The Song to the Flame
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[X] Increase the City Guard and restructure : Battle Mages
[X] Mana Fount
After much discussion, the choice is made to not do any of the suggested options.. but a mix of them all. It is not enough just to throw waves of your limited manpower at things, and simply paying mages large amounts of money to back up poor troops with fireballs won't solve the issue of poor troops, as well as removing mages from important infrastructural and economic projects in the community.
Instead, you start by hiring heroes. Not to patrol your town.. but to train your guards. As well, a selection of more magically inclined heroes, both arcane and divine casters, prove to find the idea of a stable employment.. interesting. By the end of the first year you've seen both a dramatic increase in the city guard's skill levels, and are undergoing the first stages of integrating heavy magical support into the city's only military force. By the end of the third year, your mages have spent so long with the warriors they have started experimenting, as a group, with ways to combine both swordplay and spells. Sadly the lack of a good blasting hall to practice in is slowing them down, but they are confident that they'll have it down sometime soon..
(City Guard Warriors go from Average Level 1 to Average Level 4. Added Mages to City Guard Squads, Average Level 4. Added Priests to City Guard Squads, Average Level 2. Progress on Tier II class, Sword Magus, 1/2 complete. Progress on Prestige Class, Support Mage, 1/2 Complete)
Between the new combination of better trained guards and mystical support, as well as buying steel equipment from adventurers when possible, the new city guard is proving more then capable of defending the new farms, allowing the crops to be fully harvested, causing a minor population boom from the sudden abundance of food.
Meanwhile, rumors of a new city are sweeping the land, as some people are claiming the bandits which have started to plague trade routes since about ten years ago have founded their own settlement to serve as a home base. While no rumors can agree on where it is or how big it is, they all agree on the name of Downbellow Town. And certainly the bandits are displaying a new sneakiness... (Prestige Class Scout Unlocked, For Warriors, Rangers, and Rogues, For Bandit Characters only.)
The other Settlements are not resting on their laurels either, for Midway has just announced a breakthrough in their efforts to translate the tongue of the dragon, with some monks now understanding a few words of that language, just as Last Laugh has revealed it's new Hall of Beasts, an institute dedicated to understanding the animal life and ecosystems of the deep dark. In response, Cointown has announced new breakthroughs in Mushroom Farming, having learned to distill many new mixtures from the local plantlife, some more toxic then other.
Less noted, but still important, is Firepoint's creation of farms of its own, illuminated not by the power of a city's hearthstone but by the glowing lava that the city is built over, and Fort Salvation's new order of Grave Guards, to protect the great burial grounds that have grown around the city from grave robbers and other such unpleasant people. More worrisome might be the announcement from Tibero's Castle that they too are now offering Iron weapons.. While still a step behind the steel of Firepoint, it is still superior to the Bronze weapons and armor created in other cities...
(Prestige Class Dragon Speaker Unlocked for Monks in Midway. Beast Trainer Prestige class for all tier 1 classes unlocked in Last Laugh. Cointown now offers non magical potions and poison services. Tier II class Grave Guard unlocked, for Monks and Warriors. Tibero's Castle now offering Iron Gear.)
Current Population: 750 (+100)
Transient Population: 350ish (+150)
With the newly trained and equipped City Guard, some people are arguing that better facilities should be made available to them..
[ ] Main Hall : A Main Hall would give the guard a central location to be commanded from, as well as including storage for records and laws, instead of forcing the Head Guardsman to coordinate from one of the smaller local halls as he has been doing.
[ ] Jailhouse : Currently the only jail cells the guard has are small ones under the local branch offices, intended more for the days drunks then any real criminal. Adding a real jailhouse for repeat offenders would give the guard a choice between 'let them go' 'police brutality' and 'Killing offense' that they currently lack.
[ ] Healer's Hall : With the increased duties and numbers of the City Guard, so too are the numbers of guardsmen harmed in line of duty. While civilian medics and priests have so far been sufficient to treat those wounded, the establishment of an in house medical center would provide needed support for more serious injuries as well as larger numbers of wounded guards.
[ ] Armory : With the increased numbers comes greater need for gear, and the establishment of a dedicated armory for the storage, upkeep, and tracking of both equipment and other supplies could offer interesting benefits to the guard, as well as giving local smiths more practice with weapons and armor.
Meanwhile, as the Guild Expands, it becomes time to increase the Guildhall's facilities.
[ ] Blasting Range : Construct a dedicated testing and practice hall for combat spells, giving combat focused mages a group area to train and practice, as well as try out new spells, generally increasing magical skills, combat or not, from increased training.
[ ] Living Quarters : Construct a new building that combined living quarters for journeymen and masters with a second floor library. While not as comprehensive as either a true Archives or Dormitory, the Living Quarters offers some of the benefits of both.
[ ] Deep Storage : If the ground below the Mage's Guildhouse could be excavated, the new basements could be turned into a large high security storage center for rare and valuable supplies as well as stocks of potions, general gear, and enchanting ingredients usable should the worse happen and the city be placed under siege.
[ ] Relay Crystals : Properly designed and treated, some crystals could have sympathetic links to the Mana Fount set up, allowing leaders in the Mage's Guild to generate their own aura of Mana, akin to but weaker then the Fount's effect.
[ ] Fount Amplifier : A correctly designed geomantic array could amplify the Fount's effect, both increasing its power and at least doubling the area that it would cover.
[ ] Laboratory Hall : While mages can achieve notable advancements working on their own, with only their staves and heads as tools, it is widely agreed that a proper lab would make magical experimentation and testing much easier, allowing for mages to better design their own spells and new enchantment schemes.
[X] Mana Fount
After much discussion, the choice is made to not do any of the suggested options.. but a mix of them all. It is not enough just to throw waves of your limited manpower at things, and simply paying mages large amounts of money to back up poor troops with fireballs won't solve the issue of poor troops, as well as removing mages from important infrastructural and economic projects in the community.
Instead, you start by hiring heroes. Not to patrol your town.. but to train your guards. As well, a selection of more magically inclined heroes, both arcane and divine casters, prove to find the idea of a stable employment.. interesting. By the end of the first year you've seen both a dramatic increase in the city guard's skill levels, and are undergoing the first stages of integrating heavy magical support into the city's only military force. By the end of the third year, your mages have spent so long with the warriors they have started experimenting, as a group, with ways to combine both swordplay and spells. Sadly the lack of a good blasting hall to practice in is slowing them down, but they are confident that they'll have it down sometime soon..
(City Guard Warriors go from Average Level 1 to Average Level 4. Added Mages to City Guard Squads, Average Level 4. Added Priests to City Guard Squads, Average Level 2. Progress on Tier II class, Sword Magus, 1/2 complete. Progress on Prestige Class, Support Mage, 1/2 Complete)
Between the new combination of better trained guards and mystical support, as well as buying steel equipment from adventurers when possible, the new city guard is proving more then capable of defending the new farms, allowing the crops to be fully harvested, causing a minor population boom from the sudden abundance of food.
Meanwhile, rumors of a new city are sweeping the land, as some people are claiming the bandits which have started to plague trade routes since about ten years ago have founded their own settlement to serve as a home base. While no rumors can agree on where it is or how big it is, they all agree on the name of Downbellow Town. And certainly the bandits are displaying a new sneakiness... (Prestige Class Scout Unlocked, For Warriors, Rangers, and Rogues, For Bandit Characters only.)
The other Settlements are not resting on their laurels either, for Midway has just announced a breakthrough in their efforts to translate the tongue of the dragon, with some monks now understanding a few words of that language, just as Last Laugh has revealed it's new Hall of Beasts, an institute dedicated to understanding the animal life and ecosystems of the deep dark. In response, Cointown has announced new breakthroughs in Mushroom Farming, having learned to distill many new mixtures from the local plantlife, some more toxic then other.
Less noted, but still important, is Firepoint's creation of farms of its own, illuminated not by the power of a city's hearthstone but by the glowing lava that the city is built over, and Fort Salvation's new order of Grave Guards, to protect the great burial grounds that have grown around the city from grave robbers and other such unpleasant people. More worrisome might be the announcement from Tibero's Castle that they too are now offering Iron weapons.. While still a step behind the steel of Firepoint, it is still superior to the Bronze weapons and armor created in other cities...
(Prestige Class Dragon Speaker Unlocked for Monks in Midway. Beast Trainer Prestige class for all tier 1 classes unlocked in Last Laugh. Cointown now offers non magical potions and poison services. Tier II class Grave Guard unlocked, for Monks and Warriors. Tibero's Castle now offering Iron Gear.)
Current Population: 750 (+100)
Transient Population: 350ish (+150)
With the newly trained and equipped City Guard, some people are arguing that better facilities should be made available to them..
[ ] Main Hall : A Main Hall would give the guard a central location to be commanded from, as well as including storage for records and laws, instead of forcing the Head Guardsman to coordinate from one of the smaller local halls as he has been doing.
[ ] Jailhouse : Currently the only jail cells the guard has are small ones under the local branch offices, intended more for the days drunks then any real criminal. Adding a real jailhouse for repeat offenders would give the guard a choice between 'let them go' 'police brutality' and 'Killing offense' that they currently lack.
[ ] Healer's Hall : With the increased duties and numbers of the City Guard, so too are the numbers of guardsmen harmed in line of duty. While civilian medics and priests have so far been sufficient to treat those wounded, the establishment of an in house medical center would provide needed support for more serious injuries as well as larger numbers of wounded guards.
[ ] Armory : With the increased numbers comes greater need for gear, and the establishment of a dedicated armory for the storage, upkeep, and tracking of both equipment and other supplies could offer interesting benefits to the guard, as well as giving local smiths more practice with weapons and armor.
Meanwhile, as the Guild Expands, it becomes time to increase the Guildhall's facilities.
[ ] Blasting Range : Construct a dedicated testing and practice hall for combat spells, giving combat focused mages a group area to train and practice, as well as try out new spells, generally increasing magical skills, combat or not, from increased training.
[ ] Living Quarters : Construct a new building that combined living quarters for journeymen and masters with a second floor library. While not as comprehensive as either a true Archives or Dormitory, the Living Quarters offers some of the benefits of both.
[ ] Deep Storage : If the ground below the Mage's Guildhouse could be excavated, the new basements could be turned into a large high security storage center for rare and valuable supplies as well as stocks of potions, general gear, and enchanting ingredients usable should the worse happen and the city be placed under siege.
[ ] Relay Crystals : Properly designed and treated, some crystals could have sympathetic links to the Mana Fount set up, allowing leaders in the Mage's Guild to generate their own aura of Mana, akin to but weaker then the Fount's effect.
[ ] Fount Amplifier : A correctly designed geomantic array could amplify the Fount's effect, both increasing its power and at least doubling the area that it would cover.
[ ] Laboratory Hall : While mages can achieve notable advancements working on their own, with only their staves and heads as tools, it is widely agreed that a proper lab would make magical experimentation and testing much easier, allowing for mages to better design their own spells and new enchantment schemes.