogs in the labyrinthian engine that is the trade hub of an entire sector. A small point of pride on your front is that the productiveness of the sector you were assigned had increased near two-fold since being placed in your spiritual care.

Well, not quite your care. You are merely one preacher amongst half a dozen, each one caring for a section of your cathedral's adherents. But you can safely say your skilled oration has brought more than a few newcomers to worship beneath your pulpit.

In any case. The call to serve the emperor waits for no man, as you finished your sermon for the day, one of the alter adherents rushed over to you and bowed to the degree as befits your station.

"Adherent Salomis, a message has been delivered to your chambers."

Chambers, an ill-fitting term for the cubbyhole you occupy, but one does not complain about the limits of their station...

The message is a scroll with a simple seal, with the winged emblem of the Adeptus Ministorum embedded into the wax. Breaking the seal, you find a simple message to your former master. Preacher Amasaron. You maintain frequent correspondence with the cunning bastard, asking for advice and feeding gossip back to him about your colleagues and masters. On the surface, this is all the message is.

But if you knew the right cipher, one could discover that this message, filled with political moves and banal plotting, was actually a set of coded instructions from the mythical Inquisition.

You are instructed to investigate the Alactra Merchant Consortium Guildhouse as covertly as possible. As the Consortium may be engaging in the trade of proscribed items throughout the Malifian Sub-sector. You have three days to gather as much evidence as you can on the matter before an agent of your True Master will arrive. See that you don't disappoint him.

The AMC Guildhouse is only one level below the Cathedral you work in.

What is your method of investigation?

[ ] Socialize with your parishioners after a sermon, perhaps one of them may have a way to access the Guildhouse.
-[ ] Overt
-[ ] Covert
[ ] Investigate the AMC Guildhouse yourself after your sermons.
-[ ] Overt
-[ ] Covert
[ ] See if you can Employ an insider to furnish you with what information they can provide.
-[ ] Overt
-[ ] Covert
[X] Socialize with your parishioners after a sermon, perhaps one of them may have a way to access the Guildhouse.
-[X] Covert

We kind of blow at everything but Fel.
Is the 'overt' option even possible without basically instantly failing?
Because if we have a plausable, non suspicious reason for talking about the guildhouse, then I would go for this:

[ ] Socialize with your parishioners after a sermon, perhaps one of them may have a way to access the Guildhouse.
-[ ] Overt

The less we try to hide our interest the less suspicious it should hopefully seem. We are a priest, who should know how to deal with people. I may be wrong, but I think we'd be better at this than at sneaking around and infiltrating it ourselves without using social stealth.
The only one that would be fully stupid would be sneaking around overtly. Religion is deeply ingrained into the Imperium, so any group that can get the backing of a priest (the more prominent the better) enjoys at least a degree of safety. You expressing interest in the AMC or indeed any company would garner a moderately pleasant response, especially when you are discovered to be an esteemed graduate of the Tarsus chantries with aims to climb higher in the ranks. More then a few groups would seek your favor since you could represent a valuable investment. Doubly so since the graduates of the Tarsus Chantries tend to be more... "Politically" minded.
Well in that case...
[X] Socialize with your parishioners after a sermon, perhaps one of them may have a way to access the Guildhouse.
-[x] Overt
[X] Socialize with your parishioners after a sermon, perhaps one of them may have a way to access the Guildhouse.
-[x] Overt
[X] Socialize with your parishioners after a sermon, perhaps one of them may have a way to access the Guildhouse.
-[x] Overt

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